Tale of Eldramir

CH 239 (Book 6 Ch 14) Bad Impressions

Wendy hadn’t thought much of it when she noticed the bandits not far from her patrol group’s route. Given the explanation from the other Hunters, she figured that this was basically what they should’ve expected.

‘Keep focused. We can’t afford to be distracted, even now.’ Kare’s calm and soothing voice filled her mind, and the anxiety she hadn’t noticed she was feeling was relieved. If only for the moment.

‘Thank you, Kare. That helps a lot.’ Wendy allowed her gratefulness to flow through their bond.

She could feel the silent laughter emanating from her Spirit’s soul. It took everything she had to not pout at the sensation.

‘It is good to see you relaxing once more. I was afraid that you would end up being consumed by the darkness inside you.’

After hearing Kare’s words, Wendy’s thoughts went back to the battle, and the fear that she had felt when the fighting had stopped. She had done her best to ensure that her true feelings were hidden, but she had a feeling that her brother and Riley still knew.

The fact that they hadn’t brought it up, but instead simply remained nearby for comfort was something she was incredibly grateful of. Even more so when they gave her as many opportunities as possible to feel useful.

‘Stop that.’ Kare’s chiding voice, and the mental slap upside her head snapped Wendy out of her downward spiraling thoughts. ‘We’re here.’

Wendy shook herself to clear her mind. She took a look around and realized that the others in her party were slowing down. It seemed like they were being far more cautious. Even though they greatly outnumbered the group that they were approaching.

She felt a sudden shift in the air. It was subtle, and if it wasn’t for Ezekiel’s training to enhance her senses, she wouldn’t have noticed the subtle use of Tempest and Radiant mana to conceal their group. Both vocally and visually.

“How is it?” The captain asked. “I’m assuming that there are no current changes, but can you see anything different this time? Hidden markings or iconography?”

Wendy tried to extend her senses, but a wave from the captain stopped her.

Instead, the Tempest Hunter shook his head. “I didn’t notice anything. But I think they have something for sensing. I sent Ronin to scout as if he was a Wild Spirit, and they nearly caught him once they got a little bit closer than we are right now. But I can confirm that they’re still moving in a manner that seems to be circling our temporary camp.”

The captain grunted in acknowledgement, and Wendy wondered what that was supposed to mean. A moment later, it seemed like the captain had come to a conclusion.

“We'll need to just confront them. There’s no point in keeping hidden with our difference in numbers. But no threatening movements. While it’s highly likely that these people are bandits, there’s no point in antagonizing them when they might not be. Understood?”

“Yes, Captain!?” The patrol group, including Wendy, replied in unison.

The captain nodded in approval, and the group made their way forward. Kare and the wood sparrow took to the sky once more. They would keep an eye on the three targets until their group finally confronted them.

“They’ve stopped moving. It looks like they noticed our scouts.” The Life Hunter whose Spirit was flying with Kare gave warning. Wendy made a noise of agreement, confirming the man’s observation.

“Well, we might as well say hello.” The captain strode forward, with the rest of the patrol group coming to. “Not all of you. Wendy, you’re with me, but half our group will stay back. Just in case things go poorly. No reason to let them know our full numbers.”

Wendy nodded and jogged to reach the front of the group, but just to be safe, she kept a thin strand of her shadow connected to the other group. It would take focus to ensure that the strand of shadow remained extended. But her recent experiences, and Ezekiel’s lessons on vigilance were telling her that this was the right choice.

A few more seconds passed as half the group walked forward and entered into plain sight. The group of three they’d been tracking stood patiently, waiting for their patrol team to arrive.

“Greetings... I don’t suppose you’d be willing to introduce yourselves?” The captain asked once their group was in the open.

The three Mages didn’t say anything at first. Instead, they observed in silence for a time.

Just as the captain was about to give an order, their leader, a woman with gray hair, finally spoke.

“You are here to provide aid in the battle against the Kindled family, correct?” The apparent leader of the trio asked. “If so, then I must say that you are less impressive than we had expected.”

Wendy bristled at the woman’s dismissive tone. She idly noticed that the others seemed to feel the same. At least, that’s what she inferred from their newly formed glares.

