Tale of Eldramir

CH 262 (Book 7 Ch 2): State of the World

After their detour and destruction of the Cruor that had been plaguing the island, Ezekiel, Riley, Fiana, and George had remained and helped the survivors to recover what they could from the broken remains. Most of the buildings that were made of stone had survived, though they were still damaged from the effects of the grand magic that Riley had enacted.

While there had been some outcry, due to the massive and indiscriminate fires that had spread over the landmass, the general mood was that the result was acceptable.

This was the current norm due to Rot outbreaks being an issue that mostly scoured all non-Ichor corrupted flora and fauna on a given island. Such situations were rare but had happened enough that Ezekiel had been requested to completely cleanse an island over time.

With the aid of several Flame Hunters and Mages in the past, this had been made much simpler, though was still restricted to very specific conditions. Those events were also a much longer process due to the fact that the catalyzing Artifact hadn’t been created yet.

Nor had Riley perfected the control necessary to alter the composition of her flames, and inscribe her formation in the air, until a few months ago. This was the first time she had deployed such destruction outside of several hidden tests that were not known to many outside specific Cathedrals.

Though, it was apparent that the secret was now out, and steps would need to be taken to ensure that Humanity would be able to get as much use out of it as possible. Before the Cruor could adapt to it.

“Do you think that the Church of Ten will be upset with how we took care of that?” Riley asked after she had woken up.

Ezekiel shook his head. “I doubt it. Even if word gets back to the Cruor, it won’t matter that much. There was always a limitation on the usability of that Artifact and spell.”

He knew that those in the know would’ve likely preferred showing such magic at a more ideal occasion, but he also knew that clearing out more of the merchant routes for ships was a good idea.

As it was, the group was now once more on their way to the frontline island where the Church of Ten had informed them the Cruor had nearly taken over.

Unlike the last island, their destination was one of the larger ones that was a major bastion defending a major network of islands. If it fell, not only would it be nearly impossible to reclaim, it would also mean that over a dozen islands of varying sizes would be easily accessible by the Cruor.

“How are you feeling? I know the magic wouldn’t have been straining, but it’s still got a few kinks left, right?” One of Ezekiel’s concerns was the fact that changing the nature of her spells left Riley exhausted. Increasing the heat was simple, but changing the target to a specific fuel source was harder.

“It’s fine. Ever since my soul broke through, I’ve had a much easier time dealing with those issues.” Riley smiled and held out a hand. The air rippled as she created an invisible flame. Pure heat that couldn’t be seen wafted from her fingers.

Celia shifted a little bit, and Ezekiel reached out a hand to their fellow group members. Space warped a little bit, and the small disturbance didn’t affect them in the slightest. Fiana and George both remained in their meditative states. Red and green spheres of mana surrounded and spun around them as they focused on their task.

Dropping her hand, Riley let out a quiet chuckle and apologized, “Sorry.”

Ezekiel just smiled, and looked at the third figure that was also meditating on the back of the Dragon that was carrying them.

Shine was tethered to Ezekiel via telekinesis but had entered a meditative state and was floating a few feet away. A flickering sphere of mana spun around them as they used a new technique.

“It’s still amazing, you know?” Riley wrapped her arms around Ezekiel and held him from behind. “Even in wartimes, you continue to change the world...”

There was silence for a moment as he thought about her words. Memories of the changes in the world passed through his mind. His sisters’ progress, his mother’s recovery and stagnation. The Church’s development and merger with the Guilds.

The Empire’s continued antagonism toward any other worldly nations and factions.

The matching rings on his and Riley’s hands, and the ceremony several years ago. Where they exchanged their vows. Though no children would be had. Not until the end of the war.

Times that were happy and sad; all of these things and more passed through him, and yet he still didn’t think it was enough. The state of the world weighed heavy on his soul, but with his friends and family with him, it was bearable. For the most part.

“It’s just a means of pressuring the soul. Direct battle is still far more efficient at growing the soul.” Ezekiel didn’t push Riley away, but still waved off her praise with his words. “How are you doing? Given that you and Celia haven’t had much time to focus on your truths since breaking through with your souls, I’d like to know that you’re not stagnating.”

