Tale of Eldramir

CH 98 (Book 2 Ch 36): Preparing for Battle

Given the distance that Ezekiel had traveled, even with the aid of the Forest Spirits avatars, it still took him nearly a day before he had returned to the enormous oak tree that stood above the Temple of the Void. Here, Ezekiel finally allowed himself to properly rest, rather than meditate so as to pass the time.

“When will I be able to return to my expedition, or rather, one of the other expeditions?” Ezekiel asked as he sat at a table grown out of the wooden branches that made up the floor.

He was being served fruits and vegetables gathered by the Forest Spirit’s lesser avatars. All but one of its Legendary avatars had left to further consolidate their intrusion into the Cruor’s territory. As such, other than its main body, which was still at the peak of the Legendary Tier, only a handful of Adept avatars and below remained for various reasons.

“Given that you should recover from your trials, I would say we should be fine to leave by tomorrow. My avatar will remain with you for now, as it is still not safe for you to return to your expedition.” The voice of the Forest replied.

“Do you think our friends are okay?” Shine asked. They were worried about Fiana, George, and Sasha. While they had left on a bad note, both Shine and Ezekiel hoped to see them again. Hopefully things could still be fixed between them.

“I think the Forest Spirit would’ve told us if they weren’t. It doesn’t seem to be one that likes to hide information from people when asked.” Ezekiel mentally said back. “Though I guess it wouldn’t hurt to ask.”

“Would it be possible to get some information regarding what’s been happening these past few weeks? I think it might be a good idea for me to get a sense of what the situation is like.” Ezekiel asked the Forest Spirit.

“Your concerns are understandable and warranted. Things have not gone well for your people.” The Forest Spirit said. It then went on to tell what it knew of the events that had been happening with the expeditions and the Cult of Light.

There was no information regarding the Sanafalls expedition, as they had sealed themselves up inside the Ruins of Trigat beneath the bluffs. However, given the sheer expanse of the city and the Death Worms nesting there, the Forest Spirit wasn’t too hopeful. Something that made Ezekiel incredibly worried.

Next was their friends from the scout team before they split up. Ezekiel was happy to hear that they had joined forces with two other expeditions. But wasn’t able to get any further information since they had cast off to travel to the Sanafalls expedition by water.

Finally, the Cult of Light had started making headway into the caldera, since the Death Worms had left their nest to begin hunting them. Ezekiel was ecstatic to hear this, as he figured that the Death Worms might take care of the problem for them. But then he learned from the Forest Spirit that this wasn’t a good thing.

Apparently, there were enough Adept level Death Worms close enough to Legendary that the death of the Cult’s Legendary Mages would result in four new Legendary Death Worms. In truth, there had already been more Legendary Death Worms than there were Legendary figures in the Sanafalls expedition.

The only reason they hadn’t already been wiped out by them was because they were usually incredibly territorial. But since the Cult had granted them the taste of the death of humans, they were now hungry. Worse yet, the Forest Spirit was concerned regarding the sheer number of Legendaries gathering near the Death Worms. If they weren’t careful, the Forest Spirit feared the possibility of a Mythic Death Worm coming into being.

“That’s a possibility!?” Ezekiel exclaimed. Shine’s voice echoed his words in his head. Legendary Death Worms were bad enough, but the possibility of a Mythic one was terrifying. “I thought they’d only been around for a few hundred years at best. How could the deaths of a few Legendary Mages let them become so powerful?”

“It has to do with the nature of Life and Death when it comes to mana. While most Spirits can feast on the mana of other Spirits of the same element that they have personally slain in battle, this isn’t often done, as a Spirit's soul must still grow enough to actually absorb and retain said mana.” The Forest Spirit explained. “For many, this is a slow-going process, as Wild Spirits do not experience the same speed of growth as bonded Spirits when it comes to their souls. This is because it is human souls that are the most flexible, and open to growth and change.”

Ezekiel nodded his head at this. He knew of the difference in growth rate from his studies when trying to help Shine’s soul grow stronger. He hadn’t known that it was because they borrowed the flexibility and development of the human soul.

