Tales of a Seductress

TOAD – Chapter 14

After leaving the blacksmith, or getting kicked out if you’d rather, I did what Brad suggested and walked down the street of the town to go shopping. It was rare that I had both coin and the opportunity to use it. Min had been tight with his purse strings when we traveled together. After that, most of my time was spent as a slave, and when I came up here, I was penniless.

Fortunately, all of the shops were nearby, and it was rather easy to check out store after store. Brad had handed me a bag full of gold. I hadn’t counted before, but it was nearly fifty gold coins. This was a small wealth. Any commoner would faint seeing that much money. He liked to throw it around. I was starting to understand what the blacksmith was saying. The custom armor likely only came to about ten gold, and everything else I’d need might be only 5 gold total.

 It was amazing how many discounts I could get with just a little bit of flirting. Men were particularly susceptible to such things. A wink and a suggestion and a lot of stuff I got for half off. I knew I shouldn’t take advantage, and there was no shortage of coin, but the old me could resist a bargain. As a result, I probably ended up buying more than I needed as well.

I bought a pack, a week’s worth of clothing changes, food, supplies, and so on. I bought everything I remembered Min getting during our travels and then more besides that. I also bought a lot of alchemy goods. I had only officially studied alchemy for a few months with Reinhardt, so there was still a lot I didn’t know. I still bought that stuff anyway.

“This is far too heavy.” I sighed as most of it was put together.

It wasn’t that heavy for someone at my level, but I acted as dainty as I looked. Furthermore, a lot of this stuff would be fitted on my horse. As long as I had a big enough packhorse, it could carry all of my stuff.

“We have an enchanter in two. I’ll look at putting a light spell on it.” The merchant said with a smile. “It will half the weight of anything in the pack.”

“Oh, could you?” I asked with wide eyes, gently touching his shoulder. “I’m just… worried it might be more than I can afford.”

“N-nonsense!” He straightened his back, emboldened by my touch. “After everything you bought, I’ll personally discuss an affordable rate with the enchanter.”

“Would you?” I asked, grabbing his hands and looking up at him. “It would really mean a lot to me.”

“Wh-why yes!” he coughed. “Ah, but how much do you have left?”

I blushed. “I spent a bit much… all I have left is two gold coins.”

I reached into my cleavage, showing him my chest gratuitously before pulling two coins out. He stared with his mouth open. After a second, he shook his head.

“Ah, two… two! Is that all? Ah, they’re usually ten or twenty!”

Enchantments, especially custom ones, usually cause the price of things to skyrocket. It wasn’t that unbelievable that this weight decreasing enchantment cost ten gold or so. The offer of twenty might be more because of timing. I needed it done today.

“Is it not possible?” I asked, looking up at him with tear-filled eyes.

“N-not at all! A promise is a promise! I’ll definitely do it!” He declared, slapping his chest.

“Wonderful!” I smiled like he had just made my day. “You’re the best!”

I went up and kissed his cheek. He blushed, stiffening even more, and in other places too. However, I had already enjoyed a little play, and he wasn’t my target for the moment. He was a bit like the blacksmith, but not muscular. It was all fat. That didn’t mean I wouldn’t fuck a chubby guy, but I didn’t feel the need to at the moment. I only went out of my way to bang guys if they seemed somehow interesting to me or I felt like I’d get something out of it.

This guy was already eating out of my hand, and I felt like fucking him wouldn’t necessarily get me any more favors. There were some guys who if you gave them more, you’d get less. They’d hand you the bank just for the promise to fuck, but once they got what they wanted, they ghosted you fast. I wasn’t saying this innkeeper was that kind of guy, but he wasn’t worth my time.

“Then, I will be back later today to pick up my stuff!”


“Thank you!” I walked out the door before he could argue with me.

He would do what I asked, even if it ended up costing him more as a result. He was someone who felt that letting a pretty lady down was a personal fault. Well, that’s the impression I got from him. I was good at reading people, after all. I had to be. I didn’t want to end up trusting a group of slavers again.

I reached into my chest and pulled out my bag of coins. I still had thirty remaining. I had told a tiny fib in there when I said I only had two gold coins left. If that was true, I would be in trouble, because I’d still have to get a horse. I walked away from the merchant store and after asking a few times, I found a stable that allegedly had some horses to sell.

I walked in to see a fit man standing behind a counter. He looked up from something he seemed to be reading and smiled at me in a friendly manner.

“How can I help you?”

“I require a horse. Um… a big one.”

I didn’t realize until I got there that I didn’t know anything about horses. I had learned enough to ride one, and I could do basic care, but I had no eye for horseflesh. I could easily be had. My only choice was to go in full flirtation mode. I reached out and gently touched his hands, using all of my deceptive and seductive techniques to make him feel pity for me.

