Tale of Eldramir

CH 102 (Book 2 Ch 40): Meeting Up

Consciousness returned to Ezekiel slowly. There was a grogginess to his motions and mind as he became aware of the world around him once again. He could make out the trees around himself and the avatar moving at an incredibly fast pace.

‘No... we’re the ones moving fast, not the trees.’ Ezekiel thought as he fully regained consciousness. Using his mana to check over his condition, he realized that his body still had a bit of fatigue from the effects of the Death mana, but he was otherwise physically fine.

“Are you alright?” Shine asked, having realized that Ezekiel was awake.

“I think so. I’m not as bad as before at least. What happened, and how long have I been out for?” Ezekiel replied.

“After you blacked out, the avatar spent some of its Life Mana to invigorate your body so that it could fight off the fatigue and degenerative effects of the Death Worm’s mana.” Shine informed him. “It’s only been a few minutes, but we’ve since moved to the other side of the bluffs again. We’re a few dozen feet within the tree line of the forest. No signs of the ships for the expedition that we’re looking for. But we haven’t gone too far, since we need you up and conscious for when we meet them.”

Ezekiel nodded his head, bringing attention from the Forest Spirit avatar. He was aware that the avatar likely wouldn’t receive a warm welcome, given how they had been kidnapped by it. Shine also couldn’t really speak, so it was best that they wait until he was awake to do the talking.

“It is good to see you are awake, little Void Mage. I have not seen any signs of the other expeditions that you are looking for. However, we may need to travel along the coast itself to see anything.” The avatar said.

“Sounds good.” Ezekiel stretched as best he could within the avatar’s arms. He and Shine were both low on mana, so they weren’t much use right now. However, he didn’t think there would be too much danger walking along the coast with a Legendary Life Spirit accompanying them. They weren’t being hunted by anything like the Cult, after all.

Still in the avatar’s arms, Ezekiel was brought out past the tree line. Looking out to the water of the ocean around the island, Ezekiel couldn’t help but be awed by the beauty of the scenery. Even tainted as it was from the dark clouds and murky waters, the fact that he could still see the sun nearing the horizon meant that he was no longer in the Cruor’s direct territory. This was something that he was still happy about whenever he thought about it.

“How far away are we from the bluffs over Trigat?” Ezekiel asked.

“Quite some distance. But I do not believe that the ships you are looking for are much further out. There were some remains of a ship that was washed up a few kilometers back.” The avatar said. “It did not appear to be remains from one of your ships, so it likely belonged to the Cult. I believe your expeditions are looking for a place to moor their boats. There should be a good location just ahead.”

“Given our traveling speed, not yours, the expedition’s, how long would you say it would’ve taken them to get to the Ruins on foot?” Ezekiel asked.

“It would likely take them a day of hiking for the Tier twos and below. The Adepts might make it in a few hours, and the Legendaries would take a few minutes.” The avatar explained. “I do not know how long it would take by boat, as I do not know how fast they travel.”

Mentally going over the information, Ezekiel realized that, depending on how quickly the other expeditions cleaned up and set off to save the Sanafalls expedition, it was possible that they had already made land, and were making their way back to the Ruins.

“Is it possible for you to sense lifeforms within the forest?” Ezekiel asked the avatar.

“Of course. Though my range will be limited due to my reduced mana. As well as because my main body is focusing its attention on the Cruor’s territory and directing the attacks of the other Spirits.” The avatar said.

“That’s fine. I’m just worried that the expeditions might already be in the forest. So, we’ll need to do something to find them, if we don’t see them wherever they decided to moor their ships.” Ezekiel explained.

The avatar did not reply, but they did pick up the pace a little. Within minutes they arrived at a small cove where the water was exceptionally deep. Several dozen ships were moored, and there were only a handful of people that were still mingling about. It seemed as though a small base camp was being set up, but it didn’t look like there were more than a few Adepts in the area.

