Tale of Eldramir

CH 274 (Book 7 Ch 14): Interlude 30

After Ezekiel’s announcement, the ripples from his words, and the memories he displayed, created massive shifts throughout the world. Something that was to be expected, but still had significant consequences, nonetheless.

One of the things that had been prevalent in the world, since the war with the Cruor had started up once more, was the extreme differences in how Void Mages were perceived within the Empire, and outside the Empire.

The former did everything they could to wipe them out, and the others had fully integrated Void Mages into their society. Though specialized in regard to what sort of jobs they could do. Yet that was the norm for all the elements, for there was a niche for all of them.

“How have the people begun to deal with the sudden changes?” Linette asked her assembled Scholars, her head hung low as she thought about the chaos that had occurred just a day before.

For now, there were a few Grand Scholars that were there, but she and Scarlet were the most senior of them, so the others were allowing these two to lead the assembly.

“For the most part, the riots have been dealt with, and the loss of life was non-existent. Though, there were still a significant number of injured parties. Mostly Void Mages and those that protected them.” Scarlet, who had once more taken up the military leader role in Sanafalls, replied with a somber tone. “That could change, however, since we weren’t able to capture all the individuals that started it. So long as they’re out there, it is highly likely that misinformation will be spread. Especially since the ones who escaped were dissidents from the Church.”

This had been one of the most disheartening things for them to learn. There had been no members of the Cult, nor other sympathizers that were truly against the Void users. However, there were many who were opposed to Ezekiel’s rapid rise in power.

Now, to learn that he was the key to either destruction or salvation of the world was just too much for those that were envious of him and his achievements. Less so for those that had risen as well, but for those that hadn’t, their inadequacy was getting to them.

The fact that the Broods were set to break free within a decade regardless wasn’t something that they allowed themselves to be concerned with. After all, that would mean that Ezekiel was basically the hero of the world, and a villain was much easier to target than a hero.

“The other Grand Scholars have taken steps to ensure that the dissidents will be captured. They are simply too outnumbered to escape our net at this point. I am more concerned about the regular citizens. We cannot allow them to continue spreading chaos, but to punish them for their concerns would be wrong as well. Does anyone have any ideas as to how we can placate them for the moment?”

Linette’s question was met with silence as the others all thought over it. This had been the problem plaguing all of them, alongside the issue of what to do about Ezekiel, but that was something that they could delay for now.

The Void Exalt was well outside their reach for the moment, so it would be weeks before he became relevant.

“First and foremost, I believe that we will need to ensure that the Void Mages and Hunters are recalled and kept safe. Until they swear the oaths and sign the contracts that will prevent them from being capable of unwillingly aiding the Cruor, we cannot afford to let them risk themselves by coming into contact with the enemy.” One of the younger Grand Scholars spoke up after a few minutes of no answers from anyone else.

“That might be for the best, but if we single them out then it is just as likely that they will feel that the targeted treatment is unjust. Both by the Void Mages, and by those that will not be recalled from the front lines.” Another Scholar spoke up against the suggested course of action. “It might be best to send out supplies for creating contracts at the front. That way the actual battles will be interrupted as little as possible.”

Once the first suggestion was proposed and disputed, the floodgates opened, and other Scholars began voicing their opinions and ideas.

Some stayed quiet; content to see how things would play out, or otherwise unconcerned with the situation. The few Void Scholars in particular were doing their best to not draw attention to themselves. A failed effort, but the other Scholars were made aware that these Void users had already sworn the oaths necessary for keeping themselves from being used by the Broods.

“Enough!” Linette called out, only to start coughing a moment later.

The Life Mages in the room were quick to rush over to help, and she started to look better within a couple minutes of treatment. All while the other Scholars remained quiet out of respect.

