Tale of Discovery

Chapter 117: Stable Codes ; Mental Healing

Irene, is there a way for me to travel to a specific Platform?

{Affirmative. Father needs to be in contact with a stable Code that has been to said Platform.}

A stable Code? What exactly is considered 'stable'?

{Codes that aren't in a sealed state.}

Well, do I know anyone whose Code has been sealed?

{Affirmative. Krul Tepes is one such individual.}

Krul, huh? I had realized that something wrong with her recently, but I didn't think it would be because her Code is sealed.

I reckoned that whatever she was going through was similar to me… Wait, it is!

Irene, is my Code considered to be unstable?

{Extremely so.}

Well, shit.

Does that affect me or those around me in any way?

{Not directly. Father's existence destabilizes Platforms and the flow of time in them. The only place where Father wouldn't bring chaos upon everything just by existing would be the Rift.}

And I assume that's because Rift is a destabilized place in and of itself. Well, either that, or it's specifically formed for existences such as myself.

Anyways, this means that I can go over to Halkegenia whenever I want to, right?


Good. I would've gone on a rampage had there been other requirements such as 'you can only go during full-moons' or something.

Now that I have that settled, I need to consider the current issues.

First, there is Rossweisse who is probably still in a coma. I'm wondering if my Healing Factor can affect one's mental state.

From the looks of it, that's not possible, however, I wonder if that would still be the case once I've tiered it up to its final tier.

Now that I think about it, I haven't tiered up any of my Effects completely.

That's mostly because I haven't found a proper way to do so yet. The only Effect that I have managed to deliberately tier up is Healing Factor.

So, to it again, I have to get more test subjects? Sounds bothersome.

Hold on… Perhaps if I…


Hearing Michael's voice at such a time is nothing more than perfect timing,

"Is something wrong?"

[Odin wishes to speak with you.]

"I see. Is he near Rossweisse perchance?"


"That's great. Where are you?"


"Hello," I simply greet Odin who is sitting and thinking of something.

Odin responds by turning his head and scrutinizing me before saying,

"You really are alive."

Shrugging my shoulders I walk over and take a seat near him and say,

"Why would I die?"

My words seem to irritate Odin as he remarks,

"Those two with you are calamitous beings. Whenever they're mentioned in records, there is always mass destruction and deaths."

Grinning at his words, I say,

"Do you think I care about that?"

Odin frowns and says monotonously,

"That's not something I would've expected to hear from the mouth of the Biblical God. What happened to your fondness of humans?"

"It seems like you've misunderstood something, Odin," I say calmly, "I'm not the Biblical God, but his creator."

"Nonsense!", Odin exclaims.

"It's up to you to believe my claims or not, as I simply don't care."

What use would it have to get him to believe me? None.

"Putting that matter to the side," I say dismissively, "I've come here to heal Rossweisse, not speak with you."

"And how are you planning to do that?", he asks.

Ignoring him, I get up from my seat and proceed to walk closer to the bed Rossweisse is lying on.

Isn't this bed a little too big? Did Rias seriously need to sleep on such a big bed?

Now that I think about it, why was Rossweisse brought here instead of, like, anywhere else?

I'm guessing that they took her to a healer, but they turned out to be incapable of dealing with her state.

Well, I can't blame them for that, as even my idea might not work.

Deciding that it's worth the shot, I place my palm on her head and begin utilizing Memory Erasure.

After a while of swimming around in her memories, I find out that this is much more effective than torturing others for information.

Anyway, after a while, I reach what seems to be the center of her mind. What the heck is this?

It's filled with notions of having a boyfriend and other related matters.

Now that I think about it, in some memories I focused on, I could see that she would react exaggeratedly to others making fun of her for being single her whole life.

How unfortunate. Perhaps, I should help her out overcome this issue...

"I can heal her, however, it would require me to make use of some unconventional powers," I say truthfully, "As that could lead to potential side effects and other issues, I must constantly keep an eye on her."

Odin frowns even further than before and says,


Shrugging my shoulders, I state,

"As there will be a remainder of said power in her brain, I can't hand her back to you to freely investigate."

