Tale of Eldramir

CH 107 (Book 2 Ch 45): Secrets Learned, Secrets Kept

Glancing around the area he once again found himself in, Ezekiel couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe as he gazed upon the starry Void filled with galaxies and nebulae. Big and Small, near and far, the cosmic landscape was a sight that he’d never have seen in his past life.

It was something he wished to see directly one day. Not just a projection like what he saw now. A desire to walk across the surface of stars. To gather up space dust within his hands. Perhaps even watch the formation of a planet from Beginning to end.

But as much as he loved the view and thought of possible futures, Ezekiel knew that he wasn’t here to daydream.

Before him, a figure made of stars drifted in the distance. As it came closer, Ezekiel noticed the stark differences between this one and the one he spoke to in Senera.

Unlike the generic humanoid figure that he spoke to before, this figure was distinctly female in shape. Its silhouette depicted curves that would be out of place on the standard male figure. The motes of light and specks of cosmic dust that swirled around it also depicted an elegantly flowing dress that would have been impossible to create without magic.

“Beautiful...” Ezekiel did not say that.

Sharply turning his head to the side, Ezekiel once again saw the pure white figure that he saw when he advanced to Step two of Tier two. Though he was uncertain before, now that he had heard the figure’s voice, Ezekiel knew for a fact that this sexless figure was his partner, Shine.

For a moment, the only thing he could pay attention to was the fact that Shine was smaller than he’d expected. They only came up to Ezekiel’s stomach in height. Slightly bigger than the half-sized figure he remembered from before, but not much.

“Shine...?” Ezekiel voiced, just to confirm.

The undefined humanoid light shifted to turn its attention to Ezekiel. Seeing him, they seemed to flinch back in surprise. But after a moment, the figure leaned forward, as if examining Ezekiel in closer detail. Ezekiel once again saw the small spiraling galaxies within the black sclera of the figure’s eyes.

“Ezekiel?” Shine asked.

“Yeah. How did--?” Ezekiel couldn’t finish his question as Shine threw themself at him like a rocket. He found himself held in Shine’s ethereal arms as they held onto him for dear life.

Suddenly, Ezekiel was assaulted with feelings of worry, guilt, loss, and fear, as well as hope, happiness, warmth, and comfort. Knowing that these emotions weren’t his own, Ezekiel returned Shine’s hug just as strongly. The Mage and Spirit stood there for a moment allowing themselves to enjoy their first time coming into contact with each other since their initial meeting three years ago.

“This is nice.” Shine said, basking in their first ever experience with physical contact.

Now it was Ezekiel’s turn to feel guilty. Knowing that Shine was missing out on so many things that a living being ought to have.

“I’ll find a way for you to do this in reality. Not just through a stone puppet either.” Ezekiel said.


The sound of a person awkwardly clearing their throat grabbed Ezekiel and Shine’s attention.

Turning to the Remnant of the Void that had requested their presence, the duo separated from each other, with Ezekiel instinctively moving in front of Shine in a protective manner.

“You’re the Remnant of the Void?” Ezekiel glanced up and down, admiring the figure in front of him, and agreeing with Shine’s previous assessment. The Remnant was indeed beautiful. “You’re not what I was expecting.”

The Remnant moved a hand in front of her mouth, giggling slightly in amusement.

“Indeed. My sibling in Senera was very different from myself. As are all my siblings.”

The Remnant’s voice was also distinctly feminine. Something that Ezekiel appreciated, as he was growing tired of the deep and cacophonous voice of the Forest Spirit and other deep booming voices of the powerful beings he had met so far.

“Why thank you. I put a lot of work into identifying myself with the female form.”

Ezekiel briefly froze at the Remnant’s words. He’d forgotten that thoughts were less private in this space. Especially in the face of a piece of what was essentially a god.

“... Why have you brought us here?” Ezekiel asked, knowing that he was being slightly rude, but also wanting to stay on track.

The Remnant’s face twisted into a melancholic smile. Her gaze turned to focus on Shine, who looked on curiously. Neither they nor Ezekiel were worried by the Remnant, but there was still confusion.