“After all, a Wild Spirit, one that is constantly fighting for survival and dominance in a given territory, may often take twice as long as a human to reach the same Tier.” The Forest continued. “The exceptions to this are Life and Death Spirits that undergo certain transformations. My own splitting of the soul allows me to greatly improve my own control and reach, as well as cheat when it comes to power. Although, I have split myself too many times, which makes it difficult, if not impossible for me to make further progress.”

This made quite a bit of sense to Ezekiel, as technically, the Forest Spirit had more mana than a Mythic Spirit or Mage should have. But due to the constant state of warfare with the Cruor, it hadn’t been able to consolidate its power. However, the fact that it was possible for it to split too many times, causing it to reach a permanent bottleneck was a surprise.

“You can’t reach the next Tier?” Ezekiel asked. “I thought that splitting into avatars like you have was part of the process to becoming a Mythic Life Spirit?”

“Usually, yes. But in this case, I made too many, and most have died over the ages to the Cruor. The damage to my soul is great, and entire pieces are missing. To push through that last barrier would likely shatter it, given how many pieces there are.” The Forest explained. “But better that happen to me, than what will happen to the Death Worms, should they forcefully ascend.”

“Right! You mentioned that it was possible for the Death Worms to reach Tier five. How? You said that Life Spirits like you have your cheats, but what is theirs?” Ezekiel asked.

“Death doesn’t die.” The Forest Spirit said. “It is possible for Death Spirits, and only Death Spirits, to forcefully break through to the next Tier, even when their souls aren’t ready. However, this comes at the cost of their minds. They become rampaging, ravenous beasts that lash and thrash about. Utterly unable to control their bodies. For a time, they are as dangerous as any other Spirit at their new Tier. But only until the mana that composes their bodies breaks apart, unable to contain itself.”

“That sounds bad. Like, really, really bad!” Shine exclaimed.

“Yeah. Let’s avoid that if possible.” Ezekiel said back.

Ezekiel didn’t like this picture. He didn’t like the implications of a Spirit’s body being unable to contain itself even more.

“I’m assuming you mean they explode?” He asked.

“Indeed, and their mana spreads across the land, lingering for a time, rather than simply dissipating like other Spirits who die from overreaching.” The Forest Spirit explained.

“In that case, I think I need to get back there as soon as possible. To do whatever it takes to get my people out there, without falling to the Death Worms.” Ezekiel said.

“Doing so will be dangerous for you. While your mana has returned, your Spirit is still weak. They cannot match you at the moment.” The Forest Spirit said. Ezekiel and Shine both mentally winced at the blunt statement of their difference in power. Several branches covered in leaves then grew and were placed upon the both of them.

“Although, it seems like your most recent shared ordeal has helped them grow quite quickly. Their soul should easily be able to withstand the advancement to Tier two, perhaps a bit more. You yourself should be able to safely advance even further as well. As far as I myself have, if given the resources.” The Forest said as it examined them. “Though, I would not advise doing so. At that point, the sheer disparity of power between you and your Spirit, at the higher Tiers, may cause the little Void Spirit’s soul to collapse.”

“Then we won’t do that.” Ezekiel said as his face settled into a glare. He didn’t like it when people brought up the difference between his and Shine’s soul. “For now, are you able to get us any more pure mana crystals? Also, a sword for Shine to inhabit.”

“Ezekiel! Are you sure we should be doing this?” Shine asked in a worried tone. They desperately wanted to grow stronger for Ezekiel but didn’t want to force him to continue using resources like this. Using too many could potentially hurt their future.

“Given their rarity, you are asking for much that I would not usually give. But you did succeed in your task. So, I suppose I can give you enough for the little Void to break through. As well as one more Step each.” The Forest Spirit said. “If that is what you wish. We both know that gathering mana naturally aids in the growth of a soul, after all.”

