Tale of Eldramir

CH 90 (Book 2 Ch 28): Alone in a New Land

It had been several hours since Ezekiel had crossed the border between the Spirit and Cruor territories. Quite a bit of distance had been covered, but the regular stops he had to make meant that he was only able to move every couple of hours. Shine did their best to help, but the amount of mana they generated was only a tenth that of Ezekiel’s.

Shine was still helpful in other ways, of course, as they were able to throw up a Shroud, the name they called their new spell, at a moment’s notice when Ezekiel was taking his breaks. This was exceptionally helpful when they chose to stop beneath what they thought was a large and dead tree. Only to find out that it was the home of several Tier three and Tier two Umbral Beasts. An unnoticed escape was quickly performed, and they took some time to find another relatively safe space to catch their breath.

However, the sun was starting to set. Ezekiel could barely tell in the already dimly lit landscape, but the few bioluminescent flora and fauna that existed were starting to come out. The sky as well was turning from a dull, dark gray, to a pitch black. It wouldn’t be long before Ezekiel couldn’t make out anything at all from the lack of usable, trustworthy, light.

“We need to find a shelter for the night. Sorry, but it seems like you’ll have to take a watch as well.” Ezekiel said.

Currently, Ezekiel and Shine were in an area of broken and dead looking trees. Though they appeared dead, Ezekiel knew better than to assume such, now. Many of said trees were also enormous, not far off from the size of the giant sequoia or coastal redwoods from earth. Though they were twisted and had roots that stuck from the ground that provided shelter for several packs of beasts.

“We might have to clear out a den. Maybe we can block one up?” Shine suggested.

Unable to think of anything better, Ezekiel hopped down from a ledge he’d been standing on as he looked for any possible areas to set up for the night. Given that this was Winged Cruor Territory, making camp above ground was a bad idea. Fortunately, it seemed like he might be able to find shelter fairly soon. A small pack of relatively weaker Umbral Beasts was coming out of their den.

A dozen or so feathered feline-like beasts were crawling out from an opening they had dug into the bottom of a tree. It partially went underground, and it seemed like this pack was led by two Tier two beasts. Ezekiel could barely make out their shapes, given that these were not a species that produced the dim bioluminescence that some other did. Yet, as he extended his enhanced senses, he was able to make a plan of attack.

As the last of the pack made its way out of the den, Ezekiel climbed up a tree in the path that they were moving along. Watching from above as the pack moved a few hundred feet away.

He was just under half his mana right now, so Shine was going to need to help him. As the two Apprentice level beasts passed under him, he silently dropped down, swinging with all his might in the direction of the beast’s necks.

Given the mana enhanced nature of the attack, Ezekiel made quick work of the first beast, decapitating it, before his swing continued toward the second beast. Though the blade only got halfway through before it stopped.

It still did the job, however, and Ezekiel dashed towards the remaining pack. High pitched yowling echoed through the woods, but the tier one beasts stood no chance against Ezekiel and Shine’s combined might. A few quick stabs here and there saw them killed before any other creatures could get close. Seeing he was finished, Ezekiel shrouded himself again, this time taking a deep breath, and made his way back to the now ownerless den. His scent was masked as well, to prevent anything tracking him.

As he reached the den, Ezekiel found a large rock not too far away. Using his enhanced strength to haul it back to the den, Ezekiel set himself up to sleep for the night. Propping the boulder with a stick that he could move as needed and creating a few small air tubes to allow for breathing, Ezekiel made his way into the small den.

Using a few of the standard Hunter’s supplies he received from the Island Hoppers, he cleared out the den of any other pests as he crawled deeper. Wrapping himself and Shine in a reinforced, mundane, blanket, Ezekiel reached out to remove the stick propping up the boulder. It rolled over the hole to the den with a soft crunch.

“You should sleep first, Ezekiel. You’ve been under more mental strain than me.” Shine said as Ezekiel wrapped them both tighter into the blanket. “I don’t feel physically tired like you do, so I should be alright for now.”