“... I’m fine... I’m fine... Now, I believe that we can agree to the fact that recalling Void Mages from the battlefield is not an option. The change in forces would be too significant.” Linette said, and the others nodded in agreement. “With that in mind, sending contracts to ensure that oaths are made will not be an issue, so we will start that, and hopefully get the ships under our control sent to the islands under our jurisdiction. As for the Void Mages and Hunters that remain unaffiliated... that shall be something that we need to deal with more forcefully.”

Grim expressions filled the faces of the Grand Scholars. While it had only been touched upon, no one wanted to discuss the outliers of the Void users of the world.

“With that in mind, I believe that that issue needs to be dealt with only after the other islands are brought in to have a discussion. However, we will send out a notice for all unaffiliated Void users, to ensure that whatever actions we take moving forward, will be above board, and none can call us out for acting underhandedly. They will be given notice, and we shall also publish the oath that will be used, and make sure that it is fair to all.” Linette’s words were answered with a soft applause, and the matter of what actions they would take was decided.

“Thank you, Grand Scholar Linette. Now, we must further determine the exact wording of the oaths that will be published, as well as decide how best to allocate resources for distribution of contracts to the frontlines.” Scarlet then frowned as a thought seemed to cross her mind. “We also need to figure out what we’ll be doing with Evelyn Luminance. Needless to say, she will need to be protected, because while he won't do anything beforehand, I can tell you for a fact that Ezekiel Luminance is one of the most vindictive people I know. If he feels that his loved ones are threatened, or otherwise a lost cause, he may not destroy humanity, but he will create a warpath that will see countless people dead. So, if anyone has any ideas of what to do, as well as how to get his sisters back, since I think we can all agree that having those two on the front lines is no longer acceptable, please speak up.”

This time, the silence as the assembled Scholars pondered the problem was significantly longer, and it wasn’t until several hours later that a decision was made.

One that nobody felt particularly happy with but knew was their best choice of action.

They all just hoped that Ezekiel and his family would agree with it after he returned.


Earth shattering shockwaves filled the capital city of the Willowbrush Empire. The many citizens that resided within the high walls of the city, in all districts and sectors, cowered inside their homes as the anger of those that now ruled over them was made known to the world.

“How dare he!? How dare that wretched Anathema proclaim such blasphemous slander upon our Lord! Such lies cannot be permitted to spread!” Endaria screamed, her rage flooded her mana as the once beautifully sculpted and cared for garden became a twisted nightmare of twisted vines and steel hardened thorns. “I’ll hunt him down and tear him apart! His entrails will hang from my branches, and his blood will water the grass!”

To the side, the aides and supporters of the Emperor were huddled in a corner. Their bodies shook from fright and pressure. The mana weighing down on them was nearly enough to crush their souls, but the efforts of the Legendary Hunters in attendance were enough to protect them, just barely.

Protect... the Emperor... Do not... let him... come to harm...” Though terrified of what was happening to them, the attendants showed their loyalty by requesting their Emperor be protected first and foremost.

Fortunately for them, there were still enough Legendaries gathered in the palace to keep them safe in conjunction with the Emperor. However, the exact time that they would be able to hold out was yet to be determined. Even now, the Legendaries that had gathered to protect the Emperor were shaking at their knees as they held on as best they could.

“Exalt Endaria! We cannot hold out much longer! Your anger is justified, but the Emperor is in danger!” One of the Legendary guards of the Imperial court managed to squeeze out his voice.

It was strained, and there was a wheezing gasp at the end. Beside him, one of the weaker Hunters actually collapsed from the strain.

Only when she looked to the side and saw the handful of guards on their knees, the mana within them collectively pushing up against Endaria’s presence, did the Exalt let up on her wrath.

“...Where are the other Exalts? What news is there regarding the frontlines?” Endaria ignored the recovering guards and attendants while they recovered.

“Perhaps we should discuss such things elsewhere. It is not yet time for the Emperor to take part in such discussions.”

Sweat dripped down the brow of the Legendary Hunter that had just spoken. He glanced to the side, eying the young boy that was holding onto his mother’s dress.

