Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chapter 2.200

Sitting on a rather messy bed in a three room apartment, I hugged my knees while Leo tidied up his stuff in a hurry.

“I swear it usually doesn’t look like this.” Yeah, for sure. The laundry in the floor definitely wasn’t there since yesterday, except he wore three pairs of socks daily.

“Don’t worry about that. I’m not the tidiest person either.” I claimed, even though the opposite was actually true.

“Still …” He mumbled and sat down on his chair defeated while I opened the first coming book, titled ‘End and Beginning’

“So … ehm … Isabelle?” I looked up from my comic on page three. He definitely didn’t expect me to sit down and actually read stuff. “Why do you like the series?”

“For its realism.” I probed his knowledge, not knowing wether he thought of this story as entirely fictional or not.

“Right? You can really feel that these are real people!” Right … and one of them sat right in front of him.

“It’s just a bummer they have to live in these harsh conditions.”

“Well, they were created for this story … and without it, they wouldn’t even exist.”

“So you don’t see spying upon their every action as … morally reprehensible?”

“They will never know that. And most of these reincarnators can lead a fulfilling life because of the god’s actions.”

“I see. Can I ask you a quick question? What is that?” I pointed at a rectangular thing with a black material filling out most of its frontal surface.

“Oh, that? It’s a monitor for a computer.” Leo explained and showed me a box beneath the desk. I didn’t believe him at fist as I had always imagined a computer to be more … menacingly? I mean, Alberts explanation about it was that it was capable of controlling a black hole reactor … and the box didn’t look that way.

“Can you turn it on for me?” I asked enthusiastic.

“Have you never seen one?” Definitely not before today. Well, possibly on the archipelago island, but I threw out every bit of technology early on because I didn’t want to deal with it. Sadly, Albert showed me that progress was inevitable and so I would be forced to deal with it at some point.

“Okay, come here. This is going to be amazing.” He explained, vacated his chair and turned on the computer right away. At first nothing changed until the black screen surprisingly turned on, showing me a landscape right away with several little pictures.

Then, he did put two rather weird things in front of me and smiled brightly. “What is that?” I asked and poked that round thing first. It moved without much resistance.

“That’s a mouse.” A mouse? Was he kidding me? I raised my eyebrow a little, but couldn’t detect any lie whatsoever.

“Okay, what do I do with that?” I asked while lifting it up from the desk.

“It’s connected to the cursor on the screen. If you move it, the curser moves as well.” I tried lifting the mouse up further, but the curser didn’t move at all since the beginning. Laughing, Leo gently put the mouse back down onto the surface and moved it a little, showing me how it was done in the process.

“And that?” I pointed towards the next item he put in front of me, even though I could already guess how that one worked.

“It’s a keyboard … for typing stuff.”

“I was told I can search stuff on here?”

“Right …” He leaned over to me and took the mouse out of my hands as a bell rang. He exhaled a bit annoyed before moving the mouse a little and suddenly, the contents of the screen switched completely.

“Just type something in there. I’ll be back in a second.” He said and rushed towards the door quickly, leaving me alone for the time being.

“L …” I looked all over the keyboard until I finally found the letter for it. “U…”

“Sir, we are currently searching for a missing girl. She is quite short, around sixteen years old, wears a red dress and has red eyes. Additionally, she is blonde and may not know where she is. Have you seen her anywhere?” Just as I was typing in my last letter of my name, the man at the door finished his question. Leo stumbled across his words for a little while as I panicked with the controls and started pushing buttons on the mouse.

“I … I believe she is with me right now.” Oh Leo … and I thought we had developed something between us from crazy chick to normal guy. But alas, he let the angel into his living quarters right away without giving him a hard time at all.

“Miss, I need to ask you to come with me.”

“Shhh. Don’t you see I’m trying something here? How does that work, Leo? I can’t seem to do anything with this computer thingy.” I was frustrated. It just didn’t do what I wanted. I understood that I had to move the curser to buttons and then press something on the mouse to make something happen. But time and time again, the computer was feigning to be a woman in the neighbourhood and tried to chat with me.

“Isabelle? An angel is here … for you.” Leo said stunned while the angel kept his distance, for some reason very wary of me.

“He has a pair of white wings, so what? Could you rather tell me how I even changed the screen to show me this?” I asked flabbergasted, especially as some woman I couldn’t see and definitely couldn’t sense around me asked why there was hay in the corner.

In a panic, Leo rushed over to the computer and pressed a few buttons, shutting it down completely.

