Tale of Eldramir

CH 228 (Book 6 Ch 3): Visitors

The moment Ezekiel revealed his success in creating the mana condensing chambers, there was an immediate outcry from the Church of Ten, who demanded that he provide the information and schematics necessary for them to make one on their own.

He denied them, of course, and stated that the resources used were payment for all the contributions he had made prior to this point. So, he needed to be further compensated before he would hand over anything else. Something that Wolken was willing to support him on.

Given the fact that Ezekiel was the only one with the information needed to create these chambers, while also having the support of one of the strongest Hunters in the world, there was little the Church could do besides agree to his demands.

This was after nearly a week of back-and-forth conversation, during which time, Ezekiel was the only one who had access to the mana chambers. Meaning that he soon had a large amount of mana crystals that he could sell and use as he wished.

Of course, the first thing he did was begin selling the crystals for favors, since he would be giving the chambers to Sanafalls, since it wasn’t like he could take the building sized formations with him.

Though, the other people that had found out about the chambers were becoming an issue. One that he was, even now, trying to avoid to the best of his abilities.

“Do you know what you’re doing?” Ezekiel was standing across from his sister. They were both inside the Obscure mana chamber. “While you might be strong enough, it’s only barely enough. I don’t want you pushing yourself too far if you think it’s too much. You can’t get your revenge if you’re dead or crippled, after all.”

He had originally been against allowing Wendy to use the mana chamber to make progress, but he knew that since it was an accelerated means of reaching Tier three, she would demand its use the moment she learned of it.

Attempts were made to delay her request, but the moment the arrangements with the Church were made, she immediately cornered him. Demands were made to be allowed to use it, and Ezekiel found himself taking the time to ensure that Wendy knew exactly what she was doing.

“I’m aware.” Wendy had calmed down somewhat after Ezekiel had agreed to let her use this chamber for her training. “If I feel any sort of pressure build up, I’ll immediately stop.”

Ezekiel gave her a disbelieving look. She hadn’t even been able to look him in the eye when she had said that. He knew that getting stronger was her all-encompassing goal right now. So, he couldn’t find it in himself to entirely trust her.

“You need to get better control over your emotions.” Ezekiel held out a specially made contract that he had commissioned from the Church of Ten previously. “Sign this, or I’m taking you out of here right now.”

Wendy recognized the contract as a Spirit Covenant. Her eyes widened in dismay as she looked like she was about to burst into tears. After she looked over the contract, she glared at Ezekiel before signing it and throwing it back at him.

From her shoulder, Kare, who had also read through the contract, looked conflicted. Ezekiel could tell that the young Spirit agreed with him, but also wanted to support Wendy in every way that she could.

“Can you go now!? I want to get started.” The shadows, dim as they were in the barely present light, shifted ever so slightly as she nearly lost her temper.

Ezekiel didn’t leave right away, instead, he pocketed the contract, and wrapped his sister up in a hug. She stiffened, and nearly lashed out before he spoke. “Be careful. Mom still hasn’t woken up yet, and I don’t want the first thing she sees when she does to be you lying in a hospital bed because you hurt yourself.”

Wendy’s glare lessened a bit as she hugged Ezekiel back. “I’ll be careful. Your contract has ensured it.”

The two parted, and he gave Wendy a smile before turning and leaving the chamber.

A moment after he stepped outside, the opening to it closed, and all was there was a smooth stone wall with black lines that seemed to absorb light.

Closing his eyes, Ezekiel spread his senses outward. He could just barely tell that Wendy was now meditating, and that the formation had fully activated.

Even now, he could see the motes of Obscure mana floating toward the chamber, or condensing out of the Void, as the specially made enchantments went to work.

‘She’ll be fine... You incorporated how many alarm and security formations into this property? No one will get in or out without you knowing about it.’ Shine gave Ezekiel a mental nudge. Then they reminded him of the fact that he had a meeting to get to. ‘Besides, you’ve got a few other things to worry about right now.’

Shine’s words helped reassure him that he could leave, and that Wendy would be safe. But the reminder of who he was going off to speak with lowered his mood once more. Just the thought of who he was going to have to speak to was enough to make his stomach churn, and his heart burn with anger. Stepping past the other chambers, he ignored the presence of the others that were using them.

