Tale of an Ordinary Cultivator

Sun Minhao’s Warning

“That’s not what I meant, Senior Martial Brother Sun,” Jun Chuan immediately tried to appease Sun Minhao. “I was just trying to explain why the hairpin is worth the price...”

After many years of travelling and trading, he had already gotten used to adopting the demeanour of a businessman.

For a moment there, he had forgotten the fact that he was talking to a superior in the sect, and had used the same tone that he would use when addressing a business counterpart.

But thinking back, he understood just as well that he should have been more tactful in the way he replied.

After all, he and Sun Minhao held completely different statuses here in the Black Tortoise Sect!

“Are you saying that your ability to assess these items is better than me then?” Sun Minhao did not let it go.

“That’s not it, Senior Martial Disciple Sun,” Jun Chuan answered bitterly. “I’m just saying th-”

“Since you admit that I am better at assessing items that you, then there should be no issue with going with my decision,” Sun Minhao declared. “I will be buying your phoenix hairpin for two thousand five hundred points!”

“This...” Jun Chuan was put on the spot immediately.

Not only did Sun Minhao refuse to listen, but he even reduced the amount that he was offering.

Earlier, he was still saying that he would be willing to offer three thousand. But in the blink of an eye, the amount of three thousand had already fallen to two thousand five hundred!

Just as Jun Chuan was in a dilemma, unsure of what to do next, the other inner disciple present suddenly spoke up.

“Let’s calm down a little, Senior Martial Brother Sun,” Wang Qisheng said. “Junior Martial Brother Jun is just here to do business. Let’s not make things difficult for him.”

“Make yourself clear, Junior Martial Brother Wang. What do you mean by that?” Sun Minhao narrowed his eyes. “Are you saying that I am in the wrong while he is in the right?”

Silence fell upon the entire Clear Thoughts Pavilion as the air turned chill.

Everyone could feel an inexplicable sense of threat behind Sun Minhao’s glare.

“Junior Martial Brother Jun is the seller here so he naturally should be the one setting the prices. If you are unwilling to pay the price, then you can just not buy it. Isn’t it a little presumptuous of you to force the sale like that?” Wang Qisheng did not back down either. “There are so many junior martial brothers and sisters here. Let’s not throw the face of us inner disciples.”

Hearing Wang Qisheng’s words, Sun Minhao finally could not hold it in anymore.

“Many junior martial brothers and sisters? So what? All these people are mere outer disciples so why should I care about them? I am an inner disciple! They should be wary of me instead!” Sun Minhao bellowed. “As for you, maybe you should reconsider your position as an inner disciple as well. What kind of inner disciple gangs up with others against your own?!”

They are mere outer disciples so why should I care about them?

These words from Sun Minhao were extremely harsh and grating on the ears of those present, and everyone felt rage boiling up from within them.

However, no one said anything as they understood that this was truly the reality that they were living in.

As outer disciples, their status was indeed far lower than that of inner disciples.

Not to mention the fact that they were no match for the inner disciples. But even if they were, it would probably be regarded as insubordination should they get in a fight with an inner disciple.

Either way, getting into a conflict with an inner disciple was nothing but a lose-lose situation for them, so they had no choice but to tolerate any disrespect!

“How pathetic, only knowing how to throw your weight around in front of those of a lower position,” Wang Qisheng scoffed, obviously unimpressed. “If you truly don’t think much of outer disciples, then why are you buying something from them? Just leave and go to the Sect Market to get the things you need!”

“Hmph! I am just here to take a look. Do you really think I need to buy something from him? There’s nothing special about what he is selling anyway!” Sun Minhao sneered before turning back to Jun Chuan. “Capable, aren’t you? I was wondering why you dare to be this rude, so you are relying on the fact that you have an inner disciple as your guard dog! Very well, let’s see just how long your guard dog can protect you for!”

With that, Sun Minhao turned around and stomped off.

The sea of disciples behind him quickly split apart, creating an empty path for him to walk through and leave.

“Are you all right?” Wang Qisheng said to the stupefied Jun Chuan. “My apologies for stepping in earlier. I simply cannot just stand by and watch as he berates you for no reason like that.”

“It’s all right, Senior Marital Brother Wang. If anything, you really helped me out there,” Jun Chuang sighed in a resigned manner. “Thank you for your help, Senior Martial Brother Wang.”

If not for Wang Qisheng, he might really have had to sell the phoenix hairpin at a huge loss!

“Don’t worry about him, Junior Martial Brother Jun,” Wang Qisheng said after seeing how depressed Jun Chuan looked. “But if he dares to try anything funny in the future, just come to me. I’ll definitely stand up for you!”

“Hopefully that will not happen. But if so, I will surely keep Senior Martial Brother Wang’s words in mind,” Jun Chuan forced a bitter smile.

After exchanging a few more words of pleasantries, Wang Qisheng left as well without buying anything.

Exhausted from the earlier interaction, Jun Chuan announced to everyone that he was closing shop for the day, so the disappointed group similarly had no choice but to disperse.

Then again, most of them were no longer in the mood after witnessing the scene from earlier anyway.

Sun Minhao’s insults might have been directed towards Jun Chuan, but it effectively affected everyone else too.

After hearing such words, how would they still be in the mood for shopping?

