Tales of a Seductress

TOAD – Chapter 31

I carefully lifted the mug and took a sip with my head low and my hood raised. This was an alcoholic drink. For a pregnant girl like me, this was probably a bad thing, but I was immune to poison, so I didn’t think it would cause trouble to my baby. Besides, this place didn’t have any clean drinking water. I had seen what came out of their well. It was filthy. Alcohol was the only drink they imported in, and the only thing I could trust as clean. At the fort, I boiled the water to clean it before drinking.

The oddest thing about me drinking was the time of day. It was early morning, and the sun was only just coming up. I was sitting in an inn, buying my time as I waited for a certain group of adventurers to get up. After confirming where they were staying, I had returned to the fort and made sure to prepare things in advance. I then returned to the inn. It was a restless night, but with my stamina, I could truly go days without resting if I had to.

I heard the creaking of the stairs and the clinking of armor before I saw the three men heading down the stairway. They had gotten up, but they still looked a bit tired. After they had spent the previous night staying up late and partying, it wasn’t a surprise that they were this way. They probably hoped to energize on the walk to the fort just in time to attack my precious son and his goblins.

 Currently, I was wearing a new face, different from the plain-looking woman from before. I had aimed for this face to be as forgettable as possible. This girl was flat-out ugly, but not so ugly as to draw attention. In short, they wouldn’t recognize me even if we spoke. That said, I didn’t speak to them. After all, they were S-level adventurers. Who knew what abilities they might have? I didn’t want to risk them recognizing my voice or potentially seeing through my deception.

Therefore, even with a perfect disguise, I still kept my head low and my mouth silent, only watching them from the corner of my eyes. Occasionally, I would make my cheeks flush. If they did notice I was glancing their way, they’d think it was a girl who had a crush, and nothing more. The men ate a quick breakfast of dried meat and then started checking their supplies as they prepared for their journey. Once I was certain they’re leaving the inn was imminent, I made sure to leave first.

I watched from as far down the street as I could get and still see the inn’s entrance while feigning like I was going to buy something from a stall. I waited patiently until the group of three men left the guild.

“Ma’am… that necklace would look beautiful on you.”

I had lingered too long and caught the interest of a beady-eyed shopkeeper. Although he said this, it was both true and a complete joke. Anything would look beautiful on me, even crap. However, in my current disguised form, I was quite ugly, and it was a cruel joke and manipulation to try to sell it to me. Still, to keep appearances, I looked like I was flattered, and even ended up buying the necklace, which I had to admit was quite pretty, albeit it was a bit cheap.

At this point, the men were on the move, so I needed to be as well. I finished my transaction and then abandoned my cover, moving quickly out of the small village and speeding into a run once I was under the cover of the forest. I ran quickly up a side trail before entering the main route that the men would travel. With all that armor and weaponry along with their morning exhaustion, I was confident they wouldn’t outpace me.

I move swiftly ahead of them to a predetermined spot. I stopped and got off the trail. Walking into a particularly thick brush, I only needed to take a few steps before I came into a hidden clearing that was filled with a dozen goblins. They jerked at first when they heard the rustling, but when I dropped my disguise, they saw my face they gave those dumb, happy smiles.

I smiled back. “Are you ready?”

They nodded excitedly, although it was anyone’s guess if they understood any of my words. In a way, it was kind of sad. After all, these goblins would be dying for me in a short moment. That was something that I was certain of.

It was only about fifteen minutes later that the three adventurers were moving down the trail. They each had a horse, but they were mostly using them to carry gear and were guiding them on foot at the moment. Perhaps, they felt they needed to stretch their legs a bit more to be ready for a fight.

“Ahhh! Help!” I cried out. “Help me!”

The men all looked at each other, and then pulled out their weapons, moving in the direction of my scream. I glanced around to the goblins all standing there with clueless expressions on their faces.

“Help… that was the word!” I hissed.

I was sitting on the ground, but when I shouted help the goblins were supposed to descend on me and start acting a scene of a damsel in distress. I was the damsel, but these goblins weren’t acting threatening at all! Even though I had explained all of this to them a dozen times, they still managed to screw it up!

I could hear the men approaching. Feeling slightly agitated, I raised my hand.


I used wind magic to block off the release of pheromones and specifically target the goblins around me. I didn’t want to accidentally frenzy my heroes, now did I? Well, it would be fun seeing S-class adventurers make love to goblins in a fit of violent lust, but I didn’t think any of them would die from it.

The goblins suddenly let sniffed, shook their heads, and then let out screeches like they had gone insane. Their eyes turned bloodshot, and they began foaming at the mouth.