Me?” Shine asked. “Why did you want to see me?”

“Besides wishing to thank you both for what you’ve done regarding the Cruor, I wanted to see you both. Ezekiel, to witness his progress for myself, and perhaps clarify a few things. You, to see my newest sibling for the first time. I figured we could have a conversation, before you both had to leave to return to your home on Sanafalls.”

“Newest Sibling?” Ezekiel and Shine both asked.

“Indeed.” The Remnant said. “You wouldn’t know this, little Shine, but it could be said that all the Remnants of the Void are Void Spirits, although not really.”

“How so? How can you be Spirits, but not Spirits?” Shine asked.

The Remnant smiled sadly, the spiraling stars that made her eyes seemed to stare into nothingness, as if remembering a time long ago.

“My siblings and I are all pieces of the Ancient Void. We were brought into being and bound to our Temples. In a way, we are bonded to our Temple cores. Much like you are to your Mage.” The Remnant gestured to Ezekiel. “But unlike true Spirits, I will never grow in strength. I will never see beyond the Temple that is my home. I will never see the stars as they truly are, as opposed to the simulation created by the Void that was created by the Cosmos millennia ago.”

“Is that why your behavior is so different from the Remnant of Senera?” Ezekiel chimed in. “Because you’re made from a different piece of the Ancient Void.”

The Remnant smiled again. This time it was much happier, almost proud of what Ezekiel had pointed out.

“Correct! Although, that is also to do with the fact that I have had company during my time in my Temple. While Senera’s Remnant... They had suffered for much longer than me.”

Ezekiel couldn’t help but feel confused. As far as he knew, the timespan between Senera’s fall and Morncrest’s fall couldn’t have been more than a few decades. Meaning that they both must’ve been without human occupants for centuries. How could Senera have suffered for longer?

“Time-Space isolation.” The Remnant answered Ezekiel’s unspoken question. “In truth, we cannot actually freeze time. That is beyond our power. Only the Ancient Void could do so, and even that was limited. Instead, we can slow time down to near-total stillness. But, in exchange for doing so, our own perception of time is set to the same ratio that we slowed it by. Only it is inverted.”

Ezekiel immediately understood what the Remnant was saying. He felt like he was going to be sick. It was only the nature of this realm that he and Shine were in that prevented it.

Even Shine was terrified by what the Remnant had said. Their own understanding of the Void allowed them to latch onto what Ezekiel figured out.

“When I entered... there was a corpse that was cold, but still relatively fresh.” Ezekiel recalled the body of the Grand Scholar of the Senera Temple of the Void.

It hadn’t looked particularly old. At worst it was somewhere around a few hours. Maybe a day. He had thought that the defenses that changed time and held things in stasis just didn’t freeze her right away. But it would make sense if that was simply the amount of time that the body had experienced if it was merely slowed down, rather than fully halted.

“That’s... I don’t... How was it still functioning!?” Ezekiel couldn’t help but exclaim.

The sheer scope of the length of time that the Senera Remnant had experienced was beyond what Ezekiel could even imagine at this point. The math was already beyond him as he tried to figure out the calculations but couldn’t.

“When you are locked in a void, unable to experience anything at all, even the light of the stars, you lose track of the passing of time. I have no doubt that my sibling didn’t even know how much time had passed when you released him from his self-made prison. I am fortunate enough to have the Forest Spirit here to defend me. Hopefully, I will never need to use the stasis myself.”

That calmed Ezekiel down, somewhat. But the thought of what the Senera Remnant had done to itself was still terrifying. Ezekiel turned to Shine, who looked up at him with a scared expression.

“You and I are never doing something like that.” Ezekiel stated. “Understood?”

“Yessir. Not trapping either of us in time bubbles.” Shine said in a determined tone. They didn’t want to even consider doing what the Senera Remnant had done.

