Tale of Eldramir

CH 243 (Book 6 Ch 18): On the Road to the Front

Given the situation with the Shroud family, Ezekiel and Wendy were kept from the compound. Wolken ultimately took over all the correspondence with the family and arranged for much better conditions and benefits for the Guilds and Church. With a few bonuses for Ezekiel and Wendy in particular. Specifically, the Shroud family was ordered to pass over a few scrolls and tomes on their magical techniques and spells that weren’t inherently restricted only to official family members.

The elder that had orchestrated the entire test, whose name Ezekiel learned was Eleanor, his aunt, was also secured after being traded back. To the point where she was basically under house arrest.

This was somewhat harmful to the war effort, but it would only be until the Guilds moved out and split up. It was decided that she and her supporters would be kept well away from the region that Ezekiel was ultimately assigned to.

Ezekiel would’ve preferred it if she was simply killed and removed as a problem entirely, but he could understand why keeping her around to be used in the war would be beneficial. Even if he, emotionally, didn’t like it.

For now, however, he and his sister were relaxing with Riley in a large tent after their ordeal.

“This is actually fairly interesting. It manages to fully describe and breakdown the ways in which shadows can be used to create domains. The means by which the boundaries are defined, and how the [Mantle of Darkness] works. At least the older and less refined versions.”

Reclining in a hammock strung up between two stone pillars, Ezekiel was looking through some of the books that he and his sister had been provided. “Did you find anything interesting in that scroll on Shadows, Scrolls, and Spirits?”

Wendy looked up in confusion, having been utterly absorbed in what she was reading. “Oh! Ah... I definitely think it’s interesting, but I don’t know if I understand this part correctly...”

Closing the book in his hands, Ezekiel moved over to look over his sister’s shoulder. “Can I see? Maybe I can get a sense and break it down for you.”

Wendy shifted in her seat so that he could get a better view, and the two fell into a comfortable silence as they became more and more absorbed in the concepts and ideas that they had acquired from the Shroud family.

Off to the side, Riley gave a gentle smile as she watched the siblings bonding.

At the moment, she wasn’t able to do much, as the Obscure magic within the resources the siblings had obtained was not something that could be translated to Flame Magic. But Ezekiel was trying.

After making his own realizations and obtaining an [Understanding] that helped him to create his own domain, he wanted to further explore the possibility of the elements providing insights regarding different elements.

However, all good things must come to an end, and when Wolken’s most recent messenger walked into their tent, Ezekiel knew that it was time to move out once again.

He and Riley shared a look before he headed out to meet Wolken once more. “Is everything packed? Are you ready to get moving?”

The folding chairs and other small items that were strewn about the tent were swiftly stored in large Void Pouches. Wendy and Riley then began taking down the tent.

“Yes, big brother, everything is packed. We’ll meet you at the head of the army when we head out. We’ve still got an hour or so, don’t we?” Wendy asked as she rolled up the tent.

To the side, Riley was storing the support beams that had been holding up the reinforced cloth that made up the large tent. Smaller items and other supplies were also stored away, and the few Artifacts that Ezekiel had taken out in order to more closely examine and repair them were put into holsters and other easily accessible bindings on their respective armors.

“Correct. But that’s no reason to slack when we’re heading into enemy territory.” Ezekiel muttered. Seeing that the two ladies were absorbed in their work, he took to the air to meet Wolken.

They had spent nearly a week at the Shroud family compound. Now that they were leaving, he wanted nothing to interrupt or delay their departure.

Regardless of the unfortunate deals that Wolken had made with the arrogant family that he wanted nothing to do with.


Ezekiel sat in silence as he rode on one of the carts at the head of the army. They had set out a few hours ago, and while his portion of the Guilds and Church was large, the drop in numbers was somewhat eerie after being surrounded by so many people.

“Heavy thoughts?” Wolken asked as he floated along on his Spirit. “Were the scrolls and tomes from the Shroud family that interesting?”

