Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chapter 2.175

“My friend … can I call you a friend?” I asked, laying on a wide table, my legs and arms spread apart. At least I had the glasses on my nose again which was something … I guess. Well, the right glass was completely missing, so there was that.

“Do whatever.” He said, positioned the pliers at my second last fingernail and pulled it out straight away. A warm pain shot out from my finger, enveloping my whole body and made me giggle happily.

“Have you studied torture techniques?” I asked with interest, slightly ashamed of my own kinks.

“Not really.” He admitted and threatened to pull out my last fingernail.

“Yeah … I thought so.” I mumbled, but had to interrupt myself as he continued to torture me. “You really are a beginner at this. You have to add psychological torture as well. Otherwise this will never work out in between us.” I claimed unhappily. I really needed some stress relief here, but it was so boring.

“Shut up.” He said angrily.

“Oh, gosh. Are we starting this again? I’m trying to help, you know? How about you start by trying to make this less comfortable for me? I mean being chained to a table isn’t my kink either, but still.” It was so comfortable! There was basically nothing going on my nerves in this position, which was always the worst. It should itch while I wasn’t capable of scratching myself for fucks sake! Did I have to torture myself or what?

“Shut the fuck up!” He shouted out loudly.

“Oh, are we getting …” Yup, he was getting furious. Well, finally I got my will as he took out a hammer and a few nails from one of the boxes and grabbed my hand still chained to the other. “Yay ~ I always want to get nailed!” I said happily and laughed loudly as he placed my hand over my head onto the table and drove the nail into my flesh. “Oh! Yeah, right there!” I shouted out as he finished and laughed at him. “Give it to me baby~”

“We aren’t shooting any porn here.” He said dryly and sat down on a stool right next to me. For some reason, he was the one getting more and more depressed even though it should have been the other way around.

“What’s that?” I asked interested in this word I never heard before.

“… a video of people having sex.” A video … that were these moving pictures, right?

“Oh … how do you do a video?” I asked with a smile on my face.

“With a camera.” He stated plainly.

“Okay … do you have a camera?” Sadly, he didn’t seem to possess one. Instead, he strolled back to the other side and placed the nail onto my opened hand again. “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” I didn’t want to hurt his feelings after all. He didn’t seem to enjoy torturing me which actually ruined part of the fun. Well, I still did have fun as he drilled the second nail into my flesh straight away.

“Do you … do you have a camera at home?” I asked a bit exhausted from all of the blood loss so far.

“No.” He admitted.

“But you have beaches, right? Wouldn’t it be useful to shoot a video with all the half naked girls there?” I enthused loudly.

“It certainly would …” He admitted which drew a bright smile on my lips.

“Ha ~ I would love to enjoy the smell of the ocean as well. Actually –“ I stopped talking as he hammered another nail into my left foot as I was way to occupied with giggling loudly. “Actually I never had the pleasure to see a sunrise coupled with the ocean. How does it look?”

“Not that great.” He admitted which basically answered every question I had.

“Too bad. Hey, do you want to rape me?” Asking weird question after the other was my speciality. Sadly, he didn’t answer for a little bit as he was way too occupied by attempting to spread my feet further apart which failed miserably because the chain still held them together.

“It wouldn’t be rape if you agreed to it, would it?”

“Ahh~ you might be right with that.” I admitted and watched how he unlocked the chain on my right leg and pushed my feet as far to the right as he could. Supportive as I was, I even held it in place before he could drill the last and final nail into my pale skin.

“The romans used to drain their criminals of blood this way. I wonder how good it goes.” He said, pushed the wooden table up and dragged it over to the next wall right away. With me standing upright, but still nailed and chained to the table, my blood really did flow towards the ground nicely.

“Good job!” I said, which seemed to tire the guy out even more. “What now? Hey, do you know these dagger throwing shows where there is a turning circle and some chick is chained towards it? Can you make one of these?”

“Shut up! I’m trying to think!” He said and went back towards his stool, leaving me alone with nothing to do but to count sheep.

“Wow, this is boring …” I admitted loudly, but lucky he came back shortly afterwards, the pliers in his hand. “What’s next? A whole finger maybe?” I asked happily, but he wasn’t approving of that idea. Instead, he grabbed my forehead and forced me to look straight away while pressing the pliers into my mouth. For a second, I thought he wanted to tear my tongue out of my mouth which I wanted to avoid because bullying him was kind of fun, but luckily he wasn’t going for that target. Instead, he grabbed my canines with the pliers and started pulling on them right away.

“Whvareyudoin?” I grumbled unhappily as I felt the force tearing on my teeth once more. A second afterwards, I felt my tooth getting loose with a swath of blood following right behind it. Spitting it out repeatedly, I was faced with a never ending bloodstream in my own mouth which was as bad as it sounded.

“What the-“ I said and spit out a mouthful of blood. “- fuck is wrong –“ My mouth was filled with blood once more which he apparently viewed as a success. Pushing my forehead back once more, he forced the pliers into my mouth again and secured them right above my other canine in my gums. Then, he pinched them together and damaged my gums, along with the tooth that got free shortly afterwards.

