Tale of Eldramir

CH 247 (Book 6 Ch 22): A Trap is Set

After the first base was destroyed, Ezekiel and his group continued to go back and forth, using hit-and-run tactics to do as much damage as possible before retreating into the Alliance’s territory.

On the first day, they had managed to take out three bases, purely due to their higher numbers, and the suddenness of their arrivals. In the week since then, they had managed to destroy dozens more, and Wolken had also made use of their efforts to destroy even more.

Even though they were swiftly replaced. The fact that the Empire’s numbers were dwindling meant that the Alliance’s forces were able to make their own pushes into other territories. Even if they needed to flee not long afterwards.

All in all, they had managed to severely dwindle the Empire and Kindled family’s presence, but this just meant that Ezekiel and his group were being run even more raggedly.

Yet, during this time, Ezekiel continued to meditate on his [Understandings] and their connection to his [Truth]. Since there was no possibility of their side winning if he could not break through.

It had been something that had bothered him more and more as he was turned into a glorified transportation Mage. In fact, he had been told that he wasn’t allowed to fight beyond protecting himself, using the bare minimum of mana possible.

This was to ensure that they could hit as many bases as possible.

It was now the third day since this routine had started, and while he was somewhat bored of the routine, his focus remained steadfast on breaking through.

“Ezekiel!” Riley called out from where she stood over the burnt corpse of a Legendary Cultist. “It looks like we’re done here. We should get going now.”

In the distance, he could see the Legendary Hunter that had been sent to deal with the marker. Given their speed, it was likely that they would need to get out of here within the next five minutes or so, else the enemy Exalt’s got to their location.

“Right.” Ezekiel surrounded himself and the rest of the group with his [Domain]. All the Void Artifacts lit up, and they all found themselves far away, within the boundary of the Alliance’s territory.

But even as they fled the battle, Ezekiel found his attention elsewhere. His focus was almost entirely on himself and his magic.

“Any word on what’s happening elsewhere?” One of the Hunters asked as they walked into one of the Guild’s bases.

They were well away from the marker they had just hit. Both from the border, and the general area. Their current position was now close to one of the markers on the other side of the nation.

“Nothing new. Just that they’ve already replaced the markers that were destroyed. It also looks like the marker we just broke is getting fixed too.” Riley was looking at a Com-Slate as she replied. The stone was lit up in writing that mirrored the words written on its partner slate hundreds of kilometers away. “But it seems like Wolken managed to take out at least a few dozen more bases than we did. So, there will be a bit of a lull in the active fighting for a little while.”

Ezekiel only paid the smallest amount of attention to this conversation going on around him.

He couldn’t help but feel like there was something he needed to do before he could take that last step. Not just something to figure out, but an action that he had to perform, a deed to truly solidify himself into history before he could make that final push.

“Ezekiel,” Riley addressed him, and he faced her with a bewildered look on his face.

“Hmm?” He was still somewhat distracted, so he had missed the last part of the group's conversation.

“I asked you how your reserves were doing.” Riley crossed her arms and frowned at him. A look that he knew meant that she was worried, rather than upset. “Are you okay? Ever since you got relegated to transport, you’ve been out of sorts.”

Several of the Hunters, mostly the Adepts, were giving him disapproving looks.

Even in his unfocused state, it was clear they wanted to ask something, or otherwise speak up, but were too afraid to since there were so many Legendaries around.

Ezekiel shook his head to focus. “Sorry. I’ve been watching what’s been going on, and I can’t help but feel like there’s something I’m missing. Something that I need to do before I take the next Step.”

His words had a profound effect on the Hunters around him. For him to all but confirm that he was right at the cusp of reaching Tier five was a great boost in morale. But it was only the Legendary Hunters that really comprehended the difficulty that he was facing.

Even Riley’s worried face shifted into something more understanding and anticipatory.

“Regardless, I think we’re done for the day. I have no doubt that we could get to another base, but getting out might take some time,” Ezekiel said with a glance at the rest of the group.

