Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chapter 2.197

In an attempt to comb my completely messy hair, I went through them using my fingers even though it wasn’t the best solution. But hey, it was better than nothing.

Standing up from the table I was sitting on, I twirled around in my red dress and then leaned forwards, giving Aska a nice view of my womanly charms.

“And? How do I look?” I asked nicely.

“Like some crazy girl dancing around fire while praying to the god of madness.” Instantly, I choked a little bit and raised my eyebrows.

“I usually hate it when you lie … but this time I hate you for not doing so.” I grinned wryly and stretched my arms a little. My back hurt a little while I was doing so thanks to the hard table surface, but I still felt better than usual. The sun was robbing me of most of my strength, but luckily I didn’t need to wear these broken glasses in there. “Come to think of … why are my glasses broken?”

“They are long past their expiration date.” Yeah … I had to deal with such dumb answers all my life already. As such, I didn’t probe any further as I knew from experience he wouldn’t reveal anything.

“Fine by me. So, what now?” I asked, looking around the room which hadn’t changed much, except for the few broken chairs and the blood sprayed across the walls.

“I heard you are responsible for the death of a few young angel candidates?” He asked, surprising me just a little.

“Oh? Right, they sat on the wrong train.” I stated dryly. It was true that I didn’t feel much about their death as they were following other gods. But still …

“Do you feel remorse?” He asked, attempting to read my every emotion with a stern gaze.

“I do … but they have chosen their path which would inevitably put them in conflict of mine. Is that a problem for you?” And they were a necessary sacrifice for us to get out of purgatory. I couldn’t have spared them, even if I wanted to.

“No, not at all. You should refrain you from doing so again though … it was a huge scandal.”  Well, imagine one of your magical trains being stolen and bought to another world.

“My bad. Did they demote you or anything?” I asked a little hopefully.

“No.” I puffed my cheeks a little because of his reply. It was really sad to know that whatever I did, my actions wouldn’t have any consequence for Aska.

“What a bummer … and? What are we going to do now?” I was honestly tempted to go for another round, but we would be stuck in this room forever if we didn’t get a hold of our own lust.

“Let me show you the truth about this world.” He extended his arms wide, just as the wall to our side disintegrated, revealing a dark tunnel with two tracks in it until a brightly lit locomotive rolled past the hole and revealed a dark, impossible to see through wagon. It’s surface was incredibly smooth and it’s shape mostly rounded with no real edges whatsoever.

“Can’t you just teleport?” I asked. Boarding this train seemed like a waste of time to me.

“I’m giving you the sceneric tour.” Well then, if he insisted. Shrugging a little, I strolled over to the wagon which’s invisible doors glided open in front of me, revealing a single king sized bed inside.

Soon after raising my left eyebrow at Aska, I stepped into the wagon with him following closely behind. The doors closed by themselves, giving us a panoramic view of the unimpressive outsides because the walls were see through from the inside.

“Wow…” I had never seen such a glass before and touched it quite amazed while Aska hugged me from behind and caressed my belly.

“You will be even more amazed later.” The train set in motion right away, pulling us away from the room into the tunnel it dug out. Minutes later while Aska was kissing my nape, we left the ground and followed the self building tracks into the air until we were hundreds of metres up.

“That’s amazing!” I had never seen anything like this. Every tree looked so tiny from up here and I could even see the curvature of the planet itself.

“I told you so.” He said while I pushed my back into him, forcing him to walk back until he laid down on the bed himself. Shortly afterwards, I threw myself onto him, my head sticking out from over the edge of the bed. I did want to have it comfortable while gazing at the scenery after all. And laying half across him was honestly one of the more comfortable positions.

For a little while, I kept gazing downwards until my head turned to the front of the vehicle where a dark portal opened and swallowed the locomotive. A second later, we were also engulfed by the portal and left at the huge wall I had nearly slammed into last time.

“Purgatory … if you close down one of these portals, the world behind it ceases to exist as it is the only connection for the living and dead to pass through.” He explained a little bit too proudly.

“You have that much power in your realm?” I asked a bit stunned. I didn’t know that part of a god could be cut off and neither did I expect that part to wither away.

“It has developed this way partly as a necessity, partly because I won a few wars.” He explained while I looked at the multitude of trains all around us and the sea of souls on the ground. Death was all around us, making this place the one I wanted to be in the most.

And yet, it didn’t seem our destination was anywhere in purgatory. We didn’t decrease our altitude after all, but rather remained on one level with some of the other trains. After a few minutes though, Aska pulled me over onto his chest and hugged me from behind.