“Isabelle, I do not know what you have done to get angels to search for you, but please leave together with him.” Annoyed, I looked over to the black haired angel, then to Leo and back to the angel.

“Hmm … you can have my books.” I said, stood up from the chair and strolled over towards the door. “Oh … and Ellie is definitely not the best character. It’s Luna. I don’t want to ruin your day, but she is going to die again.” I growled unhappily and left the apartment through the door.

A rather wide space was in between this apartment and the opposite side, allowing a single vehicle to park in between them.

“If you would be so kind.” He said while the side of the vehicle opened.

“I’m surprised I’m not chained yet.” I mentioned and jumped onto the comfortable left seat while he took the right.

“We have been asked to refrain from such methods.” Well, that was the best and worst decision he had ever made. Grinning wryly, I looked at him while he sat down on it and closed the door behind him. His wings were a bit annoying, but also quite fluffy which was honestly nice.

“How long does the ride take?” I asked with a lot of interest.

“Fifteen minutes … if everything goes well.” He explained as we flew out of the apartment complex and were immediately escorted by four more of these special vehicles everyone made room for.

“Hmm … just a quick question. Do you know who I am?” I asked a bit threateningly. That he dragged me away from the computer was definitely not a great start for either of us.

“Your name is Lucinda and you are originally from Solaris.” So he knew at least that much. And going by the occasional glance he gave me, he knew what I was capable of.

“But you do not fear me?” I asked, already creeping closer to him.

“Do you intend to murder me?” He tried to flee my grasp, but there wasn’t really any room to manoeuvre in this small two seated vehicle.

“The thought crossed my mind … but I have way better idea right now.” I smiled devilishly and straddled his hips right away.

“I must ask you … to refrain from … this.” He pressed out while I fiddled with his rather strange trousers.

“Oh, my dear. If there is anything I suspect about angels is that they have to follow the orders of gods, isn’t that right?” I asked slowly, finally opening them enough to caress his underwear a little.

“It is.” He explained, looking towards the ceiling to fight his very human urges.

“So what is the problem?” Finally managed to pull his underwear down as well and looked deeply into his eyes.

“Mam … I couldn’t possibly …” He explained while I pulled my own panties to the side and devoured his member.

“See? Congratulations on fucking a goddess!” What I was doing wasn’t for me. It also wasn’t for the angel. Wether he came or not was secondary for me.

This was my way of getting back at Aska, even though it was a rather pitiful attempt. But what could I say? I didn’t know what else I could do without endangering my friends.

And so it happened that I still fucked that angel who was trying to hold it in to the best of his abilities as the door opened and Aska looked inside.

“Hey Aska …” I moaned loudly, partly for the show but also because I got horny now that he was around. “… do you think angel feathers are a good material to fill a pillow with?” I asked and plucked the guys last feather out of his wings. The whole inside of the vehicle looked like a chicken coop which was honestly quite laughable, especially because the angel told me the feathers needed six months to regrow.

But apparently, Aska didn’t think of it as that funny as he turned his back towards us and went inside the house again. A bit annoyed about the lacklustre reaction, I let go of the angel whose name I still didn’t know and exited the vehicle quickly leaving the guy to finish on his own … or not. I honestly couldn’t care less, especially as the door closed and the vehicle accelerated again.

“The first thing you do after going out is to bang an angel?” … yeah? Kind of?

“Well … it was the last thing I did?” I pointed out cheekily.

“And what did you want to achieve with that? Make me envious?” Not quite. I did have sex with far too many men for that.

“No, that would be useless. It was a statement, Aska. My body, my choice. My soul, my choice. I will not give up on my dreams of being truly free, just because I was a soul shard in the past. I have grown, Aska. I’m acting largely the same, but I’m still another person.” I stated, determined to keep it that way. It’s effects were still a massive headache for me, especially the love that made me forgive him time and time again, but it mush has been the same for him as well.

“I could have told you that you formed your own consciousness and seperated from me fully. You are a different person than I am.” Well … if he did put it that way from the very beginning, I wouldn’t have escaped this place and rather listened to him.

“It’s good that we have talked about that …” I laughed loudly all of a sudden, remembering what we had achieved since we arrived in this place. We too multiple hours just so that you could confirm what I already suspected? How horribly inefficient are we?” The soul shard was new for me, but I knew he created me after him for a long time already. Our similarities were far too striking after all.

“You keep on distracting.” I wasn’t the only one though. He was already stepping closer to me an caressed my back yet again. And because of that little bit near the end of my ride, I wouldn’t say no for more.

My friends were still safe after all.






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