Tale of Eldramir

CH 252 (Book 6 Ch 27): Final Step

Hidden in two separate dimensions, Riley’s group of Hunters had managed to lock down several key factors regarding the formation that was keeping them locked inside the miniature maze of light that they were stuck in. As had the Shroud family from within their own space.

By utilizing the remnants of the focal points that acted as the back doors of the Flurent and Shroud family aspects of the Twin Peaks Fortress’ formation, they had slowly managed to work out how to destabilize the maze.

On Riley’s side, there was a fair bit of argument regarding what the process should be.

A few of them wanted to wait until something happened. The Scholars that were with them had already figured out how to register the status of the formation, so it wouldn’t be too horrible to simply wait until something changed. Either they were let out, and the plan could go on like it was intended to before the maze sprung up, or something changed the status of the maze and they would be able to take advantage of the weakness that would eventually pop up, allowing them a window to escape.

These ideas were eventually shot down once Riley reminded them that their primary means of escape was Ezekiel, and their enemies wouldn’t be stupid enough to let the maze drop when Ezekiel was still alive. Which was why they needed to leave now; else they would lose their chance to escape even if the maze fell.

A similar argument was made on the Shroud family’s side. The primary difference was the fact that they were much more knowledgeable about the basis of this formation. Hence, they were able to determine a much safer means of breaking out than Riley’s group.

The only issue was the time it would take to do so safely. Something that Riley’s team had spent figuring out how to do with a fifty percent chance of failure.

Ultimately, both groups did decide on breaking out of the maze as soon as possible. It was just a coincidence that their attempts lined up.

Originally, when the maze was operating at full functionality, the dual pulses of energy would’ve combined with one another, and a large crack would’ve formed where the magical waves first met.

At this point, the two groups would’ve been able to walk out of the rift, exiting on opposite sides, but still in the same space. This would mean that the two groups would’ve instantly been able to join forces and make their way through the maze while covering each other.

The safety in numbers might have even been enough to face off against one of the Cult’s [Blessed] monsters. But only within the maze, where all magic was being suppressed.

However, since they were utterly unaware of the status of the maze outside their own little corners, the pulse of magic created a cascading effect that caused the hole that had already shaken and damaged the maze’s foundation.

The ultimate crumbling of the maze, and the total collapse of the space that it both existed in, and held inside it, was the only feasible result that could have occurred. The only result that did occur.

At least, that is what should have happened.


The last thing Riley remembered was channeling her mana alongside the rest of her group to activate the key from the Flurent family. It was meant to resonate with the remnant focal point for the formation that they were trapped in.

The next thing she knew, the world shook, and suddenly the walls began crumbling down around her, casting herself and everyone else into a dark space where she felt as if her body was about to be ripped apart.

So, why was she still alive?

Opening her eyes, she nearly forced them closed once more as she was temporarily blinded by the brightness of the light that now surrounded her.

“What is this?” she muttered as she looked around the world that she suddenly found herself in.

It was a world with no ground nor walls or ceiling. Just an opalescent Void that stretched on forever. She could even see dozens of other people around her. All of them looked like they were just as confused as she was, with a few of them flailing about as they tried to move around.

A nudge in the back of her mind made her turn around using her flames as propulsors. Cinder was helping to direct her movements as best she could, but it was like space was warped, and her attempt to turn sideways made her spin vertically.

Now floating upside down, she gazed into the distance where two massive creatures that seemed to be covered in oily substances that emanated a chilling sensation that filled her with dread as she looked at it. She instinctively knew that these were Cruor, even warped and twisted as they were.

But they were stronger than any Cruor that she had ever faced before. They reminded her of the Cult’s abominations, only they gave off a sense of endlessness, rather than oppressiveness.

A crack of thunder filled the world, and for a moment, everything was bathed in violet light as a figure slammed into one of the Cruor.

“You all need to leave. I can’t afford to keep you safe, nor can I strike the rest of you down without harming everyone else,” Ezekiel’s words filled the world. “Today might not be the day our conflict ends, but it is still the day you bastards lost. Now, just wait until I come for your heads.”

