Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chapter 2.194

“What do I have to do?” I certainly didn’t know how to change their bloodline. But they apparently did, especially because they seemingly shared one already. One of them must have lowered her head to the other even though none of them ever used the privileges of being first in a bloodline.

“Just lay back.” Clarice smiled brightly and robbed a bit downwards to straddle my thigh. Quite happy as well, Clara copied her sisters movements on my other leg and together, their hands crept underneath my dress. With my help, they pulled it above my head and put it to the side eyeing my exposed upper body a little before they got rid of their own shirts.

Then, they both dove downwards and kissed their way up from my belly button, over my chest to my cheeks.

“Can we have sex?” Clara gazed at me, her eyes eyes full of desire and lust.

“You want to be intimate with the person you want to have as your mum?” I asked a little bit astonished.

“Why not?” Well … vampires were weird. Over the past eight years, their view of the concept of a mum had shifted so much from the original that it was barely recognisable. And yet, I … had my issues with that.

“… is it necessary right now?” I wasn’t feeling anything. Don’t get me wrong, I would be the first one to to indulge in depravity of any kind and while they were certainly in the mood for that, I lacked someone sharing my blood.

“… no.” Clara admitted quietly and kissed my cheek lightly.

“Then we’ll do it later … maybe.” I wasn’t so sure how my feelings for them would develop. Maybe I would push them away because they looked so young, maybe I would treat them like the adults they were … I didn’t know for sure.

What I did know was that they couldn’t help themselves, still straddling my thighs, these two girls pushed themselves up and started making out with each other and grinned their nether regions against my skin.

I was a little bit annoyed by that, but I soon noticed their focus still laid on changing their bloodline. Clara dig her nails into Clarice back, making blood spill upon her black trousers. And she didn’t stop there. She scratched Clarice’s back brutally, creating rivers of blood running down her sisters back.

Clarice was already closing her eyes more often than not as her sister let go of her and she snuggled up to me once more. She kissed my nape again, but didn’t drink any of my blood. Instead, Clara used her fingernails to hurt me.

Sharp, but pleasant pain followed her hand downwards from my left shoulder to my waist, her nails digging deeply into my flesh. I giggled happily as the blood flowed upwards across my skin into Clarice’s wounded back.

“Drink her blood … you won’t hate it.” And so I did that, exactly as she told me to.

My fangs dug into Clarice’s nape, sucking every bit of blood I could take. And at some point, it just clicked in my head. I could feel that bond forming in between us, feel Clarice’s tight hug as she fought with a lot of pain and feel how I started developing slight emotions for her right away. There was a key difference to the other vampires I made. Her blood didn’t turn disgusting. It stayed the same, but for Clarice, mine was apparently much more tempting now.

As Clara stopped digging her nails into my side, Clarice finally bit into my nape while I let go of hers. Like a greedy, ferocious beast, she slumped up everything she could until she regained her ability to think which made her stop abruptly. Then, she smiled at me her front completely bloodied.

“That was the best blood I ever tasted.” Clarice admitted, looking at me greedily. She wanted more of everything, but her sister didn’t have the pleasure yet, and I was already feeling somewhat drowsy.

“You can be considered lucky you won the coin flip, right?” They must have had a way to decide who went first. Otherwise they would bicker without end which didn’t happen at all.

“I lost. Clara will have a nicer transformation that I did.” Clarice admitted and nodded over to her sister who laid with her back on the rather uncomfortable stone ground.

“Lucy, come here.” I see what they were trying to do. And honestly … yes. I rolled around, robbed over to her and on top of her. I pushed her shoulders down a little, my knees beside her waist and stared deeply into her eyes.

“I just want a kiss.” And I gave that to her. I pushed my tongue into her mouth, played with hers without end. We exchanged our saliva, toyed with our canines and caressed each other’s bodies. Then she sat upright and hugged my back to get as much skin contact as possible.

I was sure she was feeling insanely good, especially when her sister robbed behind her and dug her teeth into Clara’s nape. She basically trembled under mine and Clarice’s assault while I dug my nails into her shoulders and she clawed at my back. Once more, my blood left me towards her body, crawling alongside my arms into her open wound. Immediately, I retreated out of her mouth while her eyes opened wide. But even though she was in pain and dug her fingers deeper into my flesh to grab onto something I still kissed her wildly and didn’t give her any way to escape my grasp.

All of us were basically ready to get intimate with each other except Clara. She just wanted blood. As soon as Clarice’s canines left her, Clara pushed me on my back, grabbed my throat and dug her canines into my body. I was already thirsting at this point, waving Clarice over who should have some leftovers, but she just smiled wryly and her sister attacked me time and time again, not even stopping as I noticed sense returning into her.

“Stop it.” And so she did. I didn’t order her to do it, but she still stopped and looked at me pleadingly.

“Please … we want to gift you something back.” Her eyes revealed her honesty and so I nodded reluctantly. She made place for her sister right away who directly bit into my right thigh.

Getting more and more tired, I closed my eyes shortly afterwards and fell asleep thanks to all the blood loss.

Who knows how long later I woke up again, delicious blood flowing into my mouth. And yet, I felt completely horrible. Even though I was dressed again, I would have rather preferred to be naked. My wet dress was sticking to my skin like some horrible snake, prompting me to open my eyes in a panic. Loudly screaming I flailed around, the feeling of helplessness spreading in my chest quicker than ever before. But as I was held down and no water rushed into my lung, I slowly calmed down, feeling the rock beneath me happily.

