Tale of Eldramir

CH 55: Interlude 9

Just under two weeks after the Guild Expedition had left. Not long after Naeri had met up with Duke Harkem and several military forces that had taken the cult of Light members prisoner. As well as a few days before the Guilds were expected to reach the Ruins.

Inside of Harkem’s Grand Cathedral


A large explosion could be heard from outside as fire rained down on one the large gates leading into the Cathedral. Several people were huddled in different alcoves as this occurred. All of them were citizens who were either Void Mages or were related to Void Mages.

Just over a week ago, Count Forret Harkem had returned from an expedition of his own, having bonded with a Flame Spirit with a wyvern physique.

This came as a great surprise to all the citizens of Harkem, but many nobles saw this as a good thing, whilst the Guilds stayed quiet.

The rest of the commoners were of a mixed opinion, as the laws and actions of Count Forret had been making things somewhat difficult for those who didn’t support the nobility in full.

Many people didn’t worry too much, however, as they knew that Duke Harkem had laws that would protect them.

Then, three days after returning from his expedition, the first thing Count Forret did was reveal his new status as a Tier four Hunter.

The next was to declare that he would be reviewing the laws currently being enacted in the city, and if he found them to be unsuitable for the direction, he thought the city needed to be headed for then they would be repealed and replaced.

He also denounced the Church of Ten, stating that they had overstepped their boundaries as Scholars and overseers of the Spirits Lands connected to the city. By this point, the attacks and crimes against the Void Mages in Harkem, as well as their families, had seen a great and sudden increase in frequency.

Thus, Count Forret rallied the city guards and the nobility to enact a massive arrest of those he had declared as traitors to the city and the order of the city’s rulers.

For nearly a week now, many of those that were being hunted down by the forces of the nobility had been injured and captured. Those that hadn’t been, were taking up residence in the Grand Cathedral.

Included in this number were the Alkena household, barring a number of their guards, who had proven themselves either disloyal, or had turned coat when the nobility approached.

“Shh... It’s okay girls, we’ve got you.” Shari said as she and her father watched over Ellen and Wendy. Curled up next to them was Bonnie, who was looking quite upset with Shari right now.

Shari and her father had been asked to watch over Ellen and Wendy due to the fact that Warren, Evelyn, and Sherra had been asked to provide aid with the rest of the Hunters that had ties to the Church or were otherwise opposed to the nobilities’ actions.

Currently, after having spent over a week training with their Spirits, the difference in Tier between Evelyn, Warren and their Spirits had disappeared. The Radiant and Obscure Mages had now reached Tier four. Luckily, due to the fact that they had already joined the Church’s side, their family was protected.

Unfortunately, their increase in Tier also meant an increase in responsibilities. They had been holding back for so long, hoping to live normal lives, only to be brought back into a conflict for their family.

Most of their current responsibilities involved going into the city and helping the various people being unjustly hunted down by the nobles’ forces.

It was actually during one of these missions that they’d rescued the Alkena’s, as well as Ezekiel’s other friends. This included Drew and his mother, as well as Yennifrey and her parents as well.

The only one who hadn’t been brought back to the Cathedral’s grounds was Riley and her family, but there were a number of mixed feelings about that.

“Shari!” Drew called out from across the room as he approached her and the twins.

“Wendy, Ellen. C’mon, your parents are back!” Drew and Jesse had been helping out around the Cathedral as best they could, mostly playing messenger as different groups needed to interact with one another as fast as they could. “They’re waiting for you in hall twelve. As is your mother, Shari.”

At the mention of their parents, Wendy and Ellen perked up, still worried about the explosion that had occurred a few seconds prior, but they wanted to see their parents more.

Pulling themselves from Shari’s embrace, the twins dashed towards Drew, who began leading them to the room where their parents were no doubt waiting.

Shari stayed behind for a moment, knowing that she’d have a chance to speak with her mother in a bit. Turning to her father, she addressed him first.

“Father, may I be off for now?” She asked.

“Oh course, my dear, I think I might even accompany you this time.” Allon replied as he pulled himself to his feet from where he’d been laying on a small cot.