Riley felt a tugging sensation in her gut, and a moment later she felt herself be squeezed through space and time. Lights flashed as she found herself alone, moving through a tunnel that hadn’t been there before.

She felt something slam into her chest, and she instinctively held onto it, wrapping her arms around whatever it was. Something else filled her empty hand, the one not holding her spear, and she held onto that for dear life as well.

Then, with a sudden jerk, she found her entire body coming to a halt. She blinked the spots out of her vision, only to see that her arms were filled with two small figures she immediately recognized.

“Ellen? Tina?”

The two were unresponsive, but looked to be fine, physically. Only a single injury marked them, a band around Ellen’s neck where something had been wrapped around her, and a similar band around one of Tina’s legs. Though that one was much smaller.

Not only that, but she noticed that in her hand was Shine. The opalescent blade brightly flickered as she held it tight. She couldn’t help but gape in awe, as she had rarely held Ezekiel’s partner like this. Her confusion was too much for her to do anything else.

“Riley! We need to move! Ezekiel sent me with you to get you all out of here. He and Harras will deal with the Cruor, but we need to go now!” Shine’s voice filled the area, and Riley realized that she was no longer floating in that strange space from before.

Instead, lines of Runic scripture denoting the enchantment formation around her filled her vision. She was back in the Twin Peaks Fortress with her and the Shroud family teams.

“Everybody gather up! We’re leaving now!” Shine yelled out an order, and the rest of the group quickly fell into line. Confusion was painted on their faces, but they knew better than to fall behind. Each of them held a Void Amulet in their hands or had it hanging from the neck.

“Someone ready a flare. When the first jump is made, you will set it off, then we’re gone for good. Understand!?” Three Scholars nodded and pulled flares out of their Void Pouches. “Good.”

A moment later, Riley felt the world shift around her in the familiar way it had whenever Ezekiel had moved them from base-to-base in the weeks prior to today.

Before they left, however, she caught a glimpse of several figures turning the corner down the hall from them. Kindled family members and Cultists, all with their faces twisted in rage as they tried to catch up. She couldn’t help but smirk in glee at the sight.


Several minutes earlier, Ezekiel floated in the world he had created using the framework of the formation that had been used to trap him. While it had crumbled due to the effects of the Cruor eating most of the formation’s supports, the basic outline still remained, but by using his own mana he was able to take control thanks to his higher [Understanding] of spatial magic.

“I think that we’re in a bit of trouble right now,” he sighed as he looked around himself. There were dozens of people still alive within the space he had formed. They floated in a panic as they tried to move around, but nothing could be done.

Only Ezekiel could move freely in this world.

“That’s a bit of an understatement,” the figure next to Ezekiel said as he glared into the Void. “Do you intend to point out the obvious, or do you intend to help me deal with this issue?”

Ezekiel turned to look at his temporary companion. Exalt Harras gave him a flat look as he gestured to the two howling Cruor in the distance.

“I’m somewhat surprised that you’re not trying to kill me right now,” Ezekiel said while he swung his arm with Shine held tightly in his grasp. “But I guess your oaths have a sequence of priorities.”

“Indeed. Now, do you mind sending me over there? My primary duties are to destroy any and all Cruor that threaten the safety of the Empire. Those two certainly count.” Harras channeled his mana, readying a spell that would be devastating if it struck.

Ezekiel felt a twinge in his brow. An opposing [Will] just pushed against his own. He instantly realized that it was Harras exerting a spiritual force against him.

Rather than fight it himself, Ezekiel just shrugged, and let Harras move freely. “I hope you understand that I’ll be taking advantage of your absence.”

Harras just shrugged. “Do what you will. I care neither for the Cult, nor the Kindled.”

The lack of any mention of Ezekiel’s sister was noticed, but he knew that it was a problem that Harras would have to deal with later. Something that he felt grateful to the Exalt for.

