Tale of Eldramir

CH 302 (Book 8 Ch 12): Get In then Out

For a moment, Ezekiel floated listlessly in the space-between-spaces. Even though he had been expecting something like this to happen, he still didn’t like it. He also didn’t think that his father would be able to do what he had just done.

Originally, when he first imagined the possibility of his father telling him that he wouldn’t be able to leave since he was too weak to make a rift stable enough for Warren to pass through, he had thought that so long as he didn’t create a rift there wouldn’t be any chance of his father pushing him through against his will. Not once had the thought of being thrown out of the broken border of the Spirit Pathways crossed his mind.

Ezekiel, we need to focus on getting home, Shine’s voice cut through Ezekiel’s empty mind. Don’t even think about going back into the Spirit Paths, either. If you do, then everything done up until this point will be for nothing. Your efforts will have been for nothing, and your family in the physical world will continue to be at risk.

Ezekiel shook his head. Looking down at his hands, he realized that Shine was maintaining the aura that was keeping him safe. Not that it was any harder than keeping up the aura when he was in the Spirit Paths.

How long have we been here for? His voice was curt and to the point. He didn’t want to have small talk at the moment. Both emotionally, and logically, since they needed to get out of here.

The forces that tore away at his defensive aura were nowhere to be seen. The constant flow of mana tinted with the subconscious [Will] of a Tier seven, if not greater, soul was no present.

Now, a more familiar territory surrounded him, and he was ready to look for a way home.

It’s only been a few seconds, but we can’t afford to get distracted. I’m sorry, but I need to keep you focused right now. Shine spoke in barely a whisper, and waves of guilt and sorrow emanated from their soul through their bond in a constant flow.

Ezekiel crushed the anger he momentarily felt towards his Spirit. He would deal with them later, when they weren’t losing energy in a world of nothingness.

Keep me steady... I can tell that this area seems to be closer to the ‘surface’ than the space-between-spaces that we entered from within Radiant Chaos’ seal. Focusing inward, Ezekiel channeled his mana to begin making [Predictions] to find a way out of here. It still might take me a while. Hopefully we won’t run into any bad news the moment we get back.

He felt the pull on his mana and connected to the space around him. While there was nothing physical in his surroundings, and the energy of the world was nonexistent, after having visited the Spiritual Pathways of the planet, he knew that there had to be a constant flow of mana that reached the physical world.

It was just too thin and inconsistent that he couldn’t feel it with his senses, so he didn’t look for it.

Now that he knew that it was there, he focused intently on his surroundings, waiting, watching, on the lookout for the barest hint of mana, or anything else, that he could latch onto.

A flash of light appeared not far from him, but he could tell that it was merely another point in the Spirit Paths. One that his instincts were telling him was far from where he wanted to be.

A second flash. This time, the option to move toward it was only there for a few seconds, before it disappeared. He attempted to find it once more, but didn’t stick around for long.

This happened several times, his mana slowly draining as he continued to [Predict] outcomes that would let him leave this space-between-spaces.

After the tenth time he found a flash of light that didn’t feel right, he decided to stop and discuss his findings with Shine. A theory had popped up in his head, and he wanted a second opinion.

I think that we’re still moving. Even in this space-between-space, we still have momentum and are moving at the same speed that dad sent us flying at, Ezekiel said with a frown on his face. We just can’t tell that we’re moving, since there’s nothing to reference our movements and speed. So, somehow, we need to stop moving, or else all of my predictions will be wrong, and we’ll never get out of here.

There was no reply for several seconds, but Ezekiel could tell that Shine was thinking it over. He felt confident in his hypothesis, however, and figured that Shine might have a few ideas on how to stop their apparent momentum.

Maybe we can make and anchor? You still have a few of those Construct Artifacts, right? Could you alter one to impose [Nothingness] and [Force Alteration] to nullify its movements?

Ezekiel smiled, happy to know that his Spirit could still come up with good ideas. He had been thinking about applying those [Understandings] to himself, but that would have several problems. The biggest being that, since he had nothing to use as a judge for his relative speed, it would be impossible to tell if it was working or not.

That should be simple enough to do, he took out one of his constructs and began altering it with his [Understandings]. There we go. Just in case, we should keep it with a low output for now. Don’t want my neck to snap if only part of me comes to a stop.

He felt his Spirit send a mental nod through their bond. A moment later, he formed an invisible [Tether] between himself and the anchor. It acted somewhat like his [Sling] spell. Only this time, rather than building up force to fling himself in a direction, it would hopefully burn off his speed.

Three, two, one!

The anchor was released, and it immediately activated, before disappearing in the distance. So much faster than either of them had expected, that the tether they had made quickly reached its end.

Oh shit!

Ezekiel’s panicked yelp was cut off not a moment later when his body jerked to a stop. The sudden decline in speed was so shocking that it actually caused cracks to form in his Spirit Armor. It was so bad that Shine also let out a pained grunt from the forces that were suddenly exerted on them.