Or rather, pulling himself to his foot, as he grabbed a set of crutches to balance, as he was missing his right leg from just below the knee.

Looking at her father’s injury, it was all Shari could do to not begin tearing up at the sight. She hadn’t been anywhere near her parents when their auction house had been raided, but there was still some irrational part of her mind that told her that she should’ve been there to help.

Her parents vehemently denied this, of course, as she was only Tier one, so any one of the Tier twos that had been sent after them would’ve been able to take her hostage.

Luckily for him, especially given the Count’s newly zealous behavior, Allon didn’t suffer much more than what was obvious.

Especially given the anger the raiders had felt towards Allon and Sherra when they found out that Allon had had all the items in their warehouses moved to the storage areas of the Grand Cathedral. The raiders were thus forced to report a failure to seize the Alkena family’s wealth.

All things considered, given the current situation, having your leg cleanly cut off was lenient compared to what other punishments were being spread from the rumors of all the refugees that were flooding in each day.

“If you think you can, father.” Shari said as she moved to help Allon make his way to the meeting area where the Hunters were likely gathering.

Looking down to the side at where Bonnie was now standing, she addressed her Spirit as well, flinching slightly as feelings of hurt and betrayal flowed through her bond.

“Bonnie, would you like to come as well? I know the twins would like you to be there, just as I would.”


Bonnie looked away, with a snort and a huff as she tried to ignore her bonded partner. A sad look in her eyes appeared as soon as Shari couldn’t see her face. The little pig Spirit did her best to hold her emotions back from her bond with Shari. She was guilty about making her human feel bad, but also angry about what had happened to Riley and Celia.

Shari just looked sad as she tried to reach out to Bonnie but pulled back just before touching her.

“Please stay safe, Bonnie. I don’t want to lose you too.”

With that said, Shari and Allon moved to leave the large room they were in. Bonnie just huffed again before hopping onto the small cot to wait for them to return.

“Things will get better, I’m sure of it.” Allon said to his daughter as they walked down the corridor leading to one of the more familiar rooms they’d been to.

As they walked, they saw more and more rooms that had been opened to allow people and their families to reside. Many had some scrapes and bruises here and there, and a few people had Spirits with them as well, but it seemed like they were all low Tier, or otherwise unable to fight.

“You don’t know that.” Shari said in reply to her father’s words. She and Bonnie had been quietly fighting for a couple days now, and it didn’t look like things were going to get any better anytime soon.

“She thinks I betrayed her. She thinks I left Riley and Celia to be taken away by Count Forret’s forces, and she refuses to believe what’s right in front of her, regardless of the proof!” Shari exclaimed.

She couldn’t help but recall how she had also felt hurt and betrayed, just as much as Bonnie had, but she also knew there was nothing she could do.

The information the Church had gathered was nearly absolute, as had been Riley’s confession.

Riley’s parents were with the Cult of Light, and while Riley hadn’t been aware of this, it still meant that she wouldn’t be welcome in the Church of Ten until after the conflict was over.

Even then, that was only if the Church of Ten, the loyalists’ forces won, and the fact that Riley chose to walk away when asked by Shari to join them in the Cathedral.

Shari knew that family was important but given that the Cult of Light was the major perpetrator of the current conflict, it still hurt to see her friend walk away. It hurt Bonnie just as much, as she and Celia had been friends for just as long, if not longer, than Shari and Riley, having no one but each other to rely on for years.

Shari just hoped that Riley wouldn’t be changed by her family, given the memories she had of her brother, and several other zealous members of the Cult of Light.

“-ri… Shari... Shari!”

Shari was pulled out of her musings by her father calling her name.

“My dear. You can’t let yourself be lost in the past like that. It will only make the hole in your heart grow wider, as your regrets pile higher.”

Shari looked down in response to her father’s gentle chiding.

A rueful grin crossed Allon’s face as he continued.

“As to what I was saying, about things between you and Bonnie getting better. Well, it’s not like fights between friends, and even Spirits, don’t often happen. I can’t even tell you the number of times that your mother has gotten into fights with Feris over one thing or another.”