“... Wake me if you sense anything getting too close to us. Neither of us can keep a Shroud up all night, but if I’m awake I should be able to get away fairly quickly.” Ezekiel replied. Shine agreed, and Ezekiel allowed himself to drift off into a restless sleep, as the stress he’d been suppressing finally caught up to him.

Back with Fiana and the rest of the team that had been sent to the Tillsmont expedition, the various higher ups had all gathered and been given the information that Marwyl had received. It was late, and many of the assembled Scholars and Hunters who had returned had wanted to get some rest, but given the seriousness of the situation, that wasn’t an option at the moment.

Currently Fiana and George were grouped with Nina and Martin at the command table, while Sasha was sitting, bleary eyed and tired, off to the side. Tuff was sitting on her lap, doing his best to help keep her awake. The rest of the table was surrounded by several Adept Scholars, as well as the Legendary Guild leader that was there as their primary Hunter.

The Hunter in question was Yorn, a tall wiry man with black hair and eyes. A pitch-black bird sat atop his head, nestled in the messy curls that made the man’s hair. He was covered in cuts and bruises, though he wasn’t missing any limbs. He had refused additional healing beyond what his team had provided on site when the negotiations with the Wild Spirit they had met with the day before went awry.

“So that’s the situation right now.” Marwyl said after laying it all out for the rest to hear. “If we continue on with the expedition, we’ll be stonewalled by that damned bird that’s blocking our current route or led in circles by the Forest Spirit that’s sitting on top of the Temple. Given the other problems elsewhere on the island, I think we need to pull back and regroup with the other expeditions. Best not to get stabbed in the back while blocking from the front.”

There was a fair bit of grumbling as Marwyl said this but given their lack of progress over the past few days, even though they had made it fairly far into the island, pulling back to the coast and sailing to the other expeditions was sounding like a good idea. Especially since they couldn’t convey full and proper messages with their Com-Slates.

“If we head to the coast now, then that means that we’ll have wasted the last few weeks of effort. We’ve already lost a number of resources from that darned flock. I’d rather not give anything else to them without making them pay for it.” One of the Adept Hunters said with a growl.

“But given the situation, attempting to move forward when we know what’s waiting is just foolish.” One of the Scholars said.

“How do we even know if what they’ve reported is even true? For all we know they made a deal with a Legendary Spirit and are trying to focus our attention elsewhere.” Another Hunter called out.

“The Church of Ten doesn’t betray its own members. Calling us away from the planned expedition like this means that all the Cathedrals will be missing out on whatever knowledge is gained from the Temple. There is no reason for the different Cathedrals to compete over this. It’s you Guilds that want to get there before anyone else at any cost.” Another Scholar yelled.

The table soon fell into a cacophony of voices as the Scholars and Hunters began screaming at each other. Some wanted to stay, others wanted to leave. Most just wanted to fight or sleep. It didn’t seem like they were going anywhere, however, as they were simply going in circles.

“Enough!” Yorn exclaimed. The pressure released alongside his word brought silence to the room again. Marwyl had just sat calmly, allowing his fellow Legendary to do the talking. Given the difference in power levels, it was ultimately the Hunter’s call.

“I’m assuming that both the Scholars and the Hunters that provided this information, either already swore oaths and signed contracts, or at least agreed to do so?” The Hunter asked. Marwyl nodded in confirmation. “Then we have no good reason to believe that their words are false. Besides that, negotiations with that damned Legendary pigeon have fallen through. There’s no point wasting more resources getting past it. Meaning we’d have to route anyway. So, I’m making a call. We’ll head back to the base camp, meet up with the rest of the Guilds in our group.”

The rest of the room begrudgingly agreed to the Hunters orders. Marwyl just nodded his head with his eyes closed. It was as if he already knew that this was going to be the decision that was made.

“At that point, we will decide how to proceed. I, for one, do not want a cult of town destroying pirates stabbing us in the back. Especially since I remember what remained of their first major settlement. I know some of you do as well, since I was not the only one from our Guild that was there.” Yorn said.