But things seemed to be calm, from what Ezekiel could see. So, he didn’t allow himself to worry about the whereabouts of the more powerful members. They might just be setting up another camp or moving out to reach the Ruins of Trigat more quickly to support the Sanafalls expedition.

“Ezekiel, look!” Shine called out, having noticed something within their range of vision.

Glancing over to where Shine was trying to direct Ezekiel’s line of sight, he saw a familiar face that made him sigh in relief and concern.

It was Sasha, and she was working with the Scholars within the camp to help with construction for several stone towers and defenses that were a little way out from the cove.

“I don’t think they landed too long ago. They’d have better security if they had, wouldn’t they?” Shine asked.

“Most likely, but this does give us a chance to go and say hello.” Ezekiel said as he looked over to the avatar.

“Can you take us around to the entrance they’re constructing? I don’t want to scare them when we get close.” Ezekiel said aloud.

The avatar nodded its head, and before Ezekiel could blink, there was a small distance within the forest. Not too far off was a team of workers that were building some fortifications for the base.

Sighing to himself, Ezekiel dropped down from the avatar’s arms and began a somewhat slow trek towards the camp. Slightly behind him and off to the side, the avatar followed along.

Sasha was exhausted. She had been working with the Scholars of the Tillsmont Cathedral since Fiana and George had gone off to accompany the Legendaries and other Adepts of the Church of Ten and the different Guilds in order to cut a path directly towards the Ruins. The two Hunters from the Saber Scales had gone with them as well.

She had been apprehensive of coming this far, not wishing to remain anywhere near the battlefield at this point, as her skills were not up to par in the current situation. However, it seemed like the two expeditions had no intention of leaving anything behind. An all-out assault was all that they were going for at this point, so there were no rearguard teams or reinforcements at this time.

Apparently, word had been sent back to the cities that were near enough for word to be spread to, but it would still be at least a week before word was sent in full.

“I really hope that someone figures out how to send full messages with the Com-Slates. That way we can get rid of the time between messages.” Sasha muttered in frustration. Beside her, Tuff finished reinforcing a wall before turning to look up at her. He snorted in agreement before climbing up her side.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a commotion off in the distance towards the main path they were constructing near the entrance to the cove. Several Scholars and Hunters from the Guild were moving toward the area.

“What do you think is going on over there?” Sasha asked as she looked up at Tuff, who was now sitting on her head. He just shrugged and snorted again.

“Sasha!” A voice called out, drawing her attention away from her bonded spirit.

Looking over to the group of people, she saw one of the Adept Scholars, Lilian, waving to call her over. It was the Scholar that Fiana had told her to listen to when it came to instructions and how to be helpful around the camp. She was a bit of an older woman but had been kind enough to get her on her feet when it came to a number of things she needed to know as a Hunter affiliated with the Church.

“Coming!” Sasha called back. She knew she wouldn’t be called from her current job if it wasn’t important. Rushing over to the forming group, she couldn’t hide her curiosity as she approached.

“What’s going on-?” Sasha found her words cut off in her throat. Making her way to the gathered people, She saw past the group and a few dozen feet into the forest. A familiar figure wearing familiar clothes was standing some distance away. A second figure, one she instinctively shied away from, stood a little further back.

“Ezekiel!” she exclaimed. Atop her head the little groundhog Cavern Spirit was snorting frantically. While he was somewhat happy to see Ezekiel again, he was incredibly angry at the avatar that stood behind him.

“You know this young boy?” Lilian asked. “He claimed that you did, but we need to be sure. That’s a Legendary Spirit that’s accompanying him.”

“Yes, yes, this is Ezekiel, the Void Mage from my scouting party. You were given the summary of what happened, weren’t you?” Sasha said. Lilian had been given a breakdown of the events that had happened according to Fiana. Given the situation, Sasha hoped that Ezekiel was here with good intentions.

“If that’s the case, then I guess we can welcome him in. It’s not like we can do much until the Leaders get back anyway.” Lilian said.