“I’m doing fine. No side effects, and my soul is still making progress. I’m using the passive method you created during your last closed-door session.” Riley’s words made Ezekiel wince at the reminder. “The fact that you’d leave your wife all on her lonesome for weeks at a time is still frustrating. I hope you know that.”

This time, his flinch was much more obvious. Though, he didn’t hear any heat in her words, so he knew she was just complaining at him for fun.

“Thank you for your patience with me.” He turned his head to give her a kiss that she happily returned. They remained like that for several seconds before parting with smiles on their faces.

Turning back to their friends and Spirit, the pair sat in silence. Mesmerized by the flashing lights from the mana that was being used due to Ezekiel’s technique.

After he’d returned to the Archipelago seven years ago, the first thing he’d done was help defend the frontline islands as best he could. However, the continued strain began to put too much pressure on Shine. To the point where it had begun to affect their magic.

Eventually, he had to pull back from the fighting for several months, but he didn’t stop training, researching, and experimenting. Which led to the creation of the [Soul-Grinding] techniques.

Based on the strain that his much stronger magic created when he fought with Shine, he realized that the soul could be grown by means other than time and experience. Eventually leading him to create techniques that allowed one's mana to fight against itself, causing immense strain that, much like with a muscle, allowed the soul to heal in a stronger state.

The only downside was that using such a technique required a soul that was already strong enough to bear the pressure that was being exerted. Not only that, but it also needed an anchor that would help the Mage, or Spirit, in question focus and control their mana.

It was determined that only a Tier four soul that had consolidated at least one [Understanding] of their element was able to safely use such techniques without causing permanent harm.

“It’s just a shame that having a stronger soul doesn’t innately help in [Understanding] your magic. If it did, we’d have far more capable Legendaries to fight alongside us.” Ezekiel realized the flaws of his technique within the first few months of spreading it, but the Church of Ten determined that such worries were unwarranted. He’d already increased the fighting prowess of their forces by a large percentage.

The fact that several peak Legendaries were poking at the boundary to Tier five was also let unsaid in many debates and conversations. Though, the fact that they had to find their [Truth], and consolidate a core within themself before breaking through made things difficult.

“Stop worrying about things like that,” Riley sighed, and rested her head on Ezekiel’s shoulder. “You’ve changed the world so much already. You can’t keep letting small things bring you down.”

Ezekiel just looked at the three spheres of mana, and the straining Scholars and Spirit within them. He knew that his techniques had changed the world, and that they were one of the major reasons behind humanity being able to consistently hold their ground after the mass attacks from the Cruor.

He just worried that the changes he was making would have consequences that he wouldn’t be able to predict. Even now, he could feel the eyes of the world itself staring down at him. Judging him, and his actions.

The sinking sensation he got in his gut when he focused on that feeling did not imply approval.


It was several hours later, just as Celia had gotten their group in sight of the island that they were scheduled to land on, when Shine had awoken from their meditation.

The moment the sphere of pressure disappeared; Ezekiel felt something like a bubble bursting open through the bond he had with his Spirit. In that moment, he knew that Shine’s soul had broken through, and the moment they consolidated their [Truth] they would be able to enter Tier five.

“Congratulations! I know you still need to step through the door, but at this point your breakthrough is almost guaranteed.” Ezekiel held out a hand, taking a seat on Celia’s back as he did. Shine immediately flew over and rested on his lap. “Any thoughts on what you are, in [Truth]?”

Shine remained silent, but Ezekiel could feel a sense of confidence pass through their bond. Along with something else. Something that felt extremely similar to the world resonating with his partner.

He smiled in excitement. Such a feeling could only mean that Shine was on the cusp of breaking through. It would still be a few months, most likely, yet that didn’t deter his joy.

“The next time we see the Lord of the Depths, we’ll get him for good,” Ezekiel said with a malicious smile on his face.

‘Agreed! That rotten old fish won’t know what hit him!’ Shine's exuberant reply filled Ezekiel’s mind as their blade shivered in anticipation.

“How are things going over there? Did you make any good progress?” Riley asked as she moved over from where she was sitting behind Celia’s head.