It was the Emperor and his mother, Meli Kindled. Both of whom had been under the care and protection of both the Cult of Light and the forces of the Empire.

The previous Emperor had died not long after his child had been born. Well within the time limit that had been predicted when he had begun exploiting the Radiant Lord’s Blessing.

He had died so early in his son’s life that the boy hadn’t even had the time to grow up with a name. His was immediately proclaimed the Emperor before he was even a year old. Regents ruled in his place, of course, but no true decisions had been made or enforced by the will of the child that stood within the Willowbrush family’s palace gardens.

“There is no need to make things difficult for those that are bound by their contracts to the Empire. Involving the young Emperor too soon will only cause us problems in the future.” The Legendary Hunter said with a steadier and more confident tone. “Don’t forget that the only reason the other Exalts haven’t turned on us is because of the mutual oaths that were sworn to keep him safe.”

“Very well. Emperor! It is time for your lessons. Please follow your instructors to your classroom. Your mother may accompany you if that is your desire.” Endaria walked off before anyone else could say something. “Come along. Give me an update while we walk. This will be something that will likely be discussed with the other Lights, but you can at least finish briefing me for now.”

A man dressed in the garb of the Cult of Light then approached from the group of attendants. “Come along, Emperor, you and your mother need not worry. The blessed Lights of Radiance will handle everything.”

For her part, Meli just followed along without saying anything. Her eyes were dull and vacant, even as she held her son’s hand. Her Spirit was nowhere to be seen.

“Okay,” the Emperor said, his voice barely quivered, and his golden eyes went back at Endaria.

Said Exalt was striding toward the chamber where she would be meeting with her fellow Lights of Radiance. Behind her, the Legendary guards hurried to catch up.

One of them, a Tempest Hunter, waved his hands, and a dome of silence covered them.

“What happened!? There shouldn’t have been any reason for me to be unable to speak in front of that child.” Endaria spat out the word ‘child’ with almost as much vitriol as when she spoke of Ezekiel.

“Simply put, the front lines are in disarray, and Warren Kindled is missing. His routine quest to take out one of the Spines in the northern territories was a failure. The remains of his teams were found being eaten by Umbral Beasts. Yet there were no traces of his body, nor were there any traces of the Spine he was set to destroy having existed at all.” The Hunter who spoke held out a clipboard with a handful of reports pinned to it. “Here is the summary of what was reported by the scouts that returned from the last known location of the Spine in question.”

Taking the reports, Endaria’s eyes darted back and forth as she reviewed what had happened in detail. She snorted in disgust upon finishing.

“Either that report was made by the most incompetent fools in existence, or something strange is going on. Either way, I’ll get some answers once I’m finished meeting with my fellow Lights. You may go now. Let the other Exalts continue with protecting their respective borders with the Desolate Lands and what was once Morathi. We need a clear victory on one of the fronts as soon as possible. Increase the number of Inquisitors that are hunting for the Anathema as well. At this point, we might as well dedicate all their forces to finding him.”

The Hunter grimaced at Endaria’s commands but bowed his head in deference and left with his fellow Legendaries.

Ever since she had been chosen as the guard for the Emperor, she had been forced to learn administration, but for the most part just ordered others to do stuff. All while leaving it up to them to figure out how to make it work.

“Damned scheming always gives me a headache,” she stopped and rubbed her eyes upon reaching her destination. “I hope that the Speaker has good news for us. Hells, I hope any of them have something good to say. Otherwise, I might just have to head to the front and kill something myself. Ancients know that the others are too incompetent to do.”

Pressing up against the door to her chambers, she entered with the intention of joining the meeting with the other Lights and finishing quickly.

Yet, as she fell into the strange state that joined them together in the special meeting place provided by their Radiant Lord, a chill ran down her spine.

It took a moment to figure out why she was feeling this way, but she soon figured it out.

She was in danger, but she didn’t know why. Worse yet, after activating the Relic for communicating with her peers, the world turned black, and she felt herself Spirit screaming at her through their bond.

