TalentPlus!: Talent + Effort = Strongest Capture Target!!!

Chapter 12: A (not so) lonely researcher

??? POV

As I walk along the corridors, I can hear numerous people murmuring. 

"Hey, isn't that the famous stonewall researcher?"

"Yeah, I heard that he never smiles, he just has that strict look on his face all the time."

"That isn't true. His facial expression does change, it's just that it becomes way scarier."

"No way. That can't be possible, he already looks unapproachable already. Are you telling me that that isn't his final form?"

"Yeah, I heard from one of our senpais that one time, they were tasked by their teachers to write a report about the research that our school's researchers are performing. Apparently their group decided to write a report about his research. When they went to go interview him, his face started to become scarier. They initially thought that it was something else, but as they went closer, his face looked more and more like he was about to murder someone."

"Uwaah, that's so scary. I'm so glad he isn't a teacher."

"Yeah, apparently he tried becoming a teacher but was denied every time."

"Really? I thought they would accept him, especially because he is talented. Maybe he got denied because even the Headmaster didn't want to scare the students away."

"That's not the reason. You see, to become a teacher here, one needs to have experience in teaching. They also need to have their students attain achievements. This is a prestigious school after all. The reason why he isn't allowed to become a teacher is because he has zero teaching experience. Apparently, he acts as a tutor, but everyone who went under his tutelage immediately ran away. They were all afraid of him. According to them, once they entered his personal lab, his face grew scarier to the point where they thought he was a demon and immediately ran out. There was one person there who stayed, but that was because he had fainted on the spot."

"Hey, you guys should quiet down. He's coming."

Too bad I had already heard everything. What most people don't know is that I have really good hearing. I could hear you guys from a while away.

"Shit, he's coming. And his face is growing even scarier."

"Shit, act normal."

As I pass by, I give them a silent glance. They all went silent. I then entered my lab. As I entered my lab, a certain blonde woman greeted me with a smile.

"Welcome back sensei!" (Blonde woman)

"Again, it's not sensei, it's 'Stein-san'. You should remember that Byron-san."

"It's not 'Byron-san', it's 'Mel-chan', Lime-sensei." (Mel)

"Fine, Melanie-san. Also what's with 'Lime-sensei'! I'm not even a proper teacher yet!" (Lime)

"Ok then, Lime-san." (Mel)

"And don't use 'Lime'!" (Lime)

"Nope. Lime-san is Lime-san. It's either Lime-san or sensei." (Mel)

"Ugh, fine. Lime-san it is. This is so embarrassing!" (Lime)

"Tch, just when I thought I could finally call you sensei." (Mel)

"I'm not anyone's 'sensei' yet. I won't allow anyone to address me as 'sensei' as long as I'm not a teacher." (Lime)

"But technically, you are my teacher. You did teach me after all." (Mel)

"But by legal standards, it wouldn't count as teaching you. You were a bonafide researcher when I started teaching you. I haven't taught a student yet. I'm so pathetic." (Lime)

"But it doesn't mean that you're bad at teaching. You taught me everything about alchemy after all." (Mel)

"Yeah, but what kind of teacher can't even teach normal students? Maybe I'm just not cut out for that." (Lime)

"But it's their fault for being scared of you!" (Mel)

"But it's my fault for being scary!" (Lime)

"But it's just because that's the face you make when you're nervous!" (Mel)

"But it's my fault that I can't control my facial expressions when I'm nervous!" (Lime)

Yes that's right, all the rumours about me being scary and whatnot is because my face apparently becomes scarier the more nervous I am. I get nervous very easily which is why my face is normally stiff and won't show any emotions such as smiles or frowns. This is because when I am out in public, I try my best not to let my facial expressions change.die to being nervous. When people get closer to me, I become more nervous. When students approach me, I become nervous. When I imagine myself actually teaching in front of class, I become nervous. During these situations, I can't take it anymore and my face just ends up slowly becoming scarier. I didn't want to scare anyone, I'm just very shy.

*Knock* *Knock*

As both of us continued arguing, we suddenly heard a knocking sound coming from the door that leads outside of my personal lab. We both stop and I then walked towards the door. I then opened it to see a young man. I start panicking and suddenly, I see a strange yellow puddle on my doorstep. I realize that my face started growing scarier, and that the young man was shaking. Feeling bad, I ask him what he's here for. 