‘You don’t think they could clear another base?’ Shine asked from the bond between them. ‘I don’t think they’re that tired. I know we aren’t after all.’

Ezekiel just shook his head, and Riley’s eyes widened, before she also looked around at the rest of the group. The Adepts in particular.

‘It’s not their mana I’m worried about. It’s their mental state. Most of the supporters' souls and [Will] aren’t strong enough to maintain this back-to-back fighting,’ Ezekiel explained to Shine. ‘Better to give them a break a bit early, then have them really get their noses to the grindstone later. That way, they can get a better idea of what to expect moving forward.’

‘... I guess that the aura of [Death] that’s been covering us is also a bit of a problem too.’ Shine’s observation made Ezekiel focus even more.

Even in his past adventures, he’d not spread death and destruction at this level so swiftly before.

It was something that, for the unprepared, would weigh on them more and more. Usually, near death experiences would help pressure the soul. This would allow a person to grow, and their Chakras to develop and allow them to break through to higher Tiers, Step-by-Step.

But slaughter like this could have a similar effect, only with numerous side-effects. Such as devaluing human life. Which was something that Ezekiel knew most Legendaries already had problems with. Especially regarding the Cult of Light, and now the Empire and Kindled family.

‘The Adepts need to rest. Else the pressure on their souls will break them. We’ll call it early today and start late tomorrow.’ Ezekiel mentally declared to Shine.

“We’re done for today.” Ezekiel called out to the Legendaries that were now realizing the extent of the mental stress on their underlings. “Life and Death Mages will still need to fix things up, but we set out in an hour. I want us to get further from the boundary as soon as possible. So, resupply and get back here by then, understood?”

“Yes, Vice-Leader!” The assembled Hunters called out as one before heading off to either get checked over, or to acquire some supplies from the base.

As for Ezekiel, he and Riley found a tent that they could use and sit-down in. He quickly entered his meditative state while she kept watch.


Just over a month since the Guilds and Church had arrived in Morathi, an enraged scream filled one of the Empire’s regions as Endaria released her pent-up emotions after failing to catch Ezekiel once again. Several Cultists were nearby, though still well outside the Exalt’s direct area of influence.

Given the forest of bramble and oversized thorns that sprouted in an instant, this was a good idea. Though, that didn’t stop everybody from getting hurt. Just most of them.

“Damn that blasted Anathema! Other than killing our people his actions are worthless! Yet we still can’t catch him!” Endaria cried out as she let out another pulse of mana. The ensuing overgrowth threatened to consume the retreating Mages and Hunters.

Steel tipped thorns and bristles were sent flying as seed pods filled with the pointed weapons exploded one by one. Even escaping into the air was no use since the projectiles were launched in all directions. If this went on for much longer, it was likely that the lower Cultists would be done in by their leader, as opposed to the Anathema.

“Ah!” Several Adepts screamed in fear as they failed to get out of the way in time.

A sudden rain of Lightning that struck down the thorny bullets was the only thing that kept them alive. Several explosions rang out and the charred remains dispersed like dust in the wind.

Harras, clad in his Violet Spirit Armor, descended to land next to Endaria. His arms were crossed, and he had a large saber attached to his back. His helmet dispersed into motes of mana that were absorbed by the rest of his armor.

With a wave of his hand, the forest of death that Endaria had grown was stuck countless times by the Lightning that he had gathered in the air above the clouds. The buildup of energy was enough to destroy the forest without any issues. Leaving nothing but a burnt and blackened landscape with nothing more than charcoal lining the ground.

“I know you’re angry, but I can’t imagine that killing your people will make you feel better,” Harras said with a calm and dismissive voice. “Not that I really care. The more of you Cultists that die, the better it is for the Empire.”

Endaria gnashed her teeth at the Imperial Exalt. She was briefly surrounded by a green glow, and her Spirit Armor faded away. Everybody knew that there was no longer any need to be ready for battle.

If Harras was here then that meant that the attacks had finally let up, and the two Exalts no longer had to run around like chickens with their heads cut off.