With a crack of thunder, Harras turned into a flash of Lightning. A second later, a massive impact struck one of the Cruor. Its engorged body turned concave from the impact, but it had so much mana flowing through it that the physical wounds recovered swiftly.

“Let’s deal with this quickly.” Ezekiel disappeared from his spot in the Void, reappearing next to a smaller female figure with an owl in her arms.

Gently holding out his hands, Ezekiel took his sister into his arms. He glared at the collar and shackle on Ellen’s neck and Tina’s leg. Pinching the explosive Artifacts in his fingers, Ezekiel warped space around them in such a way that they slipped off as he threw them away.

A moment later, the two Artifacts exploded over fifty meters away, doing little to nothing to harm him or his sister and her Spirit.

Closing his eyes, Ezekiel sent a plan through his Bond with Shine. There was a sense of grumbling that came from his Spirit’s end, but they didn’t complain, and simply shook in acceptance.

“Keep them safe,” Ezekiel said as he pushed Shine, Ellen, and Tina away from him. They flew into the distance toward a red clad Legendary Hunter.

‘Keep yourself safe. You’re not Tier five yet.” Shine’s final words made Ezekiel smile.

Even now, he could feel his mana growing and condensing as he absorbed everything that he could from the world around him. Even with the mana he had taken in from the Ichor he had stolen earlier, even though he had filled himself up enough to meet and break his previous peak, he was hungry for more.

Luckily for him, there were two massive meals right in front of him. Ripe and bursting with sustenance for his growing powers.

Before that, however, he had to say a few words to those that would be sent away.

A part of him wished that he could simply kill the Cultists and Kindled family members that were within this world, but doing so would use up more mana than he could afford to right now. Especially with the Cruor still acting out. The best he could do was banish everything from this space, and deal with the problems as they came up later.

“You all need to leave. I can’t afford to keep you safe, nor can I strike the rest of you down without harming everyone else,” Ezekiel’s words filled the world. “Today might not be the day our conflict ends, but it is still the day you bastards lost. Now, just wait until I come for your heads.”

Then, with a clap of his hands, space and time twisted and every one that was within the Void was sent out. Except for Harras and the Cruor. Those still had to be dealt with, and Ezekiel would be a fool to take them on by himself.

A twist of mana later, and a transparent pane of Void magic cut deep into the Cruor that wasn’t being attacked by Harras.

Sparing the Lightning Exalt a glance, Ezekiel received a look of acknowledgement before Harras wrapped his opponent in a cage of Lightning.

This would not be a battle of might, but a battle of attrition.

Fortunately for Ezekiel, fuel for his magic was right in front of him.


The once lush and green forest that covered the mountains around the Twin Peaks Fortress had been transformed into a barren, windswept, desert that was filled with nothing but bramble thorns and massive roses.

“How much longer can you keep this up, Heretic!? Why even bother fighting when your side must have already lost!” Endaria screamed and the sky was filled with scarlet petals cut through the wind toward their target.

But the massive gray titan of twisting wind shrugged off the wave of lethal petals with a slow wave of its hand. Petals turned to mulch and dried up powder as air sucked out the essence that was held within.

“I can fight for however long I need to. My side hasn’t lost yet. Not until the formation fades and Harras comes to aid you.” Wolken formed a spiraling javelin of wind and pulled back to toss it. “I wonder how much longer you can last. You’re running out of resources, after all.”

He let loose the javelin and it tore through the sky. The space it tore through was shredded in an instant, and Endaria remained directly in its path.

A series of thorny vines grew out of the ground and wrapped around her before receding back into the ground. The Javelin passed over her position without hurting her.

For a moment, there was a lull in the conflict as Endaria and Wolken prepared for their next exchange. The former rose from the ground with a forest of vines as thick as a cartwheel surrounding her and reaching into the sky.

Wolken formed dozens of whipping tendrils that swung downward.

