Tale of Eldramir

CH 281 (Book 7 Ch 21): Interlude 32

The council of the Broodlords was much more subdued than they usually were. For one thing, they were all physically present within the Ruins located at the center of the Desolate Lands, rather than utilizing their unique communication system.

On top of that, there was a figure being cared for off to the side. Kept in good enough condition to continue living but was otherwise silent and still. Though, small flickers of movement were still noticeable.

The last time they had reconvened was not long after Ezekiel's revelations. Only some of which were disputed by Drake. Much to the others’ concerns. There was nothing they could do about it, however, so no actions were taken beyond voicing their displeasure at being kept in the dark.

Now, after they had already destroyed one of Quintessa’s cities, under the false pretense of the Cult of Light taking action, they had gathered once again. A new target for destruction was to be declared.

Yet, even with the open destruction of the human cities, it was almost impossible for them to feel any sort of joy at the matter. Not when their prey had remained elusive for the past month.

“Still no sign or word... Do humans simply not care about the losses they are suffering?” Jillian, the Swarm Queen, spoke with the buzzing echo of a thousand insect wings beating in a rhythmic pattern.

“It might not be a matter of them not caring, but instead they are the same as us. Unable to find his presence.” Tryskan said, his voice soft and subdued. “My only concern pertains to why he is not revealing himself. After all, he had never been the type to truly hide away in the past. Especially not when his family was at stake.”

The Broodlords collective looked over the Warren Luminance, who was bound and gagged, but in startling, good condition for a prisoner who had been with them for over a month at this point.

“Given the circumstances, I think that all we can do is go through with the promise that was made. The Empire and Cult will send another message, and Derrick will destroy the city.” Leon’s rumbling voice shook the ground, but none of his peers were thrown off by it. “That is, if he can afford to do so?”

The Broodlords all looked at Derrick. His body was only mostly human at this time. Half his wings were bare, and fleshy tubes were pumping Ichor into his body.

“The side effects of the last bombardment have yet to fade, but so long as I am given more time to recover afterwards, I will be fine.” He whispered in a weak and haggard voice. “The only reason I am in this state is because I’ve been spending my time searching for the Herald. Given that such actions have proven fruitless, I will not need to continue after we finish sending the next message.”

“If that is the case, then it is simply a matter of ensuring that the puppets in the Empire do as they are told. Is the Life Hunter ready?” Kereena asked, her tone flat and indifferent.

“The Life Hunter is ready, but it is unlikely that she will last past a year.” Serin held up a hand covered in a black mold that glowed with small blue lights. “Drake would know more, but for now, my Spores are holding her together, even with her being corroded by the... Light of Chaos.”

The Broodlords collectively shivered at the mention of the power that had been utilized by the Cult of Light. Drake’s gift from his master was strong, but it was also terrifying.

“The power of an Ancient and a Brood, bound together within a false Mythical vessel was bound to result in a destructive end. The fact that she could survive for at least a year is already a great boon.” Rafael stepped in before anyone else could speak up. “If that is all, then it is time we move on. Derrick will need to move with haste to get to his target, while Serin and Drake will need to operate in tandem to move the Life Hunter into position as well. We can’t allow any mistakes. Not after we failed to clean house in the Empire.”

Half the Broodlords looked away at his reprimand, while the others bristled in anger. The reminder of their failure wasn’t pleasant.

“Need I remind you that you were a part of the strike in the Empire as well.” Tryskan, the only other original Broodlord that had fought in the Empire a month ago, spoke for himself and his peers.

“Indeed, I was, and that was in spite of having only just recovered from burning a portion of my built-up Origin Ichor to kill the Tempest Exalt.” Rafael didn’t back down and talked back just as aggressively as his old friend. “I don’t think I need to remind you of the fact that I also suffered for my failure. That reprimand was primarily a reminder. If we were still in trouble for it, our masters would’ve let us know.”

The Broodlords all collectively shivered at the thought. Even Drake, who had otherwise remained still and silent for the entirety of this meeting.

“Regardless, I think still think that it is unfair that you would bring up the escape of the Imperial Exalts, and their Emperor, when it ultimately didn’t affect our plans.” Tryskan was far less heated this time.

