Tale of Discovery

Chapter 124: Magic System ; Headmaster

I spend a short while asking Louise about the magic system of this world, and she summarizes the whole thing for me.

Basically, this world uses geometric figures to measure the magic power of a spell and the rank of a magician.

The lowest rank of a magician is the 'dot', representing one element. Such magicians are only able to cast one 'dot' spell before requiring rest to cast another.

After that, there is the 'line', representing two elements. They're able to cast two 'dot' spells and one 'line' spell.

The next rank is the triangle, capable of casting four 'dot' spells, two 'line' spells, and one 'triangular' spell.

This concept applies to all ranks that follow after that, with each passing rank, the consumption of 'lower-tiered' spells being halved while the highest spell rank available can be cast only once before rest is needed.

Taking this into consideration, I assumed that Guiche was a triangle ranked mage for being able to summon so many golems, however, Louise denied that notion.

She claimed that what happened there was abnormal and must've taken its toll on Guiche, which does make some sense, as I have yet to see him appear in the dining hall.

While Louise explained all this to me, the blue-haired girl with the dead-expression continued to keenly stare at my face.

I tried to make eye contact with her to stop her, but, that did not affect her.

My curiosity piqued, I asked for her name, to which she neutrally replied,


During that process, I noticed that the dark-skinned girl with the red hair was looking my way with expectation apparent on her face.

Naturally, I completely ignored her and continued to ask Louise some questions regarding the basics of the magic system in this world.

This, in turn, led to the girl to abruptly introduce herself,

"My name is Kirche."

Giving her a sidelong glance, I let out a sigh and say,

"You may call me Victor."

My words seem to surprise all three of them, with each one showing a different reaction, as this name isn't the one they 'know'.

Well, it's not atypical for an amnesic individual to come up with a separate identity for themselves, so there is no point in acting like Wales Tudor at the moment.

Of course, I will keep his 'heroic habits', as that is essential for my plans to work.


"I will head out first," I say once the class is over.

The students who are on their feet make way for me as I pass by them until I reach the door.

Today's class was more related to familiars and ways they can be useful instead of magic, which is most likely because everyone had summoned one yesterday.

A few students attempted to jeer at Louise for not having a familiar, but they found themselves thrown to the front of the class before they could even 'begin'.

Becoming the laughingstock of the class, the students began realizing that such actions will no longer be tolerated, not like they ever were.

Honestly, I don't actually care if they do so or not, but as a 'heroic prince', I need to act my part properly.

Fortunately, the teachers seem to be buying my act, so it's all worth it in the end.

This has more benefits than one would normally think, as schools tend to take the side of the more 'diligent' student than the rest. Even if the one in the wrong is the 'diligent' one, they would take their side regardless.

How is this going to be useful for me?

Well, in case a student discovers something about me that they shouldn't have and I'm not aware of it, they wouldn't able to do much with the info, as by that time, the school and most of the students would be on my side.

As stupid as it might sound, I can manipulate the academy just by being a 'good student'.

Of course, if I wasn't 'myself', no amount of diligence would be sufficient to do this.

And thus, here I am right now, giving the authoritative figures of the school an opportunity to 'speak' with me.

"Sir Wales," a lovely voice calls out to me as soon as I walk past the door.

"Yes," I say while turning to face the source of the voice.

There, a couple of meters away from me, is a young woman who seems to be in her early twenties.

She has green hair and wears a simple 'business outfit' of this era.

On her face is a gentle smile as she slowly walks closer to me before bowing politely and saying,

"The headmaster wishes to speak with you."

All according to plan.

"Is that so? Very well, then. Would you mind leading the way?" I ask back in an aristocratic manner while smiling.

"With pleasure," she simply replies before straightening her posture and walking in the direction of the headmaster's office.

I follow her closely and run a quick scan of her body from head to toe.

Huh? How riveting. There is a miniature dagger in her right shoe with a just as tiny sheathe covering the blade.

Is this something ordinary in this world? Only one way to find out.

I use Creation to produce a small pebble and make it appear invisible by using Rework on it.

Then, I telekinetically move it and crush the front of the woman's toe with it.

This results in the woman to exclaim and crouch down in pain while holding the injured toe.

Showing concern on my face, I swiftly move to crouch by her side and inquire,

"Are you okay?"

She doesn't reply and just continues to hold the place I had injured with a pained expression on her face.

I proceed to act even more concerned as I reach my hand out to her shoe and say,

"Let me take a look at the injury. Perhaps, I can do something about it."

Upon hearing my words and seeing my hand that's getting closer to her foot, the woman hastily gets back on her feet and attempts to act normally before saying with a forced smile,

"I'm fine. It's just that I had injured my foot a few days ago, and it sometimes begins to act up like this."

