Tale of Eldramir

CH 47: Interlude 7

Two weeks prior to Ezekiel’s arrival at the Ruins, and a few hours after Warren and Evelyn had been arrested.

Warren and Evelyn were slowly escorted to the center of Harkem city, where they were brought before a number of nobles in a great hall. Theo and Reya sat on their shoulders as per usual, but unlike usual, they were fully alert, and glaring at anyone who got too close to them.

Seated at the center of a wide table was a middle-aged man with a red beard and long red hair. This man was Count Forret, the current head administrator and overseer for the whole of Harkem, as determined by his brother, Duke Harper Harkem.

Count Forret was a well-built man, nowhere near as physically inept as the nobles next to him.

Previously having served in the Empire’s military, Forret had always been stuck in his brother’s shadow, be it as a subordinate, or when it came to nobility and general reverence due to his existence as the second son, as well as his inability to bond with a Spirit. Something Harper Harkem did when he was seven years old.

Harper Harkem was also one of the youngest people in the world to have reached Tier four and was expected to one day join the Empire’s ranks as a Tier five Imperial Councilor.

Forret, comparably, was only one year younger than his brother, but had only just reached the peak of Tier three. Something that, for those among the nobility, was really quite disgraceful, given the resources that he had as a member of the ruling nobility.

Seated at the table alongside him were a half a dozen nobles of varying status. They were gathered to see the judgment regarding the accusations leveled toward Evelyn from the incident several weeks prior.

As well, behind the table were several guards fully covered and masked as they hovered over the nobles seated at the table. Dozens more such guards lined the walls around the room.

Off to the side in a viewing area were the Mages that had attacked Ezekiel. Horace, Hestia, Emma, and Markus, the latter three covered in bandages and wincing in pain, along with their families were looking on in glee.

Markus was especially joyful, and he had a large rictus grin on his face as he watched the proceedings.

Evelyn was both nervous and angry, as she knew what she had done, but had assumed that nothing would come of it seeing as several weeks had passed by this point.

Reya nuzzled into Evelyn’s side in an effort to calm her down. It wouldn’t do them any good if she started something here and now.

Warren, on the other hand, was incensed. He was told that the only things they were being brought in for was questioning regarding an investigation. Not a full-on trial. Theo was expressing these emotions quite well as he growled quietly at everyone in the room.

“Greetings, Mister and Missus Luminance. You have been brought forth today to be judged regarding an unprovoked attack upon a member of Harkem’s most honorable nobility, as well as tampering with evidence and interfering with official complaints and investigations directed towards said attack. How do you plead?”

Count Forret Harkem’s voice was low and smooth as it was heard throughout the room.

Warren’s reply was calm and emotionless. He had no intention of playing by this annoying incompetent’s inane questioning.

“Given that no word has been passed onto us regarding these accusations, as official protocol dictates is necessary, and there are no Church representatives to oversee the trial of a commoner family by the nobility for the sake of fairness, as dictated by Duke Harkem, the actual ruler of this city, whose word is actually law, I see no reason to even reply to your so-called accusations.”

“You little-!”

One of the nobles seated next to Count Forret exclaimed as he nearly rose from his seat. It was only Count Forret’s hand on his shoulder that prevented him from actually rising.

“Be that as it may, with the rising conflicts in the city between the nobility and the commoners, it only makes sense that the Church would be unable to directly oversee all the court cases that are occurring within the city at a given moment.”

“Which is why such cases are scheduled. Again, this is only the case for incidents that involve both commoners and nobles. So as to ensure that there is no unfairness between the classes of citizens.”

“Are you saying that such incidents would favor one party over the other?”

“The nobles rule the courts and would most certainly favor themselves. Yes.”

The nobles in the rooms all tensed up. Count Forret’s face twitched, and a forced smile appeared on his face as he tried to maintain his regal demeanor.

“Those are bold words-”

“They’re your brother's words!”

Warren’s statement was a harsh reminder to all the nobles present that not all of them were on the same side. Worse yet, there were nobles that were of a higher status than Count Forret and his allies.

The Alkena’s, for instance, once held the rank of Count, much like the current Count Forret, and while they no longer held the titles they once did, they could still be considered as Viscounts with the same amount of influence as a true Count family.

Although their interests were more mercantile, which is why they had less political influence.

The Tresly family, Kaspeere family, and Stellar family, whom Hestia, Emma, and Markus each respectively belonged to, were actually a rank lower, holding the title of Baron, as they were actually fairly new when compared to the Alkena family. Each one having bought their titles rather than inheriting them.

