Tales of a Seductress

TOAD – Chapter 19

Just like the adventuring hero that he feigned to be, Bradrick took the lead in the group. Bradrick wasn’t a coward, or even unwilling to put his life on the line.  Certainly, if one analyzed him closely, Bradrick had various qualities that would seem heroic. He was strong, brave, and determined. It was the selfless part where things began to fall apart. Bradrick’s image mattered more to him than the lives of his teammates or even those he saved. Well, that was my impression of the man after spending the last few days around him.

As the accessories that we were, Bradrick had us follow as he scouted ahead. Rio took the lead behind Bradrick, and the pair of us remained behind Rio. Since Bradrick was ahead of us, it was unlikely that if we were caught in an ambush, Bradrick would be able to do anything. That meant that Rio would be mostly responsible for our safety.

“Beedle, you aren’t to cast a spell unless I ask for it. Your spells could turn the tides in a battle, and I won’t have you growing exhausted taking down some low-level enemies.” Bradrick declared.

Beedle bought into his rhetoric nodding her head excitedly. As for me, I was much more realistic. He wanted to take all of the glory for himself. In this world, there was a level of balance between jobs. A decently skilled black mage could be just as effective as a swordsman. Certainly, my seductress abilities could do a lot of damage, independent of all of the ridiculous skills I had accumulated over time.

I couldn’t say if Beedle was such a mage. Actually, I would guess that she was extremely limited in her magical use. That didn’t matter though, because she’d never be allowed to thrive in this group. She was to keep her head down, kill what he points at, and make him look good.

“Aria, I hope you don’t mind holding the supplies. We won’t be in there too long, but it’s good to have some things at the ready, like spare weapons and potions.”

“Of course.” I smiled back, hiding my true thoughts deeply behind my mask of deception.

My job was to carry the backpack and maybe heal if needed. That was it. In reality, I wasn’t too bad of a swordsman myself. When I tied my ability with seduction, I could take down armies. Well, those were under very particular circumstances, and I couldn’t say I was up to the task spontaneously. Either way, I wasn’t worried about this particular trip into the goblin-infested fort. They didn’t even have anyone on the lookout. Whether it was night or day seemed to be meaningless at this point.

Bradrick reached the side entrance into the fort. We may be confident, but we weren’t stupid enough to walk right through the front door.  The rest of us were a bit behind him, but he didn’t wait to slide the door open and step inside. I couldn’t help but allow a flicker of worry to appear on my face, intentionally, of course. Rio noticed the look and leaned back toward me.

“It’s alright. He knows what he’s doing.”

I gave him a nervous smile. I wasn’t feeling very anxious at all. I was completely calm. However, the personality and emotions I displayed to the world had long since stopped being my actual feelings. A girl on her first adventure killing goblins should be worried, and so I looked worried. Before entering, Rio lit a torch. He handed it back for Beedle to carry so that he had his hands free. Pulling his blade in one hand and a shield in the other, he carefully opened the door.

As we stepped in, a familiar reek assaulted my nostrils. It almost felt nostalgic. I had started my journey in a cave that smelled like this. That wasn’t the only time I had been inundated with goblin musk. There was also the Reinhardt’s captured creatures, as well as the cave of monsters I had made beside the labyrinth. Was it strange that it kind of sexually excited me?

“Brad?” Rio hissed, not able to see where the other man had gone.

There was a bit of silence, and then a shape started to appear from the darkness. Rio straightened up, holding his sword defensively in front of us until the for coalesced into Bradrick. As soon as he identified the other man, Rio let out a breath of relief. Just because this was an easy mission didn’t mean that death couldn’t be caused in an instant. Rio remained vigilant at all times.

“Come.” Brad gestured, “I found a few sleeping goblins. We’ll take them out quietly.”