Several other Hunters nodded in realization, and there were far fewer people looking upset. They had seen the town that had previously housed the Cult of Light. Though there weren’t many bodies, the horrors detailed in the journal of the man that had hidden was something that none of them wanted to have continuing in the Archipelago. Let alone something that they trusted to have on the same island as them. Especially with as many Legendaries as they apparently had.

“For now, everyone go get some sleep. We’ll start packing up in the morning. I want us all back to the coast within the next couple days.” Yorn ordered. Everyone soon cleared out of the room, including Fiana and the rest of the members from the Sanafalls expedition.

“... What do you think, old man?” Yorn asked Marwyl when the room was cleared.

“I think that you made a good call, in a bad situation.” Marwyl said after a moment of thought. “The Temple isn’t going anywhere, and the defenses around it are far too strong for us to get through on our own. A Forest Spirit of this level must be bargained with, not dealt with. Especially if it’s the main defense against the Cruor above land.”

“Kylie isn’t going to like this.” Yorn said. He shuddered to think of what his fellow Guild Leader was going to think of them retreating like this.

“You leave my daughter to me. She’ll know I didn’t influence your decision, but I think it best that I be the one to explain anyways.” Marwyl said.

Yorn just nodded in thanks. He had always had difficulties dealing with the hotheadedness of his fellow Guild Leader. The fact that they were nearly the same age made it so there wasn’t even a good sense of seniority between them. So, they often butted heads rather than agreeing to work together.

With a plan now set in motion. Yorn and Marwyl also headed out. Yorn to finally finish healing, and Marwyl to get some rest. It was going to be a long trek to get back to the coast. But it was likely going to be worth it. Especially if they could get back to take out the Cult sooner rather than later.

It had been several days since Ezekiel had entered the Cruor’s territory. Physically, he was quite exhausted. Mentally, he felt like he was nearing his breaking point. While he had managed to get some sleep, in short intervals, constant moving from one point to another was draining.

Especially when he had to run from a number of Tier three Umbral Beasts. He’d broken several personal records when it came to holding his breath. Though he had managed to drop and bury a few of the seeds that the Forest Spirit had given him here and there. Just in case.

The fact that he had to keep up his Shroud made things even more difficult. Especially since he was without much human contact and interaction.

Shine was an immense help in this regard, as Ezekiel wasn’t certain how well he’d fare if he was doing this on his own. On occasion, he mused at the possibility of dealing with things better if he wasn’t in the middle of enemy territory. However, that was something that would have to wait until he returned to Sanafalls in order for him to find out. If he returned.

“Hey! No feeling down. You’re the one who said we’d get out of here alive, remember!” Shine exclaimed, sensing Ezekiel’s mood shifting as they descended another hill.

Ezekiel, who’s posture was beginning to slump, was brought out of his negative musings. The bags under his eyes were dark and droopy, and his eyes were bloodshot from dryness and exhaustion. Yet even so he continued to move forward. Hearing Shine’s words, he straightened himself up a little bit, and continued on, trying to cheer himself up.

“Right. We’re going to survive, and we’re going to go home.” Although positive, Ezekiel’s words rang hollow, as another pack of Umbral Beasts crossed their path. Luckily only one was Tier two, and there were no Tier threes.

Exerting some effort, Ezekiel launched himself behind a tree, making his way up into the branches and out of sight. Luckily, the tree he was in didn’t seem to be inhabited, or its regular occupant had left to hunt.

“We’ll wait for a moment. See if they simply pass by, or if they bother with trying to find us.” Ezekiel said. Tightening his Shroud, Ezekiel waited to see if Shine had any suggestions, given that their mental state was in a somewhat better condition than Ezekiel’s.

Over the past few days, Ezekiel and Shine had been forced to slow down their journey. The number of Umbral Beasts they had been running into had been increasing. Something that hadn’t been an issue after the first two nights had, but now prevented proper sleep as Ezekiel was often woken up in the middle of the night with only an hour or two’s rest.

Throwing up a Shroud and not moving helped with throwing off any scavengers that caught their scent, but it was difficult getting by with short intervals of sleep. He knew that people had survived worse, and he might be able to do something to help himself if he trained in the future but given this was the first time he’d been in such conditions, he didn’t think he was doing that well.