Shine stopped shaking, having calmed their excitement, and Ezekiel turned to look over his shoulder at her. His smile no longer promised pain and was now genuinely happy.

Riley stopped and sat down with a sigh.

“I know that look.” She glared at Ezekiel with a pout on her face. “That’s the look of a great success. Meaning that Shine’s probably closer to reaching Tier five than I am right now.”

Ezekiel just chuckled before sliding over, ignoring the scales that dug into his legs, and wrapping his wife in a hug.

“Sorry dear, but if it makes you feel any better, Shine had a front row seat to my [Truth] taking form, and my ascension to Tier five. So, you’re still far ahead of other Legendaries. By a lot at that, since you only need to condense your [Truth] to break through.”

Riley seemed to be mostly placated by his words, though it was apparent that she was still a bit down at being bested by Shine once more.

“Whatever,” she sighed and leaned into Ezekiel even more. “At least we’re almost at our destination. It’ll be nice to fight something properly this time. Especially with a proper stronghold and backup to support us. Swooping in at the last minute as saviors from nowhere isn’t nearly as pleasant.”

Just as he had opened his mouth to reply, Ezekiel felt something touch the edge of his senses. They had just gotten within range of the furthest reach of his mana senses, and he could feel a conflict occurring.

He sighed and gently stood up. Sending a very sight pulse of mana out into the world. Just enough to alert his still meditating friends, but not enough to disrupt their concentration.

“Wake up! It looks like we’re entering directly into battle!”

His friends slowly awoke from their meditation, and they were all ready for battle within moments.

“There aren’t any Mythical beings on the island, so there’s no reason for me to do anything other than keep people alive. The fighting will help your soul grow faster. So, I’ll be mostly keeping myself hidden, unless it looks like you’re going to be overrun. Alright?” Ezekiel said to his friends before readying a [Jump] to get them the rest of the way to the island.

They all nodded in understanding, and Celia disappeared in a flash of red while Riley was covered in her Spirit Armor. Her spear was drawn, with the Runes already lit up and a spell ready to go.

Fiana and George did the same with their own tools and weapons. Mostly supplementary ones that would increase their survival.

With a simple flex of his mana, and no sound or light, the party disappeared from the sky.


In the distance, Ezekiel observed from a hill under his [Shroud] as the Hunters and Mages of the island fought against the Cruor. After arriving, he had immediately gotten to work removing injured or near-death individuals from the battlefield.

They were brought to his position, where they were hidden beneath his [Domain]. A pulse of his mana purged those he’d grabbed of the Rot that had gotten to them, and the healers that he had pulled away managed to get to work without issues.

“Lord Exalt!” a peak Legendary Hunter called out from where he was resting on a cot that Ezekiel had pulled from one of the collapsed medical tents. “Thank you for your aid in this matter, but should we not return to battle the moment we are able?”

Ezekiel didn’t say anything, he just noticeably turned his head to where the Legendary Hunter’s legs, or rather, the empty space where his legs should’ve been.

“...Not me, but the others should go and help, shouldn’t they?” the Legendary Hunter sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, while his canine Spirit sighed from where it laid by his side.

“Now that you are aware of my presence, the benefits of you going to fight them directly are worthless. You will grow sloppy, expecting me to save you if you get into trouble, so you will be more reckless and probably get angry, rather than remaining in control, and focused.” Ezekiel let his gaze roll over everyone in the group behind him, even as new bodies continued to appear, only for the healers to get to work stabilizing them as soon as possible.

The Assembled Hunters and Mages couldn’t meet his eyes, and he knew his assumptions were correct. So, he would keep them here for now.

A large plume of blue and white flames shot up in the distance. Turning back to the battle, he smiled at the sight of his wife burning a group of Rot to a crisp.

Several Winged Cruor tried to dive-bomb her, but she changed the thermals in the air, and her attackers found themselves flailing about as the air pressure changed. A trick that she had learned from a Tempest Scholar during one of their leave times from the frontlines. One that was incredibly helpful when fighting in the sky, since she could use certain combustion spells to circumvent the pockets of air she was altering with her fire.