“You’re quite the rude one. Who’s faction are you a part of, and why are you here? The envoy from the Alliance has already arrived at our camp, accompanied by Scholars from the Church of Ten.” The captain took control of the conversation, indirectly accusing the three Mages of being where they didn’t belong. “Speak up, or we shall take your presence here to one with hostile intentions. If that happens, you will be restrained, and brought back to our camp for interrogation.”

Wendy could feel the pressure emanating from the captain. But instead of looking scared or worried, the trio just smiled. As if three mid-Step Adepts had nothing to fear from a mid-Step Legend.

Then, she felt the strand she had extended to the other half of their group get severed. The force of the magic that did it wasn’t any less than the magic emanating from the captain.

“Ambush!” She screamed an instant later, and the captain shot several icicles the size of her torso at the trio of Mages, while also donning her Spirit Armor.

But a wall of shadows sprung up between the two groups. Alongside five figures cloaked in total darkness. Two of which were of at least equal power to the captain.

The unconscious bodies of the other half of their party were dragged out of the shadows a moment later. The captain and the rest of the patrol team tensed, since it was apparent that their enemies now had hostages.

“Now, now... no need to be so aggressive. We just came here to see if you were worth having around to support us. There’s no reason to have a bunch of weaklings that can’t fight take part in this war, after all.” One of the Legendary Obscure Hunters spoke with a voice that oozed arrogance and disdain.

He grabbed the golden hair of the patrol team’s Radiant Hunter and lifted him into the air, holding him there as he addressed the still conscious Hunters. “The fact that such lesser elements are given positions of power is already a mark against you. But to see one with the noblest of elements working with the most worthless is just disgraceful. Where is your pride, girl?”

Wendy pointed to herself in confusion. Somewhat shocked at being addressed. When the man nodded, she grew angry, as the obvious discrimination, and suggestion that she be the same, disgusted her.

“My father is a Radiant Hunter. One with far more grace and nobility than you.” She spat to the side to show just how little she cared for this man.

The Legendary Obscure Hunter sneered in disgust, while the other Legendary sighed in exasperation. A heavy pressure, much greater than the one that the patrol team’s captain had released, filled the area, and Wendy immediately grew concerned.

“Enough talking. If you won’t see the proper way of your betters, then we’ll just have to take you away so that you can be properly educated. You and all the other untrained and unworthy--”

Just as the rude Hunter was about to finish talking, there was a ‘pop’ of displaced air, and three more Hunters filled the area.

Upon seeing the familiar opalescent blade, and quickly forming opalescent armor, Wendy felt her worries fade away.


The moment Ezekiel reappeared; he knew that things were not as bad as Shine’s sudden outburst had implied. So, he looked around at the standoff happening between the still conscious members of the patrol team, and the apparent Legendaries they were facing.

Behind him, he could hear Wolken grunting in discomfort as he regained his balance. As was Riley, but she seemed to shake it off much more quickly. Her Spirit armor was donned in moments, while it took Wolken a second longer.

“Who the hell are you?” The Obscure Hunter in the front demanded after a moment of shock.

Ezekiel ignored him, and instead turned to the other Hunter, the one who was a single Step stronger than the one who had spoken. He was surprised to see that she was apparently deferring to the other, but realized, from the hidden emblem woven into their cloaks, that they were members of the same clan. A clan whose emblem he recognized.

‘She must be from a branch family. The loudmouth must be from the main family.’ Shine’s observation was the same as his own. ‘How should we deal with this?’

Before he could reply, Ezekiel released a pulse of [Nothingness] to disperse the shadows that were creeping toward them.

“Exalt Wolken, how should we deal with this?” He called out for the whole group to hear.

The loudmouth turned pale, but didn’t do anything to drop his hostage, while the other one was frantically tapping an Artifact that was attached to her wrist. It appeared that they knew just how much trouble they were now in.

There was nothing they could do, however, as Wolken chose that moment to throw up a dome of wind that ripped up the ground around them. Nothing was getting in, or out, of the area. Not without the Exalt’s permission.

“Shroud family?” Wolken was calm, but Ezekiel detected a hint of frustration in his voice.

The loudmouthed Hunter seemed to puff up for a moment before replying.

“That’s right-” He fell silent as he lost the ability to breathe.