Ezekiel spared the Exalt a glance for a moment, but focused mostly on his current thought process. Mostly involving the different ways that the army would be able to fight. Though, he did recall a few things from his recent studies that he would like to focus on when he got the chance.

“I’m worried about the upcoming battles... I’m not going to be of much help if I can’t figure out Tier five.” He finally said after several minutes of silence. Wolken didn’t look away once during that time.

“Well, you figured something out from experiencing the magic from the Shroud family, didn’t you? While it won’t help you discover your truth, perhaps the other elements will.” Wolken leapt off his Spirit and took a seat next to Ezekiel. “You’ve got at least some idea, right? An outline of the key.”

“I’m still looking for the Chakra, let alone the key. But I can tell I’m close. It has something to do with something that happened to me when I was younger... I just can’t think of what it was.” Ezekiel slumped in his seat. His body had been tense ready for a fight for a while, with the anxiety causing him to constantly be tense. The incidents with the Shroud family hadn’t helped things, and he couldn’t help but feel like his progress had regressed.

“Even then, I don’t know how I’m going to condense my core either. Real flesh and blood are different from the pseudo flesh and blood that Spirits have.” Originally, he had thought that he had figured something out, but then he learned about the necessity for his [Truth] and that threw most of his plans out the window. “Needless to say, I am getting more and more worried about the results of this war by the day.”

“... You’re lucky I’m so used to keeping things quiet between us, or your words would be a major blow to the Guilds’ morale,” Wolken sighed and took a moment to think, “but I understand your concerns. You breaking through to Tier five is the most important thing right now. Something I haven’t been helping with, given the number of responsibilities I’ve been giving you. I guess I just got too excited to see the youngest Tier five in the world, and figured you’d need other skills for when you ascend.”

Ezekiel looked confused. “What do you mean, other skills?”

Wolken looked confused for a moment. “Politics and dealing with different factions. If you’re going to make or take over your own faction one day, then these are skills you need to have. Trust me, I would know.”

A look of regret crossed the Exalt’s face, and Ezekiel could feel a pit of pity fill his stomach. Looking back on it, Wolken had been doing more than usual to help Ezekiel out, even if the man had been mostly leaving him to fix his own messes.

“... Do you think that forming my own faction would be for the best? Wouldn’t it be better for me to simply stay in the Prime Guild? You’d get a lot more free time if that happened, wouldn't you?”

“Hehe, even if that happened, you’d need to know a lot more before you could take over as one of the Prime Guild Leaders.” Wolken gave him a savage grin. “Though, you’d still have to fight Strom to prove yourself once you break through. Now, that is something I look forward to.”

The hairs on Ezekiel’s neck rose up as he could feel the threatening aura that Wolken was emitting. Not at him, but just out of excitement. But it went away after a few seconds as Wolken focused on Ezekiel once more.

“That’s for later, however. For now, let’s figure out what we can do to get you to the next Tier.”

Ezekiel remained silent, but laid Shine across his lap and partially unsheathed them. This indicated to Wolken that both were fully listening and attentive to what he was going to say.

“The biggest thing you need to know about Tier five, is that you are significantly closer to being one with your element. By which I mean that you don’t just [Understand] it, you are becoming a part of it, and it is becoming a part of you.” Wolken’s tone was flat and factual. As if there was no bias in what he was saying. Simply the truth that could not be denied. “That is why you need to comprehend your [Truth] and its relationship with your element. I know I said that it can also be about discovering aspects of your element that are not the norm, but that comes from what you can attribute to your element via knowing who and what you are. Keep this in mind when you move forward, since this is information that I won’t be telling you again. You’re lucky I’m telling you this much, since usually Those that reach this Tier barely comprehend this after they break through.”

Ezekiel thought back to when Wolken had first described the Mythic breakthrough. How it was like the Hunters that ascended were pulled up by their Spirits, rather than climbing up on their own. Like the old method of reaching Legendary. A method that Ezekiel had made obsolete.