Shari chuckled quietly as she recalled a few instances of said fighting. The most recent one she could think of was Feris melting a few of the blunted training swords after using them as chew toys. Something he’d been told dozens of times not to do.

“Now, I know that I don’t have a Spirit, but given what I do know, both of you want to reconcile with one another, but you’re both too stubborn to actually apologize and try to become friends again.”

“But I have apologized!”

Allon just raised his eyebrow as his daughter's exclamation.

“Did you apologize, or tell her that it wasn’t your fault, or that there was nothing you could do? Did you actually say sorry, for not respecting her feelings, or for otherwise not respecting her thoughts on the matter? You might not have been the reason Riley and Celia left, but you weren’t very supportive when Bonnie was originally hurting, now were you?”

Shari looked down in guilt once more, knowing her father was right.

“... I’ll apologize properly when I get back. As well as try to talk to her about what’s happening, and how we can get Riley and Celia back.”

Allon nodded with a smile on his face.

“That’s my girl. Now, we’re almost there. Do you think you can give your father a hand getting into the room without these crutches? I know they’re a necessity for now, but I’d appreciate it if I could greet your mother without looking like I'm worse off than I think I am.”

Shari reluctantly grabbed her father’s crutches, providing a shoulder for her father to keep steady with as she opened the door to hall twelve.

Only to find a cacophony of voices greeting her.

Just a couple of minutes before the explosion outside the Grand Cathedral’s grounds, Warren and Evelyn were dashing through the streets of Harkem, hiding in the shadows of the back alleys and streets where few, if any, people walked.

Due to the fact that Harkem city was a major checkpoint and support city for the Empire, even though a large conflict had broken out between different factions within the city, no large-scale battles had occurred since Count Forret began his attempt to take full control of the city.

It was only because of this and the fact that any significant damage to the city would be known to the Empire proper, thus leading to an investigation by Imperial Inquisitors, that there was little to no damage to any of the city.

It was well known at this point that it was actually taking the full might of several Tier four Hunters from the Guilds allied with the nobility to hold Count Forret back from simply laying waste to much of the city with his new Spirit.

That, and the fact that the Cult of Light was doing something that the Church wasn’t fully aware of at this point. But all signs implied something bad for them.

For the most part, few, if any, Tier fours had left their respective territories within the city.

Warren and Evelyn were exceptions, due to the fact that they were the only Tier fours not officially tied to any Guilds, Nobles, or the Church. Meaning that they were, at least previously, able to make their way through the city without much notice.

“There they are!”

“Get them!”

Currently, their situation had changed, as they were now being actively hunted by the nobility and the Guilds that actively supported them.

At the moment, both Evelyn and Warren were covered in armor depicting the characteristics of their bonded Spirits. Rather than fighting their pursuers however, they were running as fast as they could whilst not allowing themselves to bring about any significant damage to their surroundings.

Similarly, they were being chased by a group of three Tier fours and six Tier threes from the Guilds that had sworn themselves to Forret and his allies. The Tier fours were also garbed in Spirit Armor.

There Guild Hunters were also careful to not cause too much damage to the city, but to a lesser extent than Warren and Evelyn.


One of the Tier fours, encased in brown crystalline armor, slammed into a wall as he tried to take a tight turn. This resulted in the wall caving inwards, and forming large cracks that ran up and to the sides. It would likely crumble fully within a few hours, possibly taking down the building entirely.

This was not the first building these Hunters had destroyed in their chase to capture Warren and Evelyn.


One of the Tier four Guild members called out as she flowed around the corner like water, her blue armor rippling with every emotion she made.

“Dammit, how could I let this happen!?”

Warren muttered as he continued running forward, not willing to risk using any spells within the cramped area he and Evelyn found themselves in.

“It’s not your fault, dear. We had no way of knowing they were planting traitors in with their prisoners. Every piece of info we had indicated they were transporting people to the prison, not hiding Guild Hunters.”

Evelyn said before she and Warren were forced to jump to the side in order to dodge a fireball that melted part of the street where they were previously.