This was followed by a snapping sensation that spread through both of their minds. The tether that they made had broken after barely a few seconds.

However, Ezekiel could tell that they had slowed their momentum significantly. Even though he couldn’t tell if they had actually stopped or not.

Take a moment. Recover as best you can, and then we’ll do this again. Until the anchor doesn’t move away from us, we can use it as a launching point to make another prediction.

Shine mentally nodded once more, and Ezekiel focused on recovering. Luckily, the damage was nothing he hadn’t suffered from before. So, it was only a few minutes later that he was ready to go again.

This time, the anchor operated at half the efficiency that it did before, and while it disappeared quickly, it didn’t feel like they were ramming into a mountain at full speed when they reached the tether’s end. Once they had reached the end of it, Ezekiel brought out another anchor. This one didn’t move.

We’ve stopped. I’m going to make another [Prediction].

Shine went back into defensive mode, and Ezekiel began peering into the future once more.

Flashes of light filled his vision, sometimes they appeared when he descended from his relative position, and sometimes they appeared when he moved to the left or right.

Every direction made it possible for him to find evidence of mana once more. Yet each one gave off the same feeling as the Spiritual Pathways.

Then he remembered that this strange space didn’t exist in just three dimensions. He could, and should, also be looking both ‘in’ and ‘out’.

I’m going to try something again. Watch Out for me.

Taking a deep breath, even though he didn’t need to, Ezekiel closed his eyes and pictured himself breaking out of an egg. Bursting forth from a cracked and broken hole. Like a pane of glass that keeps things in or out of a room. With this image in his mind, he felt something click into place and his eyes snapped open.

A small flash of light, one that didn’t disappear because he moved away from it, but because it was moving to a different ‘level’ of space. It was moving to what he could only assume was the surface of Eldramir. The physical world, where he needed to be.

He flexed his mana, and in an instant, he had opened a rift in the world that he knew would lead to the physical world he was looking to get back to. His [Danger Senses] flared a warning at him, but it wasn’t debilitating, so he knew that the danger was something he could overcome or escape from.

Let’s go! Full defense! We don’t know where we’ll end up.

With those final words, Shine reinforced their Spirit Armor even more, and Ezekiel flew through the rift at full speed. One moment, he was nowhere, the next, he was flying straight at the bodies of what could only be several peak Mythical Broodlords.

Yet, the oily golden figure, and the obvious seal that rose into the air behind it, told him that they were probably more than that. He reflexively [Shrouded] himself, intent on getting out of there fast.

However, he smirked when he realized that he was still unseen, and there were two perfect targets, ripe for the taking. So long as he could get out of there fast enough afterwards.

In the back of his head, he heard Shine sigh and felt them begin channeling mana to retreat.


Things had been going relatively well for Radiant Chaos. While there had been bumps along the way, he had successfully released four of his brethren, was working on the fifth, and would be able to get the rest within a year.

Yes, he had lost two of their hosts, but that didn’t matter. His plan was coming to fruition, and while the need to gather all their souls and combined power at his seal was annoying, it was something he was getting closer and closer to.

The fact that the Herald of the Void wasn’t anywhere to be found also meant that one of his biggest problems had disappeared.

“How much longer must we wait here? I am growing weary of being so far from my territory.” A feminine figure with tendrils of blood for hair spoke as she waited for him to finish extracting another one of their consciousness’ from their seal.

“Just a few seconds. Have some patience. You only got out a few weeks ago yourself.” Radiant Chaos muttered as he held out golden tendrils that connected the seal to the body of the Wyrm Broodlord. “There we go.”

The Wyrm lord’s body immediately swelled as he released a muffled scream. It seemed to twist inside out as the soul of the Wyrm Broodmaster now inhabited it.

A glance to the side showed him that the Fanged Lord was clenching his hands. Fangs and Claws dug into the Broodlord’s flesh, but Radiant Chaos didn’t care.

If anything, he felt a sadistic glee at the sight of his host’s oldest friend crying tear of blood at the loss of his oldest companions.

In the back of his mind, he took even more pleasure at the screams he heard coming from Drake. The remains of his soul were being used as fuel to keep Radiant Chaos empowered, even as his strength ripped this body apart.

He shook his head. He needed to focus on the process of partially unsealing the Wyrm Broodmaster. Distractions were unneeded right now.

A constant flow of mana filled the newly peak Mythical being. It grew larger and larger, until it met the height of the others, shifting into a massive serpentine abomination with two arms that folded into its body. Humanoid features that were remnants of their new hosts.

“How do you feel, Wyrm?” Given that his brethren had no names before they were sealed, referring to them as their Broods would be all that Radiant Chaos would do.