“I see... Why the hell are you assaulting my guild members?” Wolken growled as he released his mana. The pressure made the man drop to his knees, as did the rest of the Shroud family Hunters. “We come here to provide aid for the Morathi Alliance, but we are continually greeted by arrogant nobodies that think they matter. Worse yet, you assault our Hunters and take them hostage.”

Ezekiel could tell that Wolken was far angrier than he appeared. Both of them had been insulted greatly by the Marathi Mages they had met so far. It seemed that seeing guild members that were affiliated with him being threatened by their supposed allies was a step too far for him.

“Forgive us, Exalt. The young master was just overzealous in protecting our home. To see such a grand force landing so close to our family’s direct borders made him worried. He acted out of foolishness and fear. Not spite.” The female Legendary spoke in her partner’s place, seeing as he was still struggling to breathe.

For a moment, it looked like Wolken was about to relent. Then Wendy spoke up, and Ezekiel’s eyes went red.

“That’s a lie! He was talking about kidnapping me and teaching me a lesson! Teaching all of us a lesson on who our supposed betters are!”

From how the other Legendary Hunter grimaced in despair, Ezekiel could tell his sister was telling the truth. A bloodthirsty snarl burst from his throat as his grip on Shine tightened. It was only the sudden wind that gripped his shoulders that prevented him from rushing forward. The frustration from before, mixed with the thought of his family being harmed, or brainwashed, was enough to make him snap.

“Settle down.” Wolken’s voice rolled over Ezekiel, and he could feel each syllable hit him like a punch to the gut. The sensation was sickening, but it made him lose his focus and he found himself struggling not to throw up, rather than trying to break free. “We’re about to have more company.”

A large impact burst open the wind wall that Wolken had thrown up, and half a dozen more Legendaries, of varying elements, dashed in through the opening.

Upon sensing Wolken’s mana, they came to a halt just a dozen or so feet from the group. All of them were nervous, but a couple were looking at the downed Obscure Legend with concern.

“Lord Exalt.” One of them bowed in greeting. “We had not realized that you had already made landfall. Did our envoy not relay the changes to your welcome?”

At the mention of the envoy, Riley, Ezekiel, and Wolken, all sneered in disgust.

“Your envoy did nothing but kiss my ass and insult my vice Guild Leader.” Wolken waved at Ezekiel. “Little to nothing was actually discussed, and he made several implications regarding his ability to speak for the Shroud family. Who has also expressed an interest in kidnapping and forcing my guild members and guild affiliates into their service.”

This time he pointed at the downed Obscure Hunter.

The six new arrivals all turned to look at the sole Obscure Hunter in their group. He just flinched and bowed his head.

Ezekiel noticed that he was in the upper Steps of Legendary.

“Brother!” The restrained Legendary cried out. His voice was a raspy gasp as he could still barely breath. “Don’t... believe... them...”

The man continued to glare at Ezekiel and Wolken, even as he begged his apparent brother to take his side. But his brother didn’t do anything but turn to the female Obscure Legend.

“Report. Tell nothing but the truth. This order will supersede any that my brother might have given you. In accordance with the service contract you are bound by, in my authority as heir to the Shroud family, I declare my words to be my oath. Speak up!” The heir of the Shroud family frowned as he invoked the contract the other Obscure Legend was under. A glowing band of light surrounded her wrist.

The fact that his restrained brother started struggling even harder made Ezekiel smile. Even as the newly arrived group collectively frowned.

They listened in silence as the female Obscure Legend told her tale. This time revealing all of her partner’s dirty secrets. It wasn’t long before the tale was told, and Ezekiel could tell that he wasn’t the only one that was feeling disgusted.

It was during this explanation that Wolken also lowered his Tempest barrier. Something that no one bothered to take advantage of, since it seemed that cooler heads were now prevailing.

“Can we please kill this man?” Ezekiel couldn’t help but ask. “The fact that he came here behind everyone else's back is bad enough. But the fact that he wanted to kidnap all the Obscure Mages we brought with us, just to expand his numbers, and worse, to take my sister, specifically, makes me really want to kill him.”

As if only noticing him for the first time, the group of six Legendaries seemed to spit-take at Ezekiel’s words. They all gave him a better look, with the apparent heir to the Shroud family giving him an intense gaze.