It was for this reason only that Count Forret hadn’t been able to rule freely, as he knew that if word had gotten to his brother, who considered his own words to be law, then he would be removed from his position as interim ruler of Harkem city.

Warren, being a captain of the city guards, which practically made him a knight when it came to titles, knew full well the ins and outs of the Empire’s nobility. Especially the nobility in the city of Harkem.

It was actually Duke Harper’s rules regarding the nobility and the commoners that made Warren and Evelyn love their new home in Harkem.

Clearly, Duke Harper had been away at the frontlines protecting the border for too long. To the point where Count Forret clearly believed he could get away with quite a bit more than he really could.

“Regardless of what my brother has said in the past. What matters is the present. And presently, you two are on trial for unprovoked assault and tampering with evidence!”

Count Forret’s voice had risen as he spoke, and his tone was no longer the smooth baritone that it was before. Now it was nearly growling as he spoke up, clearly unsettled by the mention of his older brother and the laws he had put in place.

Forret’s words were giving the rest of the nobles some confidence as they realized that Duke Harper wasn’t here. So, there was no need to fear an enemy that wasn’t there.

“Given that we have been given no counsel regarding these accusations, nor were we brought here for the purpose of a trial, having been informed we would only be brought in for questioning pertaining to a new investigation, we have been brought here under false pretenses.”

Warren’s rebuttal was just as calm as before. By now, Evelyn had also calmed down, and was also looking at Forret and the rest of the nobles in anger.

“If anything, we are the ones who have been wronged, as we have been lied to, essentially kidnapped, and are now being accused without evidence and without our accusers even present to submit their claims in person. As would be in accordance with Imperial Law!”

Once again, Warren’s words took the wind out of the noble’s sails. It was one thing to go against Duke Harper when he wasn’t there. It was another thing to go against the laws of the Empire itself.

“Your accusers are right here!” Count Forret stated as he pointed at Hestia, Emma, and Markus. “Your wife assaulted these fine citizens of Harkem and left them on the verge of death! If not for having spent an egregious cost to have them healed, they may very well not be alive right now.”

“Then let us see their scars!?” Warren finally called out. “Injuries that would require such cost to heal would result in scarring due to the effect of their souls having been strained in the process. I notice the bandages and the painful winces, but if they really had been healed like you claimed, then each of these so-called fine citizens wouldn’t be experiencing these symptoms!”

“If anything, their wounds are more likely to be fresh, and purely physical. Something that any Tier two could heal in a couple hours.”

Once again Warren’s knowledge left most of the nobility shocked and nervous, as they hadn’t expected a guard captain to know such things. Especially since most of them were also unaware of such knowledge.

“You can’t possibly know this.” Count Forret said through gritted teeth. “How, could you possibly have such knowledge?”

He was slowly becoming more and more incensed as Warren continued to argue against everything he was saying. There was nothing he was told that should have indicated such knowledge and capability from Warren.

According to what he and his hidden supporters knew, Warren and Evelyn were nothing more than wandering Guild exiles from beyond the Empire that had received and provided aid when coming to and setting up a home and family in Harkem.

Yes, they had Tier four Spirits, both of which were growling and glaring at him right now, as well as connections to the Church and Alkena’s, one of the more prominent mid-rank noble families in the city, but none of that indicated such knowledge.

This knowledge was usually only prominent in the older and more prominent members of the nobility, or from Tier three or higher Guild executives.

Count Forret couldn’t understand how such a man and woman would be willing to give up what must’ve been a lucrative position in whatever Guild they belonged to, just to live as commoners within a border city in the Empire.

“Personal experience. Which I am willing to swear under oath with an official Church Scholar as witness.”

Warren’s statement was greeted with silence. Evelyn straightened her back, no longer cowed by the nobles present. Theo and Reya just looked on proudly as their partners stood strong.

The only one that seemed confused rather than worried was Markus, who’s eyes were beginning to glow with mana as it was channeled as he grew more and more furious at Warren’s words.

“The church does not need to be involved in this.”

Count Forret’s words were cold and raspy as he forced them out. The previously regal figure was nowhere to be seen and was now replaced with an angry man who was clearly holding himself back from attacking.

Warren and Evelyn had no doubt that if it wasn’t for the presence of their Spirits, they would certainly have been attacked by now. Something Theo and Reya agreed with as they bared their claws and began to snarl as their hackles started to rise.

