Tale of Eldramir

CH 312 (Book 8 Ch 22): The World Turns

The next day or so was filled with storytelling, and just generally catching up with one another. Most of it was happy, but some of it was disheartening. Like when his sisters asked about Warren, and Ezekiel was forced to tell them that things had gone wrong, and their father had truly died.

The silence from the twins was deafening, but he had expected that. IT hurt to lie to his family like that, but he knew that it was necessary.

Until he had the power to freely enter and exit Eldramir’s Spirit Paths, there was no point in giving false hope. Besides, both he and his father had tasks that they needed to focus on.

There’s another possibility, you know, Shine chimed in not long after Ezekiel had told his sisters about their father. It’s possible that, if he reached Tier seven, then he’ll be able to leave the Spirit Paths. Though, that’s just a theory.

Ezekiel shook his head, careful not to jostle Riley, who was lying against him on the small bed they shared while she recovered from her injuries.

That’s a highly unlikely possibility. Our current theory is that body, soul, and magic need to be merged. First with either body and soul, or soul and magic, then by merging the final one for the last step. It was an idea that Ezekiel had gained from the information he had gleaned from Drake Cross before he got possessed in full. However, the method that my dad used to reach Tier six destroyed his body. He’s now nothing more than a walking talking construct at this point.

This had been the primary dilemma that Ezekiel had been trying to overcome when he allowed himself to think about it.

We know that Ichor is basically a liquid, corrupted, physical form of mana that is the source of a Cruor’s being. So that’s an avenue that we can explore, but not while all the Ichor in the world is tainted by the [Wills] of the Broodmasters. For now, we need to focus on breaking through.

Shine remained silent this time, but Ezekiel could feel their agreement through their bond. With that choice determined, Ezekiel allowed himself to get some rest.


Within a closed off section of the Ancient Legacy, Ezekiel stood at the center of a massive room. Elemental attacks of all kinds were shot at him from all directions. He didn’t move, however, and allowed the attacks to wash off the barrier that he had formed around himself.

He was not wearing his Spirit Armor, and Shine was floating not far away, helping to maintain the barrier that was protecting the spectators. Thus, Ezekiel was relying entirely on himself for the moment but wasn’t showing any signs of trouble for the time being.

“Those flames are burning hot, which is good, but you need to focus more on condensing the energy! Fire requires fuel to burn, but the overall shape is tied entirely to your [Will]. The stronger the image in your mind, the more defined, and therefore focused, your fire spells will be!”

The handful of Flame Mages that were attacking backed off while the fires that flowed over the ground were snuffed out.

At the same time, a wave of tree branches whipped at him and shattered against the dome. This was followed by a number of wooden constructs that had glowing green lines woven into them.

“Good! Branches loosely banded together are weak! They shatter like that first attack. You need to weave the branches while they are still soft, so that when they harden they do so in the shape you wish them to be in. Only then will the structure be tough enough to withstand impacts!”

A female Scholar blushed at Ezekiel’s praise, while the one who attacked first let out a frustrated grunt. Both backed off while the next group moved forward.

Off to the side, in a section protected by several enchanted formations, Riley watched with wide eyes while Celia laid in her lap. There were a couple of healers that were keeping an eye on her, but after a week of treatment, mixed with her powerful soul and body, she was able to move around with aid from others.

Her recovery was something that shocked many of the healers that had been working on her. Ezekiel had originally asked why that was the case, but when they told him that the souls and bodies of the other Mythic Hunters couldn’t withstand the amount of healing they were doing, he was no longer surprised.

“The other Mythics damaged their souls, and their bodies weren’t baptized by their own mana. Thus, there is a qualitative difference between the old Mythic Hunters, and me and Riley.”

That statement had led to an entire discussion between himself and the healers, and it was only when Riley, Fiana, and Scarlet stepped in to stop them that they were able to move on.

“Radiant and Obscure magic next! I want to see how well your different magic can work together.” Ezekiel called out to another group. Much to their confusion.

Only two Hunters stepped forward. The rest glanced at each other in bafflement. Until they realized who had stepped forward.