“I still need to develop a way of doing so that doesn’t strain my soul to the breaking point like it used to. Using pure mana crystals avoids that. So, for now, we’ll do things this way.” Ezekiel said to the Spirit.

“For now, we don’t have much choice. But I think that, after today, we won’t be using pure mana crystals for anything other than enchantments for a long time.” Ezekiel said to Shine.

Shine fell silent, thankful that Ezekiel was willing to do this for them. Although, they were still annoyed that they were the weak link. They swore that they would find a way to grow stronger more efficiently when they got back to Sanafalls. It was the least they thought they could do for Ezekiel.

“Very well. The same quarters you used the last time you were here have been made ready once again. As for the crystals, they are waiting for you as we speak.” The Forest Spirit said. Its avatar pointed to the familiar corridor of branches.

Finishing his meal, Ezekiel picked up Shine and moved to ready himself for tomorrow.

“Thank you. Your aid is appreciated.” Ezekiel said. Crossing the threshold to the corridor.

“As was yours. When you save your friends, if you save your friends, I will bring you back here. The Remnant wishes to speak with you.” The Forest Spirit said.

Ezekiel nearly tripped as he heard the Forest Spirit’s words. But as he turned around to ask the Spirit what it meant; the opening closed behind him. He knew he could voice his thoughts and the Spirit would hear him, but given the obvious dismissal, he figured that it could wait until later.

Making his way to the room that was created for him, Ezekiel saw the familiar bed with a large leaf for a mattress and blanket. Along with a large sack filled with pure mana crystals. Enough to get Shine to Tier two, and himself a few more Steps up as well.

Next to it was a pristine sword with a matching sheath for Shine to inhabit. Though it was not the shape of the familiar short sword he had been using these past years. Instead, it was curved, and had a single deadly sharpened edge. It was a falchion, which Ezekiel wasn’t used to, but would make do with.

Sitting down next to the sack, Ezekiel and Shine focused on the crystals they now held. Though Shine first took a moment to transfer over to the new sword. Ezekiel knew that increasing his own power to a higher Step would mean that Shine still wouldn’t be able to properly share mana with him, but right now, what they needed was more power.

They couldn’t do this before, since Shine’s soul wasn’t strong enough to reach Tier two at the time, but the difference in power was made quite obvious as they had worked their way through the Desolate territory. Regaining more mana in an hour than Shine currently did in nine was worth it.

“You ready?” Ezekiel asked Shine, both verbally and mentally. “You first if you are.”

“Yes. Let’s do this!” Shine replied.

Shine absorbed the mana within the crystals, making their way all the way to the peak of Tier one, before finally absorbing the mana of one last crystal, breaking through to Tier two. There was the sound of shattering glass, as the breakthrough was different for Spirits than it was for Mages. The sword that Shine now inhabited seemed to crack like a broken mirror, and Ezekiel immediately fell unconscious.

Ezekiel found himself once again within the blank expanse of the starry Void as he watched countless images pass through his vision. A nagging feeling scratched at the back of his mind, as if he had seen such a thing before, but he could not remember. Slowly, the images faded away, barely even half were remembered.

In front of him stood a pale white figure. Enshrouded in a misty luminescent glow. Looking at them from behind as he was, Ezekiel could not make out most of the figures' features. Yet, as it stared out into the expanse of stars in the distance, Ezekiel felt like the figure was witnessing something that only it could see. He felt a sense of longing that was not his own, and as he too stared out into the stars that blanketed his vision, he was once again assaulted by images.

This time the vision he received was of a singular thing. Not the mess of jumbled nonsense that he could barely recall. Instead, what he saw was a sequence of events relating to the Void. A glassy pane appeared, only for a crack to be formed as a meteor crashed through it. But the pane repaired itself, the cracks were sealed, and the missing pieces replaced.

This sequence of events occurred over, and over, and over again. More times that he cared to think about. Over time, however, the pane began to crack less and less, until eventually it didn’t crack at all. As this happened, instinctively, he began to understand. He could feel within himself that this was a means of utilizing Void Mana. To manipulate space into a solid barrier that could defend against attacks upon his person in the material world.

