Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chapter 2.178

“Oh! Jackpot!” I said in the middle of the battlefield, hundreds and hundred of demons around me and Schwarz. Trowing a goblin at another close by, I bent down and picked up a rusty old sword. Weighing it in my hands, I dropkicked wolf with red eyes who threw himself at me and stepped on him.

“I got one!” I shouted out, ducked down below a stinger and sliced it off right away. The weapon was far blunter than I had hoped for, but it was better than tearing the enemies apart with my own hands.

“Great!” Schwarz said, twirling around his axis with my sword. For a second, I thought about taking it away from him, but that experiment I was doing with him was just too hilarious. “What now?”

“We’ll search for their commander.” I stated drily, jumped over a goblin attempting to catch my legs with his arms and landed on his back while evading a very crude arrow being fired at me.

“Where?” He asked, looking around himself quickly, his gaze stopping at the hundreds of trolls bashing their clubs into the ground.

“How should I know? I’m going north.” I stated, hoping Luna somehow managed to get underground. Then, I made my first step towards north right away.

“That’s east!” He shouted out hesitatingly. He probably thought it he could even leave me alone, but before his emotions ran rampant again, I made a dash north … or whatever he called east.

“I don’t care!” I said and kicked a goblin in its face as he stood in my way to run north. “And remember! Don’t stay still!” That was honestly the last bit of advice I could give him. Standing around in an army going for your life was hard because nobody had your back.

As such, I ran quickly while concentrating on all my dead minions. Quickly filtering out those that were too far away or too noticeable, I gave the others a single order. Their task was to find their commander and lead me towards him.

As I chose not to resurrect any of the fallen demons though, this turned out to be a rather lengthy endeavour, but I didn’t mind hacking one or two demons apart with a rusty sword. I kind of needed to watch out for my dress though as I didn’t have any other spare one with me. As such, I always flinched when droplets of blood fell onto the fabric because even though it was red, it still had a different colour than the darker blood.

Well, at least I managed to fight without being sullied in blood, which was actually something.

After an hour or so, one of my dead underlings finally came rushing towards me while I still fought. Looking towards where I sensed it, I saw a little mouse, dancing in between the feet of my enemies.

“Alright little one. Guide me to my destination.” I said calmly while pushing away a corpse that didn’t want to let go of my sword. Following after the mouse across the whole battlefield, we arrived half an hour later with my head tilted to the side.

It was truly a strange sight this mouse had led me to. A single woman was sitting on the crystalline glass, some sort of magical object in her hands. She seemed to be highly concentrated and completely unaware of her surroundings. She was protected by hundreds of demons though, which would usually make it hard for anyone to find her, but none of them stood close to her. Paying her protectors no heed, I quickly dashed towards her, avoided the troll club swinging my way and entered the circle no demon dared to venture in.

Clearing my throat a little, I prepared my grandiose speech right away. Stepping in front of the red haired woman, I placed the sword on her neck and looked down on her.

“Are you a demon general?” Finally, she did open her eyes in shock, which seemed to impact the demons around us as well. They stirred loudly, but none of them seemed to change their opinion of attacking me.

“Please! I don’t want to die!” Eh? She didn’t look that strong and neither did I feel anything special about her. She was just a normal, red haired woman.

“I was just kidding! How is the assault going?” I asked and showed her my long canines which seemed to calm her down somewhat. Now though, she looked almost tense as of there was even more pressure on her shoulders.

“I have managed to entrap them underground. Several of them died already, but I couldn’t stop the heroes nor that single person … at least, no reports about their death reached me yet.” She explained while I slowly strolled behind her, my rusted sword still pointing at her.

“Hmm … do you think the demon king is satisfied with this result? We have given you everything, and yet you cannot even squash a single army? Stupid humans …” I growled angrily, placing my cold hand onto her left shoulder.

“I am deeply ashamed of my shortcomings! Please, have mercy with me.” She begged and bent forwards, denying me any vision on the strange disc in her hands.

“Yeah, yeah … call back the army and just keep them trapped. Without the saint they won’t be able to do anything.” I said and watched in satisfaction how she concentrated once more and stopped the hammering on that place Luna was beneath right away.

“ … I couldn’t have imagined to fight against a vampire like you …” She said and looked at me with wide open eyes, apparently realising something. “If I may ask … where is your sister?”

Rolling my eyes, I pushed the sword through her heart from behind, reached forwards and grabbed the magical disc out of her hands. Standing upright once more, I let go of the sword and kicked her body forwards.