“It is a rallying point and led to the near end of our presence in the westernmost shores of the continent.” Rafael rubbed his temples as he spoke.

Tryskan fell silent as Rafael pointed out each and every point of failure that had resulted from the efforts of the three Imperial Exalts fighting on the western shores.

“Even now, we barely have a presence west of the original Imperial territories, from before the Morathi clans got taken down. Worse yet, they have decried the Cult of Light, making it so we have far less control over the western half of the continent than we could have.” The Fanged Lord was yelling by the time he had finished. His voice echoed through the ruined building they were gathered in. The sound lingered for several seconds.

Afterwards, silence pervaded the gathering. It was only broken by the heavy breathing of the Fanged Lord as he tried to calm down.

“Now, can we please proceed with following through with our threat? Our hold on the situation is already weak. I would rather we not lose control of it entirely.”

Without another word, the Broodlords simply nodded their heads before heading off to fulfill their roles in the upcoming destruction of yet another city.


The world watched with bated breath as, yet another announcement was made by the Cult of Light’s apparent leader. Endaria had once again been put on display in every city where Com-slates were present. This time, she looked far more haggard, and it was apparent that she was not in good condition.

However, no one that was viewing the current events cared one bit about her. Instead, they focused entirely on the city that was behind her.

For Wendy and Ellen, who had only recently set foot on Morncrest, and moved in a direct path toward what they knew was the location of the Void Temple, there was a sense of terror and anticipation that filled them while they silently gazed at the image before them.

“You have failed to fulfill the demands of your betters and protectors. The consequences were made known a month ago. Now, watch as they are realized.” The Cult’s Life Exalt raised her hand, and with a downward motion, projectiles fell on the city once again.

“How could they be so cruel?” Ellen asked, her voice quivering with anger. “Don’t answer that. It was rhetorical. They are monsters... I just had to voice my thoughts.”

“I understand. I find it hard to believe, even after everything they’ve already done to us, that they could go this far. But, if what our brother said about the Broods and their connection to the Cult of Light is true, then it’s not a human that’s directing these events.” Wendy clenched her hands around the branches that made up her chair.

Beside them, the twin’s Spirits dug their claws into the ground. A reflection of their partner’s anger flowed through them.

A small table with two wooden cups of steaming hot tea rose from the ground.

“I must say... even I am surprised at the depravity that these people will go to to get what they want. I have only known a small number of Cruor, in comparison to the total number.” A feminine voice filled the small room that the twins were waiting in. “More so when I realize that my sibling seeks to destroy the one with the highest chance of ending this chaos.”

The twins shifted in their seats. Frowns and downcast expressions could be seen on them.

“Are we sure that we can trust that messenger? I know that they are minor forces belonging to the Church that are meant to protect you. But I still find it hard to believe that they would go that far. After all, there isn’t enough time to raise another Void user to the same level and keep them safe to be able to reseal the Broods.” Ellen said, and looked over to the desk that was next to them.

A small Artifact, bearing the symbols of the Church of Ten on it, flickered into life, and the image of the Morncrest Void Remnant appeared in the glass that was sitting on the top of it.

“Now, now, Ellen, you should know better than to deny what is right in front of you. After all, the Church has already tried to capture you more than a few times. Even within my sanctuary.”

The Remnant’s words caused the Radiant Hunter to duck her head. A small blush spread across her face, while her sister patted her back to comfort her.

“Oh my!” the Remnant exclaimed, and the twins shifted their attention back to the display from the Cult. “It seems like they will be having some difficulties moving forward. That’s good for you, isn’t it?”

On the display from the Com-Slate, the figure of Endaria was glaring into the distance. Around her, several of the Cultists that had accompanied her group were dead, and the dust cloud from the ruined city had dissipated.

High in the sky, a figure fully clad in Spirit Armor flew. His gaze was not on Endaria, however, but whatever he was looking at was in the distance, and well beyond the boundaries of the screen.

“Wretched traitor of humanity! For years you have interfered in humanity’s salvation! Today we shall settle things once and for all!” Endaria’s voice cracked from how loudly she screamed.

