Tale of an Ordinary Cultivator

Rejecting the Black Rose Once Again

Following the Black Rose members, Lu Zhiying found herself arriving at a private pavilion.

Parked by the bank of a small lake, it was a beautiful pavilion that enjoyed a serene view, away from the other resting spots.

“Wow, this pavilion belongs to the Black Rose?” Lu Zhiying could not help but exclaim. “Is it not a common rest area?”

“That’s right,” Tu Shi nodded. “And that is not all, either. As members of the Black Rose, we also have access to a wide range of other facilities and cultivation resources, accumulated and passed down through generations of members.”

“That’s nice!” Lu Zhiying said. “You must really be enjoying those benefits!”

“If you choose to join us, you will be able to enjoy all of these as well,” Xi Guilian replied in her usual straightforward manner. “I really don’t understand why you are hesitating. There are nothing but benefits for you if you were to join us.”

“Junior Martial Sister Xi,” Tu Shi shook her head at Xi Guilian, and the latter silently took a step back.

“I understand what you mean, Senior Martial Sister Xi,” Lu Zhiying said. “But rather than material benefits, I’d much prefer to do what I enjoy. And for now, I really enjoy being with Senior Martial Brother Zhao and Senior Martial Sister Gu. Didn’t Elder Mo say this earlier as well? As long as we are pursuing what we like, that will be the true cultivation path.”

“Elder Mo is naturally right. However, have you thought that perhaps there are other things that you would enjoy even more than what you are experiencing right now?” Tu Shi asked. “You enjoy being with Junior Martial Brother Zhao and Junior Martial Sister Gu because they are the ones with whom you have spent the most time so far. But if you give others a chance, perhaps you might discover things that you enjoy a lot more! Let’s take your injuries as an example. I’m not sure exactly how you got them, but have you thought that if you had more resources at your disposal, you might have been able to avoid being injured altogether?”

“My injuries?” Lu Zhiying contemplated for a moment. “If you mean that I won’t have to go on sect missions if I already have sufficient resources, then I’d have to disagree. I would still want to go on sect missions no matter what.”

“You got them during a sect mission, Senior Martial Sister Lu?” Ou Fengtian could not help but ask. “What kind of mission is it?”

As someone who had yet to go on any sect missions, Ou Fengtian was curious what Lu Zhiying chose as her first sect mission, especially since she had even gotten injured from it.

If possible, Ou Fengtian would certainly try to avoid taking such a dangerous mission!

“It is a mission to renew a lumber contract at Moonrise City,” Lu Zhiying answered frankly.

Ou Fengtian: “...”

Tu Shi: “...”

Xu Guilian: “...”

Shang Zhaoqi: “...”

Just how did she even get injured on a mission that did not involve any sort of danger?

“This is why I say that the levels are different,” Tu Shi said with a sigh. “I assume you met with some wild monsters or spirit beasts on route to Moonrise City. With the resources at our disposal, we are able to determine the routes that are free of such dangers, or even prepare preventive measures that will chase them away during any unexpected encounters. Had you been part of the Black Rose, these injuries would never have come to be.”

“But that’s not it,” Lu Zhiying shook her head. “I got these injuries from fighting members of the Vermilion Bird Sect.”

“What?!” the Black Rose members exclaimed in unison.

“Why were you fighting members of the Vermilion Bird Sect?” Tu Shi asked in concern. “No, why were they all the way up here in the North? Are you sure they are members of the Vermilion Bird Sect?”

“Yeah, they were chasing a member whom they thought had deserted the sect, so we kind of got wrapped up in the matter,” Lu Zhiying answered nonchalantly.

“So, that’s why...” Tu Shi said. “But even if that’s the case, members of the Vermilion Bird Sect know of our group as well. With our connections to the inner sect, most members of the Vermilion Bird Sect would have hesitated to lay hands on you if they had known that you are a member of the Black Rose.”

“Really?” Lu Zhiying asked in surprise. “Does that include the core disciples of the Vermilion Bird Sect?”

“Haha, that might be asking for a little too much,” Tu Shi laughed. “Core disciples are a different breed altogether. Just look at the core disciples of our Black Tortoise Sect, they will not care for the inner disciples of the other Four Great Symbol Sects, either. But apart from core disciples, there’s always a chance to avoid conflict just by mentioning our name.”