"What are you here for?" (Lime)

"U-u-uhm, someone n-named Lyle L-l-lostbelt asked me t-to tell you that h-he's waiting at the u-usual p-place!" 

'Lyle? What is Nii-san here for?'

As I was pondering over the reason for his sudden visit, I notice that the young man was still in the same spot, shaking with nervousness.

"Ah, you can go now, and while you're at it, tell the janitor to clean up the mess you've made." (Lime)

"Y-yes Stein-san!!!"

The young man started dashing away at lightning speed. Am I really that scary? I can't even say that I was scared more than him. I then entered my lab. 

"Melanie-san, I have to go. My older brother apparently needs to talk to me." (Lime)

"Okay~. And while you're at it, say hi to him for me." (Mel)

"Sure. I'm going now. I don't know when I'll come back, but if anything important happens, you know where the usual spot is." (Lime)

"Okay~." (Mel)

I then proceed to exit the academy. After waking for a bit, I enter the restaurant that me and Nii-san dine at whenever he visits me. He normally visits me on my birthday and other special occasions. He even came here to visit me a week after his children were born just to tell me about it. Every time he visits me, we talk about the things we've experienced since the last time we saw each other. 

But if I recall, there aren't any special occasions I know of that occur today. Maybe his third child is born. If so, then I would congratulate him. There is a bit of a problem though. Every time he visits me, he always tries to bring me to his family and I reject him. I didn't want to inconvenience his family with my presence. I was also really nervous about meeting his wife and children that he keeps talking about. I'm afraid that they'll get scared due to my face. I then arrived at the table that Nii-san is sitting at. 

"Nice to see you again Lime." (Lyle)

"Nice to see you too Nii-san." (Lime)

"Have a seat." (Lyle)

"Sure. Oh and before I forget, Melanie-san said hi." (Lime)

"Oh Melanie, she's still friends with you?" (Lyle)

"Friends? No, she's just my lab assistant." (Lime)

Yes, Melanie is just my lab assistant. It was last year that we met. She was just a novice researcher at the time. Normally, when students graduate and become researchers, they have to spend a few years as an assistant for a senior researcher. 

I say normally because I didn't go through that process. It wasn't because of my face, but rather the fact that when I graduated, they had already given me my own personal lab. After that, I had published my first paper based on recreating magic spells with Alchemy and potions. Because of that, I was known as a prodigy in the field of alchemy. 

At the time, a lot of novice researchers wanted to go under me during their learning period, but only Melanie-san stuck with me. Most of them quit within the first week. The rest left within a month. There was one other person who lasted more than a month, but he eventually quit after being unable to stand my scary face. 

It was then that I met Melanie-san. She said that she wanted to become my lab assistant. At first, I had thought that she was just going to be another one who'd quit in a week but I then realized that she didn't freak out from my face, in fact, she even asked for the position with a smile. I still had doubts about the entire thing, but she didn't leave even after a month. She didn't even exhibit any signs of displeasure or fear when it came to my facial expressions. 

Because of that, our relationship started to grow deeper. I started to feel more comfortable around her and started to talk to her as if she was a friend. I felt like it was ok to do so because she felt like the type of person who was ok with it. However, I still keep some distance between us because I feel guilty. I feel guilty about the fact that such a kind person has to associate with a person like me who is disliked and feared by a lot of people. I feel guilty for taking advantage of her kindness. 

She's the only person other than Nii-san that I talk normally with. Maybe it's because she has a somewhat similar personality to Nii-san's that we get along so well. I also feel guilty about taking advantage of Nii-san's kindness. He's taken good care of me, and hasn't ever said that he wished I wasn't his brother. That's why when either of them needed my help, I'd do everything in my power to do so. Except of course, having to meet his family. I'm scared that when they meet me, their opinions of Nii-san are lowered because he has a brother like me.

"Hee~. If you keep on acting like that, she's eventually gonna get tired of you." (Lyle)

"A-anyways, what's the occasion?" (Lime)

"Umm, well, actually, I need you to do me a huge favour. You can say no, but I'd appreciate your help." (Lyle)

"Hmm? Sure. Anything you need, I'll help you with it." (Lime)

"Umm, so, it's about my son." (Lyle)

"Yes? What about him?" (Lime)

I have a bad feeling about this.

"I need you to teach my son." (Lyle)

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