Several Scholars had commissioned time within these chambers, as it was too difficult to gather up the necessary mana to breakthrough when working on your own. Hence the reason why Hunters were so much more common at the higher Tiers.

He expected that, by the end of the day, there would be several more Adepts, and possibly a few more Grand Scholars by the end of the week. Certainly, by the end of the month.

Though, that wasn’t his primary concern right now.

‘Fine. Let’s go talk to those rotten bastards and be done with it.’ Ezekiel stomped off toward the Cathedral, meeting up with Riley on the way. She had been waiting in a different part of the compound he had created to house the mana chambers on the property he owned.

Seeing the look on his face, she kept quiet. It was obvious to all who heard him when he had first gotten the news, that he wanted nothing to do with his waiting visitors. It wasn’t as bad now as compared to when the Scholars had first informed him of who was coming to visit, but Ezekiel could tell that Riley was perfectly aware of just how badly he expected this to go.

Thoughts of having to rebuild the Cathedral from scratch passed through his mind. But he quickly shook those ideas from his head. It wouldn’t be good to put himself into debt with the Church of Ten when he had just gotten them to agree to his demands.

There was too much at stake for him to allow himself to lose his temper and focus just because of a few rich bastards who didn’t comprehend the fact that the world didn’t revolve around the Empire.

As the two looked into the distance and saw the floating flags of the Empire’s Inquisition settled upon several carriages that carried the Empire’s messengers, a sense of foreboding and frustration for what was to come.

‘Over ten years, and those bastards are trying to mess up my life once again.’

Ezekiel had been so focused on the Cult of Light and the Kindled Family, that the Emperor’s Inquisition wasn’t something he had expected. An oversight that he was now regretting.


It hadn’t even been fifteen minutes and already, Ezekiel wanted to ram several people’s heads through a wall. The people in question were dressed in the new uniform of the Willowbrush Empire’s Inquisitorial forces. A fancy name for their not-so-secret Cult forces that were given permission to invade any village or town they wanted. So long as it was within the Empire’s borders.

Worse yet were the specific people that had been sent to try and acquire the schematics for the mana chambers for themselves. That, or acquire Ezekiel for as long as possible. To get what they needed, or get him to the Cult. Whichever one was easier for them.

“... and that is why the Empire insists on the return of its citizens. For the betterment of the world as a whole.” The man leading this group had just finished speaking, and Ezekiel realized that he had been so focused on not tearing his head off, that he hadn’t heard a single word being said.

“I’m sorry. The braying of an overweight ass distracted me. I didn’t hear a single word you just said.” Ezekiel declared, much to the amusement of the Scholars and Hunters in attendance. The ones not from the Empire, at least.

Behind the man who was speaking, and now blustering his way through Ezekiel’s insults, were a familiar green haired man, and blue haired woman. Grand Inquisitor Yeren, and newly promoted Grand Inquisitor Tasha. Both were glaring at him like he was a particularly filthy piece of excrement.

“How dare you! That our kind intentions would be rebuked in such a--”

“If I didn’t have something that the Empire wants, would you want me back?” Ezekiel interrupted the man once more. “Actually, I’ll make it easier for you. Will you apologize?”

Ezekiel raised an eyebrow at the speaker, and the dozen or so Legendaries, Guild members and Inquisitors alike, that were glaring at him. None of them spoke up to answer his question.

“That’s what I thought. Now, what, exactly, do I have to gain from going to the Empire?” Ezekiel turned his gaze over the enemy’s forces. “I have my family, most of it, right here. I have friends, respect, money, land, property, position, and power, right here. So, tell me, what do you have?”

The Empire’s Guild members shifted uneasily. They were only there to provide support for the Inquisitors, as a matter of mercenary-like contracts. But from what they were hearing, Ezekiel had it much better here than any of them did at home.

“You will get to live.” Yeren’s voice cut through the room like a knife. “As it is, you are already one of the Empire’s most wanted criminals. Now that we’ve confirmed your location, we will stop at nothing to make sure you die, and cannot exist as a threat to us anymore. These pitiful islands cannot protect you from the combined might of half the continent.”

