Tale of Eldramir

CH 241 (Book 6 Ch 16): Politics and Compensation

To say that Ezekiel had been unhappy to know that Wolken had pinned his sister under a mountain of compressed air was an understatement. He was actually quite furious, but knew that it was necessary, so all he did was focus on taking care of her.

Not once during the whole trip back to camp did he bother thinking about the dead envoy. As far as he cared, the man deserved his death.

“This will cause problems. You know that don’t you?”

Only Ezekiel heard Wolken’s voice. The Exalt’s control over the air made sure of it.

“Perhaps, but you can’t say that the envoy didn’t deserve it. Same with these shady bastards.” Ezekiel jostled the Shroud family member he was carrying.

He didn’t know this one’s name, as it was the Adept that had appeared in order to aid Morlot, who was being carried by Wolken.

“I’m more worried about the Life Hunter. Wendy said that she disappeared during her fight with this guy. I’m almost certain that that means she isn’t a part of the Shroud family. Maybe even a part of the Alliance at all.” A frown covered his face, but he kept his expression light so as to avoid alerting Wendy of his secret conversation.

“... You think she was a part of the Cult?”

“I don’t know. But Wendy said she called me Anathema. The cult are the ones that most often do that. Though, the Empire in its entirety has been doing that recently. Toward all Void Mages, regardless of whether or not they’re willing to work for the Empire.” Ezekiel’s words took on a grim tone as he thought of the Void users in the Empire.

While not slaughtered wholesale, rumors of labor camps where they were forced to make specially enchanted Artifacts, or access unique Relics so that the Cult and the Empire could utilize their unique properties.

He didn’t want to believe it, but he was almost certain that the Artifacts used by the now dead Lightning Hunter of the Cult were made using a strange fusion of Radiant and Void Magic. A bizarre mix of elements that showed just how hypocritical the Cult was with their beliefs.

“In a way, I hope that she really was a part of the Cult, or the Empire. That way, it means that the other options are far less likely to be a concern...” Ezekiel knew that Wolken was aware of what he was talking about.

Traitors in the Alliance, or worse, plants and spies that weren’t even aware of their true allegiance. After all, from what his father had told him when he was a child, the Kindled family was more than aware of the Radiant magic that could alter minds and memories.

“For now, we’ll work under the assumption that the Life Hunter was a Cultist. It will stop the Alliance from acting against us and allow us to put the blame on her. Though, your sister might have to pay reparations to whatever clan the Envoy came from.” Wolken’s tone implied that there would be no negotiation on this topic. But Ezekiel refused.

“I’ll pay it. I’m not handing my sister over to these bastards.” He nearly snarled as he made his intentions clear.

Beside him, Wendy flinched, much to his concern.

Wolken sighed in exasperation. “I don’t expect you to. She is one of ours, and she will not be taken away. But we’ll still have to make it look like she’s lost something, so she will have to pay. To us as well, since she nearly screwed up the entire operation.”

This time, Ezekiel got the message. He decided he would need to speak with his sister later. She would have to figure out what he could give her that would seem personal enough to be of significant value so as to look like a loss for her.

“We’ll deal with it.” He said with a shrug. The man he was carrying moaned in pain at the sudden action.

Wolken just nodded in acceptance, and the group finally walked into the range of their camp. The other Hunters from their fleet came forward, and Ezekiel passed on his prisoner to one of the other Hunters. “Here. Take him with the other one and lock them up. Full guard and get more manacles. I want at least three sets on both of them.”

The Hunters that took the prisoners away nodded, while the ones that took the body of the envoy looked confused. But Wolken decided to deal with that situation.

“Wendy!” Ezekiel called out before his sister could walk off.

Nervously, she and Kare turned their attention to him. Wendy was somewhat curled in on herself, while Kare looked defensive and protective of her partner.

“Come with me.” He flashed forward and grabbed the back of his sister’s collar. Kare made a noise of outrage, but couldn’t do anything as they disappeared with Ezekiel’s [Jump], leaving a confused gathering of Hunters in their wake.

When they turned to Wolken for an explanation, the Exalt just shook his head.

“Family drama.” Two words were all it took for the other Hunters to disperse and look for anything else to do.

They had no desire to get caught up in family drama involving the newest Vice-Leader, and one of the strongest Hunters, in the Prime Guild.


