Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chapter 2.181

“Hey … I might have an idea how I can get you to the castle as we planned.” I said, slowly planning how I could get them out of here without thinking too badly about me and my race. The corpses were sadly a bad start for that though.

“And how?” Ellie asked me quietly, still glancing at the gruesome scene from time to time.

“I’m painting a big target on my back. The only one you would potentially need to watch out for is the archer outside the city, but I have the feeling his shots are getting more and more imprecise. You also might need to  fight against small fry but if I am correct, then the way to the castle will be clear for you.” I explained and looked through the wooden shutters outside. There wasn’t anyone visible, but I could still hear the faint giggling in the distance.

“Are you sure you can do this?” Sofie asked concerned and even through I didn’t know if I was capable of fighting against three demon generals, I had hopes I didn’t need to.

“I have to, right?” And even if it was a one against three, it wasn’t like I could lose decisively. As long as I kept the others occupied, it would be my win. “And you have to do everything so that you win.” I admitted a little desperate and gazed at them one last time. At least there wasn’t any hesitation in their eyes which was actually something. Smiling a little, I opened the wooden shutters and jumped out through the window.

Heavy wind immediately blasted into me, feigning to be some kind of magic while it was just an approaching storm. Dark clouds hung above me as I climbed on the roof and listened to the giggling, strangely distorted by the wind.

But my target was still obvious. Rushing over the roofs, I was rarely met with an arrow coming from behind as the battle at the gates had apparently commenced. But that was of no concern to me. They were buying time for us, and I would buy time for the idiots to do what they were born to.

Jumping across a rather wide gap, I slid down the roof tiles afterwards, grabbed the edge of the roof and swung myself into a rather luxurious house.

“No! The noble lord doesn’t care about his children! The only desire he has is power.” The voice of a young girl resounded through the mansion, seemingly unbothered by me as I strode through the mansion and checked for any traps. I only stopped at a painting from a guy I knew. It was from the northern duke with his wife and two kids … twins.

“Well, that’s going to be a nice family reunion.” I muttered, jumped down the stairs and checked the other rooms first. This mansion was definitely taken care off. There was no dust on any surface and even thought the house seemed rather old in some places, it never had gotten to a state of decay.

And at last, I listened to the four heartbeats inside the dining room, the two giggling girls and kicked the door open, two swords in my hand.

“Oh! The saint is here! Just like our brother said!” Apparently, these two girls were as fucked up as I was. Two maids stood at the sides of the room, shaking a little even though they tried to hide it while a man a no a woman sat on opposite sides of the table, all kinds of fruits in front of them.

“Sis! Don’t be like this! We have to offer her-“ The one with a bloodied cheek said, but was interrupted by her sister right away.

“-a seat! Right. Lucy … you can sit next to mum.” For a second, I thought about fighting them right then, but as I saw no reason to, I seethed my sword and sat right next to the girl with the bloody cheeks.

“So, how old are you?” I asked and lifted up the wine glass full of human blood, only to smell it a little and leave it at that.

“Is she dumb?” One of them asked.

“She is dumb. We are obviously twelve!” Yeah … no. More like twenty, even though they probably never aged mentally.

“Right, I’m sorry. So you have been twelve for eight years already, right? Please enlighten me, but I thought the demon kind wasn’t capable of creating vampires? I have met a ghoul created by him who claimed as such.” I explained carefully while watching the man who was getting more and more nervous.

“Brother likes to lie to others.” One of the twins admitted.

“Right! That ghoul was probably waaay to weak to be worthy.” The other added.

“I see.” One more reason to kill that demon lord as quickly as possible. “Can I ask you some more questions? Where do the humans live?”

“Are you thirsty? You can have the maids if you want. And no, we are not going to answer that.” The one to my left said.

“We have questions as well and we want them to be answered.” And the other one finished her sentence. It was quite weird to hear one statement coming out of two mouths … but whatever. “How do you let go?”

“Of what?” I asked a little confused, but my question was quickly answered as the girls stood up, walked over to the tense man and sat down on legs, their knees touching each other. Both of them caressed his chest a little before they started to kiss his cheeks affectionately.

“Dad, hold us tight.” The man was apparently more than in a pinch. Dressed in noble attire with lots of blood stains on it, he placed his hands on their hips and pulled them closer to himself.

“I will … I will always love you. So please make my love eternal!” It was obvious what he wanted, but the twins were apparently not very happy with his act.

“Didn’t we tell you that …” Of them said and kissed him on his lips.

“… a noble father doesn’t love his children?” The other one finished her sister’s sentence and made room as the two started kissing wildly. Her hands were nowhere in my sight at this point but I could guess very well what they were doing.

“At least I’m not the only one with incest fantasies.” I said and scratched my cheek a little embarrassed.