At this point, my mouth was basically filling with blood the whole time and as I didn’t want to choke on it, I was forced to let it all flow out of my mouth onto my chest.

“That’s what you get for being a nuisance.” He said and finally gave me a satisfied grin. But even that turned sour as I nodded towards the open door which showed us both the slowly setting sun. He was running out of time. If he couldn’t turn me unconscious before the sun settles, I could free myself rather easily without even using my magic. And sadly, he couldn’t drain too much blood of me either. There was a very fine distinction between a powerless, bloodthirsty vampire and a dead one.

And so, angry as he was, he stepped towards me once more, grabbed the chain secured to the chocker around my neck and secured it to some which was connected to a hoist.

Then, he pulled on the other side of the rope until the chain was tight. Going back towards me, he eyed the amount of blood beneath me with satisfaction and pulled out all the nails in my flesh one by one. Shortly afterwards, I slid down from the table as he freed my hands as well before chaining them on my back again. In the meantime, I feigned to be a bit weaker than I actually was and didn’t even struggle as he grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. Then, he grabbed the glasses on my nose and threw them away once more.

Without my sharp canines, I was practically helpless as he pinched my eyes with two of his fingers and brutally took my coloured contact lenses away from me. At least my right eye was still able to see while my left was gone for the time being. But his actions revealed something else as well. Without my glasses, I was still largely blind, but I could see schemes and didn’t fall unconscious which was actually more than I could ever hope for.

Giggling a little as he pulled in the rope again, I was lifted into the air by a little bit and dangled down, only held up by my neck as the sounds of battle finally resounded outside.

We both rolled our eyes for vastly different reasons though. He did so because he couldn’t believe they really came, and I because they were so fucking late.

I was basically free already without anyone in the surrounding kilometres to realise that I was capable of a very special magic.

But no, these idiots had to come during the worst timing possible. To early for me to free myself, and too late to help me escape. At least I got the answers I let myself be taken away for.

With one eye, I watched very carefully how the demon strolled over to the entrance and immediately took one hand into the other. Breaking my hand was always a thrilling endeavour, even though I had done it so often already. With a happy giggle, my hand was finally freed from the chains which allowed me to grab the other rope and pull myself towards it. Luckily his stool was in range of my foot this way, so I could stand on it easily.

I was more than happy to use the little knife He had carelessly lied down on the stool to cut the rope apart. Sawing it through was thus a relatively easy task, even though the knife was fairly blunt at this point.

But luckily, the tension in the rope lessened abruptly and my chains fell down to the ground. Now, it was only a matter of undoing the knot he made to bind the rope and my chains together.

Still bleeding from all of my limbs, I stumbled towards the entry to the keep slowly. The chains rattled behind me while I massaged my broken hand in worry. I didn’t want to see Sofie dead, that was for sure. On the other hand, the others had turned remotely useful as well, so I wasn’t too keen on losing any of my assets at this point. And so, I stepped outside, gazed towards the setting sun for a little while and listened to a panicking demon which honestly drew a smile onto my face.

I’m not letting you go!” Schwarz shouted out, which was exactly what I desired as well.

“Don’t kill him! We need to interrogate him!” Sadly, Ellie was apparently less keen on murdering that guy. Sighing quietly and allowing another mouthful of blood to run down my chin, I glanced towards my sword, the part of me that was separated, but still fully joined up with me.

I could sense that Schwarz wasn’t going for the kill anymore, but I was having none of that. With a simple thought, I let the sword curve upwards so that it was directed at the enemies neck.

And then, I felt a lot of happiness flow into the sword from the handle, but also from the blade draining the corpse of its blood.

A few seconds of silence followed after that while the others apparently stared at me. Sadly, I couldn’t savour their expressions as all as I was still largely blind.

“Lu … Lucy?” Sofie asked and I wanted to answer, but only blood escaped my mouth.

“A … demon.” I heard someone approaching right away and felt the tip of a cold spear on my chest. At first, I wanted to push the spear away, but all the blood loss had turned me too weak for that.

“We have to end her life.” Gregory added, which made me consider throwing him out for real.

“Shut up! That’s still Lucy!” Schwarz shouted out, dashed towards me and pushed Ellie’s spear away.

“She’s a demon! You have seen her eyes yourself!” Ellie replied and continued to push against Schwarz’s sword.

“Stop it! All of you.” Sofie said and knelt down to my side shortly afterwards. “Can I help?” No, she could not. Everything she was capable off was to hurt me. As such, I shook my head a little. Swiftly afterwards, she stood up and walked in front of me to save me from an approaching fireball with her magic.

Breaking my other hand as well, I quickly freed myself from that chain as well and sat down on the ground in an attempt to look as harmless as possible.

Thanks to my actions, their infighting quickly ended and they started to bombard me with questions while I was still bleeding from my mouth, my limbs and several other places. Thankfully, the night soon fell quietly and with it, my wounds started to close as well. But on the other hand, my sharpened senses returned as well, allowing me to smell human blood right away which increased my thirst severalfold.