Only for a golden light to fill her vision and permeate her soul.

Her Spirits screams were silenced, and all that remained was golden light.

One that, this time, was tainted with an iridescent stain.


Similar meetings began taking place all over the world, and it appeared as though the only ones that weren’t in the know were the Cruor themselves. But even they had access to humanity’s information. The lands that they had conquered had ample supplies and Artifacts that were left behind when citizens retreated, after all.

“Is this true? The words of the Void’s Herald are not merely a fictitious story, are they?” Kereena, the Broodlord of the Blood Brood of Cruor, stood within her temporary throne room within the land that used to be Morathi.

While the Empire had moved in, the Cruor's forces had managed to hold onto a portion of the land that wasn’t inconsequential. Even if the true nature of their presence was unknown to the forces of humanity.

“I can’t be certain, but if this is just a ploy to buy himself time and freedom, it is an elaborate one. It is also one that could backfire in many ways.” Christopher, who was currently covered in bandages and salves created by the Rot, was sitting in a smaller throne next to Kereena. “I may need to take a dip in your pools. I cannot afford to remain here for much longer. My presence here is already an unexpected consequence of those damned Ocean Spirits changing positions.”

Kereena raised an eyebrow while turning to face her fellow Broodlord. “I thought it was the Exalt of Death that caught you off guard?”

Christopher winced at the reminder. His face twisted into an angry snarl.

“That bastard might as well be considered an ocean Spirit in and of himself. He can traverse the seas just as well as the Kraken and the Whale.” The armrest of his throne cracked beneath his hand.

“...Before you go, there is a meeting set to take place. Will you be attending, or recovering? From what little I was informed of before this, it seems like all of us are required to attend. Drake himself called for it, and if the news is true, I don’t think we can afford to not be present.”

Kereena’s words forced Christopher to calm down. The revelations of late had been chilling, and if Drake was already aware of these facts, then there wasn’t a Cruor alive that wanted to get on his bad side. Even if the Chaos Broodlord’s presence had always been much less noticeable than the others, Drake had a power that was strange compared to the rest.

Besides, even if they didn’t want to, Kereena and Christopher could both feel the pull from their connection to their Respective Broodmasters. To deny this call would be to deny their gods. Such a thing would have consequences that neither could afford to suffer.

“How long until the meeting?” Christopher had to rely on Kereena, since his own forces were cut off from most of their communications.

“An hour. You’ll have time to close the remaining cuts and recover from the lingering Death mana that’s eating away at you. However, regrowing your arm and eye will need to be delayed until tomorrow.” With that said, Kereena stood from her throne. “I am going to check up on my other channels for information. See if the Archipelago has any news. It’s the Herald’s current hometown, after all.”

Christopher didn’t say anything as she left. He just took a few deep breaths before standing up and heading toward the pools of Ichor that he could take a bath in.

Death aspected mana, infused with a destructive [Will] that sought to kill him wafted off his body, even as it shifted from decaying to regenerating at a rapid rate.

The castle was barren save for the Cruor that were lost and confused from the recent revelations.


Wolken was somewhat dazed when he had awakened from his temporary coma. But he had recovered to nearly the peak that he had been at before his fight with the Fanged King. A battle he had spent time reflecting on, so that his previous loss could be rectified.

However, for the moment, his focus was entirely on the fact that his once, for a short time, protege was a wanted man yet again. This time, to the point where the Church of Ten and the citizens of Quintessa were actually questioning him, and asking where the missing Exalt was now.

Something that had annoyed him, since he was currently in the middle of eating his dinner, and as far as he was concerned, that was the most important thing right now. At least, that was what he wanted to let the Scholars think he felt.

“You understand that I am not his minder, correct? I only taught him a few things regarding what we’ve learned about the process of reaching Tier five. Something he still figured out how to do on his own.” He didn’t even bother to look at the Scholars that had come to greet him.