Brad let us all down a few corridors of dark hallways. Slits in the walls for murder holes were the only light source, and they came few and far between. Beedle’s torchlight was the best we were going to get to make out any corners. Goblins were much smaller than humans, and if they wanted to, they could hide in places inaccessible to humans. I recalled how the goblins lived in the labyrinth, their entire colony seemingly hidden within cracks in a wall.

Brad slowed down and held a finger up to his mouth. He then pointed at a few lumpy shapes just barely in view. If we got any closer with the torch, the light may wake one of them, so Beedle and I were to wait while the other two cut some goblin throats. I leaned back against a wall while the two men moved on ahead. Beedle acted more anxious, looking around worriedly.

The two men silently went to the lumps and kneeled. There was a swish sound, and listening carefully I could hear a gurgle. The two men then continued, becoming dark shapes and disappearing into the light beyond. It looked like there were more than just those few goblins we could see. A minute passed, and they still hadn’t appeared.

“Ahhhh!” Beedle let out a scream, dropping the torch.

“What are you doing?” I hissed, but I didn’t need her to answer, because my eyes followed where she was looking.

A group of six goblins was behind us. There must have been some kind of hidden path or crack that Bradrick hadn’t noticed. Now that the two-armed men left, they took the advantage to swarm on the defenseless women. At least, that was what I got by the lewd expressions on their faces. It was the same expression I had seen back then when the goblins had pushed me down and had me for the first time.

Beedle had completely panicked. So much for an experienced adventurer. I had expected her to at least be able to keep her cool, but she had been so shocked that she had even dropped the torch, killing the light in the hallway and making it difficult to see each other or the goblins. Two of the goblins started to head toward her. She had completely forgotten to use a spell, and all stepped back before tripped and fell on her butt. The remaining four goblins walked toward me. They took confident steps of complete victory.

I licked my lips and held out my arms. “Come, sweetie.”

My words caressed the air, causing the goblins to stiffen instantly. The one in front walked directly into my arms, not even raising his weapon in defense. I wrapped my arms around him gently and lifted my hand, stroking his cheek as I leaned to his ear.

“Die for me.”

{Goblin has been tamed.}

Seducing a goblin was nothing. My charm, my smell, my body… everything I possessed was a weapon. Goblins were fundamentally weak, low-level monsters. The only reason they were dangerous was because of their numbers and their size. They could be deceptively dangerous. When it came one-on-one… even a first-tier newbie could defeat a goblin with ease. What hope did this little guy have against me?

He turned around, raised his club, and then attacked his three friends. They had similarly been stunned by my voice, although it wasn’t at the level they had been seduced. It was still enough that when his club fell, he crushed the first goblin’s skull without resistance. As he attacked the second one, the two began to snap out of it. My goblin fought for me, so his attacks were much more ferocious. There was no such thing as a desire for self-preservation.

He held out well, but ultimately and disappointingly wasn’t able to take them both down. He killed one more goblin and injured the second. I casually pulled my sword from my belt, and as the surviving goblin beat down my tamed monster, thrown into a violent rage, I casually stabbed it in the back of the head. Walking up, I stared down at the goblin who had fought for me.

He was still alive, but barely, having taken many blows, making his ugly face even more unsightly. He looked up at me adoringly, trying to give a hopeful smile. That blissful look remained on his face, even as I put my blade in his throat.

At this point, the torch had gone out, and my eyes had adjusted to the minimal lighting of the hallway. I could hear the muffled cries more than see anything, but I was able to find my way to Beedle who had been taken around a corner. She had been stripped down, the majority of her clothes ripped off. One goblin was holding her down while the other was pulling out his cock. These were certainly eager monsters. Without knowing if they had even defeated us, they were already ready to rape her.

In the dark and around the corner, the panicked Beedle couldn’t see me at all. I didn’t move to save her though. Rather, I was just curious to watch the scene unfold. In fact, it was a little exciting watching it. I even considered sending some pheromones her way so she’d get into it, or letting her fall in an illusion so she gave it her all. It was her own fault. She should have been more than enough to take on two goblins. This was her fate for failure.