Ultimately, it wasn’t Ezekiel that ended up disciplining Wendy, though he did oversee her and Riley’s next sparring session. As well as the next dozen back-to-back fights where Wendy had to battle with peak Adepts of different elements to show just how lucky she had gotten. There were several Life Mages on standby to make sure that no one was seriously injured, of course.

She had ended up fighting for several hours, well into the night, without any rest, up until a little while ago. Something that was quite harsh for an Adept, as they couldn’t augment themselves the same way Legendaries could. So, sleep and sustenance were much more important.

“You’re looking bright and chipper this morning.” Ezekiel’s voice was flat as he watched as Wendy stumbled into a seat next to the campfire he and Riley were eating by. The two Legendary Hunters had gotten the same amount of rest as Wendy, but considering their Tier, they could have gone for much longer without it. “Good sleep?”

His sister just gave him a halfhearted glare. She was too tired to give it any heat, however, and Kare was being cradled in her arms as she flopped into a chair.

The owl jackknifed up to a ready position on Wendy’s lap, but her eyes were still closed, and she tumbled onto the ground next to Wendy’s chair. Fortunately, as a bird Spirit, she was so light that there wasn’t much of an impact when she hit the ground.

“Why?” Wendy had only maybe an hour or two of sleep, so her voice still had that raggedy fry sound from just getting out of bed.

“You know why.” Ezekiel didn’t bother to look up from his food as he spoke. Instead, he floated over a plate of breakfast for his sister. “I hope you understand that I didn’t punish you because I like seeing you suffer. I did it because actions have consequences, and we’ll be suffering the consequences of your actions for quite a while.”

Wendy flinched and looked down at her plate that was now on her lap while slowly taking bites and trying to stay awake.

“As it is, you have your Relics? Because you’ll probably be handing them over to the clan of the envoy you killed.” This was something that the two had discussed the night before.

It wasn’t hard for Ezekiel to take a few Artifacts that he had created, as well as the odd Relic he had obtained over the years, or that the Church had given him, and let his sister use it to pay compensation. It wasn’t much of a loss for him, but he knew that it would be something valuable to the lesser clans in the Morathi Alliance.

The greater clans might want something as well. But considering the Shroud family owed them for the fact that two of their members attacked and tried to kill members of their fleet, it was likely that the Obscure magic family would provide aid to their new allies.

‘Ezekiel, your alert.’ Shine grabbed Ezekiel’s attention and directed it to the blinking artifact that was hanging off his belt. ‘It looks like the fleet’s moving out earlier than expected.’

“Alright. Looks like I need to get going. Politics and such.” He stood up and passed the remains of his food to the table off to the side. “Please watch her. I’ll call you if I can’t deal with things first.”

Wendy was so tired that she didn’t bother replying. Riley stood and gave him a hug and kiss.

“Don’t let them get too much from you. This is their fuck up, not ours.” She gave an angry sneer at the thought of forfeiting anything to the clans when they were the ones that were betrayed. “It’s already bad enough that we’re preparing Wendy to have to pay compensation.”

Ezekiel just nodded while giving her a grin. “No worries there. What’s valuable to them is not the same for us.”

With those final words, he disappeared with a silent [Jump].


It was midday when the assembled Guilds and assorted Mages and Scholars arrived at the outskirts of the city that they were going to be hosted by until they could move to the front lines.

Had it just been Legendaries that were gathering, they would’ve been able to make it there the day before. But given the number of support personnel and Adepts, it just wasn’t possible.

“Nervous?” Wolken asked, from the head of the army. He was currently riding on top of his Spirit, while Ezekiel was floating next to him.

Neither wore their Spirit Armor, and so they relied on their Spirits to carry them through the air in their own ways. Something that frustrated Ezekiel and Shine, but they understood that walking up to the city fully prepared for battle during a war wasn’t a good idea.

“Not so much nervous. More frustrated, and annoyed that I have to deal with this shit when I could be contemplating my new discoveries.” Ezekiel mumbled half-heartedly.

Given that Shine was the one that was directing them, he had been focused on doing what meditation he could. A part of his mind was, even now, focused on self-reflection and internal searching to figure out what his [Truth] was.

What might the magic that made him special and unique within the Mythic Tier be.