“I’d like to tell you that I can simply explain everything to you and make things clear and easy for you to progress. But we both know that’s not possible. If it was, you wouldn’t have been the first human to have figured out that it was the [Understandings] that we all instinctively obtained via our Spirits that was necessary to reach Tier four. Hell, most of my own comprehension regarding Tier five comes from examinations and ponderings that I only made after your breakdown of [Elemental Understandings] made its way to Quintessa.” Wolken sighed in fond exasperation as he thought back to his own studies. Forced upon him by his sister, but helpful all the same.

For Ezekiel, he was simply shocked that the profound insights that Wolken had been giving him were so recent. While his progress had been accelerated due to the various events that had happened to him, Ezekiel had only become a Legendary roughly a year ago. His studies regarding [Understanding] were barely that much older. So, to say that he was impressed by Wolken’s wisdom and personal discoveries would be an understatement.

‘I wonder how much progress he could’ve made if he was a Void Mage instead...’ Shine muttered as they also felt their mind go blank at the knowledge of just how much and how quickly Wolken had made his own discoveries of the current peak of human and Spirit magic.

“I will also tell you this. I thought it wouldn’t be relevant until you broke through, but practice your [Domain] as much as possible.”

Ezekiel could hear the emphasis on [Domain] but didn’t quite understand what Wolken meant by it. As far as he was aware, domain spells were useful, and certainly unique, but not that special, right?

“Outside of special circumstances, a [Domain] like the one you and the Shroud family can make is limited to Tier five. It’s one of the reasons why Mythics are so powerful. We have total control over our respective element within our [Domain],” Wolken explained upon noticing Ezekiel’s expression. “With that in mind, it will probably help if you can figure out how to better merge your [Domain] with the world around you. Though, I don’t know what the effects will be.”

Ezekiel fell into a contemplative silence once more. This time focusing almost entirely on what he had just learned. He could feel it in his bones that he was getting even closer to breaking through.

A sense of coolness filled his mind and soul as he fell into a state of enlightenment. His memories and [Understanding] of his element flowed freely through every aspect of his being. Even Shine was not unaffected, and they fell into a similar state.

Wolken stood up with a grin on his face. Stepping back from the cart, he alighted onto his Spirit once more. A path of wind gently directed the cart along the proper road, while the other carts and carriages around it made some space.

All the while, Ezekiel continued to grow, and come closer and closer to his [Truth].


Sitting in their own cart more central to the traveling army, Riley, and Wendy both perked up. Their attention, and that of the Hunters around them, focused on the front of the army, where a dome of gray wind moved in tandem with everything around it.

“What’s going on?” Wendy nearly leapt from her seat in fright.

“I think your brother had another breakthrough. Nothing to be concerned about.” Riley placed a hand on Wendy’s shoulder. Putting a bit of pressure on the younger girl, she put her back in her seat. “Keep calm. Nothing will happen for a few more days yet. We’re still far enough away that it would be too difficult for a large enough force to ambush us.”

Wendy shifted in her seat. It had only been a few hours, but she couldn’t help but feel nervous. She had finished reading the scrolls that she and her brother had received. But most of the concepts and information needed to utilize the spells properly went over her head.

“Is it like this every time?” She asked in a quiet whisper. “The worry and fear? You and my brother have been through this a lot, so you would know if it gets easier, right?”

Riley faced her younger companion directly before she answered.

“... It depends. To be honest, I’m almost always worried about your brother. He’s simply... so much more than most Hunters. He’s been through so much, and his soul is so strong that he’ll soon reach a height that no one else has achieved at his age.” She looked down at her lap, where Celia was nestled and resting. The little dragon Spirit looked up at her with large eyes. A silent conversation passed between them, and she smiled. “However, I understand why he’s doing what he’s doing. I know that it is necessary, and that he cannot stop moving forward. If he does... Many bad things will happen. Things that give me nightmares just thinking about them.”

A shiver ran up Riley’s spine. The knowledge Ezekiel had had since he was born was terrifying. Not just because he had lived an entire lifetime, if a short one, but because he had been shouldering so much for so long. Even if much of it had been pushed aside so that he could live his life, the fate of their world was inescapable. Unless he could grow strong enough to change it.