“I’m sorry, I need a top-quality horse, kind sir.”

The man raised an eyebrow, an amused look on his face. “You do?”

“Yes, sure a man such as yourself knows a lot about good horses.”

He grinned. “You could say that.”

“Then please, can you help me select a good horse.”

“Hehe… I guess I can do that.” He finally put down what he was reading and leaned toward me. “I’m not some city stable. In truth, my selection is very limited. I only have three horses I can sell you.”

He pointed down to three stalls. “The first two are a bit skittish, so I’d recommend the last one. He’s a bit on the old side, but he was a former warhorse. Brave, well trained, and also used to a lot of weight. Well, not that you’d need it.”

“Weight is good,” I said and then blushed. “Ah, how much is this former warhorse.”

“I can sell him for 10 gold.” He admitted. “Normally, a good horse like him in the capital would go for three times that much. If he was still young, he’d be worth nearly 100 gold.”

“Ten gold…” I looked uncertain.

At this point, I had already hidden my coin purse again. I could easily afford the horse and still have more. However, I had a lot of fun with haggling. It was enjoyable after being cooped up in that mansion for so many weeks. I wanted to have fun, and the mischievous part of me wanted to see just how low I could get him to go. I’d even be willing to fuck him if the price was right.

“It comes with the saddle and harness. I’ll also throw in a week of provisions for the horse.” He continued as he saw me hesitating. “What do you say?”

I considered making a show of going over there and checking the horse, but I wouldn’t know what to look for. In the end, I’d only reaffirm how little I knew about horses, and look like a fool in the process. Thus, I decided to focus on the man selling the horse instead. I gave him a flirtatious smile.

“I admit, I was given a limited number of coins for allowance, and ten coins would mean I’d have less for other provisions that would keep me safe.”

“You know,” He grinned. “A good horse would keep you safe. Whether it’s staying by your side or helping you flee, the training of a horse can be life or death out there.”

This guy was really good. I had hoped I’d get him to change with just that much, but he was holding on to his old notions. I forced myself to tear up, my lip trembling.

“I’m afraid, I’ve spent too much already. I only have five gold coins left on me.” I reached into my chest, once again making a show.

I was pleased to see that he was looking down my shirt with extreme interest. I pulled out five coins and put them on the table.

“It’s all I have,” I said, giving him a desperate look.

He bit his lips, looking down at the coins, “The lowest I can go is nine coins.”

This guy! He only lowered by one coin! I bit my lip, shaking my head.

“I truly only have five,” I said, trying to put need into my voice.

“I’m already given you a good deal here.” He sighed. “Nine gold is practically robbery. If you don’t want it, then walk. You’ll have to, there isn’t any other stable in town. You might be able to convince the Typhoon family to sell you a horse though.”

I barely stopped myself from making a face at this guy. I had never had so much trouble before getting what I wanted. He was seriously starting to irritate me. Just take the loss, idiot. Fine. Then I’ll give you an offer you can’t refuse.

I reached out and grabbed his hands. “Please, sir, all I have is five. Can’t we work something out? I-I’ll do anything…” I let a blush reach my face.

He raised an eyebrow. “Anything?”

I got him, but I still looked shy and uncertain. “Y-yes…”

“Then, come into the back with me. Perhaps we can work something out.”

I smiled and then walked around toward the door he mentioned. As I walked through the door, he turned around and for the first time, I saw his whole body. His hooves clicked on the ground as he turned to me. That was all four hooves, through the body of a horse. My mouth fell open.

“What? You’ve never seen a centaur before?” He asked with a devilish grin.

“A-a centaur… is that a demon?”

“Oh yeah, we’re rare these days, but we used to be big back in the first demon war. Too many of my clansmen died. Well, we’re a promiscuous lot, so I’m confident our numbers will resurge.

“P-promiscuous… oh…” I looked down to see a massive thing growing hard.

“You said you were willing to do anything, didn’t you?” He asked innocently.

Some time land, the door boomed up and I walked into the first shop owner’s store. I was walking with my legs spread apart, taking each step slowly and deliberately.

“My lady Aria!” He broke into a smile. “I got your backpack enchanted just like you want. Everything’s loaded up. As for the bill…”

I tossed the entire back at him. “I don’t care.”

I picked up the bag and then turned around.

“W-wait… this is way more than we agreed upon!” he said in shock as he glanced in the bag. “In fact, it’s more than I even discounted you.”

“That bastard even took the 5 gold after…” I muttered.


“Nothing!” I snapped. “Just keep it!”

I slammed the door on the surprised merchant. I decided I didn’t like bartering so much.

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