As he was struck by this understanding, he felt a sharp pain within his mind as the information regarding this magic was forcefully engraved into his soul. It felt like a molten hot poker was engraving runes into every single inch of his existence. The pain was so great that his mind could do nothing but scream in silence. His vision filled with streaks of white light as the stars returned to his vision.

Then it was over. The pain was gone. Nothing more than an abstract memory that he could barely recall, as if it was locked away in a place where memories could not be brought forth from. Wildly trying to look around further into the great expanse that was the starry Void, no other stars called out to him as he gazed outward.

Instead, as he realized what he had just learned, what magic he instinctively gained, he looked to the figure made of pale white light that resided in front of him.

“Shine?” Ezekiel called out.

The figure turned around. Startled, as if it hadn’t expected to hear Ezekiel’s voice. He realized that the figure was quite small. Perhaps half his own size within this Void. Their features were still enshrouded in a misty glow that blocked most of it from sight. The Only thing Ezekiel could see were two black eyes filled with pinpricks of light that slowly spun around in a lazy spiral.

Then, before the figure could say anything, Ezekiel woke up.

Opening his eyes in shock, Ezekiel barely managed to restrain himself from jolting up in shock as he realized that he had fallen on his back. He was unaware of how much time had passed since Shine had experienced their breakthrough. However, as he tentatively reached out with his mind, he knew that Shine was enamored with their enlightenment.

Trying to recall what he could from his most recent experience, Ezekiel knew that he could now create Spatial Panes to act as barriers platforms. A spell of his own that did not come directly from Shine’s enlightenment. Something that had never happened before, but he figured that it must’ve been a side effect of Shine’s ascension, and the deepening of their bond.

Expending the bare amount of mana necessary, Ezekiel formed a long thin pane of diamond shaped spatial glass. It extended out several inches from the palm of his hand. As it did, and he thought about the way he manipulated the mana to form it, he realized that there was an understanding regarding the spell that didn’t exist with regard to the spells the Shine conveyed to him.

The mana manipulated the natural forces that existed in the universe, rather than the material elements that other mana types manipulated. As such, without the ability to sense these forces, it would be impossible to learn more about them.

For the moment, he figured that, since Shine was a Void Spirit, they naturally had senses that Ezekiel did not. Thus, why they were able to gain enlightenment when Ezekiel brought forth ideas that were possible for them to interpret and develop as potential spells.

Ezekiel could only hope that, as he grew stronger, he too would eventually develop the senses necessary for sensing such natural forces. But for now, it seemed like he had a new spell, and many new ideas regarding how to further progress his magic.

A part of him did wonder why he came out of the trance of enlightenment so much faster than Shine. But he attributed it to his stronger soul, as Shine was likely taking a longer time to process the information. Though the extreme pain he felt was something he hoped was only a one time thing.

For now, however, he needed to wait until Shine awakened once again. Hopefully it would be quick, and his previous exclamation didn’t disturb them. Only time would tell.

Ezekiel knew that several hours had passed and Shine still showed no signs of awakening from their enlightenment. More than once he had considered absorbing some of the pure mana crystals. It wasn’t as if Shine would be able to use all of them after all. But he held back since he wasn’t aware if any changes to himself would also affect Shine’s current state.

Luckily, just as he was beginning to consider going to sleep, he heard Shine’s voice from their bond. It sounded tired, but satisfied and confident. Like someone who had been constantly working for hours on end, only to finish the job just before the deadline.

“Ezekiel. Are you there?” Shine asked.

“Yeah buddy, I’m here.” Ezekiel replied.

“I saw you. You were in the Void, right next to me.” Shine’s voice was filled with awe. They had experienced the starry Void before but had always been alone when it happened.

“Yeah. There were stars, and wonders that were far beyond us.” Ezekiel’s voice had a tint of wonder to it as he recalled the scene he had viewed with Shine. “I learned something new. Just like you, I assume?”