With a flash of light, she was clad in her own Spirit Armor, and just before the image cut out, she took to the sky. The intent to battle whoever it was that had arrived during their message was obvious.

The twins stared in silence, but it seemed that the Remnant wasn’t about to let them process what they had just seen.

“Come along, girls, it’s time for your training. I believe that Morncrest is eager to stretch.”

Without warning, branches reached forward to wrap around the twins. Only for a flash of black and gold to fill the room. Both twins had disappeared by the time the light had faded away.

Outside the room, the sounds of battle could be heard. While the items within the room were put away by invisible hands.

A small humanoid wooden figure walked in, and the Void Remnant turned in her protection to address it.

“What do you think, old friend? Do you still believe that taking those two in was a bad idea?” she asked with a smirk plastered on her face.

“I can’t say that it was a bad decision. They have proven that they were a worthy investment with how their power had grown. Though I still don’t see why it was necessary. I’m sure that they would’ve survived, even without our interference.”

The Remnant simply smiled. “It was to repay a debt incurred by my wayward brother. Nothing more.”

The avatar of Morncrest stilled before stepping forward. “You mean the Remnant in Quintessa. Do you disagree with its decision?”

“Obviously. This world... it can’t be saved by the humans that were born here. Only someone that exists beyond the boundaries imposed on it by Eldramir stands a chance. The vision of those whose souls have never seen the Void in full, cannot even begin to truly [Understand] it on their own.”

“... I will trust your word on it... To be honest, I also liked that boy. To rely on him to save the world is not the worst thing imaginable. There are far worse candidates to choose from.”

The Remnant stayed silent this time. She merely smiled before disappearing. All the items that had been disturbed were back in place, and the avatar of Morncrest sank into the floor, rather than walk out once more.


Far away from both the Archipelago and Quintessa, an older man clad in immaculate enchanted armor strode through the halls of a grand castle. Built from magic, there were no seams or connections to be found. The walls seemed to grow stronger and cleaner as the Hunter strode through the halls.

It had been another month since the Empire had sent out another message. Unfortunately, he hadn’t been able to return any sooner than this, due to the necessity for new defensive fortifications. Something that only he could provide in any significant manner.

“How is the young Emperor?” Exalt Narok stopped in front of two massive stone doors.

A team of guards, ten Mages strong, lined the walls on both sides of the hall. As one, they saluted Narok, raising their fists to their chests.

“So far, the Emperor has adjusted to his new circumstances. It was a difficult time for him. The separation from his mother had a powerful impact on him.” The guard spoke quietly, but the sound of his voice echoed down the corridor all the same.

“At least he is adjusting. What about the healers? Is there any word from them?” The Exalt covered his face with his hands when the guard shook his head. “Alright... Is the Emperor willing to speak with me today?”

The guard nodded and moved to the door. A guard from the other side also stepped forward. They both placed their hands on the door, and several intricate patterns lit up in unison on both doors.

With a loud and heavy groan, the doors slowly swung open.

Inside was the private chamber of the Emperor. The young boy sat at a wooden table tucked into a corner beneath a large window of reinforced glass that sparkled with enchanted runes engraved into the glass itself. A large book lay on the table before him, and he was tracing his finger along the pages as he read.

Stepping into the room, Narok realized that the young Emperor must still be mad at him, since it was impossible for him to not have heard his entry.

Behind him, the doors closed with a loud slam.

“... I don’t suppose you saw the announcement?” Narok was quiet and spoke softly. “I know it may be difficult for you to understand, but I don’t think that, even as young as you are, you can truly approve of the actions the Cult has taken.”

The young Emperor stopped reading and turned around. There was a frown on his face, and Narok felt his heart drop.

While neither he nor his peers had renewed their oaths after the Cult had pushed their contracts too far, and ultimately freed them with the revelation that the Cult was a puppet for the Broods, that didn’t mean that they didn’t care for the Emperor’s well-being.

“Are you alright, young Emperor?” Narok knelt down and pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket. Reaching forward, he gently wiped off the tears streaming down the child’s face.

“I don’t understand... Why are they doing this?” he asked with a choked whisper.

Narok sighed. “Unfortunately, they are not themselves... Do you know your figurines?”