“But that will not work then,” Lu Zhiying shrugged. “After all, we were fighting a group led by a core disciple of the Vermilion Bird Sect.”

“A core disciple? Who?” Tu Shi raised an eyebrow sceptically.

“They said her name is Quan Hui?” Lu Zhiying answered.

“Quan Hui?! You mean Infernal Claw, Quan Hui?!” Xi Guilian exclaimed in shock. “You were fighting her?”

“Yes, yes! That’s the same alias I heard!” Lu Zhiying confirmed.

“And you escaped unscathed? How’s that possible?” Xi Guilian continued.

“Well, I wouldn’t exactly call this unscathed,” Lu Zhiying pointed at her injuries. “Anyway, we got bailed out by Senior Martial Brother Wei in the end.”

“These are already considered extremely light injuries if you are facing the Infernal Claw!” Xi Guilian retorted. “Wait, who did you say bailed you out again?”

“Senior Martial Brother Wei...?” Tu Shi frowned. “Do you mean... Senior Martial Brother Wei Yuandi?!”

“That’s right!” Lu Zhiying nodded. “Do you know him as well? I think his alias is... Death Blade?”

“Of course we know his alias!” Xi Guilian said agitatedly. “How can we not know a core disciple of our Black Tortoise Sect? You said he bailed you out? How did that happen?”

“Well, he just appeared out of nowhere and told Quan Hui’s group to scram or he would kill all of them,” Lu Zhiying answered.

“As scary as the rumours say...” Ou Fengtian remarked.

“Not really. I actually think that he was pretty cool!” Lu Zhiying shook her head.

“Really?” Ou Fengtian blinked blankly. “I’ve always thought that he is a very scary senior martial brother due to all the rumours, but I guess rumours cannot always be trusted. How lucky, you actually got to meet him! I have yet to even talk to any core disciples.”

“See? That’s why I like hanging out with Senior Martial Brother Zhao and Senior Martial Sister Gu,” Lu Zhiying said. “It is always interesting!”

“Ahem!” Tu Shi cleared her throat loudly. “I agree that it is a rare opportunity to speak to a core disciple. However, it’s not right to make a comparison just based on this one lucky encounter. Overall, being around people of higher prestige will still expose you to better opportunities to grow and develop.”

“I won’t say that it is just luck,” Lu Zhiying disagreed. “I will say that is more of a cumulation of many things, including plenty of preparation and an inculcated will to excel.”

After all, had Zhao Yunxiao not possessed the skills and foresight to set up an extensive network of alerts and arrays in the first place, all of that would never have happened.

“That might be putting it a little too seriously...” Xi Guilian was not convinced, despite also being envious of Lu Zhiying’s opportunity to interact with a core disciple.

After all, even inner disciples seldom get the opportunity to do so!

“I do have a question,” Lu Zhiying said. “What would you do if such a thing happened to you as well? For example, a core disciple of one of the other Four Great Symbol Sects captured one of your companions, and wanted to bring them back for questioning?”

“A core disciple?” Tu Shi thought about it for a moment. “In that case, we would just have to return and report it to the sect. After all, we would not be able to stop the core disciple from doing so anyway.”

“Mm,” Xi Guilian nodded. “That sounds like the only feasible option.”

Ou Fengtian and Shang Zhaoqi nodded in unison as well.

“That is a calculated and rational answer – the same conclusion that most would arrive at,” Lu Zhiying answered with a knowing smile. “However, I have been living a life that involves shrewd calculation and guarding against others all this while, and I no longer want to continue doing so. Now that I have a choice, I would like to experience what it’s like to be around people whom I know will have my back no matter the situation.”

Zhao Yunxiao might not have said it, but Lu Zhiying knew that Zhao Yunxiao could have left her and Gu Qiansi to escape on his own back then.

Whether he would succeed or not was up for debate, but the fact that he chose not to even attempt to escape had left a deep impression on her.

“This...” Tu Shi was momentarily at a loss for words.

What could she possibly say to that?

Asking about Lu Zhiying’s past might come off as rude.

But without knowing Lu Zhiying’s past, how was she supposed to comment on Lu Zhiying’s decision?