I would have liked to talk a little longer with her, but apparently I had asked for too much. That she didn’t notice I was murdering my way towards her was quite lucky already, but maybe had something to do with that magical disk. At once, I started to read the text on it, but didn’t get far as the demonic wolves snarled angrily and overstepped the boundary which held them back before.

“Well, that’s not looking good.” I said, exactly as the disk in my hands turned to dust which was then blown away by the wind.

Grabbing the first wolf by its mouth, I swung him around like a club and made myself some breathing room this way. Then, I ran away from that place as fast as possible mostly because I noticed the demons were now completely uncoordinated. Some were already leaving the battlefield while I climbed on top of a crystalline tree. For some reason, I wasn’t exactly in their centre of attention. Some of the demons decided to fight the four idiots, but most just went away from the scene, if they didn’t even attack their peers.

Half an hour later, there were only a few stragglers left and I jumped down from the tree, strolled over towards the only light source and waved happily.

“Hey! I found some weird magical apparatus a humanoid demon used to control the army. It looked like some sort of disk, but it was sadly destroyed when I took care of that demon.” I explained to all of them, purposefully hiding that it was

“And we managed to stop that bunker from collapsing.” Sofie said and pointed towards the pile of troll corpses while I eyed the blood on her attire suspiciously. “Yes, I hurt a few of them.” How interesting! The pacifist was murdering others? Well, she already stated she didn’t see demons as intelligent beings in the past, so that wasn’t exactly surprising. That she did it with so little emotional distress was interesting though.

“So, Gregory. Do you mind opening that cellar?” I asked while looking at the clearly manipulated dirt beneath our feet.

“I’m out of mana.” He admitted and sulked a little. Truth to be told, I wanted to see exactly that because he already looked quite pale.

“I can.” Sofie said and directly began her work. With a little earth magic and several minutes later, we unearthed a stair they apparently used to get down. Sliding down into the hole Sofie dug out, I used my hands to balance myself a little on the uppermost stair and directly looked at several spears pointed at my chest.

“Hola! Could you please lower your weapons?” I asked and pushed against the tip of one of the spears a little.

“Lu!” A happy voice resounded from behind them even when I was still talking. Luna weaselled her way through the two people in front of me and directly threw herself into my open arms.

“Luna! I’m so glad you are alright!” I said happily and patted her head lovingly.

“And so am I! Did that evil demon hurt you in any way?” Luna asked concerned, her eyes glowing with worry.

“No? He merely wanted to drag me away from you all. They admitted that we were unbeatable together.” I said and giggled happily, even though I could feel Ellie’s cold stare on my back. “Your wits and my charm can do everything!” I lifted her up a little and turned around several times, while listening the music in my ears that was her laughter. “What about you? Are you hurt anywhere?”

“Hannah protected me the whole time!” She was a bad liar. A really bad one. But that made her even more lovable. Pressing her body against mine one last time, I enjoyed the warmth she gave off before letting go of her.

“That’s good. And the others?” I asked with interest. We were in the middle of demon territory. The more pawns we had at our disposal the better.

“We … we have lost far too many. Only two hundred and sixty four survived. And we have wounded … I’m sorry.” She said honestly far too saddened for me to bear. It were just a few numbers, so I didn’t get her sadness at all, but it still hurt to see that she gave herself the blame for all of their deaths.

“It’s a wonder you are even alive. All of you did well.” I said, looking over her shoulder to the few soldiers I could see.

“But … we still have no clue where we should head and the enemy is far too strong.” Luna said bummed out.

“On the contrary! As soon as our heroes freed me, we were able to go through a few documents they had. Their base of operation is exactly that fort which we had set our minds on anyways. And we also managed to find out how they control the less intelligent demons which is through some kind of disk they had used. So whenever we are in trouble, we merely need to search for that demon and dispose of him. The rest will fall back into their instinctual pattern afterwards.” Another lie I needed to justify in front of Ellie and the others later. But at least they didn’t say anything right away.

“But … that’s amazing news! That place is only three days from here!” Luna said and finally returned back to her usual self.

“We can do this. With Hannah and the heroes with us, there is nothing that can stop us.” I stated and listened to the cheers of adventurers further down in this rabbit hole. “But first … Sofie, I need you to take care of the wounded. And I’m sure Ellie wants to talk with me, isn’t it?”

“No … I’m fine.” At least she understood that I couldn’t exactly tell that I was tortured and asked the guy who did so about the sea. Sometimes my behaviour weirded others out so much that they absentmindedly replied to questions better left unanswered.



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