He gestured to the small figures built from different materials that lined a bookshelf. The toys that belonged to the Emperor. Which the young man turned to upon being prompted.

“When you play with them, you make them do the things that they should do. You control them, and they take action according to what you want. Just like your body does what you want it to. When it can. Those people... Imagine that someone stole your figurine. You are not controlling it anymore, right?”

The Emperor shook his head, and Narok gave a sad smile. He hadn’t wanted to teach such a lesson when the child was still so young.

“That’s what happened to Endaria, and several other people. Their figurines, their bodies, were taken by an evil monster. It’s making them do terrible things. Things that would have hurt you. Just like they hurt your mother. It is up to us to stop them from doing so.”

Narok could tell that the boy in front of him barely understood what he was trying to say, but it was enough to properly take control of the empire once more. That wouldn’t be possible for at least another decade or two.

A time that he wasn’t sure the world had anymore.

From there, rather than continue dwelling on such dark topics, Narok sat down to help the young Emperor with his studies. Telling stories that pertained to the topics he was focusing on at the moment.

This continued for a few hours, until a knock on the door pulled him away.

“It seems like the daylight is running out.” Narok said, standing up while the young Emperor yawned. “You had best be getting to bed. We can continue this in the morning.”

With bleary eyes, the young Emperor went with the helpers and aides that had entered the room.

“Exalt Narok... I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it seems that there is an emergency message from Harras. It was not the top priority for emergency messages, so we didn’t bring it up earlier, but we can no longer delay.”

Narok nodded to the guard that brought the message, before striding out to head to his own quarters. Upon entering his private quarters, a small crystal recording device sat atop an intricate written letter.

‘Narok... I’m sorry to bother you during your time with the Emperor, but you needed to be made aware of what we have learned. It is apparent that Wolken managed to properly devastate Endaria’s entourage after they destroyed that city last month. From what I’ve managed to find out from my few remaining spies, she still hasn’t fully recovered. With that in mind, they have turned their attention to reinforcing and refilling their numbers within the Emperor itself. I have already gone to reinforce the easternmost border, while Talia has gone to the north, where the remaining Cruor forces still linger. Please be ready to move out at a moment’s notice. We will likely need you sooner than later.’

Narok collapsed into his seat after reading the letter. Looking at the crystal, he allowed the message stored within it to flow into his mind.

Images of people being taken from their homes filled his mind. The Empire was falling further and further from the bastion of humanity that it once was.

“Damn them... Damn them all...”

A tear fell from his eye, and he simply stared at the ceiling while pondering the fate of his nation.

“... We cannot continue like this... As much as it pains me to admit it, we need help, or we are going to lose.” With that said, he gathered his writing tools, and began penning a letter.

While he and his peers didn’t have many allies, they did have a shared enemy. One that would be happy to have more allies. Especially since they had three Exalts to bring to bear.

If he could argue the point correctly, then it was possible that he would be able to turn things around for them.


Just within the border of the Quintessa side of the Desolate Lands, a massive conflagration that spread over several hundred kilometers consumed the outermost reaches of the Fungal Forest.

“I think that my daughters would love this. Though, I’m glad that they are safe at Morncrest. Even more so since they’ve managed to get word to us through the Spirits that are living there.” A woman clad in pitch black Spirit Armor laid flat in the air while watching the forest burn.

“Agreed... Just remember what you promised. They will be allowed to leave once Ezekiel reveals himself again.” Flying in an upright position, with massive draconic wings that had extended from her back, was another woman. This one clad in scarlet Spirit Armor, with bright blue flames coating her body.

Shadows flickered in the flames below, and the pained screams of the Cruor and Umbral Beasts that hadn’t escaped the destruction were like music to the ears of the two women. They both watched with soft smiles hidden beneath their helmets.

“I’m glad we finally got around to this... I must say, after the first few months of doing very little when we first met up, it’s good to finally stretch a little.” Evelyn, clad in her Spirit Armor, and with her Spirit’s features poking out from her head, yawned and arched her back with a great big stretch.

Riley smiled even wider but didn’t look away from the fires burning in front of her.

