Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chapter 2.228

Why was everything so soft? Did beds increase in softness depending on how groggy you are? Possibly. After all, I always liked to cuddle and sleep after some … tiring activities. And why did I feel so much on my bare skin? Who the heck undressed me? And what happened after I puked onto the ground? I really couldn’t say for sure … just that there was nothing in my memories helping me to answer these questions.

Opening my eyes, I noticed the over the top ceiling right away and sat up feeling really unwell. My stomach was protesting, my legs felt sore and I could barely muster any strength as if I didn’t drink enough blood. But at least I could see again which was definitely a plus point. Without being able to see … I didn’t know how to proceed.

“Lucy!” At last, the twins laying to my side also noticed my awakening and hugged me tightly. “We missed you so much!”

“How … long?” I muttered a little weakly and slowly balled my hands into fists tired. It only took me a few seconds until I relaxed my muscles again as I couldn’t muster much strength.

“You were gone for three nights.” