Tales of a Seductress

TOAD – Chapter 27

My son was only a child. He was barely a month old, and in physical appearance, he was likely a teenager. Yet, here he was attacking the goblin champion that ruled this colony. My heartfelt like it was being squeezed as I watched their blades met. The champion had a wicked and crude-looking ax, while my son had managed to acquire a rather decent sword. It might have been Bradrick’s sword. At the least, it was sharp and not rusted.

As soon as their weapons met, the superior fighter became clear. It wasn’t my son. He stumbled back after a single exchange. The goblin champion, having a clear advantage, gave a grin, fleshing his yellow, broken teeth. I bit my lip anxiously. He just didn’t have the strength yet. He might be stronger and more powerful than all of his peers, and that included the adults, but the goblin champion had remained strong for countless generations. He had been the one to kill Bradrick, Rio, and countless others.

No, he had his evil intentions set on my son. It didn’t matter who started it, I would always side with him. However, he had told me not to interfere. After living alongside goblins for so long, I had begun to get a sense of their culture. This was something my son felt he had to do. If I interfered, the other goblins would never trust or follow him. Thus, if I tried to use a cheap trick like trying to tame him or distract him with my wiles, my son would reject me, and I would be going against his desires.

My son attacked again, using the sword just how I had taught him to make a direct attack. Yes, I had given him one or two lessons with the sword. I was hoping he’d pick up the sword skill and be able to protect himself from the other goblins. Thus, I had provided him a few lessons based on what I knew. I didn’t have the hope that he would be able to pick up skills as aggressively as me, but something was better than nothing, and the rest of these goblins seem incapable of even learning the basics. Did that ultimately mean that it was my fault that he had decided to attack? I couldn’t think about such a thing right now.

However, even with his abilities, the goblin champion had higher stats. He swiped the blade away and then kicked him. My son flew back, rolling across the floor. He had managed to hold on to his sword, at least, but it was clear by the jeering that everyone was clear on the ruler.

“You bastard!” I shouted out, my hands tightening on the arms of a goblin in front of me that I had taken as my stress relief.

I was digging my fingernails into him, yet he didn’t dare pull away and instead accepted my abuse as I stressed over my son. It was at that moment that the goblin champion turned and looked at me. To that day, he had always seemingly ignored my existence. Yet, at that moment, he looked at me and he grinned. My eyes widened at such a provocation. How could a seductress like me not understand what such a look seemed to imply?

His look said that he knew this child came from me and that I was ultimately the one who challenged his authority. He had never attacked me until that moment because I was a woman, and killing a broodstock because he felt threatened would be beneath him. However, if I did submit to him, and become his toy, he would allow my son to live. This is why he hadn’t killed him in a single hit. He was baiting me. He was using my son in an attempt to finally gain control over me.

Perhaps, his look didn’t say all of that. Perhaps, this was all in my imagination. I was just a crazy girl who banged goblins, after all. However, at that moment, this was the struggle between the goblin champion and myself that had spilled out. Now, my child’s life was on the line. I had to do whatever it took to protect him. My hand went up to my sleeve and pulled, being my blouse down past my shoulder. I would have to give myself fully to him. I would have to let him ravish me in front of the other goblins. Goblins weren’t like humans. They differed to the highest order. If I submitted to the king, then I would become his woman, and the other goblins would no longer follow me, at least not as blindly as they have been.

The goblin champion’s grin grew as he saw me offering myself to him. The goblin I had been squeezing used the opportunity to escape my grasp and move away, creating a clear path between me and the arena. More and more goblin eyes followed the goblin champion’s eyes, and a few even grinned as if they understood they were in for a show. Those eyes included my son. I didn’t want to look at him right now. I didn’t want him to feel shame. This was just a matter of survival. It was what I was best at.

“Ahhhhhhh!” The moment my son looked at me and realized what was going on, he let out a frightful shriek.

Pure fury formed on his face, and he erupted from the ground, flying at the goblin champion.

“No!” I reached out in fear.

However, his attack had already landed. The goblin champion let out a roar as he dodged the attack, only receiving a small wound on his arm. In a rage, he lifted the axed and struck. My heart dropped as the blade fell toward my son’s head. However, he had prepared for it, lifting his blade and deflecting the ax before attacking again. This time he struck the goblin champion’s leg. For the first time in the battle, the goblin champion retreated.

It was at this moment that I noticed a slight red glow around my son’s body. He had activated a special skill! In his enraged state, he fought on a completely different level. Seeing his mother almost get hurt because of him, he was brought to extreme anger, and now his attacks rained down on the goblin champion one after another. The goblin champion may have been more experienced and more powerful, but it had been so long since he had been pressured in a fight that he panicked, leading to him only getting more and more wounds.

The goblins had exploded in roars, going crazy as a match that seemed completely one-sided and been turned on its head. The clear victor was now battling for his life. The more wounds he got, the slower and sloppier he got. His advanced age couldn’t overcome the youthful exuberance of my son. He fought for my honor. It was a strange feeling that came deep inside me. Could a goblin be noble? Scratch that… in this world, had any man ever fought for me? Could a man put his life on the line for me?