Given that they were cousins, this wasn’t too much of a surprise. Though, the bound Hunter on the ground tried to spit at him. Much to everyone else’s disgust.

“... Do what you will. This bastard has threatened the sanctity of the agreements the Morathi Alliance has put into place for the last time. As one with the blood of the Shroud family’s direct line, you may do as you see fit. Though, we would ask that he, and his Spirit, be left alive.” The Shroud family heir declared. “We need cannon fodder for the front lines, after all.”

Ezekiel ignored the mention of his bloodline, and the man’s brother just paled from his place on the ground, and the shadows around him started writhing. But he didn’t get far with whatever he was going to do, as Ezekiel knocked him out with a kick to the head while Wolken pinned him down.

A moment later, he did the same thing to the snake Spirit that formed from the unconscious man’s Spirit Armor. “We’ll be keeping them in our camp for now.”

Ezekiel grabbed a couple of mana restraining manacles he had made during his free time on Sanafalls. Clasping them on the downed Hunter and Spirit, he gave them to the Glacial Hunter patrol captain before turning to the rest of the group.

“I have to say... when my mother told me that members of her family helped her to escape with my father, I wasn’t expecting this to be what I was greeted with when I arrived.” Ezekiel dismissively waved at the unconscious Obscure Hunter. “What’s your name?”

“Samuel Shroud. Heir to the Shroud family. That is Morlot Shroud. My younger, dumber brother, and supposed leader of this welcoming force that would bring you to me and my fellows once you met up. Though, apparently the welcome we had planned was ruined by the envoy we sent. To say nothing of my brother’s actions.” Samuel bowed his head in shame at the trouble his people had been causing. “Given the circumstances, will you be staying here, or would you like to accompany us to the city directly, where we can attempt to make it up to you?”

Ezekiel could tell that the man was genuinely trying to make up for this blunder, but obviously had no idea what it was like to work with a Guild.

“... I thank you for the offer in the Spirit it was given, but my obligations to the Prime Guild, and the people I am leading, prevents me from leaving with you at this time. I, and the rest of our army, will meet you at the city that we previously arranged to meet up at tomorrow.”

His words had mixed reactions, with Wolken and Riley looking happy and proud, while Samuel and his fellow Morathi Legendaries looked confused, but not outraged like he had expected.

“If that is your choice, then so be it. We shall meet tomorrow and finalize the plans for your transport to the areas most in need of support. Until then.” Samuel bowed again before leaving with his fellows. Including the team that had assaulted Ezekiel’s patrol team.

As he watched the Morathi Legendaries leave, he heard the Adepts from their group fall on their asses. Clearly not accustomed to such intense standoffs between Legends.

“Are you alright, sis?” Ezekiel turned to address Wendy. He was happy to see that, of the ones that had fallen, she had at least managed to stay upright as she leaned on her spear.

“... I don’t think I like our family...” She said with several heavy breaths. “They’re assholes.”

Ezekiel let out a snort of laughter as everyone fell into a round of chuckles.

But at the back of his mind, he knew that this wouldn’t be the end of the troubles that would come with working with the Morathi Alliance.


The mood was quiet and somber as Ezekiel, Riley, and Wendy stood across from Wolken inside his tent. Originally, it was just going to be Ezekiel and Riley, but Wendy had insisted, since she was related to the problem as well.

“This does not bode well for our continued place here in Morathi.” Wolken was referring to the back-to-back incidents regarding their treatment. “I had honestly thought that they would be appreciative of our assistance. Yet all that has happened is continued scorn and dismissal.”

Ezekiel could tell that Wolken wasn’t used to this. Being one of the few Mythic Hunters in the world meant that he had a great deal of respect aimed at him, for the most part.

The Cult was the exception, as per usual.

“At least we know what to expect, and where most of them stand.” Riley was petting Celia as the little dragon nestled in her lap. “This way, we can be prepared for any treachery that is likely to pop up. The fact that the Shroud family has been fighting for supremacy of Morathi isn’t unknown. Same as the Flurent and Kindled families. It’s just that the former two held to their beliefs of no outside interference.”