“I just feel like I’m so close to the key, to my specialty but it’s still just outside the reach of my fingers...” Ezekiel found himself falling out of his semi-meditative state as he was pulled back into the real world. “Perhaps I still don’t know enough about Void Magic to figure it out properly.”

Wolken just smirked in amusement. Ezekiel could tell that the older man found his struggle amusing. Even though they both knew that he was on a deadline at this point.

“Well, you know mine. The storm weighs down on his enemies. Air pressure and manipulating it to make constructs is my primary means of magic. Something that isn’t very common for Tempest magic.” Wolken solidified some air in his hand, forming a dagger that didn’t make sense to Ezekiel. “Your Spirit Ruler friend, Invera, is almost entirely defensive in her specialty. Which is also not common to her element. Perhaps you should think of what doesn’t make sense for your element, rather than what does.”

Ezekiel thought about Wolken’s words for a second but realized that he still had the same problem. He didn’t know what was and wasn’t common for his element. Just what he could do right now.

“Regardless, focus on the here and now. Cause it looks like they called in reinforcements of their own.” Wolken directed Ezekiel’s attention to the outskirts of the city. A much larger contingent of Shroud family members was gathered.

At the head was Samuel Shroud, who looked apologetic and worried, but beside him were two much older Hunters. A man and a woman. The latter of which seemed to be utterly seething as they got closer and closer.

‘It looks like we know who we will be speaking to about that disgraceful Shroud member.’ Shine subtly started preparing defensive spells that the others wouldn’t be able to detect. ‘Hopefully she doesn’t do anything stupid in this situation.’

Ezekiel didn’t say anything as he looked at the woman who was glaring at him so fiercely.

He honestly wasn’t certain what to think of the situation. Not a single ounce of his being thought that his actions were wrong. But to see a woman with a face just like his mother’s glaring at him with such hatred was painful.

He could just tell that this meeting would be a test of his patience.


While the majority of the Guild and Church members waited in a more well-furnished encampment outside the city, with the option to enter and pay for an inn if desired, Ezekiel and Wolken were sitting in a specially granted room at the ruling family’s personal estate.

However, since this ruling family was also the family of the envoy that Wendy had killed, things were less than welcoming when they had arrived. Even though it was apparent that the dead man’s family did not approve of his attitude and actions.

Which had led to the current argument taking place between Ezekiel and the clan head.

“Once more, Legend Ezekiel, I would like to apologize for the words said by our envoy. But my nephew’s actions were not enough to warrant his death at the hands of your Hunters.” The fact that the man speaking to Ezekiel was utterly stone faced as he spoke was impressive.

Though, Ezekiel wasn’t sure if he could tell whether it was due to emotional control, or utter lack of care for the man’s dead nephew. Either way, he didn’t like not being able to read his opponents like this.

‘It’s strange being on the other side of this. Isn’t it?’ Shine couldn’t help but tease as they felt Ezekiel’s discomfort and frustration.

‘Whose side are you on, again?’ Ezekiel proceeded to ignore his Spirit, his frustration sparking up into true fury for a second before calming down. Though he did acknowledge the apologetic feelings that they sent through their bond.

Turning back to the city ruler, Ezekiel glanced at the Shroud family members out of the corner of his eye. It looked like he wasn’t going to receive any aid from them, which did not imply good things for their future collaborations. However, the one that really frustrated him was Wolken, who seemed to be leaving him to deal with the situation on his own.

“Since you seem so insistent on re-addressing this topic, I would also like to revisit something, which is the fact that your apparent nephew was killed when he attempted to murder one of our Hunters while attempting to escape captivity when he made several unlawful implications toward the Shroud family.” Ezekiel glared at the city ruler. “That is alongside the fact that he was working with a disgraceful shame upon the Shroud family itself. A man who also attempted to kill several Guild members. Needless to say, this apparent collaboration is something that goes beyond the death of an inconsequential envoy. One who failed at their duties at that!”

A second after Ezekiel finished, the city ruler’s neck finally popped a vein as he narrowed his eyes. Everyone noticed as the ground shook for a moment, before Wolken let out a sigh and it stopped.

Next to him, the Shroud family members showed no reaction, but a bead of sweat ran down Samuel’s neck.

‘Oh, now he steps in.’ Shine complained as they rattled in their sheath.