As it was, they were likely going to have to flee if something didn’t turn up that could get them out of there without a sentence being passed.

“In fact, I see no reason why we should continue with this farce any longer. If you will not answer to the accusation laid out before council, then you will be sentenced for refusing to comply with the legal forces of the city itself. Guards!”

Both Warren and Evelyn tensed as they saw the numerous guards within the room reaching for their weapons.


The doors to the grand room they were in slammed open.

A man with pure white hair and indigo eyes wearing white robes with Indigo trimmings strode into the room, one of the three Grand Scholars of the Church of Ten, his head held high as several Church Scholars walked in behind him.

Warren and Evelyn saw that Lina and Quentin were amongst them. Each of the Scholars was also carrying a staff of some sort. Theo and Reya looked on warily, claws and fangs still bared.

These were the mystical focuses that were capable of enhancing the power of the spells cast by those that had attuned to them.

“Greetings, Forret, it seems like I missed the memo regarding this trial. After all, any instances where nobles are in conflict with commoners, must have the court cases be overseen by a neutral third party. Might I offer my services in this instance?”

Count Forret swallowed nervously, but clenched his fist in anger, as he didn’t fail to notice the lack of title used when the Grand Scholar had called out to him.

“Ah, Grand Scholar Harolt, I see that you finally received our message.”

Everyone but the nobility in the room looked at Count Forret with raised eyebrows. Disbelief ran through them, as they couldn’t believe that anyone could be so shameless.

“Alas, no, your message was clearly lost, if whoever was to order it be sent actually did so. It was nothing more than a good Samaritan that informed the Church what was happening.”

“Oh, might I have said a good Samaritan’s name? It would be best to reward him after all.”

“With a knife in the back, I’m sure.”

The room was silent as they looked at the Grand Scholar in shock.

“I’m... sorry, what-”

“Good! You have not forgotten how to apologize. Do so again, to these fine citizens that have done nothing wrong.”


Count Forret was gritting his teeth as he looked at Grand Scholar Harolt and the other Scholars that had followed him into the room.

Currently, the nobles were outnumbered, as the Church was technically a neutral institute, and was not limited in who it allowed into its ranks.

“Is the Church breaking its neutrality?”

“Are the nobles defying the laws set forth by their ruler? The one, and only, noble whom the Church is actually beholden to within the city of Harkem. I feel like I shouldn’t have to remind you that you are not a representative of the Empire. Your brother is, and he is not here right now.”

“In his absence, I am the ruler of Harkem!”

“Yet your brother has never ordered us to bow to you as we do to him.”

“If you think that the pride of Harkem can be trampled like this, just because my brother’s not here, then you would be greatly mistaken.”

“When your brother learns of this, we shall see whose side he supports. After all, the Church of Ten is the official Church of the Willowbrush Empire. All others are suspect, and false, in accordance with the Imperial Charter.”


A shout from the side of the room drew the attention of everyone within.

Markus, whose rage had been growing by the second, could no longer restrain himself as he saw all the plans that he had been told of come falling to the ground before his eyes.

“The Radiant Lord is the only-!”

Markus’ words were cut off as his father hit him upside the head, knocking him unconscious with a minor application of his mana. He shot a look toward Count Forret who glared and gestured for him to be removed.

“I wonder... was the Radiant Lord that idiot mentioned the one behind the illegal cult, and horrid wrong doings occurring within the city these past few months and years?” Harolt said in a relaxed tone.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Count Forret said through gritted teeth. “Obviously, some information regarding this matter has been misunderstood. Please, feel free to take your charges and leave.”

Count Forret realized that he was in a situation where he couldn’t win. Worse yet, his support’s plans might now be at risk due to Markus’ outburst.

He had only held this trial because he believed that he’d be putting a few exiled foreign Guild members in their place. Something simple that would grant him favor amongst his fellow nobles.

He had no idea that the Church was so invested in them like this. Let alone that Warren would be able to buy them enough time to get there with his knowledge of the city’s laws.

“Your words are clear, Forret. It is always good when a man like you understands their place.”

Harolt spoke with a jovial smile as he held nothing back as he showed Count Forret his place.

Warren and Evelyn were escorted from the courtroom by the Church Scholars, feeling more confident about their situation as they left.

“By the way!” Warren called out as he reached the door, turning around as he did.

Everyone in the room looked at him in confusion.

Warren reached into his coat and pulled out the badge denoting his status as a city guard captain. He threw it on the floor where it rolled to the high table Count Forret was seated at.