Then, in the distance, a trio of flares lit up the sky. Both Exalts spared a glance at the sight, but Wolken immediately retreated, flying at top speed back to the Alliance’s battle lines.

Endaria spared a glance at the Twin Peaks Fortress, and while the formation still formed a dome around it, it was no longer filled with golden light. Instead, from what she could see, there were the dead and decaying bodies of multiple [Blessed] Hunters that were used to do battle within the maze of light.

After taking a moment to process and realize just what she was seeing, Endaria let out a scream of rage that echoed through the region.


Far from the battle, well beyond Endaria’s reach and behind the Alliance’s battle lines, Wolken set foot on the ground as he looked for the group that had been trapped inside the Twin Peaks’ formation. Given their movement speed, they had likely arrived a bit faster than he had, since he still needed to fly, while the others could just [Jump] through space.

“Exalt Wolken!” one of the Alliance’s Hunters called out to him. “The group is waiting for you in the medical tent.”

A gust of wind later, and he was in front of the tent.

“What happened!?” was the first thing he asked when he saw Thadeus standing outside the tent.

“I’m not certain, Exalt, I just know that Ezekiel isn’t with us.” Thadeus bowed his head as he spoke. An act of deference that Wolken knew was a means of begging for his life.

“He’s what!?” Wolken stopped his march into the tent to address Thadeus directly.

“Only Riley could tell you what happened. She had Ezekiel’s Spirit with her now.” Thadeus held out a hand to point at the tent.

“Dammit all!” Wolken threw open the tent flaps but paused when he saw two nearly identical girls sitting next to one another.

One was Wendy, while the other could only have been Ellen. The difference in hair and eye color were the only defining features that set them apart. That, and the fact that Wendy was crying, while Ellen was unresponsive to any and all stimuli.

“Legend Riley!” he barked out to draw the attention of the Hunter who was holding onto the crying Wendy. He idly noticed the opalescent blade that floated off to the side. A small humanoid figure floating beside it, watching the events that were currently ongoing.

“Exalt Wolken... I guess we need to talk...” Riley gave Wendy one more tight squeeze before backing away. “I’m sorry to say that I don’t know what happened with Ezekiel. Something happened, and we were ultimately separated and unable to meet up before we were forced to flee.”

Wolken let out a frustrated sigh that rumbled through the camp.

“What about you? What can you tell me?” Wolken addressed the one figure that he knew would have the answers he was looking for. The Void Spirit that was idly bouncing in the air. Not unlike how a person might tap their foot impatiently.

“... Fine. I’ll tell you what happened. It would be better than just sitting around anxiously.” Shine drifted over to a small corner table. “Get some chairs. This will take a while, and hopefully, Ezekiel will be back by the time we’re done.”

Riley went to get some chairs for herself and Wolken. Only once they were seated did Shine begin to speak.


The sound of glass shattering filled the Void. Ezekiel flickered in and out of existence as he moved in and out of melee range as he struck out at the pseudo-Mythic Cruor in front of him. Tendrils of flesh and hair whipped back and forth, and bestial jaws and claw attempted to dig into him to tear hi apart.

Ichor sprayed like fountain water from every cut and gouge that appeared on its body.

“It’s like hitting a puddle of water in the rain. Everything that splashes out just gets refilled.”

A sudden shriek made him flinch, and he almost failed to dodge out of the way of another attack in time. There was a crunch as the barrier he’d formed cracked, but it didn’t break as he was sent flying instead.

A series of [Void Pane] constructs took form. They spun in place like buzz saws before he launched them at his target.

Once more the Ichor from the Cruor filled the air. A veritable ocean filled the Void as it continued to spill forth. The Cruor’s movements were finally slowing down. It seemed like he was finally making progress.

“Now... Do I risk it right now, or get rid of him first?” Ezekiel asked himself as he took a moment to stare at Harras’ position not far away. “I’m running low on mana, and this space won’t remain for long. Once the foundation it’s currently built on breaks, the whole thing will come toppling down.”