“Where …. am I?” I asked and looked around a little bit confused, the twins right by my side, wearing equally wet clothing.

“On the other side!” Clara shouted out happily and pointed over to a hallway, littered with undead bisected beyond recognition.

“You little pesky …” They had drunk my blood to get me unconscious. I hated it, but I couldn’t disapprove of their actions either. They did help me successfully after all.

“Sorry.” Both of them said in unison, looking down to the ground a little scared of what was to come. I balled my right hand into a fist, lifted it up … and then sighed quietly.

“Thank you.” As both of them looked up a little confused, I picked up my sword laying a bit further away. Then, I twirled around and glared at them as they were trying to hug me from behind. “You are still not my daughters, so don’t hug me when there are things to do.” I said, pushing them away from me a little bit.

“But … we are your family?” Clara asked unsure.

“Extended family … you can be my nieces.” I proposed. What we had … wasn’t what I was searching for. Maybe it would develop in that direction, but we were nowhere near there yet.

“So we can call you auntie?” Clarice proposed which turned me rather stiff instantly.

“Please no. That’s making me feel old.” I grumbled unhappily.

“Okay mum.” Clara said and got hit by me on her head instantly.

“Not that!” I growled angrily.

“She said mam though … you might want to check your ears.” Clarice said and directly earned the same punishment.

“… do whatever you want to, but live with the consequences.” I grumbled and turned towards the messy hallway. Grabbing underneath my dress, I felt the flask, tucked inside the pocket securely. Breathing out in relief, I made my first step into it, followed by two giggling twins. And this time, I didn’t mind their noises at all as we crushed bones whenever we stepped on them. Instead, I actually welcomed their lighthearted attitude, especially because it drew my attention away from my wet dress, hanging down from my shoulders like a potato sack.

“I’m older than you!” Clarice explained half an hour into following the trail of destruction, pushing her sister against the wall while walking. They both had made each other trip several times already, so this wasn’t anything out of the ordinary.

“No? I’m oder than you!” Clara pushed back angrily. If I didn’t knew it any better, I would have suspected they would tear each other apart in the next bee minutes, but so far this hasn’t happened yet, no matter how heated their arguments got.

“Lucy! Tell Clara that I’m older than her!” Clarice demanded which made me roll my eyes and turn my head around.

“I want both of you to tell me who the older one is.” I said with a faint smile on my lips.

“I’m the older one.” They said one after the other and surprisingly, none of them had lied. They either didn’t know it better, or they denied themselves any opportunity to be different from the other.

“You were both born at the same time.” I thus concluded and directly earned their ire. “Okay, the truth is that one of you is five hundred years older than the other. You have just forgotten these years.” Well, none of them wanted to believe my first explanation, so this was the best I could come up with. Obviously none of them believed me but my obvious silly lie was more acceptable to them than the first one.

“Wait, that makes Clara old!”Clarice stated and hold her open mouth in apparent shock.

“Eww. No, I don’t want that.” Clara panicked slightly and kicked a nearby skull away.

“Is growing older that bad?” I asked both of them. I didn’t know if they had the chance of ageing mentally anyways – with them being vampires and all - but they seemed to be strangely put off by the thought alone.

“Yeah. All the adults are so boring. All they talk about is their plans, how we need to work there, what has to be done here … and none of them talks about having fun ever.” Well, I knew a lot of adults who were drinking tons of alcohol and did all kinds of shit. But … could I even give them alcohol? Wasn’t that illegal? And why was I thinking about that in the first place?

“So you don’t want any responsibility, is that it?” I asked and turned my head around, looking ahead once more after I nearly fell over a rather large bone.

“Yes! Please let us fool around all night.” Clara begged loudly.

“There were times where I would have murdered you two for having that opinion.” I told them truthfully. Especially during my first time here … I would have skinned them if they didn’t listen.

“See? That’s what growing older means! You are getting boring.” Clarice stated giggling loudly. None of them were scared of me in any way whatsoever, even though I still wouldn’t hesitate to murder them when they stood in my way. But at the same time, I knew for sure this wasn’t necessary. They wouldn’t betray me. They were craving my attention after all.

“No … I’d rather believe that a few people have changed me away from attempting to control every variable in my life.” Especially Aska … forcing myself down and doing me without caring about my own well being … that changed me. He made me like being pushed down, he made me like to let go of all the control I had and it felt strangely reliving after hundreds of years of being raped by him. But even that didn’t change that I wanted to be in charge of my own life when we didn’t have sex.

“You were a control freak as well?” Clara asked a little bummed out.

“Still am. But if nothing is at stake, I don’t mind handing control over to someone else. So fool around all you want, as long as you follow my orders when I tell you to.” I stated dryly, not even bothering to look back.

“Aye general Worchester! The two constable Worchester are ready to serve.” Clara said loudly and jumped around happily.

“Don’t take on my current last name … that’s just weird.” I mumbled and massaged my temples in desperation.

“You are weird.” Clarice laughed alongside her sister for quite some time until Clara spoke up.

“Right? Why shouldn’t we? Miss Worchester, could you please hand me your sword?” Behind me, I heard the sounds of two swords being drawn at once.

“At once, Miss Worchester. Exchanging swords with you is always a pleasure.” Clarice said and switched weapons with her sister right away while I could only listen with a mixture of utter amazement and a whole lot of sorrow in my heart.



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