Tales of a Seductress

TOAD – Chapter 38

As I walked down the corridors, the sound of fighting became more vivid.  I saw groups of goblins running by, likely called forth to protect our home. There was another boom, and the place shook once again. This battle was certainly becoming something dangerous. I had never imagined such a force could be put together in secret. Although I valued my precious King, the other goblins were mere fodder. If five goblins had to die to take down a single opponent, so be it. However, other than my son, I didn’t have much confidence in the others either.

That’s why I headed in the direction of the noise. I wasn’t prone to battle, and although I had studied under Fanreek for a time, that didn’t make me a swordsman. Normal swordsmen spent years perfecting their craft. I had only been in this world for a year. If it wasn’t for my rapid leveling and my ability to quickly learn skills, I wouldn’t be very impressive at all. Even though I had won a few fights, the one against a certain knight flashing in my mind before I suppressed those sad memories from my past, most of my battles had been won with luck. In the end, the only battle I was confident in was the one I did on my back, or my knees, if the mood struck me.

I came to a wooden door and pushed through, stepping out into the fort courtyard. Depending on how you approached the fort, this was the most heavily watched and most dangerous area to approach from, but it was also the only area that could support the movement of more than a dozen people. This was also the location the sound of the fighting was coming from.

I walked out into a courtyard full of blood and death. Dozens of goblin corpses laid mangled on the ground. There were a few humans too, but they were wearing full armor. These weren’t adventurers who often relied on mobility. These were soldiers!

Just as I tried to get a hold of the situation, there was a boom, causing a giant dome of dust to rise. A form came flying out of the dust cloud and across the courtyard, slamming into the ground. It took me a few moments to realize that the form was none other than my son. I let out a cry, racing over to him lying on the ground. He tried unsuccessfully to stand up before stumbling back down.

I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a Princess Kiss. I then began to use Sex Life on him. I wasn’t always able to use Sex Life. It depended a bit on my mental state, but when it came to my son, I could always see us together sexually, and thus I began to heal him. As the dust settled, several men in armor appeared walking toward us. Sex Life might be effective, but it took some time, and they weren’t giving it to me. The only thing faster was Cat’s Meow, and that only healed surface-level wounds. I shot the approaching mean a deathly glare.

When the men caught sight of me, they stopped. It wasn’t like they were shocked by my appearance or my beauty. Rather, they looked weary. One of the men lifted his hand and pointed directly at me.

“She’s the one,” he announced. “Be careful.”

“You’ve made a mistake coming here.” I declared in the most threatening tone I could manage. “Frenzy!”

Frenzy worked a lot like Pheromone, except that whereas Pheromone worked on only monsters and men, Frenzy would target everyone. Furthermore, Pheromone only attracted them to me, where Frenzy would lead them to attack whoever was closest. So, I released the Frenzy pheromone, which could drive people crazy with lust. I thought I’d enjoy seeing these men fuck each other and bang goblins before they died. Of course, it would affect my son as well, but he was the closest to me, and mommy would happily satisfy all of his sexual aggression. I didn’t mind at all.

The goblins who had been battling effectively before had suddenly gone wild. They didn’t just attack the knights, but they started to fight each other too. However, the soldier’s behavior didn’t change in the slightest. The men began to more easily slay the goblins. Although some of them became wilier, their goal of maintaining their lives had been forfeit, and any formation training we had taught them went out the window. My face turned white as I watched the slaughter become one-sided, even as my son struggled to grab at my chest through his wounds.

In truth, my son had high resistance to such effects, so even if Frenzy did enflame him, he didn’t lose complete control. However, these knights approaching weren’t bothered in the slightest. I could believe they were the third tier, especially whoever had put my son in his current state, but none of the soldiers were reacting to my scent.

“It seems like the intel was correct. She uses odor to control people.” One of the men looked around and the goblins going wild. “I suppose I should apologize for calling that magician a hack.”

His words once again shocked my core. I had always known that pheromones were based on scent, but I had never imagined that they could so easily be blocked. More than that, these people had come prepared, seemingly knowing more about me than they should have. I didn’t like that at all.

“I’d you think my only method of control is a scent, then you’ll have another thing coming!”

I wasn’t going to hold back anymore. They wanted to hurt my son and me? They could experience the true might of a Demon Queen. I began to attack their minds with various skills. I was much more powerful than back in the day when I could only cast a dozen spells before passing out. Along with Mana Breath, Perfection, and Limit Break, I could truly mess with a person’s mind.

I reset Beautification to human and unleashed my full charm. I hit them with Eye of the Beholder, so even if I wasn’t their type, they’d find me beautiful. I began to strike them with Seduction, one after another. One of the men let out a grunt, and their steps forward slowed for a bit, their faces becoming uncertain.

“You don’t want to hurt me. You love me.” I pulled on Influence, spinning a series of lies mixed Command and Submission. “Just put down your weapons, and we can all be together forever.”

“H-her… words…” One of the men groaned.

“H-hold…” The leader snapped, although he looked stressed too.