Their robes denoted them as being Legendary Mages, but the new badge system also reflected the fact that they were not granted the title of Grand Scholar, likely due to inexperience or lack of merits. Something that the Church had begun to implement in recent years due to the rising number of breakthroughs in Adepts, lifting them to the Legendary levels.

“Even so, the Exalt of the Void’s most recent actions prior to throwing the world into chaos was to rescue yourself. We have already taken his followers into custody, and they are being kept safe within the walls of the Cathedral. We are hoping that you might have additional information that you could provide that would point us in a direction we could start searching in.” The Scholar who spoke was sweating and his hands were clenching in an attempt to stop them from shaking.

Even though Wolken wasn’t releasing any mana pressure, the eyes of the large, winged snake Spirit were glaring at him and the other Scholars that had come as part of a delegation to speak with him.

“Well, if I did know something, I gotta ask, what’s in it for me to tell you?” Wolken turned to glare at the Scholars alongside his Spirit.

For a moment the Scholar seemed to want to answer, but all he did was open and close his mouth a few times. He slumped after a few seconds, and Wolken decided that he’d had enough fun.

“Look for Ruins and other places with connections to the Void. Places outside of Quintessa.” Wolken went back to his meal, even as the Scholars perked up in interest. “Now that he’s confirmed that there’s a time limit, he’ll be doing everything he can to grow as powerful as he can, as fast as he can. With that in mind, check the borders of the Desolate Lands as well. He’ll probably take action to push his soul to the limit, just to grow a little bit faster.”

Faces paled when Wolken mentioned the Desolate Lands. That was the very last place that anyone wanted Ezekiel to go to. Something that Wolken knew full well but didn’t seem to care as he continued to eat.

“Would he really risk himself by going into enemy territory?” one of the Scholars in the back whispered under her breath.

Wolken snorted into his food. “Of course he would. Though, I can guarantee that he will not be freeing the Cruor. They could torture that man for decades, and he would never break. Not in a way that would be useful in removing the seals, at least.”

Just then, Wolken narrowed his eyes as something pinged at the edge of his senses. The Tempest Exalt released a burst of mana, and the Scholars fled the room.

A few minutes later, a Hunter entered the room. Garbed in heavily enchanted Artifact armor, a Cavern Hunter walked over to stand at attention at the foot of Wolken’s bed.

A large river otter Cavern Spirit stood next to him. Its eyes were narrowed as it gazed at the winged snake that was wrapped around Wolken.

“Guild Leader...” Strom, the once Vice-Leader, now fellow Guild Leader, of the Prime Guild, spoke to his old teacher.

“Strom... Are you here to ask me questions, give congratulations, or finish me off?” Wolken tensed as he looked at his previous subordinate. The last he had heard, Strom had been fighting at the border, so to see him here was not a good thing.

“Not exactly. The Cruor have pulled back from the border. I’m here to discuss what we, as the leading Exalts of Quintessa, are going to do next.” Strom released his stance, to which Wolken relaxed as well. “Specifically, I think it’s time we gather up the Exalted Spirits. Now that we’re on a time limit, we need to push, or else everything will be lost.”

“...That’s a fair assumption.” Wolken held his chin in thought. “I can think of at least two that we can pull in easily enough, but the rest will be difficult. Once I’m fully recovered, I will head out to the sanctuaries I am aware of. For now, let’s plan out the new offensive going forward.”

The two Exalts began their discussion regarding how they would be maneuvering their respective forces. It was a talk that went late into the night, but by the end of it, the two Exalts seemed to be content with the results. Even with the quiet tension formed from the topic of the nation’s Exalted Spirits.

Mentioning the other Exalts in Quintessa was something that very rarely occurred. Only when things were truly dire were they ever reached out to. Yet they were a defensive force that had aided in ensuring that no external forces were willing to truly invade.

Otherwise, the Empire’s higher number of exalted Hunters would’ve been far more threatening.

But given the way the winds of fate were blowing, Wolken knew that lines would need to be crossed to ensure that the war was won in their favor.

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