‘Enough.’ Ezekiel said back. Though he couldn’t keep the amusement out of his mind.

“So, with that in mind.” He continued, as if the outburst was nothing worth noticing. “How do you intend to compensate us for your envoy’s indiscretions and attempted murder?”


A cup next to the ruler shattered, and the contents spilled across the table and onto the floor.

“You dare ask for compensation when it was your people who committed murder!?”

This time Wolken didn’t interrupt when the ruler stood up. The man’s facade finally broke under Ezekiel’s brazenness. He smirked at the ruler, which simply enraged him even more. To the point where it was clear that he had forgotten that Wolken was there.

“Enough!” The female Shroud family member exclaimed as she slammed her hands on the table. “Patriarch Lorry! You are going too far. Do not forget whose presence you are in.”

‘So that’s his name. Nice to know. I was starting to think he gave it up like that stupid Emperor.’ Shine mused, and Ezekiel couldn’t help but let out a chuckle as he patted his Spirit that was hanging from his hip.

Fortunately, it seemed like only Wolken, and the Shroud family members, noticed Ezekiel’s break in character. The city ruler was too busy doing his best to defend himself to Wolken. All he received was a raised eyebrow from Wolken and a confused look from Samuel and the man next to him. The woman just continued to glare.

‘Don’t bother remembering it. This man won’t be coming to the battlefield. It’s obvious that he’s just a turtle hiding in his shell.’ A glance at the waist tall turtle Spirit that was sleeping at Lorry’s side only proved Ezekiel’s words.

“If I might raise a suggestion.” The male Shroud family elder spoke up before the female elder could continue. “Given the situation, and the fact that your nephew’s loss is of no consequence, since he failed to live up to his family’s standards, perhaps a simple monetary compensation from the Hunter who killed him will suffice?”

Lorry flinched at the male elder’s words. However, given the difference in power between his family and the Shroud family, he knew he couldn’t talk back without consequences. Especially since it appeared that the Shroud family finally took a side.

“Fine. But I won’t be having any Legendaries paying in her stead. She will personally hand over enough to compensate for the loss of my nephew, else there will be further consequences.” The city ruler finally sat down again.

‘Looks like things are finally going our way.’ He mused while Shine cheered in the back of his head. ‘Now we just need the other foot to drop.’

“Do not worry, Patriarch Lorry. We, of the Shroud family, will personally ensure that this debt is paid.”

‘There it is.’ Ezekiel glared at the male elder, who simply smirked at him in return.

The female elder did the same. Seemingly satisfied at what was now going to happen. While Samuel looked apologetic, helpless, and confused. He was clearly the least experienced person in the room right now.

“Well then!” Wolken clapped his hands and flexed his mana, making everyone turn to him once more. “With that settled, let’s move onto the compensation for the Shroud family’s betrayal, and why we should bother with remaining here to help you with the war that you are losing.”

Jaws tensed up as the Alliance Legendaries wanted to speak out, but couldn’t, since they knew that back talking to an Exalt that was there to help them wasn’t a good idea.

Ezekiel couldn’t help but smile internally. Now, it was their turn for payback. This time, they would milk the Alliance for everything they could.

At the back of his mind, Shine cackled in amusement.


What happened next went much more in line with what Ezekiel had hoped for. Wolken basically steamrolled over the Shroud family elders. The fact that he was the one that had been wronged due to their family members, and hadn't killed them, meant that he was in the right.

The Prime Guild, and by extension the other contracted Guilds, and the Church of Ten, were given a large amount of compensation, including the right to set up a permanent headquarters in the Alliance. Something that hadn’t been done in the centuries since the Alliance was first formed.

After the compensation and land rights were handed over to Wolken, Ezekiel couldn’t help but notice that Samuel was now slumped in his seat. A lifeless look in his eyes as he seemed lost in the politics of the meeting.

‘I can’t help but feel sorry for him. This was obviously his first assignment, but it’s clear that this is well beyond his experience.’ Ezekiel couldn’t help but pity his cousin. He knew just how frustrating and evil politics were. It was only his experiences working with the Church and Guilds, figuring out things like resource allocation and dealing with disputes, that allowed him even an inkling of understanding at this level. ‘Hopefully he’s not too traumatized by this.’