The Hunters and Scholars of Sanafalls tensed. Their mana began to leak as they readied themselves for a fight. It had already been a few months, but Ezekiel could tell that they were all still hurting from the attack from the Kindled family.

If it wasn’t for the treaties that the Archipelago had with the Empire, there was no way that they would’ve welcomed them as they had. The Empire’s contract with the Kindled family was well known at this point, after all.

“You don’t have half the continent, and by the time I’m done with you, you won’t have any of it.” Ezekiel’s words were just as threatening as Yeren’s.

“How dare you!” Tash had risen from her chair, and the rest of the room followed. Except for Ezekiel, who remained in his seat, even as Riley lowered her spear in a defensive position around him.

“Oh, shut up! I agree to this little meeting because I was curious as to whether or not you would come crawling on your knees, begging for my forgiveness. Just so I could spit in your faces and make you see how little I care for any of you!” Ezekiel was yelling at this point. “But I can see that your new false Lord has blinded you to reality. Though that couldn’t have been too hard, given how you only had half a brain to work with.”

The room turned to Ezekiel in confusion at the mention of the Inquisitor’s new Lord. Even the Empire’s Guild members. But the Inquisitors' faces turned pale.

“Oh, you think I wouldn’t have noticed it? I can see the so-called blessing from the Radiant Lord filling your souls. You’ve got nearly a full Step’s worth of tainted mana flowing through you right now.” Yeren and Tasha began flexing their hands as their Spirits began making noises of discontent and distress toward Ezekiel. “Although, I guess that, given how pathetic you lot are, there’s no other way you could’ve possibly reached the peak of Legendary. Tell me, did selling your soul like the original Broodlords feel good or was it--”

“You shut your mouth! The Radiant Lord is no such monstrosity as the Broods! They are benevolent masters of Light and Truth! Who's brilliance has guided thousands to a better life!”

The room fell silent as Yeren and Tasha yelled in unison, alongside their fellow Inquisitors. It was eerie, seeing all of them say the exact same thing, at the exact same time. A dull golden glow in their eyes. One that shouldn’t have been there, given that none of the Inquisitors were of the Radiant element.

But as Ezekiel saw this, he just sighed in exasperation. With what he knew of the Cult of Light’s brainwashing and corruption, alongside the eerie similarities between their Radiant Lord’s [Will] and the [Will] within most Ichor, he had partially been expecting such an outburst.

“Your minds are so corrupted I’ll bet you don’t even have a single individual thought right now.”

With the change in the room’s atmosphere, as even the Empire’s Guild members were looking at the Inquisitors warily, Yeren and the others forcibly calmed themselves down.

“You are a fool for trying to act against our Lord. We have an army. This Island may have recovered for the most part, but there are over a hundred ships filled to the brim with Hunters and Mages that are prepared to level this city and chase you to the end of the ocean and back.”

“You what!” One of the Legendary Hunters from an allied Guild slammed his fists against the reinforced table. “How dare you so blatantly disregard the protocols for peaceful negotiation!”

Ezekiel just smiled, even as he felt the weight of his decision to go to war weigh down on him. This was because he sensed a familiar presence returning.

“An army, you say. You mean, a gathering of ships that ultimately breaks the agreements in place by the Empire with the various islands of the Archipelago?” Ezekiel smirked as the room grew heavy with mana pressure released by all within.

“Obviously.” Yeren’s scoff was almost comical.

‘The stupid bastard actually thinks he has the upper hand.’ Shine couldn’t help but laugh within Ezekiel’s mind as the presence of their newest ally grew closer.

Ezekiel’s smirk became a grin, and the Inquisitors shifted uneasily. Confusion and worry was beginning to settle in.

The door opened to the side. Everybody turned toward him, and the Empire Hunters all paled. One even fell backward, boneless, into their seat as they nearly passed out at the sight.

“Are you sure you have an army? Because we have a Mythic, and I know that yours can’t leave the Empire.” Wolken walked in. His weapon bloody and his Spirit grinning alongside him. It was obvious that they had just come from a fight. One where their opponents had badly lost.

“Sorry I’m late, Ezekiel. I had to take care of a bit of a pirate problem. It seems like a large number of ships were headed to Sanafalls. Enough to cause far more damage than that cowardly hit and run from the Kindled family.” Wolken hung up a loose jacket on an empty chair and took a seat. “Now, how go the talks?”