Ancients forbid he run into any true Cruor. The Umbral Beasts were difficult enough to deal with. Fighting something that actually had intelligence that could potentially match his own, or his fellow Hunters, was something he didn’t want to risk. Especially since he was on his own, and it wasn’t likely that he’d have the fortune to only run into a single Cruor, rather than multiple.

A sudden howling cut through the air, and Ezekiel was forced to jump from his resting spot in the tree. The pack on the ground had begun to circle the tree. A couple of the smaller beasts had begun climbing in an attempt to draw Ezekiel out. The larger ones remained on the ground in order to attach anything that might fall to the ground.

Hitting the ground with a thud and a roll, Ezekiel made off in a sprint, channeling his mana through his body and beneath his Shroud to ensure that nothing leaked. However, the branches beneath his feet cracked and broke, grabbing the attention of the beasts he’d tried to avoid.

“Dammit!” Ezekiel mentally cried. He was already beginning to run low on mana. Fighting right now would mean they would need to stop once again for another hour or so before they could continue.

“A break wouldn’t be a bad thing right now. It’d only roughly midday, I think. So, we can probably afford to rest before we continue moving forward.” Shine said. Their voice was almost pleading as they desired to have Ezekiel rest. They weren’t sure that Ezekiel would be able to make it if they continued on for any further before finally finding a place to settle down for a break.

Ezekiel didn’t slow down. If anything, he began to run faster, wasting mana as he wasn’t getting any further from the pack than he was before. Only continuing to barely stay ahead of them.

“No. We need to keep moving forward, or else we won’t-” Ezekiel’s words were cut off as Shine pulsed some of their mana.

This briefly shattered Ezekiel’s control, causing his own mana to jolt to a stop. Suddenly, Ezekiel felt a sense of dread and worry come over him. All the stress and panic he’d been suppressing that day briefly flooded into him. He lost his footing, tumbling onto the ground before he could throw his Shroud back up and reinforce his body. Luckily nothing was broken when he fell, but he knew he’d have some bruises.

“You need to rest!” Shine shouted. “You’ve already gotten tunnel vision. Think! What does that mean?”

The sound of the Umbral beasts hunting him were getting closer. He barely had a moment to recall what had happened on their third day of travel. He’d gone several hours without replying to Shine. His mana had hollowed him out so much that the only thing he could think about was his goal of moving forward. He’d only snapped out of it when Shine blasted his mana with their own.

“Thank you.” Ezekiel mentally muttered to Shine. Now that he wasn’t locked onto his goal of moving forward, he realized that Shine’s words were right. His fatigue was catching up to him, and he wasn’t going to make it much further without more rest.

Looking around himself, Ezekiel saw that the pack, fairly small for where they were, only consisting of five, was surrounding him. Circling his position as they tried to figure out where he was. His Shroud was still up, so he knew they couldn’t see or hear him, but they could still smell him.

He wasn’t certain that he’d be able to get away in the time he could hold his breath to mask his scent. The fact that there were enough branches on the ground to make noise no matter what he did also meant that they could track his steps.

Instead, he moved toward the biggest beast first. This pack consisted of lizard-like creatures. Like a mix between a giant iguana and a crocodile. Shine channeled their mana, and Ezekiel took its head with one swing. His Shroud, now broken due to physical contact, cracked and allowed the beasts to see him. As one they jumped toward him.

With the Tier two beast taken out, Ezekiel was able to take down the other four without too much difficulty. Though the exertion of his mana did ensure that he wasn’t going to be making it much further under his Shroud without a break.

“I think that’s it for today. I... really need to rest.” Ezekiel said. Words barely formed in his mind as he stood over the corpses of the beasts he had slain.

A part of him was regretful. If he’d been with an expedition, then he’d be able to harvest most of the parts these Umbral Beasts were leaving behind. However, it wasn’t safe for him to do so on his own.

“I’m still pretty good on mana. Maybe we can carve ourselves a little hole on one of the bigger trees that you can sleep in. We’ll put a curve, so it doesn’t open up directly outside.” Shine suggested.