Turning toward Ezekiel, Lilian waved down the Hunters and Scholars that were currently taking defensive positions. Seeing the signal from one of the temporary leaders, they took a less offensive stance and backed down. Though, none of them let their guard lower even the slightest bit.

Seeing this happening, Sasha saw that Ezekiel and the avatar were once again walking toward the camp. Coming to a stop a few feet away from the group, Ezekiel bowed slightly and introduced himself to the Scholars standing around Lilian and Sasha.

She saw that he also sent a small smile her way as he approached. Sasha couldn’t help but feel like the smile was filled with an apology. A part of her really hoped that they’d be able to talk in private later. She had a number of questions to ask and hoped that he’d be willing to answer them.

“Greetings. I am Ezekiel Luminance. I believe that you, and your expedition, have arrived for the purpose of reinforcing the Sanafalls expedition, correct?” Ezekiel said with his head bowed.

“Indeed. Though, as you can see, our leaders are not currently with us.” Lilian said.

“Well, hopefully they return soon. The Sanafalls expedition has successfully escaped from the Ruins of Trigat. They got out just before the Cult invaded. Most are, unfortunately injured, due to the extensive Death Worm infestation.” Ezekiel explained. “However, on my way here, we were able to alter the control crystal before the Legendaries of the Cult could escape. So now, they are trapped in our place. Given the situation, I do not believe that there is as much cause for any rush as there once was.”

Ezekiel’s statements were met with silence as the Scholars and Hunters tried to process his words. For her part, Sasha just looked exasperated, as she somewhat expected Ezekiel to have something ridiculous to say. Fortunately, it didn’t take long before the Scholars snapped out of it.

It took a bit longer before they were allowed within the camp, but after answering a number of questions, Ezekiel and the avatar were permitted within the camp, while a number of runners were sent to try and meet up with the parties where their Legendaries were making their way through the forest.

Sitting inside a somewhat hastily made ten, Ezekiel looked across from himself at Sasha and Tuff, who were looking at him with a mix of worry, irritation, and confusion, as they didn’t really know how to feel about him right now. Outside the tent, the avatar stood watch, gazing through the campsite with emotionless eyes that had little to no care regarding what was going on around them.

“I’d like to start with an apology.” Ezekiel said. “I understand that your feelings were definitely hurt when you found out about Shine, but I can’t take it back, and I don’t regret keeping then a secret.”

Sasha and Tuff remained silent, though Sasha did clench her fist when Ezekiel said he didn’t regret the secret. He didn’t, but he did regret how he hurt his friends. However, he had decided to be as clear and straightforward as he could at the moment, so that’s what he was doing. Shine had decided to remain quiet for the moment, as they didn’t really know Sasha, and they didn’t feel it would be right to interject during this talk.

“I know that sounds like I’m insincere, but you have to understand that Shine is the first of their kind. I didn’t even inform my family about them. The only ones that knew were the Scholars I’ve worked with that have been bound by magical contracts.” Ezekiel explained. “The fact of the matter is, Shine and I represent a possibly new path for magic. Something that certain people in the world would do anything to get their hands on.”

“People like the Cult?” Sasha asked.

Ezekiel grimaced as she mentioned that.

“... No... those bastards don’t want to just get their hands on me. They want to kill me more than anything else at this point.’ Ezekiel said. “They first tried to kill me when I was ten years old. I was banished from the Empire, with the expectation that I would be supervised by the Church of Ten, as both a means of appeasing the Empire, and ensuring that the Cult wouldn’t be able to get me.”

“But you’re the reason that they’re here?” Sasha asked. “You’re the reason that we’re having even more problems.”

“The Cult and their beliefs are the reason that they are here. I did not invite them, and I did not do anything that would’ve drawn their attention that hasn’t helped humanity in some way or another.” Ezekiel said. “I didn’t even know the Cult was here, let alone still after me, until the Forest Spirit told me about them when it captured us. Then Scarlet filled me in on a few more things when I saved them from the Ruins.”