“Much better…” I nodded as I reached up to rip my clothing.

Before I could do anything though, three goblins suddenly leaped on me. “H-hey! Stop!”

I managed to kick one of them off of me as I scrambled back, but another managed to tear at my skirt, and the third leaped on top of me and started humping wildly. Frenzy was supposed to put them into an aggressive state. They were supposed to bang anything they could. The reason I had used Frenzy specifically and not Pheromone was to avoid having all of the goblins dogpile me. I was supposed to be a maiden saved, not damaged goods saved too late!

Although I began to realize my mistake almost immediately. I had been using a great deal of seduction on these goblins, but I had never fulfilled their desires. I had used them basically as slaves, while all of my affection was left for King. In a normal circumstance, these goblins wouldn’t dare touch me. They valued their lives too much. However, when their inhibitions were removed, where would they direct the full lust? It would probably be on the one who had teased and tempted them for the last months.

I tried to scramble away, but I felt more and more goblin’s grabbing at me. They were tearing at my clothing, but also my flesh as well. The gashes to my flesh were only skin deep, and with my ability to ignore the pain and heal rapidly, it wasn’t even a problem. However, the big problem was that they were trying to pull open my legs. I could already feel several hard little nubs thrusting against me. In the right mood, I’d just call this a good time, but right now I couldn’t be seen like this!

“Stop!” I cried out.

“Get off of her!” A booming voice startled me, and I realized it was too late.

The adventurers were on us. Their leader, the same guy who had pulled the mission from over my head a day before was wildly slashing with an ax blade, chopping down one orc after another. A few thought to get up and leap at the men, but they were cut down easily. I was a bit stunned at how efficient they were. This was a true S-class adventuring team. The pretend group I was in with Brad paled in comparison to their skill.

From the moment I was set upon until the last goblin was cut apart, not even know why he died, only a few minutes passed. I was sitting on the ground, feeling slightly bitter that my plan had been ruined. I was supposed to seduce these men, but at least two goblins had released their loads on my clothing, and it was torn to shreds. I was covered in dirt and had no charm at all.

“Ma’am, don’t cry.” The leader declared a look of worry on his face.

I wasn’t planning to cry. Wait a moment, maybe I was? I used deception and broke into tears. It was the only thing I had now. I couldn’t entice them. Perhaps I could use pity instead? As I sobbed, the men all glanced at each other. The leader gave a nod and then kneeled.

“My lady, you’re safe now. We’re the S-class party Sliver. You need not worry.”

“R-really?” I asked, rubbing my cheeks and looking up at him with an innocent look.

He swallowed hard. “Y-yes!”

My lip quivered, my eyes swelled with tears. “Thank you!”

I threw my arms around him and gave him a tight hug.

“Ah!” He cried out, his face turning red. “It’s… nothing…”

I let go, noticing that he wasn’t looking in my direction. All three of them were deliberately looking away. Was it the goblin spooge? Was it my hair?

“What?” I asked, sniffling.

“It’s just… your…” He lifted a finger weakly toward my chest, and I glanced down.

It took me a moment to realize what he meant. The goblins had done a number on my clothing, and they had ripped the blouse open. One of my breasts had fallen out and was on full display. It took me a second to notice because I had no shame when it came to my naked body. I walked around the goblin keep naked regularly. I only wore clothing when the goblins became too rowdy or I was going to town.

“Aiiii!” I let out a girlish shriek, my expression turning to horror as I desperately cover my chest.

All three men jump, making sure their eyes are facing away from me. My eyes remain on the leader, and then I mutter something under my breath to dig a bit deeper.


“Ah! It’s not that!” He cried out.

The other two men barely managed to keep themselves from bursting into laughter.

“If it’s not that, why haven’t you offered me anything to cover myself?” I asked.

“That… ahh! Right! Please, take this!” He ripped the cloak and pushed it in my direction.

I sniffed it and then shook my head. “It smells!”

“Ah! I forgot to wash it!”

“Hahahaha!” The two others couldn’t stop themselves from laughing at their friend’s horrible luck with women.

I guessed I had overreacted a lot. Even an immaculate beauty like me could be insecure at times. Rather than going full seductress, I realized that I needed to play a bit hard to get. It was the same ploy, I was just changing my role in it a bit.

The men stopped for a break, where they allowed me to wash up. The adventurer offered me a set of his clean clothes, and I put it on. As expected, it hung from my body in an extremely provocative way. I acted innocent and completely devoid of understanding just how sexy I appeared, but I was slowly wrapping them around my finger. The journey to the fort was only about six hours from the village, but by the time we got there, I would have them eating out of my hand. Then, I would kill them. No one threatens my baby.



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