“But none of our children can truly satisfy us.” One of them said, shortly interrupting their sexual activities, strangely hopeful that I had a solution to their problems even though I had exactly the same. Whatever vampire child I created, I knew deep down that he wasn’t part of my family.

“They aren’t our parents … no matter how hard we train them to act like that.” The other one added, pushing against the table with her feet which caused the three of them to fall onto the ground.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t have a solution to your problem.” I admitted, picked up the glass once more and stirred it’s contents while listening to the man’s grunts and the twins weird fantasies of having sex with their father.

Well, if they wanted to spend the next crucial minutes fucking around, I wouldn’t say no even though it still was a rather weird experience.

“I have an idea.” One of them said, let go of their father and strolled over to me. My hand wandered to the shorter sword but she stopped as soon as she noticed. “No fighting in this room.” Well, she didn’t lie, so I let go of my sword once again and let her come closer. She pulled on my chair, dragging it away from the table and straddled my legs. Her hands were on my shoulder as she looked at me with crazy love.

“Be our mum.” She said and directly bought her soft but cold mouth onto mine. This was truly the weirdest encounter I ever had, especially as her tongue invaded my mouth and she played with my canines for a little while. As the kinky person I was, I licked the underside of her tongue for a little while before I pushed my tongue past hers and played with her canine. I held her sides in place while her hands at the back of my head forced me into a deep and long kiss. As she stopped, a thin string of saliva connected out mouths while she pressed her forehead against mine lightly. “Please … I know you can do it.”

Well, it could possibly work out for them. I mean, I was a great actress and faked my whole life in human society, but I didn’t think it would work out for me. “Your sister, how is she called?”

“Clarice … and I’m Clara.” She admitted hopefully.

“Clarice, can you come over to us?” I asked while the other settled down on my right leg. Bloodied, Clarice finally let go of the already dead man and strolled over to us. Then, she sat down on my other leg and looked in my eyes as hopeful as her sister did. “I do not know why our race is so fixated on familial bonds. But what I do now is that these aren’t easily created. I have two ‘sons’ already, but none of them satisfies this need I have. And because that desire for a family never really vanishes, I am always tempted to create more vampires. That’s the vicious cycle we are all in. But what I learned so far is that you cannot change others so that they become your family … it doesn’t feel right.”

“Then …” Clarice said, wiping off part of the blood on her chin with her sleeve.

“What are we supposed to do?” Clara asked a little confused.

“You already have a family, right? Something I can only be envious about. Clarice, you have Clara and Clara, you have Clarice.” I pointed out and smiled a little.

“I … maybe you are right.” Clarice said happier than before.

“I love you Clarice.” Clara admitted, grabbed her sisters head and kissed her wildly. Yep, I never expected two twin vampires making out on my thighs the moment I stepped into the room, but there I was …

“Hey, I have answered your question, so now it’s your turn to answer mine.” I said and both of them stopped kissing each other at the same time to look at me. “I know you are playing for time.”

“And so are you.” They both said in unison and placed their head onto my shoulders.

“But I don’t understand why you are doing so.” I said. Wouldn’t it make sense for them to beat me as quickly as possible? Or did they knew I could resurrect after thirty seconds?

“Brother wants to be undisturbed while he talks to the heroes.” Clarice admitted while kissing my nape.

“He … he wants to talk?” I asked a little confused.

“Yeah … we don’t know about what though.” Clara added making her way up to my cheeks.

“The others always talk about movies and stuff …” Clarice said, licking my earlobe a little to get me in the mood, even though that would never happen with the people around.

“And we don’t get that.” Clara said and yelped a bit surprised as I grabbed their shoulders and gently peeled them off me.

“So you aren’t reincarnators?” I asked a bit surprised.


“-pe” Finishing each other’s statements was quite weird, but everything happening in this room was.

“I see.” I said and bit my lower lips a little. “Can I ask you for a favour? There is a girl I worry about. She’s my best friend and can’t fight very well. Can I help her without your interference?” I asked a bit hopeful, even though I knew the demon king wouldn’t want that.

“We were asked to fight you when you leave this room.” Clarice said, looking down in sadness.

“Stay with us. Please.” Clara added, not breaking eye contact with me at all.

“I … I can’t.” I admitted and looked in their saddened expressions. “I really wish we weren’t enemies. We have the same goals, the same ideas and we love the same things.” I said and nodded over towards the corpse on the ground. “But if befriending you means losing my best friend, I won’t do it.”

“Can we still be friends …” Clarice said with hope in her eyes.

“… after this is all over?” Clara asked, carrying the same feelings her sister did.

“If we survive the night … sure.” I said and waited for them to stand up. Both of them nodded towards the maid who immediately bought two red swords into the room which they both picked up. Standing up as well, I patted my wrinkled dress and unsheathed my swords as well. Smiling at them one last time, I backed off out of the room and as soon as I stepped over the doorstep, they charged towards me.







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