In any case, she could not promise to have Lu Zhiying’s back no matter the situation, simply because there would always be certain circumstances when that would not be a sensible thing to do!

“Regardless, I’m sure you have already realised by now that your level is completely different from that of Senior Martial Brother Zhao and Senior Martial Sister Gu,” Xi Guilian was the one who spoke first. “If you continue hanging out with them, they will only end up dragging you down.”

Xi Guilian was as direct as ever, but Lu Zhiying was not offended.

“If that is really the case, then I will just pull them up with me instead,” Lu Zhiying answered with a level of confidence that surprised the four. “But then again, I don’t believe that there will be a need for that in the first place. Having spent some time with them, I really don’t think that they are as weak as people perceive them to be.”

The Black Rose members exchanged glances, but none of them could find the right words to say.

“If that is your decision, then we will just have to respect that,” Tu Shi finally said with a sigh. “I just think that it is a waste of your talents to sacrifice guaranteed success due to short term emotional whims.”

“Perhaps it is as you said, but I believe otherwise,” Lu Zhiying stood firm.

“I guess there’s no other choice then. At least we tried,” Tu Shi said regretfully. “But remember that our door is always open to you. Feel free to approach any of us if you ever change your mind.”

“I understand that you are doing this for my sake as well, and I thank you for that,” Lu Zhiying bowed. “Let’s all work hard, so that we all survive and grow together!”

“Mm! Let’s survive and grow together!” Ou Fengtian nodded and went over to hug Lu Zhiying.

At the same time, Ou Fengtian whispered softly into her ears, “I will update you on anything that I learn through the group, so you don’t have to worry about missing out!”

“Then I’d have to thank you in advance!” Lu Zhiying whispered back into her ears.

Their quick exchange was done at a minimum volume, but it still failed to escape Tu Shi’s ears.

However, Tu Shi pretended not to have heard it.

Instead, upon seeing the good relationship between Ou Fengtian and Lu Zhiying, Tu Shi could not help but sigh once again.

If this was still not enough to convince Lu Zhiying, they probably never stood a chance from the beginning...

Zhao Yunxiao and Gu Qiansi... just what charms could they possibly possess to have made Lu Zhiying like them this much?


Meanwhile, Zhao Yunxiao and Gu Qiansi had arrived at the Medicine Pavilion as well.

“Are you sure you don’t want to have your injuries looked at, Senior Martial Brother Zhao?” Huang An asked in concern while tending to Gu Qiansi’s wounds.

“I’m sure,” Zhao Yunxiao nodded without hesitation.

“This scrooge!” Gu Qiansi rolled her eyes in exasperation. “You already enjoy a discount due to working at the Medicine Pavilion, and you still find it too expensive? What’s more important – your money or your health?”

“It’s not a matter of money. It’s a matter of necessity!” Zhao Yunxiao said. “Why waste the money when I can just tend to my own wounds myself and save a huge chunk of the cost?”

“So, it’s still about the money!” Gu Qiansi called him out.

“I really think that you should let me take a look...” Huang An said meekly. “Senior Martial Sister Gu’s injuries might look light on the surface, but they can take quite a long time to heal if not treated properly. Yours might be similar as well.”

“Are you saying that I can’t treat it properly myself? Does that mean you are doubting my healing skills, Junior Martial Sister Huang?” Zhao Yunxiao narrowed his eyes at Huang An.

“No, no, that’s not it at all!” Huang An hurriedly denied.

“Don’t bully Junior Martial Sister Huang!” Gu Qiansi chided.

“Fine, fine,” Zhao Yunxiao shrugged. “I’m sure Junior Martial Sister Huang knows that I am just joking anyway.”

“U-Umm, how about this?” Huang An stuttered as she hesitated to speak. “If I treat you for free, can I ask for something in return?”

“Hmm? What is it?” Zhao Yunxiao asked in surprise.

“This... I will be going on a hunting trip soon, so I am wondering if I can get some advice from you,” Huang An timidly brought up.

“A hunting trip?” Zhao Yunxiao and Gu Qiansi exclaimed in unison.

Apart from her superior healing arts, Huang An was famous for her meek and timid personality.

Unless mandated by the sect, something as gruesome as a hunting trip was the last thing that they would associate her with!

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