Tale of Discovery

Chapter 186: Bad Advice ; Rude Courier ; Horrible First Usage

"Siesta!" I call out to the dazed girl for the third time, this time much louder than before.

Startled, Siesta's body jolts as she quickly looks around only to stop once she's set her sight on me.

"Master?" she says in a somewhat confused tone.

"As I had suspected, there truly is something wrong with you," I say while taking a seat beside her on the sofa.

"What happened to you a few days ago?" I inquire while looking into her eyes.

She looks away from before adopting a befuddled expression as she says,

"I don't know."

"Don't give me that. Tell me, what is it that is bothering you? Perhaps, I can help you with it."

"It's not that I don't want to tell you," she explains, "But, I honestly don't know."

She turns her head to look at me and says,

"All I remember from that day is that the enemy brought out a cannon and shot it at the soldiers."

Strange. She claims that she doesn't remember anything, yet here she is, sitting with an expression suggesting that she's lost.

"I just feel uncomfortable," she says while looking down at the ground.

She's uncomfortable, huh? I assume that's because she still hasn't been able to digest the fact that she 'erased' a good number of soldiers.

Placing my hand atop her head, I gently rub it while whispering,

"You don't need to feel bad about the lives of a few miserable creatures."

Sensing that I might've worded that a little weirdly, I hurriedly say,

"Look, you saw what they did to the innocent, right? So, there is no need to feel any empathy for such people."

Siesta closes her eyes and doesn't say anything.

After a few minutes, she opens her eyes as a smile forms on her lips before she chuckles and says,

"Master, you're awful at giving advice."

"Yes, I'm aware of that," I wryly reply while scratching the back of my head.

As long as she feels better, I've achieved my aim, no matter the method.

[Father, a courier has arrived, claiming to have brought a letter from the Crown Princess of Tristain.]

Hearing Gabriel's report, I mutter,

"Alright. I'll be with you shortly."

Sensing my actions, Siesta looks at me with a confused expression, so I explain to her what just occurred.

"So, Master can hear their voices no matter how far they are?" Siesta asks with a stupefied expression on her face.

"Yes," I reply, "Is it that surprising despite knowing everything else that we're capable of doing?"

"Yes," she directly responds.

I can't understand what she's thinking… I mean, I don't think that long-distance telepathy is that impressive compared to our other abilities.

Well, I will discuss this matter with her some other time. For now, I should head over and see what this courier has for me.

Having resolved my intentions, I move closer to Siesta and startle her by lightly kissing her cheek.

Then, I get up and say,

"I should get going now. Take care of yourself, will you?"

"Yes, Master," she replies as her face gets covered in a red hue.


"Gabriel?" I say once I've stepped out of the teleportation gateway I created to get here.

I look around the room and find no one else, so I directly walk over and embrace Gabriel's soft body.

An incredibly warm feeling spreads inside me as Gabriel hugs me back.

The two of us stay like this for a few seconds before I break the hug and say,

"Where is the courier?"

"Outside," she simply replies.

"Outside?" I repeat, confused.

"Yes," Gabriel responds, "The courier was being rude."

Hearing this, the blood in my veins seem to turn cold as I ask,


"They would lecherously look at my body despite me forbidding them from doing so," Gabriel says in a beat tone.

Oh, I see...

Using Clairvoyance, I check outside the room we're in, only to find a black-haired man that seems to be in his early twenties standing with his back to the wall.

I telekinetically open the door and say in a voice loud enough for him to hear,

"Get inside."

The man is surprised as he looks inside with a disbelieving expression.

"How did he get here," I hear him mutter to himself in a doubtful tone while looking around the room.

The room we're currently in closely resembles an office due to the presence of a somewhat large desk, as well as, several documents lying all around the room.

All in all, there is nothing worth of 'suspicion' in this room, hence, the courier's reaction to my sudden appearance.

Seeing that he has come inside, I telekinetically shut the door behind me with enough force to cause a loud bang, which causes the courier to jump while letting out a small scream.

Beside me, Gabriel giggles a little while using her hand to cover her mouth.

"I've brought a letter to His Highness, Crown Prince Wales Tudor," the courier says while sending occasional glances at Gabriel.



Using telekinesis, I directly pull the courier to myself before piercing both of his eyes using my fingers.

This ultimately earns me an agonized scream from the disrespectful grub.

Normally, this would've been the end of it, but this guy had been acting quite crudely despite knowing my status.

As I think of what I could do to him, a strange sensation appears inside me as my thoughts focus on the new ability I had received.

I look down at the courier who is now on the ground with a confused and terrified expression as he keeps touching his now-regenerated eyes.

Well then, time to see what this power of mine is…

Placing my hand on top of the courier's head, I use telekinesis as I begin to focus on my ability - Alchemy.

{Alchemy: Corporikinesis discovered.}

The moment AI's voice reaches my head, I feel the strange sensation go away as my sight suddenly changes.

All colors seem to get washed away as I begin seeing through walls and any other thing within the vicinity.

The most intriguing thing is that there are still some colors left. These turned out to be the interior workings of the courier's physical body.

Interestingly, depending on how I focus my sight on his body, the colors either go away or return.

I wonder if it's possible to focus on a single thing…

With that notion in mind, I focus on the blood flowing in the courier's body, which as expected, causes all the other colors to go away, leaving me with nothing but blood-red.

The smile on my lips grows as I focus on the blood, intending to reverse its flow.

This results in several other colors to return, indicating that I have to change more than one property for that to happen.

As if my actions are guided by a mysterious energy, I achieve my objective after a short while.

Disabling Alchemy, I look over at the courier who has an odd look on his face.

Even after a few seconds, the courier doesn't react in any meaningful way.

Isn't something supposed to happen?

The moment the thought of the ability having failed crosses my mind, the courier lifts arms and begins to hold his chest with one hand, while holding his throat with the other.

Sweat begins to form on his forehead as his breathing begins destabilizing.

"Father, what has become of him?" Gabriel all of a sudden asks with a curious glint in her eyes.

"Nothing much," I reply, "Just reversed the blood flow in his body."

As a response to my words, Gabriel nods her head once as she continues to watch the courier who his now lying on the ground while coughing dryly as small streaks of blood flow out of his mouth.

Soon enough, he begins to shout extremely loudly as blood continues to flow out of his mouth.

This goes on for dozens of seconds before the door to the office is abruptly opened and a group of guards enters the room.

The guards immediately stop in their tracks with a confused expression as they see me unharmed while a man covered in blood is writhing on the ground and shouting like there is no tomorrow.

"Your Highness?" one of the guards voices after a few seconds.

"Don't worry," I say, "This man was being rather impetuous, so I took it upon myself to punish him."

Hearing my words, the men guards look down at the man as a glint of fear appears in their eyes for a split-second.

"You may leave," I say while walking toward the courier.

Without any hesitation, the guards immediately leave the room and close the door behind themselves.

"M-ma-ke i-i-t s-s-top!" the courier shouts something that I can barely understand.

Seeing that he has seemingly been punished enough, I use my ability to undo all the changes I had made to his body, which should theoretically stop his agony.

Unexpectedly, the pain persists for a while as his temporary immortality begins to heal the damages done to his body.

Shortly after that, the courier gets up before kneeling and offering me the letter, not daring to utter a single word.

Now then, I wonder what's this letter all about…

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