“Given that you managed to figure out something that I had only theorized, and then cast aside as too dangerous, I want to see what you have gained. Besides the incredible leap in the strength of your souls.” Ezekiel’s sisters nodded in response to his challenge.

Then, donning their Spirit Armor, their figures shifted while their magic expressed itself.

Two massive birds of prey took shape behind them, and with a flash of light Ellen was in front of Ezekiel’s barrier. Two massive tears taking form while he leaned back to avoid the talons that had pierced his barrier.

“Interesting,” he muttered before holding out a hand. “You’ve come to a unique [Understanding]. One that has been accepted by the world itself...”

Shine appeared in his outstretched hand. A small glowing sphere floated where they had previously been. The Runes of the protective formation continued to glow with power.

Ezekiel was covered in his Spirit Armor in an instant and was therefore spared being skewered by the shadows that had shot up at him from beneath the silhouette he cast due to Ellen’s light.

“Working together to enhance each other’s powers! Good!”

He spared a glance to the side, where several Radiant and Obscure Mages were gaping, wide-eyed at the effectiveness that two opposing elements could create.

“Remember! While Radiance can disperse the shadows, they can also cast larger and darker ones when something bars the way! “He gestured to the shadow he had cast thanks to Ellen’s brightly shining light. A shadow that was, even now, trying to attack him. Even beneath his barrier.

Then he threw out his own ball of light, and his shadow disappeared. Wendy let out a grunt of pain when she reappeared. Her body hit the ground with enough force to crack the stone.

“Shadows can also do something that provides aid, much like wind or wood provide aid to fire! Though this is a dangerous method of empowerment, since it would require your [Will] to force your mana to act in the proper way.” Ezekiel stepped aside while Ellen attacked once more. Her talons gleaming a sword shone gold in her hand. “For example, the slight shadows hidden in these talons!”

Ezekiel grabbed the first talon and pulled it across the path of the other one. The latter came down on the first and shredded it to pieces. This displayed the quickly dissipating shadows that had been hidden beneath them.

“Thus, the method which allowed these talons to easily rip through my barrier are revealed. A [Shadow Space] that warped the direct line of travel that the Radiant talons took, and disrupted my barrier by having them attack from both outside, and within, at the same time.”

Ezekiel clapped his hands, even while Wendy wrapped him up in a sea of grasping shadows.

The noise created by his clap formed a shockwave filled with [Nothingness]. Much like what he had done previously when fighting the mutated Rot mold. The Shadows immediately dispersed, and the light dimmed by a significant amount.

No longer did solid black silhouettes appear on the ground. Nor did the avatar of Tina take shape behind Ellen’s back. Instead, the twins both flinched, but quickly regrouped, turning into black and gold streaks that flew away from Ezekiel.

He made no move to stop them. This was a spar, so there was no reason to take the fight so seriously as to end it right now.

Instead, unseen to all due to his helmet, he raised an eyebrow at the sudden sight. Unknown to all but himself, and perhaps Riley.

His sisters were weaving their mana together. Using their own bodies as the core of their energy, Ellen became a star that was surrounded by darkness, fueled by the shadow her body cast when interposed in front of her mana. While Wendy became a black hole, surrounded by light as she burned her mana to create energy.

They’re also feeding each other, Shine said, to which Ezekiel nodded.

The light and darkness that they were creating flowed along the bindings in the spell, feeding into each other as fuel, creating a channel that allowed their mana to mingle alongside their [Will].

“Interesting...” A wide grin split his face beneath his helmet. “I never thought that I’d see something like this in this life.”

A familiar symbol suddenly appeared on the floor. Two dots, one black, one gold. With their opposing colors surrounding them. Spinning in a circle, causing a comet streak to trail behind them.

It was a symbol he hadn’t seen since before he’d reincarnated. Though the colors were different, due to the laws of this world impacting the elements.

Barrier at full power. Hold nothing back.

Shine immediately followed Ezekiel’s command. Both of their [Danger Senses] flared a warning. While it wouldn’t necessarily be lethal, there was no reason to not take the appropriate precautions.

Which was a good thing, since the moment the twins released their magic, the two Void users {Danger Senses} screamed, and their barrier began working overtime to defend and disperse the beam of spatial warping light that shot at them.

