Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chapter 21

The best part of a journey are the friends we made along the way. I could kind of agree with that, although I would leave a few words out. For me, it would more be like the best part of a journey is the way. And on my journey to become a princess, I loved the way from the very beginning.

Without going into many details here, we basically tortured him in every way I could think of without actually killing him. Well except waterboarding, of course, that shit was too much for me. After five years, I think we kind of broke him.

“How is my guard doing today?” As usual, I brought his food to him. I didn’t even ruin it or anything, I just gave him what Aska and I were eating as well.

“…” He wore ragged clothing in his cage and barely talked anymore. Previously, he cursed me quite rudely and even spit on me, but that already stopped long ago.

“Oh, by the way, we think that we did enough to you. I´m thinking of training you now, what do you think?” Brainwashing was surprisingly easy if you had time and a helping god. First, you break the person, and then you are basically free to make him do whatever you want, provided you have enough knowledge. As usual, he was crawling towards the door which I opened shortly afterwards. I placed the plate down in front of him, knelt and made sure that he saw me while eating with his fingers.

“Aska, what do you think?” I grabbed the man by his chin and made sure to look him deep in the eyes. His resistance was completely broken and what was left over of his will begged to be abused.

“Acceptable.” And so, we began part two of our training. Aska didn’t do much and left me the broad majority of the work. For over a month, I made sure that my guard was in perfect condition, naturally while making sure that he saw me in the correct light. No more was the me who laughed at his pain, but I rather switched to a personality that was deeply concerned about him. Day after day, he healed a bit and I crept into his very being.

“Who … are you?” Finally, he spoke again and smiled warmly towards him. Everything was going according to plan so far, so I couldn’t help but feel very excited about my first real pet.

“You don’t remember me? I’m princess Lucinda, the person you swore to protect till the day you die.” Naturally, he was confused and didn’t immediately believe my lie, but by repeating it day after day, it kind of became true to him.

Finally, after a whole year of manipulation, threatening and rewarding him, I reached my goal, way faster than anticipated.

“The sugar.” I was baking a cake for me and Aska and my guard was helping me out with it, usually by giving me the ingredients out of the shelves.

“Yes, my princess.” Everything was nearly perfect, he did everything I wanted and even tried to fulfil my wishes that I didn’t state yet. There was one problem though. I couldn’t stand him at all. Even Aska´s perversion paled in comparison to his and the more I behaved like a spoiled princess, the more he ogled me. I usually made him keep his distance until the day would come where I found a foolproof solution to his behaviour and made sure to punish him accordingly if he ever tried to touch me which was by no means rare.

Just like during this occasion where he just needed to hand me over the sugar, but even then he managed to touch my hand. This was already the second time on that day and made me equally furious and frustrated.

“Kneel.” He immediately knelt but continued to look at me eagerly. I completely ignored him and turned to Aska who was sipping on a cup of tea while reading a book. “What am I doing wrong?”

He only glanced up from the book a bit disappointed and gave me an answer that solved nothing.

“You look, but you don’t see.” His eyes wandered down to the book again, showing me how little interest he had in helping me. But that was alright, my guard was my pet and my responsibility. I turned back towards the twenty-five-year-old and made sure to ascertain everything again.

Our relationship was fine, there was no occasion where he overstepped his bounds or didn’t do what I wanted, there was something else that was inherently wrong. I looked deep into his eyes which seemed to glow with a pink hue for some unknown reason I ignored for the time being, then back to Aska.

“Hey, Aska, could you look at me for a second?” Annoyed and a bit angry that I didn’t figure out his advice directly, he glanced upwards once more. “Ahh. I see. Thank you.” Without wasting any second, I opened a drawer and picked up a normal, rather blunt knife. The guard didn’t react until I rammed the knife deep into his shoulder. Blood spurted out of the wound and the guard immediately began to scream. I grabbed his chin and forced him to look into my red eyes.

“You are my guard. Do you know what a servant shouldn’t do? Loving. Their. Master.” I grabbed the handle of the knife again and pulled it out frustrated. I kind of went too far with my manipulation and didn’t see how he fell in love with the person who helped him up after such a long time of pain and suffering. Aska made sure that his memories about me before we began phase two were completely eradicated, so it was expected that he had some strong feelings for me.

His feelings for me didn’t change much after that. I tried to fix my mistake for a whole month, but he was so lovestruck that he ignored every bad thing I did to him and only focused on the good ones. It all escalated on a certain day when Aska and I were training dodging again and he stood a few metres away watching my every move. His gaze was especially drawn to places that were usually hidden by my dress that had a few holes in it. I was so distracted by the guard´s gaze, that I completely missed how Aska reappeared beside me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

“Get a grip on your pet. It´s just love.” That were some strong words coming from a person who tried to dampen my love for him until I was eleven. Understanding feelings of each other weren’t one of our strong points and we barely managed to do so because our character was so similar. I basically had no chance of finding out why this guard loved me despite everything I did to him and how I could fix this. I turned towards the guard and tried to have eye contact with him, but soon gave up as he was only staring at my exposed belly.