“Let me know when you want me to step in. Things are mostly taken care of right now, and it looks like you’re about to get overrun soon.” None of the people in his [Domain] would hear him, since he was warping space to throw his voice directly at Riley’s position.

It was a poor imitation of Wolken’s sound tunnel spell, but it got the job done.

“I think you can step in now, to be honest. I think I’ve gotten everything I could from this fight.” Riley’s response traveled through the spatial corridors that Ezekiel had created.

Hearing her words loud and clear, Ezekiel extended his [Domain], and reached out with his senses. The remaining Hunters and Mages disappeared from the battlefield. Their magic was nullified to not hurt the others, and Ezekiel held out his hand.

Several spinning disks appeared in the air, before they shrank and collapsed into each other. Their state of existence seemed to pause, and Ezekiel did this repeatedly. Draining his mana in the process.

Reaching back and tensing up, Ezekiel threw the crumbled ball of spatial blades as hard as he could into the center of the attacking Cruor. It exploded upon contact with the earth and exploded outward with unrelenting force.

The spinning blades began their movements once more and cut through anything and everything that was in their way.

It was a completely indiscriminate attack that Ezekiel couldn’t properly control once unleashed. Which was why he only ever used it against large groups when there were few to no humans around.

Those that were, were protected behind his [Domain], but even so, when he turned back to the group he had saved, he was met by open mouthed looks of shock and horror.

“I believe that that wraps up the current situation. Shall we return to the nearest city to get you all treated properly?” Ezekiel’s question was met with a bunch of silent nods.

Recalling the position of the city he had seen when they were previously in the air, Ezekiel’s [Domain] flickered for a moment.

A second later, they were just outside the city, and right after that, they were met by alarms and magic that were sent out in response to their sudden appearance.

All the while, Ezekiel just stood there, watching as the magic hit his [Domain’s] barrier.

Beside him, Riley and his friends just looked on in exasperated amusement.


Sitting among the representatives of the city and the combined forces of this portion of the island, Ezekiel was going over reports while he waited for the other city Rulers to arrive. Riley was with him, like usual, but Fiana and George had gone to report to the local branch of the Church of Ten.

“I see... Thank you for the update regarding the status of this region. The island of Mithren has proven that it truly deserves to be called one of the bastion islands.” Across from Ezekiel the local representatives nodded in thanks. “Have you managed to keep up to date regarding the state of the world beyond your duties on the island? I know that a regular stream of Hunters and Mages has been making its way here over the years.”

The apparent leader of the representatives stepped forward.

“We know that, as of last year, Morathi fell to an attack by the Cruor after several instances of battle over the course of the years prior. With the Empire moving in to fight for, and take control of, the lands from the Cruor. So, they are now fighting on two fronts, though with a priority for the main Desolate Land’s boundary.” The leader was calm and composed as he spoke, but from the sweat on his brow, Ezekiel could tell that the thought of the losses on the Continent were still scary for him to talk about.

“Beyond that, we know that the Mythic of the Fjorya had managed to retain their position, but that’s mostly because the Cruor are more focused on the Empire than they are the mountains and the desert. Other than that, we have no updates from Quintessa, since we are not on the right side of the world to get reinforcements from them.”

Ezekiel nodded in understanding. He knew that much and was happy to see that the Archipelago was keeping up to date, even in these regions. Though he did close his eyes at the mention of Quintessa. They had recently had some difficulties holding their lines.

“I don’t have too much to add, beyond the fact that Quintessa seems to be suffering the brunt of the fighting on the continent. To the point that, if I wasn’t so certain of the Cult of Light’s hatred for the Cruor, I would think that a deal had been made between them and the Empire. Though it’s more likely that they seek to destroy the last remnants of the Void that reside there.” Ezekiel recalled several instances where the Church of ten had requested he travel to the last remaining Temple of the Void that was still in human hands.

Morncrest didn’t count, since it was still protected by the Forest Spirit. Along with several armies worth of Hunters to keep the Legendary and lower Cruor from invading again. Though, with the Forest Spirit having expanded their territory, it would take a Broodlord to properly conquer the island, and it was estimated that they were too busy fighting to go and try to claim it.

