Tale of Discovery

Chapter 129: Kirche *Slightly NSFW* ; Robed Visitor

After returning to the dorm room, I immediately lie down on the bed and put everything on my mind to the side.

"Even you get tired, huh?" Ddraig who is right beside me says.

"Are you planning to continue lying down like this forever?" I question.

"What else do you expect me to do?" Ddraig simply rebukes.

"Fath- no! Master, would you like a massage?" Aruru says while climbing onto the bed.

"Go ahead," I say.

The next moment, I feel some weight on my back as Aruru begins to massage my shoulders while sitting on me.

Unlike how she appears, Aruru is rather strong, so her small hands on my back feel just right.

Suddenly, I feel my left arm being squeezed by hands which are definitely not Aruru's.

"Gabriel?" I voice.

"It's my job to serve you, right?" she says while continuing to press onto my arm.

"You're the worst." I hear Louise mutter a short distance away from us.

Ignoring her, I enjoy the massage as I gradually doze off…


I open my eyes and gaze at the strange ceiling on top of me.

Checking my energy, I see that it's at 79% now. How much time has passed?

There is no way to know. I think I should keep a tab on the time I spend here.

Grabbing my phone, I see the screen displaying - 10 AM, but I'm sure that it's wrong. Mainly because I have not adjusted my phone's clock to this world's time.

Hold on… I can't use this phone here for any longer, as it will just run out of energy with no means of recharging being available.

Forget it. It's not that hard to take note of how much time I've spent here anyway.

Now then, isn't this nostalgic?

Currently, I'm surrounded by girls. As surprising as it may be, Ddraig has bad sleeping habits, as she is clinging to my arm right now while drooling.

On top of my chest, Aruru has curled up like a kitten with a small smile on her face.

As for the thing that has attracted my attention the most, it's that my right arm is buried between something soft.

Taking a look, I find my arm buried between Gabriel's soft breasts.

Aruru and Gabriel are still in their maid uniform. Do they not feel uncomfortable like this?

Well, whatever. I need to go over to where Kirche is at right now and see what this 'Annual Familiar Showoff' is about.

I circulate my Holy Essence and utilize Blink to appear in front of the bed and immediately use telekinesis to gently place Aruru before gravity can disturb her sleep.

Now then, time to search for the room of a certain busty girl.


Standing before an overly decorated door, I gently knock twice on the door to alert Kirche who's currently changing into her nightwear.

"Who is it?" her voice reaches my ears, but I decide not to reply for two reasons.

First, curiosity will cause her to get changed faster. Second, who knows what she might attempt to do if she knows that it's me?

As expected, Kirche gets dressed quite hastily before she unlocks her door and opens it.

"Victor?" she voices, clearly bewildered by my appearance.

"What has brought you here? Perhaps, you got bored with that midget already?" she says while pushing her chest a little forward.

I roll my eyes and use Permeation to pass through her before taking a seat on her bed and saying,

"I've come here for the sole reason of collecting information regarding the Annual Familiar Showoff," I explain.

"Forget that! What did you just do!?" Kirche exclaims with a baffled look on her face as she touches her body all over.

Letting out a sigh, I say,

"That's not important. Come, take a seat beside me and begin explaining already."

She shakes her head as if to shake her confusion off before looking at me teasingly and saying,

"And why should I do that?"

Not in the mood to deal with any of this, I bluntly reply,

"You either do that, or I torture it out of you."

Acting like my words are nothing more than a joke, Kirche says,

"As if a spineless prince would dare to do that."

"Are you seriously provoking me despite knowing that I am much stronger than you?"

Shrugging her shoulders, Kirche says,

"I bet that it's against your principles to hurt a woman if it's not necessary or something."

This will probably lead nowhere if I let it go on…

"Just get explaining already," I sigh while letting out a tired sigh. I've had more than enough problems to deal with, in one day. I don't want to spend any more time awake.

"You're no fun," Kirche mutters while pouting.

"This was a mistake. I should've asked Louise after all," I say before getting up from the bed.

Upon realizing my actions, Kirche nervously raises her arms and says,

"Okay, okay. I will explain, so don't leave."

For some reason, I feel like I'm coaxing a child into doing something…

"I just want a small reward in exchange."

Oh, come on!

Placing my palm on my forehead, I ask her exasperatedly,

"What do you want?"

"A kiss," she directly replies.

Hearing her response, I feel whatever energy that was left in me drain as I look at her with an impassive expression.

"What? You get to have my first kiss, so be grateful!"

"You expect me to believe that?"

"It's true! Do you think that I would let the lowlifes here touch me?"

Huh. Good point.

"Fine," I say, having nothing to lose from this deal.

And so, Kirche begins to explain to me what tomorrow's event is all about.

Simply put, it's a competition to see who has the best familiar. The familiar is judged by its intelligence, look, strength, and versatility.

It's unfair in a lot of ways, but that's the way most competitions are.

At the end of the competition, the princess of Tristain whose name is Henrietta will reward the winning duo.

That's great news for me. Making contact with an authoritative figure of Tristain is something that I have been planning to do.

Anyway, I stay true to my word and give Kirche her 'reward'.

With her sitting right beside me, I lift her chin, move my head closer and seal her lips.

Kirche awkwardly attempts to lead me in the kiss, but that doesn't work out for her as I directly insert my tongue into her mouth.

---(Slightly NSFW)---

Her body flinches in response, indicating that she either genuinely hasn't kissed anyone before, or she has, but it wasn't a passionate one.

Either way, I am going to enjoy it while it lasts.

I directly place my right hand on her breast, surprising her quite a bit.

Before she can react, I push her down on the bed and begin roughly kneading her breast.

After a while, I stop kissing her and look at her flushed face.

With the way we are right now, if I were to move my leg forward, my knee would make contact with her crotch, which is exactly what I do.

Unexpectedly, the silk has gotten wet.

She's enjoying this more than I thought she would…

I take this chance to shift her clothes and reveal her voluminous breasts.

Before Kirche can make sense of what's going on, I lower my head and suck her right nipple while gently pinching the other one.

In response to my actions, Kirche releases a series of short moans.

Deciding that it's about time I headed back to the dorm room, I begin rubbing her crotch using my knee to stimulate her even further.

Soon, I feel a faint change within her body. Knowing that she's about to orgasm, I move my knee even faster twirl with her nipple.

The moment she comes, I seal her lips with mine as a gush of hot liquid flows out of her lower mouth.

Satisfied, Kirche's seems to lose all energy as she closes her eyes and enjoys the final kiss.

---(Slight NSFW End)---

Several minutes later, I get off of her, fix my clothes, and prepare to leave.

"Victor," Kirche says all of a sudden.

I turn to face her with a questioning gaze.

"Never mind. It's nothing," she says before beaming me a smile that stuns me.

That's what her genuine smile looks like, huh?

"See you around," I say before leaving the room and shutting the door behind me.

As I make my way back to Louise's dorm room, I think of what just happened.

It was like something was guiding my actions and thoughts, reminding me of the first time I had sex with Infi.

It's not like I feel uncomfortable, in fact, I feel refreshed, but there is this feeling of uncertainty that just won't go away.

Soon, I reach the door leading to Louise's dorm room.

Without any hesitation, I open the door and step inside.

The next moment, a find someone who's wearing a dark robe hugging Louise.

That person seems to realize that I've entered the room as they slowly turn around.

Once she has turned around, I see a purple-haired girl with an extremely shocked look on her face.

"Wales?" the girl murmurs disbelievingly.

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