“I want you to close your eyes for a minute. Don’t open it until I say so.” He whispered into my right ear, tempting me to ignore him altogether, but I did follow his advise. After a little while, I felt how we were teleported yet again and Aska pinched my sides.

Abruptly, I opened them and gazed at a beautiful, yellowish sun above us. I didn’t fall asleep at all and the sun didn’t even look too bright at all, which made me utterly amazed.

“I can … I can see the sun?” I asked astonished.

“Only on this world. Welcome to Elysium, the world of the gods.” Instantly, I returned my gaze to the side and noticed the thousands of flying vehicles around us, all more compact in size and without a locomotive. Most of them had a metal frame, while others were completely out of this impossible to see through glass. These ones apparently had priority as they scooted through the air way faster than others. But what really surprised me was the utter lack of clouds.

There were none. Also, there wasn’t a single bird in sight. Our hole surroundings looked completely artificial, especially considering the massive spires reaching further and further into the sky.

As fast as I could, I wrestled myself free of his embrace and stood up, looking through the glassy floor to see the ground completely covered in buildings largely out of glass. But that wasn’t even the shocking part of it.

They were massive. Kilometres wide and tall weren’t exactly uncommon, so much so that it was hard to figure out where one building started and another ended. Truly, this was the city of cities. The place where I belonged.

“How is this possible? Why don’t they …” I muttered and pointed at the next one of these constructions while the train slowly ascended, following its tracks in a wide circular pattern.

“Collapse? The materials are sturdy and we have gravity generators on them.” Clever. This way they only needed to support half of the weight of the building at most … but still. The amount of mana needed to keep this thing afloat must have been massive. I was already imagining some kind of terrorist attack on these buildings … not that I would ever plan such a thing.  

“And … how large is this place?” There were an incredible amount of spires reaching out of the ground, some still taller than our current height while others were tiny in comparison to them. Along the line, the amount of flying vehicles around us decreased considerably as we reached the higher layers of this shining and yet not hurtful city.

“It has the size of fourteen Solaris by area alone.” Impossibly large so to speak. Well, that much was obvious considering this was the world of the gods. A single city spanning a massive world was quite fitting to be their home.

“And where do you live? In someone´s cellar?” I asked, but couldn’t help but to look ahead to a medium sized glass bubble, floating  in the distance while the train curved towards it gently.

“I wouldn’t call it a cellar.” This house was rather the tip of the world. We were above every other building with only the occasional flying vehicle around. The train drove into a protective bubble around the glass oval and came to a halt right next to it. A platform was pushed out of the oval, giving us a place to step onto as soon as the doors opened. “What do you think?”

So far, I couldn’t see anything not utterly stunning. We were far above the city, life was bustling down there while we were up here on a glassy platform. The view was … amazing. It was honestly hard to put it into words because it was so abstract, so different from what I knew as a city.

“It´s okay.” I grinned at Aska happily and knocked onto the reflective glass of the oval. To my surprise it slid open allowing us entry into a rather rustic house. First of all, I was honestly impressed by the central stairwell which was connected to tree. There were only too floors with the middle one made out rather costly wood. The walls were entirely see through along with the floor as well which gave us a rather impressive view of everything around us.

The single room in this floor was furnished with a dining area, a kitchen and a single couch.

“You haven’t used the kitchen once, did you?” It was certainly clean without a single bit of dust on it, but the shelves were completely empty and nothing was inside the fridge as I checked it out.

“Nope … not at all.” He admitted, even though he lived here sometimes. I could see a used trouser on the couch after all. Shaking my head quietly, I ascended the stair to see the treetop underneath the glass. It´s leaves were spending a reading area shade, which I directly used make myself comfortable. Other than that, there was a rather large bath one could swim in as well and some bookshelves. There was also a desk without any documents on it at all, so I didn’t even bother to check it out. Patting my belly while laying on the comfortable armchair, I looked to the sun above us and closed my eyes.

“Hey, Lucinda? Can you …” He asked by my side, suspiciously avoiding looking into my eyes once I opened them again.

“Hmm?” I certainly didn’t want to stand up at all to do anything at this point. I just wanted to close my eyes and take a little nap, knowing all my friends were safe.

“Can you … you know?” He asked and finally looked at me a little helpless.

“Fine … I´ll cook something for you.” Four hundred years of living with him and he still couldn’t cook at all.

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