“I’ve served for over ten years now, so per the word of Duke Harper Harkem, I am entitled to retirement. As such, I resign.”

Warren then turned and marched out of the room with his wife.

At the same time, Evelyn gave one last glare towards Hestia and her companions. Her gaze wordlessly promised that there would be retribution for this.

Hestia just looked away in fear, as did Emma and Horace. They all knew just how scary Evelyn really was.

Unfortunately, It seemed like all they could do was wait.

A little while later, within the inner sanctum of the Cathedral of the Church of Ten, Warren and Evelyn were seated in front of Grand Scholar Harolt. They were all calmly sipping tea as they waited for someone to speak.

Theo and Reya were curled up on the floor drinking some tea of their own.

“I’m surprised.” Harolt finally broke the silence. “I thought you’d be more shocked at my arrival.”

Warren put down his teacup.

“I knew that someone from the Church would be arriving. I figured it’d be Allon or Sherra who would've told you, seeing as how we had our children escorted to their manor earlier.”

“Indeed. That was not the case, this time, however.”

Warren just raised an eyebrow as Evelyn looked on in confusion.

“One of our Scholars was seeing Naeri off and happened to see what was happening to you and rushed back here as soon as possible. Every scholar we have who knows of your son’s contributions wanted to accompany me to protect you, but that would’ve been a bit too much.”

Warren and Evelyn were shocked as they listened to Harolt’s explanation. Theo and Reya also turned to pay attention to what he was saying.

“As it is, we instead had a number of Scholars go after your children, which was a good thing, as Shari and Drew were being accosted by several people wearing white sashes with golden figure on them.”

Warren and Evelyn tensed, knowing that those symbols represented the Cult of Light.

“Worry not. Those miscreants were discreetly dealt with and are currently answering our questions in a few of the more private research labs.”

“Thank the Void.” Evelyn let out a relieved sigh.

“Indeed. The Ancients have certainly blessed your family. The Void in particular.” Harolt gave Evelyn a smile as he sipped his tea.

“Unfortunately, it seems like I will need to ask you to do something over the next few weeks that you might find difficult.”

“What would that be?”

“Reach Tier four.”

Warren and Evelyn gave Harolt looks of shock. Theo and Reya weren’t any better as they gave Harolt weird looks. They were already training as best they could, but little progress had been made. They were only barely at the peak of Tier three after all.

“Not to worry, the Church will aid you in your endeavors.”

Harolt pulled out several large gemstones, each the size of a fist. One was golden in color, and the other was pitch black.

“What do you expect from us?”

“To fight that wretched Cult when the time comes.”

“So, an open conflict is truly inevitable then?”

“Indeed. We have secretly sent word to Duke Harkem, but we are expecting some delays. As it is, with members from the biggest Guilds in the city out on expedition, now is the best time for the Cult to strike. We will likely have at least a week, as the expedition is expected to pass the outpost by then, but once they do, I have no doubt that the Forret and his sycophants will attempt to purge the city of any Void Mages they know of.”

“We already have plans in place to grant sanctuary to all who will need it, but it will be difficult. As it is, we expect the Cult of Light to begin taking over and attacking places that are not aligned with their goals that could provide support to the Church of Ten, and with more than a few Guilds in their pocket, they will likely receive help from there as well.”

“For right now, our only saving grace is the fact that Forret isn’t a Tier Four Hunter. If he was, he would have the legal right to give commands to the Church of Ten and would be in the right to attack us under Imperial law for protecting ‘criminals’ which he will no doubt declare all Void Mages and their supporters to be. According to the contracts with the Guilds, they will also all need to follow Forret’s commands when it comes to public safety.”

Warren and Evelyn looked shocked and confused.

“But I thought that you said that Forret had no control over the going-ons of the Church?”

“Only so long as he holds the title of Count. Once he becomes a Tier four Hunter, then as a member of the nobility, he will automatically become a Duke, and as the current Duke is not present, Forret, being of blood relation to the current Duke, will hold the same rights and control as Duke Harper.”

“Harper himself may also be a problem.” Harolt finished.

“How so?”

“Quite simply, while he doesn’t have anything against Void Mages in particular, he will no doubt believe that the current troubles happening in the city are due to the upheaval from the possible change in the status of Void Mages. He will likely be looking for a scapegoat to punish so that there isn’t anyone else who tries to upend the status quo. Not that it will truly return, as the Church of Ten has already begun spreading knowledge of the techniques Ezekiel has developed to the rest of the Empire, and beyond.”