“We’re doing just fine. The Inquisitor here just confessed to an act of war. So, there will be no agreements. Nor will any of these fine people be returning to the Empire any time soon.” Ezekiel turned to Wolken, thinking back to the request he made to the man just a few hours ago, when they had first gotten word that Empire ships had landed at the city’s port.

“Well, that’s good. I’d hate to have thought I missed out on seeing them make fools of themselves for nothing. Even if those premonitions of yours are scarily accurate.” Wolken smiled as the Inquisitors began turning red from rage.

“Having a Mythic Being take action against the Empire is grounds for war! You will be seen as the aggressors of this conflict! It will be our right to retaliate in any way we wish, and the Empire will--”

Yeren’s rant was cut off by a strike to his throat. A crippling, if not lethal, wound for most Mages, but for a Life Hunter of his caliber, it wasn’t that bad. Though he did fall to his knees and begin coughing.

The other Inquisitors responded by flaring their mana and moving to attack. But Wolken just flattened them all with his own mana pressure and stopped the air they were trying to breathe from entering their lungs.

“If not for the fact that I’m happy to see this happening to you, I would almost be disappointed by this pathetic display.” Ezekiel slowly stood up, removing several mana shackles from his Void Pouch. “Well, let’s round them up. No point letting them sit around up here. There are better holding areas for people like this.”

Behind him, Riley and the other Hunters, Scholars, and Mages from Sanafalls took out their own mana shackles. As one the group moved forward, cuffing all the Inquisitors, and Guild Hunters, while also taking the subdued Spirits and placing them in specially made cages.

Usually, they would try to fight back to save their bonded partners, but since the Sanafalls forces weren’t trying to kill the Empire forces, there was no reason to fight back, and endanger their partners.

‘I feel like this was too easy.’ Shine muttered through their bond. ‘Like there was supposed to be a big fight scene, where the forces of the Empire were heroically fought off by the forces of Sanafalls.’

Ezekiel repressed a chuckle. ‘Well, when you’ve got a big stick like we have, and your enemy doesn’t, nor do they know you have it, there’s very few people that want to take such risky actions.’

‘Besides,’ Ezekiel sat back down after all the Imperials had been cuffed and taken away, ‘you can’t say that this wasn’t entertaining. Although, I’d be happier if I wasn’t still feeling very apprehensive about how the meeting went, myself.’’

Shaking himself off, Ezekiel tried to focus on the task at hand. Now that the Imperials had been removed, he could get back to arranging plans to make sure that things went smoothly when they eventually headed out to Morathi.

“Alright, everybody, time to start our actual meeting. Beginning with plans for ships and supplies. Have we managed to make contact with--”

The sound of shattered glass echoed through the room, and Ezekiel turned pale. The Artifact that he had made and tied to the alarm enchantments surrounding his mana chambers just shattered.

There was a ‘crack’ of air as he immediately [Jumped] past the window and began flying toward his home. His Spirit armor already donned, and Shine glowing brightly in his hand. Behind him, Wolken had broken through the window and was already caught up. But Ezekiel didn’t focus on this.

Someone had broken into his home. Where his sister was training alone.


For Wendy, she could only think of one time when she had felt this comfortable before. When she had first gone to the Spirit Haven and was brought deep into the darkness below the earth. Where she had first met Kare and had bonded together with her as Hunter and Spirit.

The only problem was that the feel of this room was somewhat stifling, while the natural formation that had been created in the Haven felt much more freeing. Like there was an endlessness to it that would never keep her restrained.

As she fell deeper and deeper into her meditation, she felt the mana around her flow into her with an ease that she hadn’t felt before. A difference that wasn’t present when she’d been in the Haven.

‘It’s like the mana wants me to gather it within myself...’ Wendy silently mused as she focused on the mana that was surrounding her.

Usually, she had to focus on drawing in the mana by forming the appropriate resonating images within her mind. But now, merely entering her meditative state was enough to begin gathering mana.

It was an obvious change, and she quickly lost track of time. The only thing that brought her back into focus was the fact that she felt a pressure building up within her. One that seemed to be mirrored in Kare. It was apparent that they had reached their limit. This was confirmed when the mark left by the Spirit Covenant began to itch.