“What are you two idiots doing!? You’re breaking the city, for the Spirit’s sake stop casting spells!

The water Mage screamed at the Flame Mage in red Spirit armor that had just thrown the fireball.

Along with melting the street it had also shattered the glass of several windows in the buildings nearby. There were several shrieks as the glass hit people inside.

“It’s fine. The money we’ll get from catching those two will be worth it.” The Flame Mage said.

A burst of motion followed by a quiet ‘boom’ followed as the Flame Mage burst forward due to the effects of another spell. He had aimed himself directly at Warren’s back.

Suddenly, Warren stopped in his tracks, bringing up his elbow and thrusting it backwards, catching the Flame Mage right in the face and breaking his nose.

Blood sprayed into the air as Warren also used a minor spell to flash forward to Evelyn’s side.

“I know what we were told before, but if we keep this up, they’ll break more of the city. We need to go, now!” Warren said as he grabbed Evelyn’s hand. “Just two more turns and it’s a straight shot to the Cathedral grounds. Once we’re there we just need to get through the barrier.”


Warren and Evelyn both channeled their mana for the next few maneuvers they were going to be making.


Suddenly, the Flame Mage who was being helped up by the lower Tier Guild members screamed in rage, dashing forward in a controlled explosion of fire.

Warren and Evelyn had disappeared from the street, however, as they moved faster than any one of their chasers had imagined was possible.

Small imprints formed in the street from where Warren was kicking off with his feet, and portions of miscellaneous items were cut up or disappeared into the shadows as Evelyn pulled herself through the streets with strands of black bands and other shapes she had formed.


No longer caring about causing any damage to the city, the Flame Mage lit up in an aurora of fire as he moved forward. Wood burned and stone melted as he ran after Warren and Evelyn.

He was too late, however, as Warren and Evelyn had reached the main street, and like Warren had said, it was a straight shot to the Cathedral.

Picking up his wife, Warren turned into a beam of light as his flashed forward and appeared right next to the entrance, breaking past the small blockade that had been formed of Tier three and Tier two Hunters.

They both immediately pulled out their entry talismans, placing them on the large doors that blocked entry into the Cathedral grounds. Two small openings appeared for them to pass through.

“Fire you idiots! Fire!” One of the Tier three Hunters screamed as he and several others let loose their offensive spells in Warren and Evelyn’s direction.


The ear ringing command from the Flame Mage behind them was accompanied by a large ball of fire that impacted on the door of the Cathedral grounds.


Several Hunters were injured from the explosion but were quickly moved to the medical tents and began healing from the efforts of the Life Mages conscripted to join this blockade.

“Tch!” The Flame Mage made a noise as he turned to the side and spat in frustration.

The opening had closed, and it seemed like they had failed again.

The Flame Mage turned to head back to his Guild, intent on reporting what had happened, and blaming all the damage on Warren and Evelyn.

“Are you out of your mind?”

The voice of the Glacial Mage that he’d teamed up with made him pause.

“What did you just say to me!?”

Not backing down at the Flame Mage’s threatening tone, the Glacial Mage slapped him with a mana empowered backhand before he could react. He fell to the ground in shock.

“You heard me! You and your buddy back there destroyed a half a dozen buildings, and caused immense damages to the streets, which we were explicitly told not to do!”

The Glacial Mage’s words rang loudly through the area, bringing the attention of the other Hunters, from the various Guilds, towards them. As well as causing more than a few civilians to peek out their windows and see what was going on.

“So, what! Count Forret gave us orders to capture any Mages that were seen coming from the Cathedral, or helping Void Mages, no matter what!”

“Count Forret does not determine Imperial Law. As Tier four Mages, let alone Tier four Hunters, we are not permitted to cast spells that could bring widespread damage to the city!”

Looks of shock and disgust appeared on the faces of many of those observing this situation.

“Are you betraying Count Forret?” The Flame Mage asked.

“The better question would be, is Count Forret breaking Imperial Law, by not punishing you for your crimes?”

The Flame Mage moved to speak up, his fire flaring up again.