Looking her in the eye, I say,

"How unfortunate for such a beautiful woman to be stained."

In response to this, the woman chuckles a little before getting back to leading the way, not understanding the underlying meaning behind my words.


"Headmaster," the woman whose name is, Longueville, calls out while knocking on the office's door.

"Yes, come on in," an elderly voice reaches my ears.

Longueville opens the door and bows politely while gesturing to me to head inside.

Upon walking inside, I immediately take note of several things, with the most important one being a few archives under the headmaster's desk.

"Welcome to Tristain's Magic Academy, Prince Wales Tudor," an old man with a long white beard says, "My name is Osmond, and I am the headmaster of this academy."

"I appreciate the warm welcome, even if I'm not who I used to be," I reply while taking a seat on a sofa and showing a slightly downcast expression.

The old man, Osmond, begins to shake his head in response to my words and says,

"I have heard about your case from one of the academy's professors.

"Fret not, Prince Wales. I'm sure that your memories will return in due time."

After offering my words of appreciation, I ask him for the reason he has called for me.

"I've heard that you used magic in a duel against a student?"

This is what I've been waiting for him to ask. Yesterday, I looked into Wales Tudor and his capabilities. From what the students knew about him, he was a wise and kind prince.

Most importantly, his affinity when it came to magic was with the wind element.

"That's correct. I suddenly found myself able to use wind magic despite not knowing how to do so."

In response to my words, Osmond strokes his white beard before looking me in the eye and saying,

"One of the students claimed that you used fire magic. Do you mind telling me about that?"

Calmly nodding my head, I 'explain',

"My wind magic seems to allow me to alter the speed of air, enough for it to combust and form flames when it makes contact with matter."

Finding my words intriguing, Osmond nods his head and says,

"How were you able to use magic without an object to focus with?"

Right, Louise told me something about this. Magicians require wands to focus their 'willpower' and cast magic with it.

Guiche seemed to use roses as an object of focus, while I didn't use anything.

"I used this," I say while pointing at the storage ring on my palm.

Osmond is confused by my claim as he just stares at me and patiently waits for me to begin explaining.

"Upon arriving here," I say, "This ring was one of the first things that I noticed. After that, the image of the ring was stuck in my head for some reason."

I pause a little to give Osmond time to come up with an 'explanation' for what I just said before continuing,

"Once the duel began, my willpower overlapped with the image of the ring in my head, allowing me to cast weak spells such as 'combustion' and 'air force'."

Upon hearing the latter part of my explanation, Osmond voices,

"Air force?"

Acting as if I just realized something, I say,

"I used that to collect air in the surroundings to focus it on one point to launch the student into the air."

He seems to find my explanation plausible as he nods his head a few times while stroking his beard and deliberating upon it.

Naturally, I'm aware of the risks that come with my claims. I barely know anything about the magic system of this world apart from the basics, so I've been 'explaining' my magic while keeping it within the boundary of reason.

Currently, I'm making such a risk because Osmond wasn't there to personally witness my use of magic.

If there is a device that recorded our battle, my plan is done for, however, I highly doubt such a thing exists in this Platform at this age.

"So, what am I to do from here on out?" I say while acting confused and lost.

Osmond, being the wise guy he appears to be, would most likely 'suggest�� me something that seems like it would 'help me'.

True to my thoughts, Osmond strokes his beard for a few seconds before advising,

"Since you've lost your memories, it would be good for you to stay here, as your political foes could appear and attempt to take advantage of your current state."

He doesn't give me a chance to say anything as he immediately inquires,

"It's probably inconvenient for you to stay with a student in one room. Would you like me to prepare you another room?"

Going along with his 'plan', I respond,

"That's not a problem at all, as I feel comfortable when I'm near the aforementioned student."

Nodding his words, Osmond smiles before saying,

"Do you have any questions that you'd like me to answer?"

Shaking my head, I get up from the sofa and say,

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Osmond. I must go now."

"The pleasure is mine, Sir Wales. Make sure to visit me if you encounter any trouble or just want to drink some tea."

"Sure," I say with a small smile on my face before turning around and leaving the room.

Outside, I find Longueville standing a few meters away from the door.

"Has the pain in your foot subsided?" I inquire with some concern on my face as I approach her.

In response to my words, Longueville bows politely before replying,

"I appreciate your concern, Sir Wales. It's much better now."

Looking at her leg, I say,

"Are you sure you don't want me to take a look at it?"

Shaking her head, Longueville says,

"It would be rude of me to trouble Your Grace with such a petty matter."

Seeing how hard she's trying to prevent me from finding the dagger in her shoe, I'm almost certain that there is more to her than what meets the eyes.

"If you say so," I respond before walking back to the dormitory.

Aruru, Tiamat and Gabriel should arrive soon, so I will go create Ddraig a body for now.

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