I was honey and fire, my words wrapped in silk, but filled with command. “Stop. If you kneel, I can be yours. You can have all of me, and I can have all of you…”


“We trained for this… hold!” He took a violent step forward.

“Restriction!” I stopped him and then began to weave illusions into their minds.

I spread my illusions out across the entire courtyard. Those that were fighting goblins stopped in mid-swing, staring around in confusion. The clothing on my body melted away, revealing my naked form to the three men approaching. We were standing in a beautiful meadow covered in flowers. Naked nymphs ran around the soldiers, giggling. I stood up, putting on my most sultry seductive ability. The men’s eyes were locked on me now.

The one I walked toward first was the youngest of the group, the one who had been putting up the most fuss. He was the weakest, I felt, and the closest to breaking. I struck him with a few more Seductions, and then I began using Submission. My illusions danced in his mind. What else would I show him, but the incredible and wild time he’d have with my body. I gave him pure bliss, and all it would take is for him to become mine. His body shook for a few moments as my eyes locked on him, but by the time I reached him, his expression had gone completely slack.

“You’re mine,” I whispered.

“Yes, mistress…” He responded, pursing his lips.

I chuckled, leaning forward and kissing him. “Now, help me take care of-“

“Geh!” His eyes widened as his body jerked and blood splashed across my face.

I took a step back and wiped my face only to see an arrowhead sticking out of his neck. He tried to gasp fruitlessly a few moments before collapsing to the ground.

“Do it, now!” The Captain who was still frozen shouted.

A bolt of lightning broke through my illusion. I barely could raise my arms as it struck where I was standing. The ground exploded, and I realized I was flying back, my body flipped as I tumbled away. I hit the ground hard. However, if such a knock was enough to bring me down, I wouldn’t have made it this far. Using Perfection, I forced myself to my feet.

“You bastards, if you don’t want mercy, then you can have wrath!” I created the Celestial Whip in my hand and raised it at the frozen captain.

However, before I could send it down onto him, likely splitting him in two even with his armor, several more bolts shot out and struck me. There was a group of mages who remained out of my reach. They had known my reach, and even prepared to attack me from long range! Just who had gone to such efforts to capture me? I could barely even consider that as I was flung away again.

Feeling desperate, I flung out my hand and used the Master of Dreams to knock the men to sleep. This wasn’t easy to do when someone was in the middle of battle, but that was part of the reason my illusion had been so peaceful. Those men that had allowed themselves to calm and their adrenaline to leave them collapsed. The captain under Restriction wasn’t one of them, but the man next to him collapsed like his strings had been cut.

His Restriction gave out and he began to move toward me. At that moment, there was a roar, and he barely managed to get his weapon up as King attacked him. Most of the goblins were dead of fleeing at this point, and I had only partially healed King. He was fighting on his own. My body felt like it had been struck by lightning multiple times, mostly because it had been. I threw out my hand, using Empower to give King all of my strength.

His attacks were brutal and powerful, and the so-called captain was quickly overwhelmed. I small smile formed on my face as I used another Perfection and then kept empowering him with my mana. After a few rounds of combat, the captain finally couldn’t keep up anymore. He might have been able to bully King three on one, but with me empowering him, King could defeat them all! The captain fell to the ground, and King lifted his blade.

Then, an arrow struck his chest, and then another, and two more. They had used an archer to take out the first leader I had seduced, and now a group of archers was pelting my son with arrows. I let out a scream, forcing myself to my feet. Two more arrows struck King, but he was too proud to allow himself to fall.

“No!” I screamed. “No!”

King let out a roar, lifting his blade. I managed to jump in front of him, holding my hands up.

“Stop, please, stop!”

The archers kept their arrows drawn, but no one shot any more arrows. I

“I’m the one you want, right?” I asked. “If you kill my son, I will continue to resist. I may only kill one of you… maybe I’ll kill all of you… but I won’t stop fighting.”

As I spoke, the captain slowly got to his feet. He gave me a wry look, a wary and hesitant face. “What do you propose?”

“Don’t kill him, and I will go with you.” I declared, not helping to lace that with an aura of Command.

“Then, make your… child… stand down.”

I nodded, slowly turning around and facing King. He was breathing hard, clearly in pain, gasping for breath with a face twisted in pain. His body was pelted with arrows, looking more like a pincushion than a goblin. My lips trembled, and water burned my eyes.

“It’s okay… it’s okay baby…” I reached up and gently cupped his cheek.

“Mmmm-mmmm-mmmmom…” The words came out from his lips, the first time he had ever spoken, his eyes filled with worry and confusion.

“Yes…” I smiled, streams running down my cheeks. “Mommy just has to go away for a while, but everything will be okay. Mommy promises… okay?”

He looked into my eyes, and then he gave a short nod.


His eyes rolled up into his head, and he fell back. I tried to grab his arm so he fell on his back, and away from the arrows. As he collapsed to the ground, I couldn’t help but let out a sob. I could hear the captain approaching behind me, and then as the back of his blade connected to my head, I lost consciousness.



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