Suddenly, a hand clamped down on his shoulder. He looked back to see the tall Tier four Cavern Mage that had been a part of their team looking down on him.

He didn’t say anything, but the glare he was giving the Flame Mage spoke volumes.

“I will do as the Lord of this city commands. That is all.” The Flame Mage finally said.

“The Lord of this city is Duke Harper Harkem.” The Glacial Mage stated in a flat tone.

“For how long? The words already been sent regarding Lord Forret’s break through” The Flame Mage asked as he brushed off the Cavern Mage’s hand and began marching back to the Guild district.

The Glacial Mage didn’t say anything else as she watched him walk away. Then, after a few moments, she turned to the Cavern Mage.

“Are you certain you’ve picked the right side?” She asked.

The Cavern Mage looked down at her.

“Joining the nominal ruler of a city is the right thing to do. I cannot determine whether joining Forret was the right thing, but he rules this city in Duke Harkem’s absence, so long as Duke Harkem knows this, I do not believe my choice right now matters.”

The Cavern Mage then marched off, also headed to the Guild District.

“Besides,” the Cavern Mage called out over his shoulder, “Count Forret might become the true Ruler of this city. I wonder what will happen to you if that happens?”

The Glacial Mage wanted to reply, but thought better of it. Instead, she too wandered off to the Guild District to give a report, but she decided the long way would be better.

Back inside the Cathedral, Warren and Evelyn were making a report to Grand Scholar Harolt. He and several other administrators within the Cathedral were trying to figure out who had leaked their plan to rescue more people from the noble’s clutches.

As well, many were shocked and outraged at the fact that there were Guilds that were now blatantly breaking the Empire’s Laws due to the promises and orders of Count Forret.

Compared to Forret, it was well known that Duke Harkem cared greatly about the rules that he had put in place, as well as the laws of the Empire. The ones that all cities and towns were forced to follow, regardless of their Lord’s opinion.

Apparently, it seemed like many of the Guilds were banking on Duke Harkem sparing them, since they were just following their nominal Lord’s orders.

The idea that Duke Harkem wouldn’t punish them for following orders that went against Imperial Laws was laughable. Especially since the one giving the orders was the man trying to overthrow him.

For the Guilds that officially joined the nobles and Count Forret, they’d be lucky to keep their heads when Duke Harkem returned, and even then, at best they’d still be forced to leave the city after word was eventually sent back to the capital city of Trillious.

For several Guilds, their only hope was for Forret to officially gain control over the city in place of Duke Harper. Only then would Forret be able to officially pardon them, and keep certain things secret from the capital.

Unfortunately, the knowledge of Duke Harkem’s temperament meant that the Guilds that had joined Forret would not be willing to rejoin the Duke’s side. Meaning they would fight even harder than they usually would to ensure they won.

For the Guilds that were on the fence, and who weren’t breaking Imperial Law, and were outspoken regarding Forret’s current decisions and rulings, this meant that they were in the same boat, but on the other side of the conflict.

Discussions regarding the current state of affairs went back and forth continuously between the various people within the meeting hall.

The only interruptions were when Drew brough the twins in to see their parents, who were surprised to see so many more people than what Drew remembered there were when he’d left, and when Shari and her father entered as well, going over to Sherra

She had been on a different job than Warren and Evelyn, having been tasked with gathering supplies with a different team.

They too had nearly suffered casualties due to the actions of the Guild Hunters, and the use of powerful spells within the city.

Seeing that the discussion wasn’t going anywhere, Warren, Evelyn, Allon, Sherra, and the children all left with a look from Grand Scholar Harolt. There wasn’t much need for them to remain at this point.


Harolt’s voice suddenly cried out, the voices around the room quieted instantly as they all turned to look at the head of the Grand Scholars.

“Debating the situation won’t get us anywhere. Luckily, our recent excursions into the city have been successful, if difficult. So, for now, all we can do is wait. As many of you know by now, Grand Scholar Naeri has gone to send word to Duke Harkem, and request that he return to the city as fast as possible.”

Many in the room were aware of this, but they also had many doubts.