The goblin between her legs managed to force them open and tear off the underwear. He shoved his bulbous nod inside her. She let out a cry, her eyes bulging as she was violated. My hand slowly moved between my legs and I bit my lip excitedly as I watched her. The goblin’s green ass pushed in and out as he banged her roughly. She tried to fight again, but he clung to her hips tenaciously, his body moving where she did, clinging to her like his dick had to be in her pussy.

“Gegegege!” he laughed excitedly as he banged her.

The other goblin got too excited and eager. He grabbed her head, pulling out his dick, and shoving it in her mouth. Her eyes nearly popped out as his member was shoved down her throat. She was now being taken from both sides. After the initial surprise, her eyebrows furrowed. Someone so good at reading people like me saw the problem. The goblin had been far too eager to sexually gratify himself. She was about to clamp down and bite off his dick.

If she did this, he’d likely fly into a rage and beat her to death. I raised my hand and cast Sex Paralysis. Just as she went to clamp her teeth down, her entire body froze, unable to move.

“Ghhllllla!” She let out a cry of surprise muffled against the goblin’s cock as she found herself unable to move.

She could only lie there and take it from both sides as the goblin’s plowed her. I had slipped my fingers inside and was near climaxing myself. After I was finished, I’d help her. This was just to give Beedle a little taste. She wasn’t exactly an innocent person anyway. She had hurt the previous girl who was in this party because of her jealousy. However, if I had to be honest, this wasn’t about some kind of revenge or justice, but purely for my own gratification.

The wet noises of the goblins sliding into her, and her muffled cries as tears fell down her cheeks was ecstasy. I grabbed the wall, panting as I started to cum.

An arrow flew from the darkness, hitting the goblin between her legs, in the face. He fell back dead. A person came racing at full tilt, cutting down the goblin that was inside her mouth.

“Tsk…” I slid back behind the corner, ruining my climax a bit as it was cut short.

As I leaned against the wall, my wet juices ruining my underwear, Brad and Rio picked up Beedle. She immediately began bawling, clinging to Rio as she sobbed out her misery. At some point during her wailing, the name Aria came out.

“Where is Aria?” Bradrick grabbed her arm and demanded.

I rolled my arms, lifted my hand, and pulled, ripping my clothing in a few places.

“Help!” I stumbled out from the corner. “Oh… thank the gods!”

I stumbled desperately, Bradrick catching me. “Y-you’re okay!”

“I-I was so scared!” I wept as desperately as Beedle. “I… ran… I was barely able to get away!”

“Damn it… we shouldn’t have left them.” Rio made a fist and punched the wall, even while still holding Beedle.

Bradrick shot him an indescribable look. That came too close to admitting his mistake, which he would never do, but Rio was too worked up to notice. After the boys finally managed to calm us, Beedle turned to me. I stiffened for a second, suddenly afraid she might have seen something. Of course, I’d deny it so convincingly that even she’d think she might be wrong, but that didn’t mean I wanted the accusations.

“Aria… were you… hurt?”

“Ah… no…”

“It… it’s my fault!” Beedle sobbed. “I was supposed to protect you! I’m the mage, you’re the healer. I should have… I just… I got scared and flustered…”

“It’s fine… I’m okay…”

Beedle threw her arms around me and hugged me. Her mouth went to my ear and she whispered.

“It’s okay, I see it running down your leg. I won’t tell anyone what happened. I promise.”

I hugged her tighter. “Thank you.”

I reacted accordingly, although I was kicking myself that Beedle had been so observant as to see my lust dripping down my legs. She must have assumed I was raped like her and managed to escape. Maybe she needed to believe we shared in mutual rape. Well, technically, we did. I thoroughly enjoyed hers. I gently stroked Beedle’s hair, a small and guiltless smile on my face.

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