“I’m sorry that it took so long to do anything significant. I had hoped that we would get more opportunities to take action against the Cult, or find Ezekiel, before we finally struck.” Her eyes began darting around, looking for possible enemies. “Also... you can’t deny that our presence is one that will be sought after by numerous people, and most of them are enemies. Nor can you say that finding out what happened to the twins was a bad thing.”

“Are you saying that I’m a liability?” Evelyn asked with a teasing grin on her face.

“I’m saying we need to be careful, and your behavior when we started was far more reckless than my own was. So, I wanted to know that I wouldn’t have to save you every day.”

A flicker in the flames caught Riley’s attention.

“It looks like it is time to go.” She grabbed Evelyn’s shoulder, only for the older woman to turn into a shadow that wrapped around her body. “That will never not be strange.”

A tickling sensation all over her body made her shiver, but she maintained her focus, and within seconds she had left the area, well before the presence of the Rotting Matriarch had arrived.

“How are you feeling? Any discomfort from the sudden movements?” Riley asked her mother-in-law, who was stumbling over to a piece of rubble after Riley had stopped fleeing.

“I’m fine. I’m just not used to the speed of a Mythical being. That’s all.” She waved the younger Hunter off. “You moved far faster for far longer when you picked me up from Sanafalls. Are we still in the Desolate Lands?”

The Obscure Hunter looked around the destroyed city, but Riley just shook her head.

“No... If I remember correctly, this is just one of the most recent cities to fall to the hands of the Cult of Light.” Her face twisted into a frown, and several complicated emotions flowed through her.

“Are they still doing that? I thought Wolken hurt them really badly after the second time.” Evelyn’s eyes widened, and she more closely examined the rubble around her.

“It doesn’t matter what he does to Endaria. Not when the Broods are the ones taking action. All he did was give them time to evacuate the area. While the border of the Desolate Lands hasn’t expanded, yet there’s now a no man’s land between it and what Quintessa has marked as safe to live in.”

“Did you find that out when we stopped at that town to look for rumors of where Ezekiel might be?” Evelyn asked.

Riley nodded, “Yes. It seems like Ezekiel will be coming back to a very different world when he finishes his training. I wonder how much he’ll have grown by then.”

A wistful look spread across her face. She missed her husband, and the patience she had forced herself to work with over the past few months was incredibly frustrating.

“Six months...” During that time, Celia had proven that she was either wiser, or simpler, than Shine, for she had managed to reach Tier five, same as her, which had greatly increased their strength.

“... Do you think he’ll be able to do it?”

Riley turned to Evelyn, an eyebrow raised and confusion on her face.

“I hate to say it, but it’s obvious to me that you know more about my son than I do. As his wife, that is your right, but that’s why I need to ask. Do you think that he can save the world?”

The sheer desperation that filled Evelyn’s voice made Riley stop before she could answer with a ‘yes’ right away. Instead, she took a moment to really think about it. To think about everything she knew about Ezekiel, and everything that she knew that he could, and would, be able to do.

“... There’s no doubt in my mind that he could save us... But I don’t know who ‘us’ is to him.”

Evelyn stayed silent, and Riley began to shift in place. The discomfort at being scrutinized by the Obscure Hunter was strange to her, and something she couldn’t ignore.

“I see... Thank you for your honesty... If it were me, I simply would have answered yes, and left it at that. Even now, I have no doubt that he will save us. I just didn’t think that he would separate us from the world. But I guess that’s what everyone is worrying about. What is the world? And what will be saved?” The older woman’s voice was melancholic and sad.

They both sat in silence for a few minutes before Evelyn stood up. “Alright... I’ve made my decision! I’ll let him take the lead, no matter what he chooses to do. Now then, do we have another target?”

Riley couldn’t help but let out an amused snort. “I think there’s a few areas that aren’t controlled by the Rotting Matriarch that we could hit. There’s definitely a few Spines that could be exploded for fun.”

With that said, the two women strode out toward the edge of the ruins that surrounded them.

Taking to the skies once more, a sense of anticipation filled Riley once more. The fire of rage and desire that burned within her pushed her forward, but she was growing impatient and tired.

All she wanted was for her Void to return, but there were no signs of his return in sight.

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