No one else was able to reach Tier six, after all. Only by breaking through to Tier five on his own would that be possible. Yet, for all the world knew, few, if any, were as close as Ezekiel was.

“What does he know? What’s going to happen? I thought we were just here to ensure that the Cult and the Empire couldn’t expand their control over the continent?” Wendy was confused and scared after Riley finished speaking.

The Flame Hunter snapped out of her melancholy. She seemed to realize that she had said too much when she saw the fearful reaction that the young woman in front of her had on her face.

“Focus on your studies, strengthen your soul, and grow stronger,” Riley said with a flat and emotionless tone. Her eyes narrowed into a glare when she continued. “Only then will you be able to have a chance at moving forward with your brother. Otherwise, you’ll just become the fodder that dies in the aftershocks of the Ancients’ battles.”

“The Ancients?” Wendy recoiled in shock. “What?”

It was clear that she couldn’t understand what Riley was talking about.

“I’m sorry. But we need to stop now. This topic isn’t something you’re ready for.” Riley rotated her head to look at the carts and transports next to her. “We also have eavesdroppers that need to mind their own business!”

Wendy perked up and glanced around. She caught sight of a few Hunters that were looking away or rubbing the backs of their heads in embarrassment.

Others didn’t do this. They just continued to stare. Their curiosity brimmed as they focused intently on Riley and Celia. A few looked at Wendy as well, which caused her to flinch back. The passive pressure from the intensity of a Legendary’s focus was something most Adepts weren’t comfortable with.

“Ignore them. You don’t know anything. Not yet. So, it’s unlikely that they’ll go for you for information.” Riley wrapped her arm around Wendy. A warmth emanated from her body as she manipulated her mana to comfort and protect the younger Obscure Hunter. “Besides, if they tried to mess with you, they’d have to deal with your brother’s retaliation.”

That stark reminder caused the rest of the Hunters to wince and focus on the path in front of them.

Riley chuckled at the sight, but Wendy just stayed silent. Her thoughts were unknown to all but her Spirit right now. But as she relaxed into the older woman’s arm, she turned her attention to the front of the army once more. Directly where her brother was at.

The rest of the trip continued slowly and quietly. Both ladies were silent as they sat in contemplation.


Ezekiel’s enlightenment had left many people hopeful as they continued toward the front lines. But after several hours, when he and Shine finally woke up, beyond a bit more weight to his presence that he couldn’t fully conceal, it was obvious that he hadn’t broken through yet.

The depletion of his mana was a good thing, since it meant that he had at least achieved something. Many of the Hunters who were watching him were curious as to what it was.

“What did you learn?” Wolken, who floated in the air on his Spirit, asked from where he was observing the army setting up camp.

“... I found a way to use my domain to map out my Spiritual Pathways. So, I now know where my fifth Chakra is. But it’s kind of pointless since I can’t open it,” Ezekiel sighed, before he rubbed head in pain. “I gave myself quite the headache from ramming into it over and over again.”

Wolken hummed in amusement.

‘At least you only have a headache. I feel like my entire soul was trampled by a horde of elephants.’ Shine’s mental voice was much quieter than Ezekiel’s. He could even sense that they were holding back regarding how rough they felt.

‘Take a rest. We’ll be safe here. Wolken won’t let us get into too much trouble,’ Ezekiel sent a comforting bit of his slowly replenishing mana toward his Spirit. Which they eagerly drank up.

‘Will do. Go talk to Riley and your sister. I know they help brighten your mood in these instances.’ The Void Spirit then fell silent, and Ezekiel could vaguely sense that they had fallen asleep.

Standing up from where he was seated, he moved to go do as Shine had suggested. But the heavy hand on his shoulder held him back.

“Is something wrong?” He turned to look at Wolken over his shoulder.

“We’re not done yet,” Wolken said with a smile on his face. A smile that Ezekiel recognized.