A sense of pride and fear welled up inside Warren and Evelyn’s chests. Their son was changing the world, something they’d once thought he’d never be able to do.

But that didn’t change the fact that their son was in danger, and a noble that they didn’t personally know was going to try and do something that could be very bad for all parties involved.

“Will you be able to help him?” Evelyn asked, her voice quiet and hopeful.

Harolt just let out a sigh that caused Warren to tense and Evelyn to slump forward.

“Unfortunately, if Duke Harkem decides to punish Ezekiel for indirectly causing a conflict in his city, I will not be able to do anything. However, if Forret rises to power, and is not struck down by his brother like I hope he will be, then I, and the Church, will do everything to help your son, and the rest of your family as well.”

A small flash of hope sparked in Evelyn’s chest, while Warren couldn’t help but feel angry at the situation. His entire family was being drawn into yet another conflict they shouldn’t have any part in.

Flashes of people and places he’d wished he could forget about appeared before his eyes. His hands started bleeding from how hard his nails were biting into his palms.


Evelyn’s voice dragged Warren out of his recollections. He plastered a fake smile on his face that wasn’t fooling anyone. Theo jumped up and curled up on top of Warren’s lap, while Reya did the same with Evelyn.

“Sorry. Just... memories...” Warren trailed off as Evelyn appeared sorrowful.

“That won’t happen again. We’ll keep our family safe this time.”

Evelyn leaned into her husband’s shoulder and closed her eyes as she wrapped her arms around him and held him close. Warren did the same and they sat there for a minute basking in each other’s company, as did their Spirits who started purring in contentment.

“Ahem” Harolt quietly cleared his throat to let the couple know he was still there.

The two opened their eyes and gently pulled apart from each other.

“While I am sorry that your family must go through all this. There is little time to waste. For the moment, I would suggest you stay as guests of the Church for a little while. That way your daughters can continue to get their education and continue making friends with the other children the Church sponsors. The same offer has been offered to the Alkena family and the rest of Ezekiel’s friends, barring one.”

Warren and Evelyn were happy at what was being offered, but shocked that not all of Ezekiel’s friends were going to be protected.

“It seems like, along with a few of our acolytes, one of Ezekiel’s current friends has ties to the Cult of Light, even if she doesn’t know it.”

Warren and Evelyn were speechless. It seemed like things were going to grow more complicated as the next few weeks passed.

In the evening after Warren and Evelyn took up residence in the Cathedral of the Church of Ten, Harolt was in a room with a crystal mirror hanging on the wall. Within was the image of a man with silver hair and eyes. They gleamed with mana showing that he was at the Peak of Tier four.

“Grand Scholar Harolt. It is rare for you to use the emergency transmission screen. There are few in existence within the Empire after all. What has happened?” The man on the screen said.

“Duke Harper, I am sorry to say that your brother is trying to usurp your power and position as Ruler of this city.” Harolt said with his head bowed.

The room was silent as Duke Harper digested what he was being told.

“I assume that you have proof of this?”

“The proof is coming to you as we speak, along with a report regarding the changes in the political situation in the city, as well as the developments within the Church.”

“Who is bringing the proof?”

“Grand Scholar Naeri Trask. I am contacting you to request that you send watchers to wait for her at the second outpost along the Turnbout River. She expected to leave the first outpost in roughly a week, and I hope that you would send an escort to ensure she makes it to you safely.”

“You believe she will be ambushed?”

“I am hoping she will be ambushed. No one outside the two of us is aware of this particular transmission Mirror, as it was something I acquired when I was young, so it isn’t possible for our enemies to know I am giving you a heads up. Even Naeri was equipped with several relics to keep her safe until you can reinforce her.”

“I assume the ambushers are to be my proof?”


Harper and Harolt fell silent once again. One in thought, as the other waited for a response.

“You understand what will happen if I am brought back? The fourth outpost is currently relying on me to ensure that it holds in the face of the waves of Cruor we are currently facing. I have no other high Tier members of the military to hold on right now.”

“I am willing to accept responsibility for this. But the city itself may fall, if Forret manages to gain control. The nobility is already flaunting their own laws, rather than the Empire’s and your own.”

“Then I will send out reinforcements to wait and watch. While you make your own preparations. I will inform you when I meet with Naeri.”

Harolt nodded his head as the mirror faded back to its reflective surface. A sense of restlessness weighed on his shoulder. Now, all he could do was wait.

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