It was as if the world itself was ripping itself apart, and Ezekiel saw several minute rifts to the Space-Between-Spaces take form. They closed before anything could happen, but the fact that they had taken shape at all, when not cast by a Void Mage, was impressive.

It meant that his sisters had stepped into a realm that even he hadn’t known of before this. The sight was enough to give him new ideas and theories regarding how he might progress his own magic. As well as whether or not it would be possible to use magic of different elements.

That will have to come later, he mentally decided. For now, he needed to congratulate his sisters on how well they had performed.

“Very Good! Very Good!” he called out once the spell finished dissipating. “I can honestly say that I didn’t expect that sort of spell from you two... Even without being at the peak of Legendary, you managed to create a grand magic that stepped into the Mythic realm.”

Faint gasps for air were all he got as a reply. Which was fair, since he could tell that the twins were utterly tapped out for mana, having channeled both their own, and their Spirits’ for that attack.

“In the future, however, I would suggest keeping to the smaller, yet more esoteric, forms of offense. It’s clear that you can’t use this spell in a manner that doesn’t sabotage your battle prowess right after. Reach the peak, then you’ll be able to use it more freely.”

The twins dispelled their Spirit Armor. Their Spirits took shape on their shoulders once more. He held out his hands, lifting them up and helping them to the resting area.

He saw that Callrond and Feynari had arrived, along with a few other Spirits and Mages. Spina had even gone so far as to land on Riley’s chair, and the two were talking about flames at a level of [Understanding] that he knew he didn’t have.

“Alright! Void Mages, you’re next, and last. Show me what you’ve got before we finish up for the day.” Ezekiel’s call was met with a clambering as the handful of Void Mages, including a small number of Void Hunters, stepped forward.

Stepping back into the center of the room, Ezekiel once more put up a barrier, but kept his Spirit Armor on. He had a feeling that something surprising would happen during this fight.


There was a sense of awe that Riley felt welling up inside her. While she had expected Ezekiel to wipe the floor with his challengers, to see him so easily defeating them was still a breathtaking sight.

Even more so when she saw the grand magic that the twins used at the very end of their bout.

“I never thought that Radiance and Obscurity could be combined in such a way. I’ve only ever seen two opposing elements cancel each other out, or clash when the user’s [Will] can keep it in shape.” Callrond’s muttering could be heard from where he was sitting with the twins.

The two had come over to Riley’s chair and were sitting attentively while Ezekiel shouted out advice and knowledge, even as the weaker Void users pushed themselves to the brink.

“Indeed... Perhaps we can help each other with our own spells in the future. We are already at the peak, after all. So it would make sense that something strange like that might push us past that final step.” Feynari was looking at the ground, a wing holding up her beak, and a contemplative look on her face. “Though... I wonder if this is actually something that can help us find our [Truth].”

Riley smiled softly. Similar muttering could be heard all throughout the room. Almost every Legendary Hunter or Spirit currently here was at the peak. Though, some still had to work on fixing the tears that had formed when their Spirits had uplifted them to Tier four.

However, that was something that would likely change within the next few weeks.

Even now she could feel shifts in the souls and mana of the three Legendary birds of the Feathered Peaks. As well as changes in the souls of several Hunters.

“You seem incredibly happy,” Wendy whispered from where she leaned in beside Riley’s seated position. “Did you also receive something of a revelation?”

Riley smiled. “No. I still need to recover and consolidate my own [Understandings] from when I was burning. That, and my soul has already grown by quite a bit. I should even be able to reach Step three at this point. Perhaps Step four, if things go well for me.”

She blatantly ignored the flinch on her sister-in-law’s face when she mentioned burning alive for months. A state of being that she had no desire to return to at this time. Even if it pained her to know that her husband was going through the same thing on his own.

It was only Ezekiel’s significantly stronger constitution, and utterly bizarre skill when it came to channeling mana of all types, now that his [Will] was strong enough to dominate the effects and keep it from running rampant, that kept her calm when she found out that he had taken her place. Although, she still put the medics into a fit when her heart started racing after she was told.