But as Jun Chuan was packing up, someone suddenly stepped forward and picked up the same phoenix hairpin that Sun Minhao had his eyes on earlier.

The irritated Jun Chuan frowned and was about to lash out, but his anger immediately subsided when he looked up to see who it was.

“Exquisite design, with a clean inscription that blended perfectly into the phoenix carving. As expected of the Dragonfly Hall,” Zhao Yunxiao said while examining the the phoenix hairpin. “What? Three thousand five hundred sect points? Are you trying to incur a loss here?”

“Are you interested? That will cost five thousand sect points for you,” Jun Chuan answered.

“Maybe I should have stood up for Senior Martial Brother Sun just now,” Zhao Yunxiao rolled his eyes while putting the phoenix hairpin back down. “Jokes aside, are you all right?”

“How can I be all right?” Jun Chuan sighed. “It’s not like you don’t know Senior Martial Brother Sun’s personality. It will be a miracle if he doesn’t look for trouble in the future.”

“At least Senior Marital Brother Wang offered his help, not that it will be of much use though,” Zhao Yunxiao shook his head. “It’s not like you can summon him here in an instant when you need his help.”

“Exactly,” Jun Chuan sighed again. “Anyway, why don’t you take a look? I’ve got quite a few good things this time. I can sell some to you at cost price if you need any. Anyway, this is...?”

“Junior Martial Sister Lu. She just joined the sect a week ago,” Zhao Yunxiao explained.

“Greetings, Senior Martial Brother Jun!” Lu Zhiying waved with a smile.

“Greetings, Junior Marital Sister Lu,” Jun Chuan could not help but feel slightly better after taking in that beautiful scene. “Why don’t you take a good look as well? Since you are a friend of Junior Martial Brother Zhao, I can give you a discount too. You just need to convince this guy to pay for you.”

“No way,” Zhao Yunxiao plainly rejected without even looking up, focusing instead on going through the items on display. “If you want anything, get it yourself when you have enough sect points in the future.”

“As stingy as always!” Lu Zhiying complained.

She was not intending to get Zhao Yunxiao to buy her anything from the start, but it still felt bad to be rejected even before asking!

“She’s right, you know?” Jun Chuan laughed. “You should learn to enjoy life a little more, and that includes knowing how to spend your sect points from time to time.”

“I do spend my sect points on useful things,” Zhao Yunxiao shrugged. “You guys should learn not to squander your sect points instead.”

“Whatever you say. So did any of my items manage to catch the eye of Young Noble Wise Spender over here?” Jun Chuan scoffed.

“There are quite a few good items, but I can guess that they won’t be cheap as well,” Zhao Yunxiao shook his head. “I will just wait for the next batch of items instead.”

“How rare for you to not want anything,” Jun Chuan said sarcastically. “Thank the heavens that most of my customers are not like you. The last time you actually bought something from me is probably that jade bangle from years ago... wait, what happened to your jade bangle?”

He knew just how much Zhao Yunxiao cherished the jade bangle that he had bought from him years ago.

It was an ordinary accessory with no intrinsic value whatsoever, something that most cultivators would not bother with.

However, its exquisite design was its one redeeming factor.

For some reason, Zhao Yunxiao had fallen in love with the jade bangle at first sight. Since it was an ordinary accessory and not a spiritual treasure by any measure, it did not cost much either, so Zhao Yunxiao bought it without hesitation.

Since then, Zhao Yunxiao had worn it every single day, especially after he received a divination that hinted that the bangle would bring him good fortune in life.

So why was he not wearing it right now?

“Nothing much, I just decided that it is not working well so I decided to have a change of fortune,” Zhao Yunxiao shrugged.

Lu Zhiying watched him silently after hearing that.

This was not her first time hearing about the jade bangle.

Now, she was starting to get more curious about this jade bangle that both Gu Qiansi and Jun Chuan had mentioned.

“Is that so?” Jun Chuan pondered for a moment before continuing. “Perhaps you made the right choice. Despite wearing the jade bangle for so long, it’s not like things are looking good for you in any aspect whatsoever.”

Zhao Yunxiao: “...”

“In any case, Junior Martial Sister Gu asked me to help her get some items this time. Why don’t you help me pass them to her?” Jun Chuan asked.

“Aren’t you already forced to pack up now? Why don’t you just bring it to her yourself?” Zhao Yunxiao said. “I am going to meet her now anyway. Let’s go together.”

“...Sure, but just to be clear, I am not forced to pack up. I chose to pack up myself! Voluntarily!”

“Yeah, yeah,” Zhao Yunxiao waved him off. “Hurry up and finish packing so we can get going.”

“Got it already! Is that the way you talk to your senior martial brother?”

“You are just an outer disciple so why should I care?” Zhao Yunxiao shrugged, emulating Sun Minhao’s earlier tone.

Jun Chuan: “...”

He really needed to find one day when he had time, and properly give this junior martial brother of his a good and memorable lesson!

Just like that, Jun Chuan quickly packed his stuff into his wooden chest before following Zhao Yunxiao to Lightwind Pavilion, bringing along his wooden chest by loading it onto a tow cart.

As for Lu Zhiying, she went her separate ways this time.

Seeing that it was almost time, she excitedly went to look for Leng Huiqi for her daily dance class instead!

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