Before he can say anything, I instantly add,

"Don't misunderstand me. You're not the one I'm worried about exploiting my powers. It's those 'calamitous existences' that you speak of. Those two with me have been… subdued, but there are more of them out there."

Then, I raise my head to glare into his eyes before asking,

"Do you think that you can take them on?"

Holy Energy subconsciously flows into my eyes as I feel a burning sensation in them.

{Unsealed: Eye of Judgement.}

Huh? I remember making use of this Effect during the peace conference. Why was it not listed on my status?

{Father simply found the way the Effect worked, but had yet to have the power to make use of it.}

I guess that two months of attempting to tier up Holy Effects was worth the effort, after all.

"You wish to keep her by your side?" Odin speculates.

Nodding my head, I say grimly,

"I can't possibly risk the lives of those around me by carelessly making use of my powers."

Holding back a grin that's about to form upon seeing his reaction to my words, I say,

"She will probably heal by herself after a year or two, so you could just wait."

Of course, these numbers are ones that I randomly came up with. I bet that the one they got to heal her said something along the lines of her becoming a potato and never waking up.

Odin takes his sweet time to think before letting out a sigh and saying,

"Do whatever you want."

Oh, I will.

The reason I got him to say this wasn't because I can't take her without his permission or something. It was so that I don't deal with unnecessary trouble later.

Rossweisse wouldn't disagree with the notion as Odin has agreed to it. Also, I wouldn't have an annoying Norse god to pest me.

I could just kill him off, but I have a strong feeling that I would have to take down all the Norse mythology creatures if I do that.

Once again, that would be too bothersome, so I resorted to making a 'fair deal'.

Now that that's out of the way, healing her is the top priority.

Once I'm at the exact center of her mind by maintaining Memory Erasure, I begin to use Healing Factor and directly transmit it into her mind through the same path I used with Memory Erasure.

{Discovered: Psyche Restitution.}

AI's voice sounds like the most beautiful thing I've heard in a while.

I finally managed to achieve this.

Now, I can properly heal Rossweisse and make use of it once I go back to Project Charlotte to heal Nao's brother.

"Codification," I intone before checking the new Effect that's listed under the Holy Essence.

Psyche Restitution I [III]:-

Compressed light particles that can pass through the flesh of most creatures. Can restore a brain to its optimum condition. Medium energy consumption.


Shortly after receiving the Effect, I make use of it to heal whatever is left of the damage done to Rossweisse's brain.

This has been enlightening in a sense. I can combine my other abilities with Effects to discover another Effect or perhaps tier up one that's already discovered.

After a few moments, Rossweisse opens her eyes and looks around, confused, before asking me,

"Where am I?"

I shift my palm from her head to her cheek and say in a friendly manner,

"You're in the Gremory Family's private property. During the battle, you took brain damage and which required me to make use of my powers to heal you."

Rossweisse gazes at the ceiling as if thinking of something before turning her head to face Odin and saying,

"I apologize, Great Father, for failing to do my job."

Before he can say anything in response, Rossweisse turns her head to face me and says,

"I must also apologize for troubling Your Grace."

Finding her words a little funny, I chuckle before saying,

"There is no problem at all."

Then, I grin before squinting my eyes and saying,

"You're mine now."

Naturally, my words throw her into a stupor as she voices,


I cough twice to clear my throat before saying,

"Perhaps, I might've phrased that badly."

Ignoring the frown on Odin's face which has worsened for some reason, I state,

"As the power that I used to heal you was an unconventional one, there could be various unknown side effects and certain individuals could use this opportunity to find vulnerabilities in my powers.

"Of course, this would endanger me and those that live with me, so, Odin agreed to me healing you. But in return, you would have to be by my side from now on."

Finding my words hard to believe, Rossweisse voices another "eh?" before turning her head to face Odin for confirmation.

"He's telling the truth," Odin serenely says.

"Don't worry," I say, attracting her attention back to me, "I will take proper care of you."

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