This was one of the methods of making a shelter that they’d tried before. But it hadn’t worked when the inhabitant of the tree had found them and nearly gored Ezekiel with a talon as it broke through the shallow door, they’d covered the hole with.

“Yeah. That sounds like a good idea. Let’s do that.” Ezekiel was barely able to focus.

He’d been moving for nearly a week straight, and only knew he was heading in the right direction when it was midday, and he could see which parts of the sky were darker than the rest. A part of him wanted to blame the Forest Spirit for not giving him better directions, but he knew the Spirit wouldn’t know where anything was too far beyond the border.

Ezekiel hoped that he’d find a coast soon. That way he might be able to find out where the Cruor’s encampments were. That or a river. He knew that even the Cruor needed water to survive.

Finding a large tree that appeared to be unoccupied, Ezekiel and Shine got to work carving a much deeper hole for them to rest in. Cutting through the wood wasn’t hard when Shine Channeled their mana, so they managed to make quick work, forming an ‘L’ shaped hollow that he blocked with multiple layers of wood.

“I’m going to rest my eyes for a bit. Wake me up in a couple of hours.” Ezekiel said.

“... Sure.” Shine replied.

As Ezekiel drifted off to sleep, Shine focused on the world around them as best as they could. They decided, as Ezekiel’s breathing finally evened out, that they would not be waking Ezekiel up unless something was coming for them. Otherwise, Shine was going to allow Ezekiel to sleep for as long as possible.

Completely unaware that the result of staying relatively close to the now dead pack would ultimately save their lives.

Unbeknownst to Ezekiel, although his efforts were admirable, there was little to nothing that went on in the Cruor’s territory that they were not at least partially aware of. Especially the Winged Cruor, who’s scouting capabilities were the best of all the other Cruor. Worse yet, Ezekiel was actually just a dozen or so kilometers away from a Cruor encampment. So, when the Umbral beasts in the area began to make a fuss, they became aware of it.

High in the air, well above the incredibly tall tree line, several Winged humanoids were flying over the umbral forest. They were observing the corpses of the beasts Ezekiel had slain, watching as they were feasted upon by others.

“This is the fourth time we’ve found an entire pack wiped out in the past week. We don’t know if there’s more or not, but these are the ones we’ve found. It appears that they lead back to the border. Though we’re not completely certain. There doesn’t seem to be a line or pattern in these groupings.” One of the Cruor said. A woman, according to the shape of their body. Though she was covered in feathers and had talons for hands and feet. Her head was bowed as she faced the largest of the group.

Also female, the leader of this group of Cruor was nearly a foot taller than the next tallest member. However, other than her wings, she had no feathers on her body, which was garbed in loosely fitting clothes that resembled a dress, or toga. If not for the wings and talons on her feet, she would be indistinguishable from a human.

“Then it is likely that the damned Forest Spirit did something. He may very well have let loose some Hunters to cause trouble.” The leader of the Cruor said. “Perhaps this is why the old forest retaliated as it did. To cause a distraction so our border guards wouldn’t notice something slipping in.”

The rest of the group became angry at that thought. They didn’t like the idea of one of their enemies getting so far into their territory. It meant that these camps might be facing some trouble soon.

“Keep an eye out for any other instances of packs being wiped out like this.” The leader said.

“Should we investigate the area? To see if they're still around?” One of the Cruor asked.

“There’s no point. If a Hunter managed to get this far into our territory without getting caught or causing enough of a conflict with the Umbral Beasts to grab our attention, then they would know not to stick around when they’ve left such a mess. They’re likely long gone by now.” The leader said. “Now go. Try to find where the next dead pack turns up. Maybe we can figure out where they’re going.”

With a nod of their heads, the other Cruor flapped their wings several times, flying off in different directions. The leader looked at the small map they were carrying. On it were several markings that indicated where the other three packs had been wiped out. But after scratching her head a few times, she couldn’t figure out whatever it was she was looking for.

Letting out an angry sigh, she too flew off, heading back towards her camp.

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