He grits his teeth in frustration as he felt the edges of this micro world beginning to fray. Right now, it was being held together mostly by hopes and prayers. He had maybe half an hour before he’d have to leave. But that would get him stuck with Endaria outside. It wasn’t time for him to fight a true Mythic just yet. He still needed to finish his breakthrough. Something that was being held up due to his constant use of mana. A core was all he needed, but at the moment he didn’t have the fuel.

If he didn’t finish soon, there would also be a backlash depending on how drained he was when the effects finally hit him.

He held up a shaking arm. “Looks like I’ll need to take a risk. Harras will just have to witness the full extent of the Ichor I can consume.”

This was on a different scale compared to the tests they ran in Harkem, so it was obvious that he was somewhat apprehensive. He’d be showing the Empire one of his trump cards, but he was out of time.

Glaring at the Cruor he had been fighting, he [Slung] himself toward it, covering himself in [[Void Panes] as he did. He directly dug into its body, sinking well below the surface of its flesh.

He allowed the Ichor to flood out and over him, opening himself up to the [Will] of the Cruor.

The weight of its [Will] was great, but it also wasn’t as bad as the constant barrage from when he fought the Rot in the Archipelago. There was some strain, but nothing compared to having his Spirit Paths shattered back in Harkem.

With a flex of his own [Will] and a burst of mana, the Cruor screamed in pain and began flailing about, but it failed to do anything to him. Its power was being absorbed into his body, and for every mote of mana he expended, several more replaced it.

His [Nothingness] had risen to new heights, to the point that it could now act like a vacuum, while also breaking down and tearing out the essence of the mana within the Ichor. The Radiant infused mana was returned to a neutral state once the [Light] inside it was removed.

The amount of mana that it provided was barely half that of what it was when filled with Radiance. It was also only due to the unique [Space] that Ezekiel had formed inside himself that kept a closed system to prevent the partially formed motes from fading away.

But it was enough, and by the time he had drained the mana from the Cruor’s Ichor away, and consumed the Ichor that had been spilt earlier, his mana reserves had more than refilled.

“What have you done to yourself?” Harras’ quiet question was like a gong ringing in Ezekiel’s ears.

Even as the dissolving corpse of the Cruor fell apart around him, Ezekiel was well aware of what was happening in his [Void]. He turned to look at Harras, and although his face was covered in his Spirit Armor, he could tell from the man’s posture, bent over, weapon held tightly, and mana perfectly prepared to strike, all indicated that the Exalt was ready to strike Ezekiel down.

“I have simply reached your level. Nothing more.” Ezekiel’s words and demeanor were calm, and he waved at hand at Harras, who reflexively released the attack he was building up.

Only for himself and the Lightning he’d been charging up to disappear as space warped and he was ejected from the [Void under Ezekiel’s control.

“Now then... Let’s finish this.”

One [Jump] later, and he was digging into the Ichor of the injured and broken Cruor that still remained. It flailed for a few moments but fell silent and still as if failed to expel Ezekiel from its body.

While its corpse fell apart like its companion moments prior, the light inside Ezekiel’s Void shifted. It circled around Ezekiel and created an opalescent cocoon around him.

Everything else faded to darkness, with only the barest twinkle of starlight in the distance.


The Twin Peaks Fortress shook as a blast of Lightning shattered the ceiling and surrounding rooms where Harras found himself reappearing in. The defensive formations were no match under his might, but that was only to be expected when they were as damaged as they were.

At their peak, they might have been able to withstand a strike or two from within, but with the enchantments being mostly shattered remains, only dust and molten slag remained from where Harras’ attack struck stone.

“Harras!” Endaria called out from the air where she was descending into the fortress.

With the defenses down, there was nothing to keep her out anymore. Doubly so since Wolken had long since left the area.

“What happened? Where’s the Anathema?” She showed no regard for the destroyed fortress.

For a moment, Harras didn’t say anything. He just breathed slowly and heavily to keep himself calm, and deal with the backlash of his oaths and contracts flaring up against his soul and [Will].