“What are you doing here?” Endaria ignored the comment regarding her and her fellow Followers of Radiance. “Shouldn’t you be playing, and failing, at being a guard for the border?”

Harras didn’t rise to Endaria’s provocation. “I am simply checking in on the most recently destroyed marker. If I recall, you Cultists don’t have as many backups as the Imperial forces do.”

Endaria scoffed but didn’t deny Harras’ statement. It was true that the Followers of Radiance didn’t have as many markers as the Guilds and military of the Empire. Mostly because the nobles in the Empire were beginning to grow wary of the Cult, but there was little they could do to prevent their push at this point.

The promises that the Cult had made were fulfilled, but now the nobles were learning what the cost of those promises were. While the nobility certainly had more power in the Empire, they also had to follow the Cult’s mandates, else those that held the ears of the Emperor would direct the Imperial wrath toward the ones that weren’t appropriately fanatic in their faith.

“Move. Once I get this marker in, you and I need to have a talk.” Harras pulled a marker from his Void Pouch, while Endaria simply turned away and floated into the air.

Her fellow Followers, both Legendary and Adept, rose with her. Intent on heading back to their headquarters, rather than watching Harras do his job.

“If you wish to speak with me so badly, then you can--”

“It’s to trap your Anathema.”

Harras didn’t allow Endaria to finish her sentence. Anyone with a brain would’ve realized that she was trying to get a concession from Harras, but he wasn’t stupid enough to allow it.

Thus, when he mentioned Ezekiel, using the Cult’s terminology, she stopped moving. Her and all her followers’ heads swiveled toward the Lightning Exalt. They eagerly awaited him to finish what he was going to say. But he remained silent. Instead, he took his time to properly place the marker.

“Meet me at the Twin Peak Fortress. We’ll discuss things there tonight, just after sunset.,” Harras declared as he finished placing the marker down. “For now, I need to continue with being a border guard.”

Before Endaria could say anything, the sound of thunder rang in her ears, and Harras was gone.

The other Followers of Radiance grumbled in anger, but not Endaria. Her mastery over Life Magic had granted her enhanced sensory abilities when it came to living beings, so instead she smiled.

Her senses had allowed her to tell that Harras hadn’t been lying, or otherwise playing with her when he had said he had a plan to trap the Anathema. So, with nearly a skip in her step, she lifted off once more, this time headed straight for the Twin Peak Fortress.


It was several hours later that Endaria finally met up with Harras. He had easily been able to finish his job of patrolling the border, especially since the Prime Guild and Alliance had let up on their attacks for the day. Yet the animosity between the two Exalts wasn’t easily resolved.

Walking through the door with his head held high, Harras glared at Endaria, and received one in turn. They both ignored Lana, who was covered in bandages and seated off to the side at a small table.

“It’s about time you got here. I was beginning to wonder if your words were true.” Endaria lounged on a large chair within one of the chambers inside the large stone fortress.

The Twin Peaks Fortress was one of the primary bottlenecks between the roads that led from the Empire into Morathi. It was heavily reinforced, held a standing force of at least a thousand Hunters from all sorts of clans from Morathi, and was now under the control of just the Kindled family and the Empire.

“A little bit of patience would be nice. I had to get the bait and the trappers.” Harras stepped in and to the side to allow his companions entry behind him.

There were over a dozen of them, and they were all covered in cloaks emblazoned with the emblem of the Kindled family. Only a quarter of them had any Spirits with them, meaning that the ones without were either servants or elders.

One Hunter, the apparent leader, allowed a large golden wolf to step beside him as he lowered his hood.

“Greetings, Exalt Endaria, it is a pleasure to see you,” Howlend said with a stiff and stilted voice. He bowed his head in greeting, though his hands clenched tightly in a show of anger.

The smile on his face was tight, and looked more like he was gritting his teeth too hard.

Behind him, the others, baring one, also removed their hoods. They were revealed to be elders, with each of them having the Radiant element. They were also clearly in the Legendary Tier.