“But doesn’t the nobility know that as well? Wouldn’t they have sent Hunters of their own to intercept her?” One of the Scholars asked.

“Indeed. As much as I hate to say it, the fact that several of the Journeymen of our Church were traitors means that we can’t trust that word will reach the Duke in time. Too much information has been leaked by this point. The discoveries regarding the new Void studies in particular.” Another Scholar asked.

“Don’t be bringing those bastard traitors up with me right now. I swear by the ancients if I get my hands on Merlot or any of those other miserable wretches, my face will be the last thing those worthless brats ever see!” Scholar Quentin shouted as the other Scholar’s words reminded him of Merlot’s betrayal.

Merlot had always been under suspicion. Especially after he had voiced rumors of betrayal on Trent’s part, but none of them had expected that he’d nearly kill several of his fellow Journeymen, as well as sabotage several projects and experimental relics just to escape capture.

Trent, having worked with Merlot quite closely, had nearly died due to Merlot’s actions.

Worse yet, rumors that Merlot had finally broken through to Tier three, due to something the Cult of Light did, had made their way back to the Cathedral, which was causing several other problems in addition to the ones they were already dealing with.

Just as the Scholars were about to get worked up again, Harolt pulsed his mana, stopping the arguments before they could begin.

“Enough!” Harolt’s voice echoed through the room.

“I understand that there are concerns that the Duke will not return in time, and that there are concerns that word from the capital will officially put Forret in charge of the city, sooner, rather than later. But I can assure you that Duke Harkem is nearing the city as we speak.”

Many of the Scholars were relieved by this, but just as many were apprehensive about Harolt’s statement.

“I can see a lot of you don’t believe me.” Harolt said as he withdrew a blue talisman from his robes. “I can tell you all this, because it’s too late for the nobility and Count Forret to react at this point. This is a Life Force Talisman created by our dear Life Scholars. It is tied to Grand Scholar Naeri’s life force and will shatter if she dies. Given the time that she left, so long as she’s alive, she would’ve met up with the Duke several days ago, and they would’ve made their way back here at their fastest pace.”

No longer doubting Harolt’s words, the Scholars finally started to look slightly relieved, as they knew that their city’s true ruler would be returning soon.

“If that’s true, then when are they likely to arrive?” Scholars couldn’t help but ask.

“Well, that depends on how many forces from the military that the Duke can bring to bear at this time, considering this is a civil conflict, not an imperial one. But if his aides have grown at all, it is likely they will arrive today.”

Just as Harolt spoke those words, the sky seemed to darken as clouds circled in the distance to the northwest direction of the city.

All the Scholars in the room turned in that direction, thought they couldn’t see what was happening from within the Cathedral, they could feel the mana being channeled not too far away.

Several forces made their way towards Harkem, there were multiple Tier fours, as well as dozens of Tier threes, all mounted on their Spirits.

Somewhere on the ground, some flew in the air, but all of them were channeling their mana. Enough power to level Harkem was being brought to bear, and focused on the city guardsmen who were standing at the gates to the city.

At the front of them all stood a man with silver hair and eyes, seated atop a massive goat that towered nearly equal in height with the walls of the city.

“FORRET!” Duke Harkem yelled as his voice was carried over the city by the wind.


For a moment, nothing was heard but the howling of the wind, but then, from the center of the city, a gout of fire was blown upwards.


A large wyvern took to the skies, flying directly towards the gate that Harper Harken stood in front of. It landed on the city walls, resting just above the Spirits below.

A rumbling sound was heard as other Hunters and their Spirits gathered in the area. All from different Guilds and groups.

Many sided with Forret, perched atop the walls, or standing in behind the gates, well within the city limits, waiting for the battle to begin. The most prominent were from the Reaching Spires, whose remaining leaders stood directly beside Count Forret and his Spirit.

More stood to the side, or well away from the two Lords and their followers, waiting to see what was about to occur, and willing to step in when they thought it was time.

The rest moved directly behind Duke Harper, directly opposing Count Forret and his forces.

“Brother.” Count Forret said with an angry smile.

His eyes filled with hatred and madness.

“What the hell are you doing here!?”

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