“Guard! Get away from here, clean the bedroom or something.” He was reluctant, but soon followed my orders and disappeared inside the house. I shook my head in frustration and we soon started the usual training again, this time without the guard that was distracting me. As soon as I freed my thoughts from the problem with the guard completely, I managed to evade all the normal daggers that he threw at me. Sometimes, there were faster ones among them which I still struggled to dodge, but I was getting better. Half an hour later, the torrent of flying daggers stopped suddenly and Aska laughed loudly.   

“You won’t believe what your guard is doing …” I screamed as loud as I could and immediately stomped towards the house. “You will regret going there right now though …”

“What is this horrible excuse of a human slave doing?” I didn’t turn my head to look at Aska, but I knew that he was quite concerned about me for some reason.

“Ahh, whatever, you are old enough. Go see for yourself.” He said and stopped walking any further. That was probably the one and only warning he gave me which I definitely shouldn’t ignore. But sadly, I didn’t ignore him and stormed into the completely normal house. Nothing was out of the ordinary here, the kitchen wasn’t on fire, the living room was clean and the hallway was swept clean.

As soon as I stepped into Aska´s and mine bedroom though, I knew why the god refused to come any closer. The guard was stark naked inside my bed and pressed his face, or rather his nose deep into my pillow while pleasuring himself. His butt was sadly right in front of me and gave me the best, and the worst view of what he was doing.

I immediately closed my eyes and tried to forget what I just saw, but his grunting made this way too hard. Slowly and silently, I walked towards his side without making any sound. Sadly, he saw me in the worst moment possible and probably turned his butt away from me.

“Princess?!” I felt something warm hit my left hand and felt the urge to cut off my whole arm. It must have been spit. Definitely. A hundred per cent. There is no way … I mean … fuck this shit. With one swift motion, I reached towards my right leg, drew out the dagger I usually wore while training, opened my eyes and rammed it deep inside his neck. I purposefully looked away from anything else but rather focused solely on everything above the shoulders. As soon as I hit him, I immediately pulled out and swung it down once again. And again.

By this point, he already gave me the death rattle, but I didn’t stop there. I swung my dagger down so often into the bloody mess that was his neck that I deprecated him completely after who knows how many times. Unlike my previous murders, this didn’t feel satisfying at all as I haven’t finished playing with him yet. But I just couldn’t anymore. I couldn’t stand the sight of him, couldn’t accept that he was using me as a fapping material and definitely couldn’t accept that he ruined my hand.

As soon as I was completely and utterly sure that he was dead for good and couldn’t even come back as a zombie, I turned around and walked a few steps away to calm down. It kind of worked, but no matter how often I wiped my left hand with my dress, I still felt the urge to cut it off. Still, self-mutilation wasn’t one of my hobbies, so I resisted as much as possible. As soon as the urge started to disappear, I cut my dress apart while making sure that the blade never touched me in any place.

“Why the heck is every man so damn horny? Gosh, how much I hate being the only woman around here.”

I ignored my bloody right hand for now and walked out of the room in my underwear. Nothing was able to save this room from contamination by then and even Aska´s cleaning magic wouldn’t be able to do the job properly.

Instead of walking outside again, I went into the kitchen, past bookshelves that were now completely empty. Aska and I knew each other so good that he was able to predict what I was about to do pretty easily. After grabbing the object that I came here for, I opened every window and door, except one of course. Strangely enough, even the magic circle which was able to erase memories was gone, but I didn’t bother with this as well. As soon as I was finished with my preparations, I dumped every barbecue lighter I could find in front of the bedroom and lit it on fire before dressing again in another dress and walking out.

“Hi, Aska! Nearly didn’t see you there.” He still stood where I left him with an amused expression and stayed completely silent. “It seems that our house caught fire for some reason, but I see that you already rescued our possessions. Did you get the socks I knitted as well? I mean, those in the hallway?” I smiled innocent and stopped as I stood right in front of him.

“A fire? Wow, that’s dangerous. Maybe we should get away from here quickly. It is good that I thought about moving anyway, otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to save anything. Oh, yeah, it´s too bad that I saved up our bedroom for the actual moving day …” It was great that he didn’t mention what actually happened. Otherwise, I didn’t know if I could hold back from tearing everything in my sight apart, including him.

“That’s great to hear! I know a great hill a few kilometres over there, how about we build our new house there?” And so we left the house I spent so much of my time in behind as it burned down. I had no regrets to leave this contaminated space behind us and would make damn sure to never approach the area around here again.

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