Standing directly behind him was a familiar Kindled Hound. It was Meli, whose viper Spirit was wrapped around her neck, and glaring hatefully at the smaller, still hooded figure that stood next to her.

“You’re the failed patriarch. The one who’s authority keeps getting shot down by that fallen bastard you call an ancestor.” Endaria’s words cut deep, and Howlend couldn’t help but frown, while the elders and Hounds behind him nearly growled in anger.

Fortunately, Howlend’s head was still bowed, so the others didn’t see his eyes flash a much darker shade for a moment before they returned to normal.

“Be that as it may, I am the one who presented this plan to Exalt Harras. With your help, we should be able to get the Anathema in our grasp with ease.” Howlend sounded confident as he addressed the Exalt before him.

“What makes you so sure of that?” Endaria only raised an eyebrow with mild interest, but Lana leaned in. It seemed that she was more curious as to what Howlend had planned.

Smirking at the Glacial Light’s interest, Howlend ignored Endaria’s question.

“We have his sister, after all.” Howlend reached behind him and ripped the hood off the last remaining cloaked figure.

Ellen stood there, seemingly blind to the world as she stared ahead. Her eyes were out of focus, and she made no reaction to Howlend’s action. Held within her hands was her Spirit, Tina, who was just as unfocused as she was.

Endaria, seeing one of their targets, and a relative of the Anathema in front of her, stood up with a snarl. “You dare to bring that thing here when it has yet to prove its usefulness!?”

To the side, Lana’s eyes widened, and she reeled back in shock, but also malicious glee as she smiled at the sight of Endaria nearly charging forward.

“That tool still has use, and you wish to risk it before its purpose can be fulfilled?” Endaria stalked up to Howlend and grabbed his chin with her hands.

Wooden gloves formed on her hands, and she drew blood as her mana pressed down on everyone in the room. Except for Harras, who was standing with an amused look on his face as he smiled with a half-lidded gaze at the sight before him.

The only sign that he was doing anything at all was the fact that a few sparks danced around himself, Ellen, and Tina. A display that indicated he was protecting them from Endaria’s outburst.

“Please... hear me out...” Howlend was nearly on his knees as he begged. His soul was too weak to withstand this onslaught. Something that Harras seemed to notice if his change in focus was anything to go by.

“This fortress... it has several formations that can defend against Tier five... It was made by a combination of all three Morathi Exalts... from before they all fell...” Howlend began explaining the origins of his plan. “We only need two Exalts... of the right elements... to activate them to their full extent... Theoretically... they can match an Ancient... or at least a Peak Tier five.”

Endaria dropped Howlend to the ground. She closed her eyes and placed a now armor less hand under her chin in contemplation.

“That could work... The Flurent Family Exalt was also a Lightning Hunter, so it would make sense to have Harras and your Ancestor activate the fortress’ formations.” Endaria began to smile, but then she frowned. “How do you intend to keep Wolken busy? I know for a fact that that damned windbag won’t let the Anathema out of his sight if news gets out that his sister’s being held here.”

“The Tempest Exalt’s presence won’t matter,” Howlend gasped for breath a few times as he spoke. “This fortress’ defenses will be able to split them up. It was built to withstand the efforts of multiple Exalts, after all. All we must do is use his other sister to get them here, and it’ll be fine.”

Endaria scoffed. “How do you intend to do that? We can't find her, so we can’t use her.”

Howlend smiled wide and maliciously. “Twin sisters, twin Spirits. With our mental magic, it won't be hard to send a message through their dreams. We cause this one and her Spirit a few nightmares through a particular ritual, and her sister will see the same thing. If a few bits of information get out, then I’m sure her brother will learn of it, and will do whatever he needs to do to get here. The whole reason he’s doing this is to get his sister back and damage your Cult and my family.”

Endaria glared at Howlend for a moment before turning around and returning to her chair.

“You agreed with this plan?” Endaria asked Harras.