“For the moment, I would like to focus on the Void users. Apparently, Ezekiel’s presence and magic was enough for several of them to receive enlightenment when he arrived at the Fjorya. It would be quite wonderful to see that happen again.” The few Hunters that had overheard her, who weren’t from the Fjorya, focused even more intently on the Void users sparring with Ezekiel.

Just in time, too, since it looked like someone had just figured something out after their third clash with Ezekiel’s barrier. The Adept Hunter’s Void Spirit, taking the shape of a single edged blade that was roughly three feet long, began to glow with bright, opalescent light.

They froze mid-step before disappearing from the area. A muffled thump could be heard when he reappeared and immediately sat down off to the side. A handful of mana crystals fell into their lap as well.

This continued for nearly an hour, as more and more Hunters and Spirits took the opportunity to spar with the strongest Hunter in the world.


Later on, after that exhausting endeavor, the majority of those that had participated, which was almost everyone, left the sparring chamber satisfied, if tired beyond anything they’d felt before.

Nearly half the Void users had experienced some form of enlightenment. While three had broken through from the peak of Tier three to the very edge of Tier four. The only thing remaining for them was to find their fourth chakra, and they would be able to make the attempt to break through.

“Today was a good day... If only they could keep going like this forever...” Riley’s voice was quiet, and she leaned against Ezekiel.

The two were in their private quarters. Given to them by the Guardian. Things had gone well today, and the breakthroughs and progress made by the others had lifted the mood by quite a bit.

“Yeah... I guess the people have been going a little bit stir crazy in here. What with there being nothing to do besides train and study.” Ezekiel had his eyes closed, but Riley could tell that he was thinking about something.

“What are you focusing on?” she asked after several seconds of relaxing silence.

“I’m watching the people undergoing the trials right now. The mana I channeled into the Legacy will be able to keep them running without dropping the mana too much. At least for a few more days. I’ll need to get back to it after tomorrow. Unless anyone manages to pass.”

The thought of him going back into the lava made Riley shiver. Yet, she knew that he could withstand it far better than she could. So, it would only be a few more days after he left before she saw him again. She would be able to use that time to make her own progress.

“Perhaps we’ll get lucky, and a few of them will pass today or tomorrow.” She knew that it was wishful thinking, but it was better than nothing.

“That, or...” Ezekiel trailed off. His body tensed, and Riley knew that something bad had happened. “It seems like my dip in the lava can be delayed. Someone just failed.”

Riley closed her eyes. It shouldn’t have surprised her. It had been several weeks since the trial takers had entered. If they couldn’t figure out the specific test, then it was more than likely that they would run out of mana and die at the hands of whatever it was that they were facing.

“Was it your mother?” she asked with a wavering voice.

“No,” Ezekiel’s reply made her sag in relief. “It’s strange, but it seems like my mom should’ve already passed her trial. Instead of being released, however, it’s like she’s staying there on purpose.”

That was strange, but given that Ezekiel was refueling the Legacy, perhaps Evelyn had made some sort of deal with the Guardian.

“You will have to speak with the Guardian. But not now. Now is the time for you and me to ignore the world. So, please, no more talk of the trial takers. We can tell the others after some proper rest.” Her heart clenched up at that, but she knew that, even though one of the people who had followed her here had perished, everyone had been prepared for such a fate.

Thus, for the time being, she would hold onto Ezekiel. Until the moment he needed to continue charging the Legacy, she would keep him as close to herself as possible.


A pleasant surprise greeted Ezekiel once he had woken up. Not only was his wife held closely in his arms, but news from the others reached him. Apparently, not long after the first failure in the trials the night before, several passes had happened, and there were now even more peak Legendary Hunters gathered in the central chambers.

Descriptions of what had happened in the trials were restricted. All that the trial takers were allowed to express was that they knew more about their element then they ever had before.

“Lord Exalt,” everyone greeted once they noticed his presence. “It’s an honor to meet you.”

Many of the Hunters and Scholars that had come were those that somewhat knew him. However, there were a few that he hadn’t met before. Though he trusted Scarlet and Riley’s judgment regarding their forces.