Sasha flinched at the reminder of the Forest Spirit, and she glanced over her shoulder to the entrance of the tent. As if she was expecting the avatar to pop in once again to do something to her.

“I guess you and the Forest Spirit are good friends now. How did that happen?” Sasha cautiously asked.

At that, the flood gates opened, and Ezekiel explained all that had happened to him so far. A part of him didn’t think that Fiana, Carrian, or Scarlet, would want him to tell Sasha all of this, but he didn’t really care at this point. He had already told Scarlet and Kari. Telling Sasha wasn’t something he thought would be a big deal. If it was, then he’d deal with the fallout later.

After what seemed like hours, Ezekiel finally finished telling Sasha everything that had happened to him over the past month or so. Even the events that had happened when he’d returned to the Ruins, and how he’d taken steps to sabotage the Cult of Light, so as to prevent them from escaping, as well as to hopefully make it easier to destroy them when the expedition all met up with one another.

Listening to all the things Ezekiel was telling her, Sasha didn’t want to believe any of it. However, she could tell that he was telling the truth. Something that terrified her.

Ezekiel was five years younger than her. But not only had he reached the same Tier as her, but he was only a couple Steps below her. Not only that, but it was clear that his combat prowess was significantly greater than hers. A sense of danger that she’d never felt before was now permeating her body as she looked over at Ezekiel.

“I need to think about things. What you’ve told me... It’s terrifying. I don’t want to get drawn into any of it.” With those words, Sasha turned around from the tent and walked out. “I hope that you and Shine can survive whatever you face in the future.”

Somewhat disappointed at what Sasha’s response had been, Ezekiel couldn’t help but feel like he knew where she was coming from. The fact was that the things he was going through were extremely terrifying. If it wasn’t for the emotional effects of his mana, his mind would have likely broken a long time ago. Even then, the emotional suppression had its own problems. Though they had been lessening.

“Your mana is leaking.” Shine gently told Ezekiel.

He immediately suppressed his mana, allowing the sorrow in his chest to affect him in full. He realized now just how much he wanted Sasha to stay as his friend. A part of him actually felt a bit guilty about it, as he wondered if he was just filling in the holes left behind from the friends and family he hadn’t seen in years.

‘I wonder how Shari and the others are doing?’ He couldn’t help but think as his mind wandered to the people, he considered precious to himself.

He was pulled from his thoughts as a commotion seemed to be building up outside. Moving to the entrance of the tent. Ezekiel looked at the avatar.

“What’s happening?” He asked.

“It seems like the camp’s Legendaries have returned.” the avatar explained.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew through the area. Covering his eyes in surprise, it took Ezekiel a moment to compose himself. Looking up to the sky, Ezekiel saw several figures floating in different ways above himself.

The Obscure and Flame Hunters stood out the most, as they stood next to a Flame Scholar with Tillsmont embroidery on his clothes, and another Grand Scholar from a different Cathedral, and a couple of other Legendary Hunters also floated nearby.

On the ground, running towards them, Ezekiel saw George and Fiana. Both looked incredibly worried as they approached, but they became relieved as they got closer. Ezekiel couldn’t help but feel like this was going to be somewhat of a mixed emotional reunion.

It was nearly an hour after the Legendaries’ return that Ezekiel was summoned to speak with them. Standing in the center of a much larger tent, Ezekiel had cold sweat running down his back as he stood before a half a dozen Legendary Mages, and four Legendary Spirits.

He had just finished repeating his recounting of the events he had gone through after being kidnapped by the Forest Spirit. Beside him stood the avatar of the Forest Spirit, but he knew that it wouldn’t be much help if the Legendaries in front of them decided to act against them.

Off to the side were the four members of his old scouting team. Given the situation, Sasha wasn’t included in this meeting, having provided a report of what Ezekiel had told her not too long ago.

A significant part of him felt like this was similar to the farcical trial that he was forced to go through three years ago. The only difference was the fact that there was no audience. As well as the fact that there were no Legendaries trying to bring him to his knees with their mana.