“I’m glad to hear that.” The Remnant before them stated. “Though, you shouldn’t need to worry. The inversion was created to partially take off the strain that holding such a spell for long periods would undoubtedly invoke. A failsafe installed by the Ancient Void. Neither of you should experience such a thing if you don’t wish for it.”

Ezekiel and Shine both let out sighs of relief. But the mention of fail safes reminded Ezekiel of something.

“Wait... I need to know, was detonating the Senera Temple’s Core truly the only way to end things when I was there?” Ezekiel asked.

It was something that had been weighing on him since he’d gotten a chance to process everything that had happened. A part of him wondered if it was really impossible to recreate the time stasis. Another wondered why the Remnant couldn’t simply wait for the Mages and Hunters to kill off the Rot for it.

Hearing Ezekiel’s question, the Remnant grew sad once again.

“My sibling could not allow the chance that the Rot would corrupt it.” She said, “The fact of the matter is that the time stasis is our penultimate last resort. One that we can only activate and use once, due to the restrictions in maintaining it. A way to lock out the Cruor and hold them off until the time comes when someone, or something, might save us.”

“Corrupt you! How could you be corrupted by the Cruor?” Shine asked in shock.

Ezekiel figured that it would be something like this, but he hadn’t expected it to actually be possible. He just had it as a passing thought, as he knew that he was immune to the effects of Ichor, and it had seemed to him that it was because he was a Void user. Much like the Remnants of the Void were.

“Unfortunately, the immunity to the Void that your partner has is something that only humans have. While Void Spirits have an extreme resistance to the effects of Ichor, it can wear down on us. Given time, it will corrupt us. Especially if the Ichor comes from a higher Tiered Cruor. It’s why my sibling chose to blow up. Since it couldn’t risk the chance that a high Tiered Cruor would come to corrupt it once the knowledge of its existence got out.”

Shine fell silent in shock. The fact that they could be corrupted was something that they hadn't expected. They had been bathed in Ichor before, when Ezekiel and they had fought in the Desolate Territory. Yet they hadn’t felt any changes.

“How much Ichor would it take for me to feel something?” Shine asked with worry.

However, now it was the Remnant’s turn to look shocked. She inquired in confusion.

“Given your Tier, you should’ve felt something when you struck down the few Umbral Beasts that you faced in the Cruor’s territory. Even a beast of the same Tier would’ve been enough to feel something. Did you not feel a drain when you were fighting?”

Shine seemed confused as well. They hadn’t felt anything besides the drain from their spells. Nothing more, and they had been bathed in Ichor countless times during their month or so in the Cruor territory.

“I think I know what’s going on,” Ezekiel said. Shine and the Remnant both turned to him. “I think that, as Shine is bonded to me via our souls, the same immunity I have also applies to them. At least so long as neither of us willingly absorb Ichor in place of Mana.”

The Remnant grew contemplative as she went through what knowledge she held regarding the bonds between Spirits and Mages.

“That would make sense. As a Remnant of the Void, bonded to a place and core, rather than a person and soul, I would not have any of the shared advantages that bonded Spirits are known to have.”

Shine couldn’t help but feel incredibly relieved. Now they no longer had to worry about being corrupted and turned against Ezekiel.

“I’m sorry to ask this, but I need to know, are there any other Temples that have self-destructed?” Ezekiel asked. “I only ask because it wouldn’t be hard for the Cruor to get their hands on a Void Mage and use them to open the stasis locks that you all use as defenses.”

“...Unfortunately, there have been. At least three have been lost to self-destruction. Not including Senera.”

The Remnant held up her hands, a map of the world appearing between them. Nine distinct lights appeared on the map. Two were in places that Ezekiel immediately recognized.

“You are strong enough now, so I can tell you some secrets. Of the nine Remnants left behind, only myself, and my sibling in Quintessa are still active. Four are dead, now that Senera has self-destructed, and three are still in stasis within the Desolate Lands.”

Four of the lights on the map turned dark, while three dimmed slightly. Only two remained brightly lit. Ezekiel noticed that the lights that turned dark were the ones furthest into the Desolate Lands. He figured that the Cruor must’ve learned early on what the consequences of trying to corrupt a Temple’s core would’ve been.