“Yeah. Here.” Mental images and new ideas flowed from Shine into Ezekiel’s mind.

As it did, he realized that he could now push and pull things with his mana by manipulating the attractive and repelling forces between himself and a targeted object. It used a method similar to how he cut objects from a distance.

“That’s awesome! Here’s what I learned.” Ezekiel brought forth his understanding of the spatial Panes that he had acquired.

Opening his mind to Shine, he didn’t push the knowledge forward, but rather, he allowed it to seep from his mind into the connection he shared with Shine. The young Void Spirit absorbed the knowledge like a sponge. They easily incorporated it into themself.

For a few minutes, the two of them just sat quietly. Not meditating, not absorbing mana. Just sitting, thinking about the changes they had both undergone, and what was to come in the next few days.

“Hey, do you think we’ll be able to win tomorrow?” Shine asked quietly. A part of them was happy they were going back to their expedition, but another part was incredibly worried. Given what they had learned, they felt that this was an appropriate feeling.

“Yes.” Ezekiel replied. “Tomorrow, we will win, and we’ll get home with as many of our people as possible. Don’t doubt that. IF you do, you’ll just make things harder for yourself.”

“Okay.” Shine replied. While they were still worried, they understood what Ezekiel was trying to convey. They couldn’t afford to have such worries. The both of them needed to focus on the goal. That was all that mattered right now.

“Alright then. Shall we finish this?” Ezekiel asked as he looked at the remaining pile of pure mana crystals. “We’ve still got some work to do. You think you can handle another Step?”

The two of them recalled the moment when they saw each other’s souls, for that was all they could imagine their previous shared enlightenment being. Shine’s soul was quite large for one so young. At least, it seemed to be when compared to the size of Ezekiel’s.

“I think... I know I’ve got at least one more Step in me.” Shine replied. Their voice was confident and certain. Ezekiel couldn’t help but agree with them.

Splitting the crystals even between the two of them, both Mage and Spirit began gathering the stored mana within the crystals, knowing that this would likely be the last chance they got to do so anytime soon.

Working well into the night, there were no further disturbances as they two silently broke through to the second Step of Tier two. Moments later, they both fell into a dreamless slumber.

It was late morning when Ezekiel and Shine once again stood in front of the Forest Spirit. They both gave off an aura of stern caution, knowing that they were going to be heading into yet another battlefield. This time, no amount of hiding and running around would grant them a reprieve.

Apparently, the Cult had begun making moves, and was now beginning their attempts at breaking into the Ruins of Trigat. Given that there was likely not going to be a storm anytime within the next few days, they would have free reign to make their attempts. Something that would likely take them only a few hours, if that, to move all their people and test every possible elemental combination possible.

“Are you ready?” The Forest Spirit asked. Ezekiel and Shine just nodded in silence. “Then we shall be off. This one avatar will remain with you, until it falls in battle. Just in case. Though it shall likely be the only help you can hope to have at this time.”

The branch filled internals of the massive oak tree opened up, and Ezekiel walked calmly down the wooden steps towards the ground. A Legendary avatar awaited him.

“That’s fine. I have somewhat of a plan. If it works, then we should be able to win.” Ezekiel said.

“If that is the case, then I shall bring you to the area of the caldera where they previously tried to set up camp. It is abandoned now, and it will leave you far enough away from them that you shouldn’t be caught right away.” The avatar said before picking him up and moving through the forest. “Also, one last thing. This may help during this time of conflict.”

The avatar’s chest opened up as the trio moved through the forest. It removed a small book that seemed to detail information regarding Trigat when it was still an active city. Flipping through the pages, Ezekiel realized that his partially conceived plan now had a much higher chance of success.

As he reviewed the information regarding the various entrances to the city, not just the focal point at the top of the bluff, new ideas and plans ran rampant through his mind. As Shine caught a hint of his thoughts, they decided to pitch in with the planning. The Cult of Light would soon receive a bloody nose from the very Mage they oh so dearly despised, and none of them were any the wiser.

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