“Until we got here.” Ezekiel clasped his hands together in thought. “I have no doubt that some of the clans in the Alliance are less than happy with our arrival. Despite whatever pretenses they have made before this. The fact that the one who rallied the Church to join hands with the Guilds is of the Kindled bloodline probably makes their skin crawl.”

Left unsaid was the fact that the Guilds of the Empire were also fighting against them. Though, these Guilds were not called such anymore. They were called Orders, by the nobles of the Empire. With far stricter contracts than what was used by the Guilds that were true to the pacts enforced by the original Primes Guild, centuries ago.

“... At least no one’s gotten hurt so far, right?” Wendy didn’t sound sure of herself, but she refused to leave. Ezekiel could tell that, if asked to depart, she would fight tooth and nail to stay.

“No one but the annoyances that screwed up.” Wolken snorted before sighing. “Enough sitting around. I want to deal with that little bastard now. But I’ll leave it to you to-”

“Sir!” A Hunter with the Prime Guild’s symbol rushed into the tent. “The prisoners are gone!”

“What!?” Wolken looked flabbergasted for a moment. “How is that possible? I thought they were shackled and secured?”

The Hunter took a moment to catch his breath. “They were, sir, but it’s apparent that someone managed to break in and free them. None of the Hunters in the fleet were involved, nor are there any missing. But there’s evidence of different elements being used to break in and break out.”

“... Is the Envoy gone as well?” Ezekiel had closed his eyes and seemed to be trying to touch something.

“Ah! Yes, vice leader.”

Wolken and Riley looked at Ezekiel.

“Did we ever confirm that there was only supposed to be one envoy from the Alliance?” He asked without opening his eyes. “It’s just a guess on my part, but I doubt that any others could have remained hidden with the disgraced Shroud family’s Hunter. Samuel wouldn’t allow that. So, it makes sense for the Envoy to be the one with the back up.”

He fell silent as he continued to reach for something.

“What are you doing?” Riley finally asked after seeing Ezekiel try to grab something that wasn’t there for the third time.

“The stupid bastards took my mana restraining manacles with them. I should be able to sense where they are, and [Jump] to their position, but they must be [Shadow Traveling] because it’s as if they’re not really there.” Ezekiel reached once more for something no one else could see. “Locking onto it is like trying to grab air without being a Tempest Mage.”

“Do you think you can take them if you can grab them?” Wolken asked. “Depending on how far away they are, I’m not sure we’ll be able to help you take them in. Your Jumps can only carry others a limited distance, right?”

Ezekiel grunted in confirmation. In truth, it had been incredibly taxing to carry Riley and Wolken as far as he had earlier that day. To [Jump] as far as he was currently sensing, with passengers, would leave him out of the fight, and be debilitating enough to the others that they would be open to attacks for at least a couple of minutes.

“I think I’ve found them.” Ezekiel held out his hand, moving it back and forth as if tracing a line in the air. Every part of him, and Shine, was focused on keeping that connection steady. “But they’re quickly going beyond what my senses are saying I can reach. Even if I go on my own. I’ll need to [Sling] myself as well. They’re out of my usual [Jump] range.”

“We can’t let them get away. A son of the mainline Shroud family would have enough sway to paint us as the bad guys if he manages to get home before his brother does. Go. Send us a signal so we know where to head.” Wolken gave his command while getting ready to head out. It would take a couple of minutes at most for him to catch up.

Ezekiel removed a circular stone that broke into two pieces. One was given to Riley, while the other was placed in his pocket. “Use that to track me. I’ll go hold them back for as long as I can. Maybe even take them down, if I’m not outnumbered by Legendaries.”

A ‘crack’ of air later and Ezekiel disappeared.

A second after that, Riley started freaking out since Wendy was gone as well.


The [Jump] didn’t feel like a normal one. He had only used enough mana to get himself far enough to be just ahead of the group that was running away. But he felt heavy. Like there was something holding him back.

What usually felt like an instantaneous, or in this case incredibly rapid, movement felt much slower, and he found his spell seemingly falling apart around him.

‘Barrier! Cast a barrier now!’ Ezekiel screamed as Shine as he felt his body experience the enhanced pressure of the air push past his body before coming to an abrupt halt after reaching his intended destination. With a great deal less mana than he minted to have right now.

The next thing he knew, something burst from his shadow as he fell several feet to the ground.