“Why wasn’t I told this before?” Ezekiel asked.

“Because while the Cruor already knew of this, thanks to their foolish actions, it is not a feature that we are permitted to explain to our wardens and occupants. Ultimately, the only reason you were told of this is because you already knew that we could self-destruct, and you are at a high enough Tier to know some secrets that the Ancient Void left behind. Our exact locations being one of them.”

“Wait! How is the location of the Temples sealed information? Wouldn’t it have been publicly available before the Cruor started spreading the Desolate Land and taking over territories?” Ezekiel inquired.

“We were given strict instructions regarding a number of things, including what to do when the Cruor eventually made their appearance.”

“The Ancient Void knew that the Cruor would appear?! Then why didn’t it do anything to prevent the war from happening? Or prevent them from appearing at all?” Ezekiel couldn’t believe it.

He’d thought that the Ancient Void was a benevolent being that wanted what was best for humanity, but now he finds out that the Ancient Void allowed the Cruor to come into being.

“All that I can tell you is that the Ancient Void took every step it possibly could to ensure that humanity, Spirits, and life in general continued to exist on Eldramir. I cannot tell you why it allowed the Cruor to appear, or why steps weren’t taken to ensure they never existed. That information is something that you are not strong enough to protect.”

“Then how strong do I have to be?” Ezekiel was beginning to grow annoyed with the Remnant now.

“I can’t tell you.”

“Why not!?” Ezekiel was now yelling. Shine was starting to flinch away.

“Per the Ancient Void’s command, there is the worry that you will grow complacent or helpless if the hurdles you must face were to be put in front of you. Thus, the requirements will be made unknown, so that you will continue to grow for the sake of growing. As well as to test your character and determination.”

The Remnant’s voice had lost all of the emotions that she’d been displaying during their previous conversation. She could see that Ezekiel was growing frustrated, now that he knew that the Ancient Void was not as benevolent as he’d been led to believe.

Ezekiel’s figure heaved as he took in deep breaths, letting them out slowly. Even though he didn’t know if he was actually breathing in this strange realm, the act itself was somewhat soothing.

“Then what can you tell us?” Ezekiel said in a much calmer voice.

Shine perked up. They were also curious as to what the Remnant could tell them at this point in time. So far, the information they’d gleaned was great, but not immediately helpful.

“Unfortunately, nothing that is immediately relevant to you right now. However, it is something that I believe that you can use in the near future. Something that will be helpful to not only yourselves, but also to the ones you care about.”

While frustrated at the lack of immediately usable information, Ezekiel and Shine both leaned in when the Remnant said it would be helpful to more than just themselves.

“It has to do with Spirits and Mages, and how it is believed that Mages can only grow to Tier four if they have a bond with a Spirit. This is false. A Mage can indeed reach Tier four without a Spirit. Though it is something that can only be done with a comprehension of their element that is far greater than what most humans gain in their lifetimes.”

Ezekiel couldn’t help but feel elated at what the Remnant had just told him. This meant that all the Scholars he knew might have a chance at breaking through to the Legendary Tier. This could potentially change the face of the war with the Cruor forever.

“How can this be done?” Ezekiel asked. “What does a Mage’s comprehension of their element have to do with reaching Tier four?”

Instead of saying anything, the Remnant placed its hands on both Ezekiel and Shine’s heads.

Ezekiel found his mind being bombarded by information regarding the ways in which Spirits advanced in power. Not only did they grow stronger but aging, their souls growing with time and experience, but they also grew stronger through enlightenment.

By understanding the element in a more comprehensive manner, their control over their magic would grow, and eventually their mana itself would contain their essence. This would allow them to condense mana that was strong enough to break through to the Legendary Tier. As the quality of one's mana was just as important as the quantity.

Mages with bonded Spirits could break through since the doubled quantity could force a Mage’s fourth Chakra open. Which would then result in a forced transformation of the Mage’s mana into a more condensed form as the opened Chakra generated said Tier four mana.