He shrugged, “It’s better than any of our current ideas. The fact that the Kindled family will finally show some usefulness is also a good thing. Considering how much the Empire has invested in this.”

“I’m assuming that the tool will be transported to the Empire the moment the Anathema arrives?” Endaria’s nose wrinkled as she mentioned Ellen again.

“If the time frame allows it. She still needs to be here; else the Void Hunter will know about it. He’s quite uncanny when it comes to figuring out secret information. Especially threatening information.” Harras thought back to the battle with the Winged Broodlord back at Harkem.

The fact that Ezekiel had been able to last for as long as he had in a spar against the Exalt still impressed him. Regardless of how much the man had been holding back.

Endaria tapped her hands along her chair’s armrest in thought.

Lana decided that this would be a good chance to chime in.

“We know that the Anathema holds his family dear to him. Though I hate to say it, I think the failed patriarch is correct. This plan isn’t a bad one.”

Howlend did a good job of hiding his frustration, but still clenched his jaw in anger.

“... Fine, we’ll do it your way this time. But understand that, if this fails, and the tool is lost, your family will pay for their failure.” Endaria released the last of her mana that was still weighing down on everyone. The Kindled family elders sighed in relief.

Nothing else was said as Harras nodded, seemingly satisfied at one-upping the Cult. While the Kindled family just scurried out of the room as fast as possible.

They dragged Ellen along with them, as Harras followed them out.

Even though the plan had been approved, they still had work to do to get everything in place.


Things had mostly become routine for Ezekiel, and his days were filled with exploring his magic when he had time, and contemplating his life, the universe, and how it related to himself. All for the purpose of truly merging his magic, and finally condensing his magic into a solid core within his body.

The latter had somewhat been solved, as he had figured out how to condense mana crystals much in the same way as his Mana Gathering Chambers had done. Though, the number of explosions that the process had caused had not endeared him to any of the Legendaries he had woken up with his experiments.

Wolken was happy, however, since it meant that Ezekiel was now even closer to taking that last Step. Even if his current progress had not granted him any additional power.

“[Pathfinder]...” he often muttered to himself as he meditated on his magic.

After finally dredging up his memories of the last few times he’d been enlightened, there was a weight to the word when he spoke it in relation to himself.

However, while most of his days were routine, today was not such a day, and Ezekiel found himself rushing to the opposite end of Morathi. An urgent message having come through to his and Riley’s Com-Slates. A message from Fiana regarding his sister.

Wolken had yet to be informed of anything beyond the fact that they wouldn’t be able to do their missions for the day. Which meant that the Guild army was mostly on defense as the Empire and Kindled family tried to claim more territory to make up for the resources lost to the Alliance’s hit and run tactics.

“What happened!?” Ezekiel exclaimed as he rushed into a medical tent, wide eyed and sweating as he was nearly in a panic.

Looking at the bed in the room, he saw his sister being comforted by Fiana, while she was also being looked over by George.

The joy he felt at seeing two of his oldest friends and supporters was nearly enough to overpower the worry he felt for his sister. But not quite.

“Ezekiel,” Fiana said as she rose from her seat next to Wendy, “I’m glad you got here so fast. Wendy is fine, at least physically, but it looks like a new issue has popped up.”

Ezekiel started to calm down. He now realized that Wendy was fine. Though she appeared to be incredibly shaken up by something.

A bone chilling premonition suddenly assaulted him as he realized something.

“It’s not about Wendy, is it.”

Fiana, Wendy, and George all flinched. Which was all the confirmation that he needed.

“What happened?” Ezekiel nearly growled. His words were not merely a question, but a demand.

As Fiana and George started to explain, with input from Wendy every now and then, Ezekiel started seeing red. It was only Riley’s hand clamping down on his shoulder that kept him from flying off right then and there.

The nightmares that Wendy had been having, and the news that they’d managed to get from some of the captured Imperials, were all the proof that Ezekiel needed.

He now knew that Ellen was in trouble, and that time had officially run out.

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