“I’m nearly tapped out of mana, and Shine is resting right now. I won’t be able to put up much of a fight.” Though true, Ezekiel couldn’t hide the regret in his voice, or the twitch in his hands. He wanted to fight too, but without his mana and Shine, he knew that he wouldn’t last even a few seconds.

“You can’t tell me that you don’t have a method of regaining mana faster than usual. Your woman does, so I don’t doubt you do too.” Wolken wasn’t letting up, and he glanced at Ezekiel’s hands.

‘Well, now he knows for sure that I want to fight as well,’ Ezekiel mentally groaned.

Shine just snorted in the back of his head.

‘Go back to sleep.’ Ezekiel felt his Spirit mentally shift through their bond.

After a few more seconds of silence, it was clear that Shine was resting once more.

“Give me a couple of minutes.” Ezekiel walked over to a large rock that was close by. “This is usually easier if there are Cruor for me to kill.”

Entering a state of meditation once more, he expanded his senses outward and became aware of all the mana around him. As well as something unexpected.

‘Are those... Spiritual Pathways?’ His surprise nearly filtered through his bond with Shine, but he managed to hold back to let his Spirit rest. ‘Is this part of the power of my domain? And those lines... are those the lines that represent the layers of space?’

Every now and then, Ezekiel saw small lines appear in his vision. These lines only appeared for a very brief instance. But they continued to do so repeatedly. They also left him feeling sore, and pinged his danger sense, not unlike the few times he had forced himself into [Nowhere].

He shook his head. Now was not the time to think about that. He wouldn’t be able to make use of this anytime soon. Not until he reached Tier five.

Instead, he started visualizing different aspects of the Void. Specifically, he started visualizing his current [Understanding] of his element. It was hard to describe, but it was basically his own body, surrounded by an orb of energy. An atmosphere that only allowed certain things into it. While at the same time, circular lines surrounded him, and then warped to show his position sinking downward.

This was the symbolic representation of Ezekiel’s soul having weight in the universe. A new gravitational force spread out from him, and all the mana in the atmosphere began moving toward him in arcing pathways.

The mana stopped as it pressed up against the protective barrier that he maintained around himself. His [Will] ensured that only Void mana would be able to gather inside him. Something that most of those below Tier three would not be able to do.

Then, as the mana spun around due to the gravitational forces he was creating, the mana crashed into each other. Returning to Void mana when they crashed into their opposing elements.

Only the Lightning mana was unaffected by this phenomenon.

Eventually, after he had regained almost half his mana, the process slowed down. There was now an abundant amount of Lightning mana, with little mana of the other elements.

Holding out his hands, Ezekiel [Willed] the mana to gather in front of him. Then, using just a few motes of his own mana, he ignited the Lightning within. A flash of light nearly woke him from his meditation, but he held on, even when a massive pressure built up and pushed on his barrier.

When the light died down, Ezekiel saw that the mana that was potentially a problem had scattered from the energy within the Lightning. No longer was he at risk of absorbing mana of the wrong elements. Not that it would’ve been dangerous for him at this point. But he felt no need to take the risk.

Opening his eyes, he saw Wolken grinning down at him. The scent of ozone also filled his nostrils. The scorched earth and spiral marks swirling toward him indicated that his meditation had affected the physical world.

“You really are right on the cusp,” Wolken muttered. “Get ready. I wish to test how far you have progressed for myself.”

His Spirit stayed off to the side. His hands were also bare of any weapons. Instead, the wind gathered around him like armor, and numerous solid air constructs took form.

Ezekiel silently rose. No words of complaint were said. Shine was telekinetically moved to where Wolken’s Spirit laid.

Invisible barriers formed around his body. Ripples appeared in the space around his arms and legs. The two Hunters expressed their [Will] via the [Domains] they both released.

To the side, the many Hunters and Mages in the army watched with bated breath for the show they were about to see.

Ezekiel acted first. Throwing himself forward as the ground cracked beneath his feet.

A fist flung forward, and the fight was on.

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