“He’s breaking through.” Harras proclaimed. “I tried to strike him down, but he banished me from whatever strange space he managed to create from the remains of the maze of light. Which We will be speaking of later on, in detail.” Harras glared at Endaria, who glared back in silence. “For now, we need to retreat. There is no reason for us to stay here, and I need to report to the Emperor about the loss of his bride.”

“You’re not going anywhere! If the Anathema has broken through, I need you here to help me kill him before he can escape!” Endaria placed an iron grip on Harras’ shoulder.

He zapped it off with a bolt of Lightning as wide as his arm. The Cult’s Life Exalt could only reel back in pain.

“Had you informed me of the plan to alter the defensive formation, I could’ve acted freely and done what was needed to ensure that the Emperor’s bride remained safe, while also striking against our enemies. But instead, you kept things from me, and even allowed that damned Kindled family Ancestor try to kill me, using your Cult’s wretched abominations.” Harras formed a cage around himself and Endaria. “At this moment, I have the right to kill you due to the actions you and yours have taken against me. But I won’t, because if the Empire is to survive the coming wars, it will need all the help it can get. For now. So, you had best prove your usefulness, or else the next time we meet I’ll be taking your head.”

Harras’ eyes shone with violet light. He was more than ready to fight again, and he could sense that he had more mana than Endaria by a lot, so it wouldn’t even be fair if they began throwing spells at each other.

He knew that the Cult had more than a few tricks to get him in more trouble at home, however, so he held himself back.

When Endaria didn’t do anything other than glare and grit her teeth, Harras reached out to any surviving Imperial Hunters and Mages. Taking the few that were still alive into the air, he flew away at his top speed. Completely ignoring the earth-shattering noise of space and time breaking behind him.


Within the cocoon of mana that surrounded him, Ezekiel felt his body become saturated with an abundant amount of mana. Even as his soul was filled to the brim with mana, the excess was used to further reinforce and condense into a core that would be suitable for his breakthrough.

As the core began to form, he could feel his [Truth] and [Understanding] flowing through his body and into the core that was slowly solidifying.

In order to create this core, he had studied and spoken with Wolken about numerous things that revolved around the state of a Mythic being’s existence.

Among the ideas that he had come up with, there was the thought of turning one of his organs into a crystalized core that would still operate as needed to ensure that his body functioned while still containing the hyper condensed Tier five mana.

This idea was quickly shot down, since vital organs were too important to take such a risk with altering. His bones, however, were a different story.

Thus, the mana that flowed through his body seeped into his bones, condensing more and more as they filled every cell in his skeleton to the point that the mana solidified.

No physical changes occurred regarding the state of his bones, but he knew that, should he be cut open, and his bones exposed to the world, they would be the same color of his mana, with a crystalline sheer to them.

He could also tell that there was a change in his blood, which brought forth ideas and concerns connected to the Cruor that he knew would be troublesome in the future. But he would be able to deal with that later.

For now, with his mana fully condensed, and his core completely formed in conjunction with his skeleton, he knew that he was ready. Things settled down as the entirety of his existence seemed to calm down. But at the same time, he could feel several invisible chains that were wrapped around him.

The restrictions imposed on him by his oath to save Eldramir, and the reminder that he was, and always would be, an outsider that could not remain.

Opening his eyes, he threw his limbs out, shattering the shell of mana that had formed around him. Fragments flew out and tore open rifts in space, only to be dragged back toward him and absorbed to refill the mana that had been used to condense his core.

He brought his hands together, clawing the air to grab onto a door that wasn’t there.

With a hard pull and a twist of his [Will], a massive rupture appeared that left a gaping maw of darkness hanging in the air.

Stepping through the gap, Ezekiel saw the fleeing figures of the Kindled and Cult forces.

At the same time, floating in the air in front of him was Endaria. Ready for battle and casting her spells, intent on killing him as soon as possible.

With a small smile forming on his face, he disappeared with a quiet [Jump].

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