Holding my aching mouth at my teeth regrew, I looked towards Sofie’s nape and felt how drool congregated in my mouth.

“Took you … long enough.” I pressed out, fighting the immense thirst with all my might.

“Did he turn you into a demon?” No, that wasn’t possible, at least not to my knowledge.

“No … he did not. I have always been a vampire.” I explained truthfully and stood up slowly, my gaze wandering to Sofie’s unprotected nape time and time again.

“That makes you my enemy.” Gregory stated while I shook my head angrily. I wasn’t willing to ruin what I had with Sofie at all.

“You just want to get rid of me.” I commented dryly.

“And I’m not allowing that.” Sofie stated still defending me with her whole body.

“She lied to us. The whole time!” Ellie shouted out angrily.

“It’s not the first time, right? She has a reason, I’m sure of that.” Sofie said right away. With her, I truly had found a good friend.

“I never told you because I wanted to avoid this. What would happen if the public knew their saint was a vampire? Eh? See … nothing good.” I concluded and wiped away the drool running down my chin. I was so thirsty. And yet giving in to it meant stroking their doubts further which was exactly not what I needed.

“That’s because you are a vampire! Without a doubt there is blood on your hands.” Gregory said, still pushing to get rid of me.

“Yeah … it’s mine.” I commented dryly and looked down onto my hands with its nice new nails. “Jokes aside, we need to go back to the army.”

“No. I want answers.” Ellie said and apparently struck a nerve with Sofie as well. “Why are you hiding all of that from us? You could have told us and we would have reacted way better than we do now.”

“It’s not like I’m the only one who has secrets, right?” I asked perplexed.

“What do you mean by that?” Ellie asked surprised.

“Luna gave you the paper plane, right?” I said innocently, even though it was quite the trap.

“Yeah?” Ellie asked back.

“What’s a plane? What’s a train? Or should I rather ask why Gregory sees this world as a game? You did not come from this world. Not a single one of you, but nobody ever approached me about this. Nobody.” I said and looked towards the moon in the sky to avoid their gaze entirely.

“We didn’t want to be exploited by anyone.” Yeah … what a nice justification. Imagine giving your hardest not to be treated differently because of what you were, Ellie.

“Perfect! Because revealing myself as a vampire is exactly the same, right Gregory? My whole life depends on my race being hidden! Have you thought about that? Do you think I like the fear in your eyes?” I had exactly the same motivation they had, just the other way around. Everyone would look up to them if their previous life came to light while most would shun me for being what I am.

“All we see is a girl who lies to us the whole time.” Ellie said, not entirely realising that it wasn’t exactly my fault to begin with.

“I lie because I need to.” I explained and kicked a nearby stone away angrily. I could understand that Gregory would play the blame game with me, but Ellie? After I have done so much for her? Just because I could be a threat? Since when were humans this smart?

“Then tell me one thing. What is your goal?” She asked which actually made me think a little. World domination? That was too boring and exhausting in the long run. Razing a few cities to the ground whenever I felt like it sounded nice, but wasn’t exactly what the others wanted to hear.

“To cuddle with Luna the whole day. But I can’t have that because again and again, something forces me to take action. In the past it was poverty threatening my peace, which was why I helped the slums. And now it’s the demon race tearing apart every part of my life. And worst of all, I’m apparently viewed as one of them as well, right Ellie?” I asked which stupefied her a little.

“Are you?” Ellie asked. I already had found an answer to her question, but I didn’t think my answer was what she wanted to hear.

“I’m four hundred and eleven years old. I lived way before the term ‘demon’ became even popular. And during all this time, I was feared by everyone even though I did nothing wrong. I have given you a whole armour, I have trained Sofie to use her powers and I have equipped Schwarz with the best sword I could find.” I had made all of them. Without me, they would be nothing. But I didn’t want to say it exactly like this and rather worded it nicely.

“I’m sorry. It’s just … the stories.” Ellie said, finally satisfied with my explanation.

“I don’t blame you at all … we all have secrets, right? How about we keep them amongst ourselves?” I proposed carefully.

“I cannot promise that.” Yup. Gregory had to go sooner or later. Preferably sooner though.

“We will keep your secret. I can assure you that.” Ellie said and gave Gregory a deathly glare.

“Lucy … you are how old?” Schwarz asked, finally warming up from his frozen state.

“Four hundred and eleven … if I haven’t miscounted any year.” I explained careful not to hurt his feelings too much.

“I …” Sadly, he didn’t take it too well.

“I’m a vampire, Schwarz. Even discounting the huge difference in age, I still cannot love you the way you deserve to be loved.” I explained carefully, knowing full well that he could start exploding in anger any second, mostly because the sword pressed more and more of my worst traits onto him, or so it seemed.

“I …” But interestingly enough, he was still largely himself whenever he didn’t held the sword. As such, he turned around and ran towards the tree line in the distance.

“Let’s give him the time he needs.” I concluded and sat down on the stairs. “Can someone help me with these chains?” I asked, already fiddling with the metal ring around my neck.

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