Especially with a certain Flame Bird Exalt moving to a nearby volcanic island to ensure that the Cruor didn’t push too far. Apparently, it had offspring that had migrated to Morncrest after Ezekiel’s visit over a decade ago, when the island was purged to Cruor the first time. Regardless, that place was in safe hands now.

“Has any land been lost?” one of the representatives asked. “The southern border, near the Desolate Lands, does it still remain strong?”

Ezekiel could hear a hint of desperation in the man’s voice. He shook his head, and the representative seemed to collapse into his chair.

“I’m sorry to say that several hundred kilometers were lost over the past year alone. All along the border.” His words made the representative’s eyes water. “If you need to leave, you may. I’m sure your fellows can finish this meeting on their own.”

The man looked around and received a few sympathetic nods from his companions. He stood on shaky legs and exited the room, closing the door quietly when he was gone.

“Have the Cruor begun deploying their Amalgam Beasts?” Ezekiel brought the meeting back to a more present topic, but his question just received confused glances. “Creatures that prominently display features of multiple Broods of Cruor at once. Winged with bone plated armor. Rot with the ability to swim. Creatures like that and more.”

The representatives shook their heads but grew pale at the thought.

“Distribute the information packets and send a message to Fiana and George. We need the Cathedral to start distributing the information on the known Amalgam Beasts as soon as possible.”

Riley nodded in response to Ezekiel’s orders and turned away from the meeting table. A Com-Slate was in her hand, and she was writing out messages with a small pen on the tablet.

The words flashed briefly to indicate the message had been sent. Confident that his wife had things handled, Ezekiel turned back to the representatives.

“Once the other Rulers get here, we’ll need to go over the changes we can expect from the Cruor. When we heard that they had increased their efforts on this island, I was asked to come here to make sure that there was a proper defense should the Broodlords make a final push, but now I’m wondering if they intended to make a major push with forces that you hadn’t been made aware of. Hopefully, my presence here won’t make the Broodlords think they need to be present if the latter is the case.”

Given that Ezekiel had just fought off the Deep Lord a little while ago, he wasn’t confident that he could avoid fighting the Broodlord again. Especially if they were truly intending to push for the destruction of this island.

“I don’t think the Deep Lord will be an issue at this time. At least, not one that you will have to deal with yourself.” One of the representatives said. “One of the Ocean Rulers has migrated to these waters, if temporarily, because it is overseeing the protection of the Spirit Haven located near one of the islands nearby. It’s not exceptionally close, but it’s unlikely that the King Whale Spirit will let its territory go uncontested when the Cruor attack.”

Ezekiel sighed in relief. If that was the case, then he wouldn’t have to worry about the Deep Lord. Just the Winged Lord, whom he hadn’t properly fought in years.

The bad blood between them meant that, even with the Cruor’s intention of leaving him be, for whatever plan they had made, he and Derrick never left their battles without serious injuries that would take days, if not weeks, to recover from.

Then he realized something else.

“... Unfortunately, that just means that any Broodlord I might be fighting will be fighting me over the island, or on it entirely.” Given the limited space on the islands of the Archipelago, and the sheer extent of the destruction that Mythical beings caused when they fought, it was highly likely that many of the weaker forces would get caught up in their battle.

The representatives caught onto this quickly, and Ezekiel could tell that panic was going to set in soon. He turned to Riley, who had finished sending her most recent message.

“Get out the plans for safe evacuation. Make the preparations with the Church of Ten for me to make a usable number of [Gates]. It’s highly likely that we’ll need them.”

Riley’s eyes narrowed. “Will we have time?”

In the back of his mind, he could feel Shine asking him the same thing.

“I’m not sure. But I won’t be entering the battlefield unless I absolutely must. If it looks like I’m not participating, maybe the Cruor won’t grow desperate enough to do something stupid.” It was a stretch to hope for such a thing, but he knew that the people of Mithren needed it.

Now he just had to figure out how to make sure that any fight he had with a Broodlord didn’t spill over to his side’s forces.

As well as make a contingency for if they really had to evacuate. Given just how important this island was to the frontlines of the Archipelago.

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