There was a knock on the door a second later, and a messenger from the Guilds entered the room. Two familiar ladies were standing behind him with their Spirits.

“Exalt Wolken! Legend Riley and Adept Wendy are here, sir.” He then bowed and exited the room, leaving Riley and Wendy to walk over to where Ezekiel and Wolken were seated.

Everyone’s eyes followed them with interest. The Shroud family members were curious about the Obscure Hunter that had been born with their blood outside their family. While the city ruler was still pissed off. But there was a greedy glint in his eyes.

“Good. Now, since the agreed upon amount of compensation was already determined, Wendy, you will need to provide no less than five Artifacts capable of performing Adept level magic, or Relics of equal capability.” Wolken explained the terms that had been agreed upon once compensation was promised.

As for Wendy, her mouth dropped in shock, while Riley clenched her hands and bit her lip, much to the city ruler’s satisfaction.

Ezekiel, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes and let out a sigh. Not because he was frustrated, but because he was trying not to laugh.

He had made more than a hundred such artifacts in his life and had given Wendy more than a dozen the previous night. All while explaining to her the possibility that she might be forced to give them all up, while also being tricked into giving up more. Just to make the shock of her reaction real.

“B-but-” Wendy tried to speak, but it was clear that her confusion was stopping her. Which was exactly what Ezekiel and Wolken had wanted.

“What are you waiting for, girl? Hand over the Artifacts.” Patriarch Lorry demanded with a greasy smile. “Or do you not have enough?”

A look of comprehension passed over Wendy’s face. Right before she glared at Ezekiel with a face of ultimate betrayal. He looked away to keep himself from letting out a laugh.

“Now hold on, Patriarch Lorry. It’s clear that the girl is in distress, and there’s no need to further exacerbate the issue.” The male Shroud Elder interrupted the exchange. “I know you wish to get your compensation, and you will, but perhaps the Shroud family can provide some aid to both parties in this instance?”

Ezekiel glared, as did all the Guild members in the room. They knew full well what the Shroud family was trying to do. Neither he, nor Riley, would stand for it.

But he wasn’t the one who ultimately replied.

“I refuse!” Wendy exclaimed before anything else could be said.

Everyone turned to her once more. Her face was red, and she looked scared, but not at her outburst. Ezekiel could tell that she was worried about the possibility of being in debt to the Shroud family.

“I would rather be forced to give up everything I have, than be indebted to the family that’s already tried to kill me twice.” She stomped up to the meeting table, and five Artifacts appeared on it. “Here! Four Artifacts, and one Relic... All mine, and mine alone.”

The Shroud family members looked upset, as did Patriarch Lorry.

“Bullshit! There’s no way that these are yours! Who gave them to you! This was not a part of the deal!” He yelled as he slammed his hands on the table.

“Considering that compensation wasn’t decided on until today, and I personally checked and inspected the young lady’s belongings prior to this meeting, I can guarantee that she has not provided anything that which she did not already have well before this meeting began.” Wolken declared for all the room to hear.

Something that Ezekiel had been unaware of, but he figured that it must’ve happened in the brief period of time that he spent waiting for Wolken at the front of the army as they marched to the city.

A part of him realized that he was getting more and more into debt with Wolken, but considering it was him and not his sister, he considered it to be acceptable. For now, at least.

As for Lorry and the Shroud family elders, all they could do was fume at what Ezekiel knew they thought was unfair. But he didn’t care. As far as he was concerned, the issue was dealt with, and he would kill anyone who tried to bring it up again.

The rest of the meeting ended swiftly after that. With all parties leaving in their own respective directions. Wolken and Ezekiel were informed that, due to “military matters”, the Guilds would have to remain outside on a more permanent basis, and those within the walls would need to leave, but that was fine. The city Ruler had already lost enough respect in their eyes. It wasn’t something they thought would be worth fighting for.

The fact that the man had looked surprised at this just proved to Ezekiel that nobles, and those with authority in the Morathi families, were truly spoiled rotten with their lifestyles.

However, not everything was going well, since one particular annoyance continued to stick around. The Shroud family had decided to escort the Guild members back to the camp, so as to personally retrieve their wayward Hunters.

But, given how they were staring at Wendy for the majority of the trip, Ezekiel could tell that retrieving their prisoners wasn’t the only thing on their minds.

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