Mages without a Spirit would need to increase the quality before they could break through, as it was impossible for them to get the quantity that a Hunter possessed.

How, exactly, this could be done was something that the Remnant didn’t know. This was simply information that the Ancient Void had left for it and the other Remnants when they were first created. Ezekiel would have to figure out the particulars by himself.

The Remnant then retracted her hands from Ezekiel and Shine. Both seemed to collapse onto a nonexistent floor as they floated in hunched over positions in the void.

“There is more to come, regarding the higher Tiers, when you are strong enough. For now, you will have to deal with this yourselves. Though I suggest you let your fellow Scholars know. They will gain the most from this. Perhaps even contributing to your progress in the future.”

“Why was this information restricted?” Ezekiel asked. “Couldn’t the Remnant at Senera have told me about this?”

“Even in the accelerated time he held you in for your conversation, their time was limited. As such, there was little that my sibling had time to tell you. Much was also simply not relevant to you at the time. This particular information was restricted until you reached Tier two so that you could begin preparing. As well as the fact that worrying about it at Tier one might have prevented you from reaching Tier two. It is a bit of a moot point, as you have a Spirit, and likely won’t need to worry about it for yourself.”

Ezekiel hated that she was making so much sense right now.

“Thank you.” Ezekiel mumbled. “Was there anything else you had for us?”

“Just this. Beware the Cult of Light. You already know this, but I must emphasize it for you. I cannot tell you more than this right now. But that should already tell you just how dangerous those monsters truly are.”

As far as Ezekiel was concerned, it really did. The fact that a piece of the Ancient Void was telling him to be wary of them, while also letting him know that it couldn’t say anything more, meant that the information was restricted. So, it meant that it was too dangerous for him to know more at his current Tier.

“Other than that, I’m glad to have met you, but it’ll be quite some time before you have access to any more meaningful information. You already know that you can’t be affected by Ichor unless you willingly take it in. You know a fair bit about the Cruor, and most of what you need to be concerned with right now.”

The Remnant seemed to pause to think for a moment. Tapping a finger on its chin as if in thought.

“You’re doing this for fun, aren’t you.” Ezekiel said. He refused to believe that such a powerful being, even restricted as it was, would have to take this long to think about the relevant information that he needed to know and had access to.

“You’re no fun. But I really don’t have more information for you. Although... I guess I can give you a bit of a cheat.”

The Remnant poked him in the forehead. Ezekiel immediately gained information regarding how the Temples of the Void exchanged information. He didn’t have all the blanks filled in. His understanding of the Void wasn’t that high yet. But he could see where he needed to go to further advance his Com-Slates.

“Thanks, again.” Ezekiel said. “I guess we should get going.”

Ezekiel turned to Shine, only to see that they had their eyes closed and seemed to be deep in thought. Ezekiel recognized it as something similar to when Shine was gaining enlightenment regarding their magic. But the last time this happened, they were staring into the stars. He couldn’t help but feel slightly concerned.

“Shine is simply processing some additional information that will help them out in the future. It’s not a secret or anything, but I figured that they could pass the information on once they’d processed it for themself.”

Ezekiel nodded in understanding, allowing his worry to fade as he conveyed his gratitude to the Remnant.

“I guess the two of you should be off then. I hope that this conversation helped you. Even as lacking as it was regarding secrets you can’t yet know.”

Ezekiel saw that the stars in the distance were starting to grow dim, as was the Remnant’s figure. There was a pulling sensation behind him as he felt like he was being taken away. It was very different from the portal he stepped through to leave when he was in Senera.

“One last thing. Do not bother returning here, or going to Quintessa, until you are much stronger. As much as I enjoyed this talk, I will not be pleased if you are wasting time, when you could be growing strong enough to fulfill the destiny that we dearly desire.”

With those parting words, Ezekiel found his vision fading to black. His feet met solid ground again, but before he could open his eyes, he fell limply to the side. Two arms reaching forward to catch him before he could hit the ground.

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