As my heart burned, the glow around my son seemed to grow, and the increasing red aura erupted with his rage. As the glow increased in luminosity, so did his speed, strength, fervor.

“Scrrreeeee!” The goblin champion, realizing he was placed in a bad spot, let out a roar and his sword began to glow.

He had activated a skill of his own. His ax began to create shadows as he waved it. His weapon met my son’s sword, and the sword broke in two. The ax slammed into my son’s chest. My son flew back, stumbling as he grabbed at his chest. With a furious roar, he ripped off his shirt. Underneath was a vicious cut. It wasn’t a normal wound. A black corruption seemed to spread out from the wound. Whatever skill the champion had used must have cursed him.

The crowds exploded once again. The goblin champion lifted his ax, letting out a roar as he fueled the crowd. My eyes looked at the corruption spreading across my child’s chest. I could see him fighting the pain. The red glow that had been increasing had grown dull. Anger, fear, and desire surged through me as I looked down at his injury. Our eyes met. I threw out my hand, pointing at the goblin champion.

“Kill him!” My voice erupted out, seemingly piercing through all the noise.

No, it was more than that. My voice suppressed their words. All the cheering was cut out. The goblin champion, noticing the cheering crowds had stopped, looked around in confusion. My child gripped the blade in his broken hand and lunged at the champion. Whether he was following my orders or was doing it for his gain, I couldn’t guess. To the rest of the goblins, this seemed like a suicidal attack. His weapon was broken, and he had no reach.

As he ran forward with a scream, the goblin champion spun and lifted his ax. I had my hand out as if my presence was pushing my son forward. The goblin champion froze. Did I use Restriction to block him from moving? Even I didn’t know the answer to that. At that exact moment, my emotions were all on my child as he slammed into the goblin champion. Is broken blade slammed into the goblin champion’s neck? He could only look on in surprise as he was shoved back, hitting the floor with my son on top. My son pulled the broken blade from his hand and slammed it into his neck again. He did it over and over, blood spurting out.

The goblin champions ax never fell. He stared up with wide eyes as the blood spurted from his neck and he died. The last sound to escape his lips was a confused gurgle. The entire room was silent. My son sat on top of the unmoving goblin champion, panting for breath. The glow around him began to diminish. The silence only lasted for a few moments. Then, all as one, the goblins exploded in screams. Some of them were happy, while others were furious.

This would mean a change in power across the colony. Those that were closest to the goblin champion would be kicked out of their positions of power. Some of them refused to accept such an act. In seconds, the crowds had grown into a bloody battle as those who favored my son fought for dominance while those that defied him fought to either maintain their positions or escape. It quickly became a bloody orgy, but despite everything, no one rushed toward my son.

That was because the first person that was there was me. Anyone who even looked out direction was frozen solid the next second, and any other goblins were free to chop them down. I grabbed my son’s arm on his good shoulder and helped him up. Grabbing him tightly, I started to walk him away from this carnage. The cut on his chest was still corrupted, and I wasn’t certain how much strength he’d have left. Either way, he wouldn’t have the strength of the champion’s side one out to protect himself should they all descend on him at once. Even if I defended him myself, he would lose the respect of the colony.

Thus, I intended to carry him away and heal him. I was certain I’d be able to treat his wound. I managed to carry him from the room, but he was putting the majority of his weight on me. When had he grown larger than me? Did he get larger after defeating the goblin champion? He must have gotten all of that experience. He was a head taller than me and muscular. I only was just able to carry him.

I finally made it to my room, which was the only room that had a functional lock, and brought him to the bed. I fell to my knees as I dropped him into the bed. Taking a staggered breath, I got back up and ran to the door to lock it. My son would be the new leader. I would make sure he lived. Running back to him, I kneeled next to his bed to tend to the wound on his chest. I pulled a poultice from my back and applied it. The corruption was looking worse. Should I lick it closed? No, that will just seal the infection inside. Perhaps, I should try to push the infection out. As I bandaged the wound to stop the bleeding while trying to figure out what I would do, I didn’t realize tears were falling down my cheeks.

Two strong hands suddenly grabbed my wrists, stopping me. I looked up to see a pair of eyes looking down at me.

“Son,” I whispered.

He pulled me up and then over, rolling as he threw me onto the bed. A moment later, he was on top of me. My eyes widened as he forced my arms up over my head. I felt pressure down below, and I didn’t need to look to know he had an erection and was pressing it against me. There were pure lust and desire in his eyes.

“W-we can’t…” I cried.

Of course, I knew I could fix him with Sex Life. However, I couldn’t use it without physically sleeping with him. How could I see myself as having a sexual relationship with my son? It’d only be able to work if I truly gave myself to him. He didn’t know I had such an ability, though, which meant that his desires were driven by another carnal need. Holding my hands with one of his, he began to tear off my clothing. Although I protested, I knew that I couldn’t stop him. I also realized that deep down, I didn’t want to.


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