They had not realized the significance in having a name. It was one of the reasons why their power was so destructive to their temporary forms. Thus, he had one step up from them in power, even though, technically, they were of the same peak Step.

It was a secret that he wouldn’t be telling them. Not if his true plan was to come true.

“I am fine... Though, I do not like these appendages. They are not natural to my true form.” Wyrm held up his hands and flexed them several times. “Though, I can see that I am not the only one with remnants of these hosts remaining.”

“They can be dealt with later, after I have fully freed you from your seals. For now, we need to move and--” Radiant Chaos whipped his head around. It had been slight. Barely the smallest moment of time, but he could swear he had sensed Void Magic being used. However, as he looked around, he didn’t see anything. No flashes of light, nor strange rifts of spatial warps.

That didn’t mean that he lowered his newly raised guard.

“What is it? Something in the wind?” Seeing his reaction, the other Broodmasters also moved to focus on their surroundings. However, none of them senses anything.

That alone was almost enough for Radiant Chaos to grow wearier. He trusted his senses, but if it was another element then they would’ve sensed it easily. Thus, if his senses weren’t wrong, then it could only have been a master of the Void element.

Yet none of them were under attack. Nor did his instincts tell him of any danger to himself. Something that the wariness, but relatively normal alertness, in his fellow Broodmasters, indicated that they weren’t the intended target either.

“The hosts!” Radiant Chaos turned with a roar, just in time to see both Broodlords be struck down with attacks that contained more mana in them than either one had Ichor in their bodies.

Then, just to add insult to injury, Ezekiel, the Herald of the Void, and biggest hurdle in Radiant Chaos’ plans, turned his head, dispelled his helmet, and had the audacity to grin at him before covering the two unconscious Broodlords with spheres of mana, and flying off once more.


Ezekiel was sweating, his body and mind were both tired, and he felt like his soul was being stretched like a piece of gum.

This was not a good idea! We should’ve just killed them, and left it be so we could get the hell out of here! Shine screamed in Ezekiel’s mind. Though he couldn’t blame them, since even he had to admit that this was a stupid idea.

However, after getting back from the Spirit Paths of Eldramir, he couldn’t hold himself back. Not when the frustration and sense of helplessness at leaving his father behind was still eating at him.

I’m sorry, but I needed to do something. Something stupid, vindictive, and ultimately harmful to our enemies. A small pang of guilt filled him, but he pushed it aside in order to focus on dodging the massive bone spears Ichor bullets that were being shot at him.

The explosive spore missiles, and other ranged attacks were annoying, but not that bothersome, since they were mainly just rocks with nothing but their size as a threat.

“Void Herald!” Radiant Chaos screamed from behind him, but he didn’t stop. He just continued flying as fast as he could. “Come back here! Return the hosts to us right now!”

He said hosts... I guess that means that they aren’t actually free just yet. That had been Ezekiel’s biggest fear when he had seen the familiar visage of Radiant Chaos. Any guesses as to why he needs to get his allies’ souls out of their seals?

While he wasn’t certain what the cost was, Ezekiel could tell that the massive figures behind him were the Broodmasters, at least when it came to their souls.

They were also infused with massive amounts of Ichor, with a hint of Radiant Chaos’ essence infused in it. Something that made Ezekiel feel very uncomfortable. He wasn’t sure what it was that made him so unsettled by it, but the thought of Radiant Chaos spreading his Ichor sent shivers down his spine.

It didn’t set off his danger sense, but there was a general sense of discomfort that was there before. Not even when he had seen the Brood’s true form.

Perhaps he intends to use their souls to attack the seal from both ends. The Broodmasters’ souls being out of their seals, even partially, means that they can exert their [Will] directly, rather than through a medium. Shine sounded strained, but Ezekiel knew that it was difficult for them right now.

All he had to do was focus on flying and dodging. His Spirit was the one that was keeping the Fanged and Deep Lords flying alongside them.

How much longer do you intend to keep this up? The Spirit asked.

Think I’ve focused enough mana now... Not that it would be too hard to keep this pace. They’re not catching up to us. Being at the top of the Mythic Tier meant that Ezekiel’s speed was on par with some of the more speed focused elements. Although, he was running low on mana, so it would be best to leave now. Let’s get out of here.

With that said, Ezekiel released his hold on the mana he was focusing into a [Sling] spell. Using over half of his remaining mana, from when they had first arrived, Ezekiel felt a powerful push against his entire body, as well as a pull from the bodies of the two Broodlords in his possession.

An instant later, they were gone. The Broodmasters’ screams were the last thing he and Shine heard.

The next thing they saw was the clear skies over the fallen Empire, with the massive mountains of the Fjorya to their left.

Without another word, Ezekiel flew them south, where they would hopefully be able to rest, recuperate, and interrogate.