“You’ll be fine. They have no reason to hate you right now.” Shine said to Ezekiel.

“The fact that the Cult is apparently here to hunt me down is more than enough reason for them to hate me.” Ezekiel muttered back.

“Ezekiel.” Marwyl, the Grand Scholar from Tillsmont, spoke up to grab Ezekiel’s attention. “We thank you for the information provided to us. Know that you are not in trouble with any of us regarding the actions of the Cult of Light. For now, however, we need to figure out our next steps. Please, accompany your scout team out of the tent as we discuss things.”

Nodding his head, and allowing his shoulders to slump, Ezekiel turns to leave.

“Forgive my impertinence, but please discuss things quickly. I informed my expedition that we’d likely return within a day or so. They are in need of medical aid, and the longer they stay in the forest without the avatar there to ward off Wild Spirits, the more likely the number of injured will go up.” Ezekiel said as he approached Fiana and George.

Exiting the ten, Fiana placed a comforting hand on Ezekiel’s shoulder, while at the same time, George stood on the other side of them from the avatar. He was still leery of its capabilities and didn’t want to risk getting on its bad side. However, he still stood together with his fellow Scholars.

Nina and Martin, however, were of a different opinion. Wanting nothing to do with Ezekiel other than to give him a piece of their minds.

“You little shit!” Martin exclaimed as they got further from the command tent. “I don’t know how you managed to pull such a ridiculous story off in front of the Leaders, but there’s no way you did a single thing you claim you did!”

“Nina looked somewhat worried as Martin was now drawing attention. But she wasn’t sure what to do. She wanted to go off on Ezekiel as well, but both her Spirit, and her gut, were telling her that that would be a bad idea. The fact that she didn’t think the Legendaries in the camp would be so stupid as to fall for such a story if it was a lie was also a factor.

“What really happened, you little brat?! Cause there’s no way you snuck into the Cruor’s backyard and--huurk!” Martin found himself cut off as a fist found itself implanted into his gut.

By this point, Ezekiel had had more than enough when it came to bad mouthing and poor treatment. He could understand why Martin was upset, separated from his Guild as he was. But that was no excuse for his behavior. Especially since he was claiming that his current direct superiors were incompetent, As not a single one of them hadn’t believed Ezekiel’s story.

“You!” Martin attempted to get up and counter Ezekiel, but he found himself grunting in pain as his mana momentarily went wild. Ezekiel had injected him with a single mote of Void Mana, directly to Martin’s mana pool.

Martin’s Spirit attempted to defend its master, but four small cuts on its legs stopped it from moving. It tried to grow to a larger, more combative form, but the cuts grew alongside it, and it found itself pinned as panes of what looked like glass seemed to stab into its wounds.

The Glacial Mage and Glacial Spirit appeared both angry and terrified as Ezekiel immediately disabled them. Martin looked particularly upset, as Ezekiel was now holding Shine directly to his neck. A pale white glow emanated from the blade. Clearly ready to cut through his neck at a moment’s notice.

Ezekiel held a glare as he looked into Martin’s eyes. But he didn’t do anything. He just turned away after a few seconds, placing Shine in their sheath and turning away. He didn’t show it, but that short series of movements, and holding the barriers pinning Martin’s Spirit down, had used up a massive chunk of his and Shine’s combined mana.

“I don’t think we can be friends. But I also don’t think that’s a good enough reason to kill you.” Ezekiel walked back to where Fiana and George were staring at him in open mouthed shock. “I’ve had a tough month. Much more so than you. I’m going to go to sleep now. So please, stop bothering me.”

The three Scholars then walked off to where Ezekiel’s tent was. Fiana had suggested, while they were waiting for Ezekiel to be called before the Legendaries, that he move his tent to where they had placed theirs.

For now, all he wanted to do was get away from Martin and Nina. He was incredibly happy that they weren’t from Sanafalls. As dealing with them right now was something he didn’t want. Needless to say, he was not looking forward to tomorrow.

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