“It’s a pleasure to see that so many people have passed out of those that have taken their trials. It gives me hope for those that remain, and those that undoubtedly wish to take the trials themselves.” His words brought smiles to the faces of those that were here, but he knew that what he had to say next would douse some of those smiles. “Unfortunately, it seems like not everyone will be coming back.”

Many of those listening looked confused. But for the trial takers, they stiffened up, and the smiles that they had forced onto their faces fell in an instant.

He then went on to describe the loss of life in one of the trial chambers. At this point, there were only two trail takers left, and besides Evelyn, it was likely that the last one wouldn’t be passing. Their mana was flickering, and if whoever was in there couldn’t figure out the trick to passing, they would die before the end of the day.

“I see... Thank you for telling us.”

Ezekiel nodded to the representative of the group. The others looked pale, which made sense. This was the only death that had occurred since they had entered the Legacy.

Turning from the group, Ezekiel went back toward one of the closed off tunnels. He walked for what felt like miles, even after the opening closed behind him.

Eventually, he came to a chamber where a massive stone monkey with too many eyes and more limbs than usual sat on a throne. Shine floated over Ezekiel’s shoulder, and the duo stepped forward, rising into the air with every footfall, until they were level with the Spirit’s face.

“So, this is what you look like when you’re not keeping appearances up,” he spoke slowly, and with deliberate emphasis on the Guardian’s appearance. “Well, that’s none of my business. What’s happening with my mother? She should’ve long since passed the trial, yet instead of being released, she still remains. Still full of mana, and seemingly making no effort to make any sort of progress.”

The Guardian shifted in his seat. They both knew that, if he wanted to, Ezekiel could kill it easily. The only reason that it would be a bad idea was the fact that the Spirit controlled much of the Legacy. While it couldn’t destroy it, nor could it pointlessly kill the Hunters and other Spirits, the loss of the Guardian would make things harder for Ezekiel when he needed to leave.

“To be honest... I’m not entirely certain.” It was only the complete and total honesty that Ezekiel felt in the Guardian’s words that stopped him from lashing out. “Somehow, your mother has managed to merge her [Domain] as nascent and artificial as it is, with the [False Domain] that the trial creates. Which isn’t good, because it means that she can’t leave the trial, and I can’t end it without my actions directly causing her death. Which I am not allowed to do, unless the rules of the Legacy are broken.”

The fact that they hadn’t been broken was left unspoken.

“I see... will the power used to keep her trial going be of any concern for the Legacies energy stores?” So long as his mother was okay, Ezekiel could allow himself to worry about other things.

The Guardian nodded. “So long as we don’t have more than ten people taking trials at once, you should only have to recharge the Legacy once a week, for three-day intervals. Any shorter and the energy used to begin the process won’t be made up. Though you could go longer. But I’m not sure how long you wish to burn alive for. Riley did it because she needed to. You don’t.”

Ezekiel nodded. Even if he had gotten accustomed to it, he had no desire to be burned alive. Once he reached Tier six, it wouldn’t be an issue. E would be able to manipulate his body, or the world around him, in ways that kept him safe.

“In that case, I will spread the news that more people can take the trials, if they so desire. I am assuming that they are not the same trial as the entry trials that I once undertook?”

The Guardian shook its head. “They are the final trials that yourself and Riley took. The entry Trials are only for those that are still traveling in the tunnels to get here. I do not have the means of producing the constructs to conduct those trials here. The Enchantments were not built for them.”

Knowing that the trials they were being forced into were the finals was frustrating, but Ezekiel knew that the Guardian was working within specific rules and restrictions and had already granted those that had come here more than what they deserve.

“I see... Then I’ll return to charging the Legacy in another two days. That will be when I let the next batch take the trials. After I’m done refilling the Legacy as best I can, I will need your assistance.” He could feel Shine prodigy him through their bond, concerns regarding what he planned to do filled them.

The Guardian didn’t ask what he would need help with. It just nodded, so Ezekiel thanked it and left the room. He still had to convey the information to the others.

Then, he would need to sit his sisters down for a talk. They had made significant progress, and he couldn’t let them keep going without a few rewards.

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