“Oof!” He couldn’t help but let out a grunt as whatever had appeared with him landed on his torso. “Wendy!? What the hell did you do?”

His sister was too disoriented to speak, and he barely had time to move her out of the way before she threw up on him. Instead, she hurled onto the ground beside him. Kare was laid out and seemed to be spasming next to her.

He spread his senses outward in a panic, looking for any sign of injury on his sister that he could find. But it seemed that there were no physical injuries to be seen. From what his passive scan could tell, there were no injuries to her soul either. Thought it did seem to be quite strained.

‘Be alert! We don’t know how far out they are!’ Shine’s warning came in the nick of time.

A large shadow filled the area, and Ezekiel threw up another barrier. This time infused with [Nothingness] so that the mana letting the shadow move wouldn’t be able to cross it. Thereby dispersing the spell if they got too close.

Unfortunately, with the mana expenditure being what it had been, Ezekiel wasn’t as confident in his odds of fighting Morlot. Not when he also had to protect his sister.

“Well, well, well. It seems like the little brat that doesn’t know her place is going to pay for her indiscretions after all.” The scum of the Shroud family declared. “How fun. I get to defeat this mongrel while I’m at it. This day just keeps getting better and better.”

Ezekiel narrowed his eyes at the man’s insulting words. “I would’ve never thought that a guy like you would know what a word like that means. Though, I guess you need to know what exactly it is you see when you look in the mirror.”

Four figures stepped out of the shadow. Morlot, garbed in his Spirit Armor, the envoy, and two others. One of which was another Obscure Hunter. The other was a Life Hunter with a small flower resting on her shoulder. Neither of these two wore any emblems to identify themselves.

Ezekiel looked around nervously. It would be at least a couple of minutes before Wolken got there. He needed to keep them here, while also keeping his sister safe, and not get killed in the process.

“...Ezekiel...” His sister whispered from where she was laying on the ground. “I can fight...”

She pushed herself into an upright position, and her body seemed to become covered in darkness as Kare sank into her shadow. It wasn’t a proper form of Spirit Armor, but it was certainly more than any other Adept that Ezekiel had ever seen do.

“How do you know that spell!?” Morlot screamed in outrage. “That spell is unique to the Shroud family! Noone but our illustrious bloodline can wield it!”

‘Just a little bit longer. We just need to distract them for a little bit longer!’ Shine chanted in the back of Ezekiel’s head, but it looked like the other group wasn’t going to wait around any longer.

“My lord, we need to go. There is no doubt in my mind that the Exalt will be here soon. We cannot afford to stay here any longer. Your mother must be told of your brother’s treachery, and the Prime Guild’s betrayal.” The Life Hunter said as he leaned in to speak to Morlot directly.

“... No... I will take this stain on my family’s honor down right here and now.” He drew his daggers and channeled shadows through them both. Ezekiel readied himself to fight. The envoy and the two other Adepts also prepared themselves. “Be honored that you are going to die at the hands of Morlot Shroud. The true heir to the Shroud family.”

Ezekiel ignored the title, and wished he could ignore the name of this worthless moron as well but knew that he needed to focus. He heard his sister shift behind him.

“Wendy... when you get a moment to do so, I need you to get on Kare, and fly away as fast as you can. The only one of them that can fly is this Morlot moron.” He could sense his sister tensing up but refused to let her get involved right now.”

“Enough! You’ve already put us in a bad position by tagging along unexpectedly. You need to--”

A wave of darkness filled Ezekiel’s vision as Morlot attacked. Ezekiel sent out a wave of [Nothingness] to disperse the spell and found himself locking blades with Morlot’s daggers.

“Enough talking. You die now!”

Beside him, Ezekiel could hear his sister ignoring his orders, and entering into combat with the enemy Adepts.

‘She’s just like you.’ Shine muttered in his head.

‘That is not a compliment.’ Ezekiel grumbled, knowing full well how stupid many of his past actions were. ‘She is in so much trouble when we get out of this.’

For the moment, however, he couldn’t spare a glance to see how Wendy was doing. Several shadows had crawled up his legs as were trying to crush or cut their way through his armor.

All he could do was wait for Wolken to arrive and do everything he could to hold on.

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