The sudden disappearance of the Herald of the Void was a shock to Radiant Chaos and the other Broodmasters. Two of their brethren’s hosts were now gone, and they hadn’t even been able to touch Ezekiel when he had moved to flee.

They all knew that, if he had stayed and fought, that it would’ve been impossible for the lone Void Hunter to have won. So, to see him successfully trap and flee with two Broodlords was a mental blow.

“Damn you, Void Herald!” Radiant Chaos let out a gurgling roar, before releasing the most widespread area of effect attacks he could. Followed by his fellow Broodmasters, who had seen the same as him, but had also failed to react in time due to surprise.

“... That was the Herald... He reminds me of the Creator more than I would’ve thought...” The Bone Broodmaster spoke with a low rumble that shook the mountains.

The other Broodmasters stilled at his words. An aura of fear and uncertainty emanated from them. It disappeared after a few seconds when Radiant Chaos started giving orders once more.

“We need to go! We need to access the other seals as fast as possible and raise new hosts. Only then will we be able to break the seals!”

The onslaught of attacks had long since ceased, and the Broodmasters moved as one, with Radiant Chaos in the lead. The power being thrown around was so great that space seemed to twist and warp.

However, one of them spoke out as they ran. “Radiant Chaos! Should we not head to the ocean first? Since the Deep Brood’s seal is closest?”

Radiant Chaos didn’t stop. “The Fanged lord is the oldest after my own host and that of Wyrms. With the Swarm being cut off for now, he is the only one with knowledge from the time before our awakening. Though I doubt he knows much, we cannot let him speak of us, lest we lose any chance of hiding our trump cards.”

The golden Broodmaster nearly sighed in relief when his fellows moved to keep pace with him, rather than begrudgingly follow along. His excuse had worked, now he just had to make it to the Fang seal in time.

Otherwise, the blasted Fanged Lord, who he had taunted several times with the truth, and knowledge of the sixth Tier, might be able to give the Herald information that would ruin his plans even further.

With these concerns in mind, the suffering wails of Drake, deep within the depths of his soul stopped, just for a second, to laugh at him. The laughs grew stronger as the pain he suffered increased.

Radiant Chaos’ frustration and fear simply made the tormented soul happier and happier.


Entering the Fjorya mountain’s Ezekiel didn’t bother looking for any of the places, he knew that he’d find people. Instead, he found a that was clear of practically everything and dug a hole.

Then, he covered it by collapsing the hole on top of himself, while creating a barrier that kept the rock above him from crushing either himself, or his prisoners.

Are you certain that this is going to work? The Broodlords are well known for their hatred of humanity and their loyalty to their masters. Shine voiced their doubts regarding the situation.

“I don’t know for certain. But I recognized the look of sheer hatred and betrayal that covered both of their faces. So, I think we have a good chance.” If there was one thing that he was certain of, it was what hatred at an unfair or treacherous figures that held power over you.

Shine remained silent, but that was enough for Ezekiel to know that they had conceded the point.

“How much mana do you have? Can you afford to keep watch while I meditate? Now that we have Ichor and mana again, it won’t take long for me to top up.” He dropped his prisoners on the ground inside the makeshift cavern.

Shine mentally waved him off, and so Ezekiel started his meditation. The area they were in was barren of any sentient life but was still rich in mana. To the point that he was surprised that the Cruor hadn’t tried harder to claim it earlier.

It only took him an hour to regain all of his mana, but he could feel his soul strain at the effort.

The one other thing he found was that his body began integrating more of his soul into it. Though, that could’ve been due to the physical effects of the Ichor that he had stolen from the two Broodlords.

“I had almost forgotten what it was like to fill myself up with mana from external sources.” Ezekiel stretched as he rose from his meditation. “We won’t be able to stay here more than a day. I doubt that my absorbing all the ambient mana in the area will remain unnoticed. How are you doing?”

Shine just bobbed in the air, as if to shrug. “I am fine, but I agree that we need to leave this area as soon as possible. With finding your family being the biggest reason we have to do so.”

Ezekiel nodded. “Well, hopefully we can get some answers out of these two soon then.”

Walking over to the still unconscious Broodlords, Ezekiel cut them open a bit more, causing more Ichor to flow. A large pool began to form in the center of the artificial cavern.

Holding Shine in his hands, he nullified the [Will] within the Ichor. An incredibly draining process thanks to the modifications he could sense. Most of which were very familiar, having the same ‘feeling’ as Radiant Chaos.

“You ready?”

Shine shook in the air before plunging into the ground in the center of the Ichor, which was immediately absorbed.

Shrugging, Ezekiel turned around, before slapping both of the injured Broodlords in the face.

Inhuman eyes snapped open, both were wide and glanced around everywhere before settling on Ezekiel. He opened his mouth to speak, but the Fanged Lord spoke up first. His words were fast and frantic.

“There’s no time to explain! Devour my soul, or this world is doomed!”

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