“Dammit!” Wendy found herself coming back to awareness from her meditation. Kare quickly joined her. Also annoyed at having been forced to stop after what seemed like an incredibly short time. “And, of course, I didn’t bring and timepieces with me.”

However, as she inspected her mana, Wendy was shocked to find out that the reason she had been forced to stop wasn’t because her soul couldn’t handle it. Instead, she had already reached the peak of Tier two, and was ready to break through to Tier three.

Falling backward from her seated position, Wendy let out a delighted laugh as she realized that she was just a few more steps away from being an Adept. All she needed was to open her third Chakra, then Kare would be able to follow after her with ease.

“Let’s get started! We need to get as much out of these chambers as we can!” Taking a deep breath, she began entering her meditative state once more. Kare, eager to help, immediately began reaching across their bond with her soul.

But just as she was about to begin searching her Spirit Channels for her Chakra, the ground shook beneath her, and she banged her head on the ground. The sudden pain was enough to shock her back into wakefulness.

“What the hells!” Scrambling to her feet, Wendy turned toward the door to the chamber fearfully.

That wasn’t something that was supposed to happen. Ezekiel had explained that the defenses around the property, the mana chambers in particular, were heavily reinforced, guarded, and secured. Only a large number of Legendaries combining their power would be able to do anything to the compound he had made. Yet, apparently, the entire building had just been shaken.

Kare nipped lightly at Wendy’s hair as she took to the air and alighted on her partner’s shoulder.

“I don’t know, Kare, but something isn’t right.” Stepping forward, she approached the door to the chamber. She was just about to open it to step outside, when an incredibly heavy pressure, one that she only remembered once, from the monsters that had attacked the Spirit Haven, and Invera, who had helped her family. “Something is very, very wrong!”

Throwing herself backward, the ground shook again, and this time, she knew that the compound was under attack.

By whom, she did not know.


It took barely a minute before Ezekiel and Wolken arrived above the Void Hunter’s compound. Yet, the moment they did, Ezekiel’s blood ran cold. He had expected a number of Inquisitors, maybe a few Guildsmen from the Empire. Forces that had landed at the port of a different city on the island and had slowly made their way here.

He hadn’t expected three of the Cult of Light’s Radiant monstrosities to be knocking through his defenses like they were paper. Those enchantments had been added to by Wolken, who had enough knowledge to make them strong enough to defend against his own power at least three times.

“Well, that’s not good.” The Mythic Hunter muttered beneath his breath. “I can likely take on two of the mindless beasts, but three is a bit much. I don’t suppose you have a plan for this.”

Though he sounded relaxed, Ezekiel could tell that Wolken was worried. This wasn’t something they had expected. They had thought the Cult of Light intended to use their mutative blessings more conservatively. But it seemed like the Empire had different intentions.

“Seems like there’s more coming. Though I don’t think they got whatever it is that made these things.” The abominations had almost finished tearing through the enchantments around Ezekiel’s property. “You and the others will need to hold them off while I try to deal with the three beasts.”

Ezekiel didn’t have any time to reply before Wolken raced forward, tackling one of the pseudo-Mythic creatures off to the side, and sending a blast of air to blow the other two away.

They only flew a few hundred feet, and quickly recovered, but it gave a chance for the barriers to reform around his home.

‘It looks like you’re getting your epic battle after all.’ Ezekiel mentally growled while Shine winced with regret and apology. ‘We’ll need to get a message sent to the Cathedral. They need to make sure that none of the Inquisitors have the Cult’s blessings.’

Behind him, Ezekiel could sense the presence of the various Hunters and Scholars that had followed after him to help. They were still a few minutes out, but he could get started. He had a bunch of new toys to try out, after all.

Reaching into his Void Pouch, he pulled out several newly made Artifacts. Ones that he hadn’t field tested yet but had appeared to be perfectly functional when tested.

Arming himself appropriately, he flew forward, ignoring the changes to the landscape that were getting further and further away. Even as forces from the city began to flood the area.

The Hunters of Sanafalls were enraged at yet another attack on their home.

This time, however, they were prepared, and so was Ezekiel.

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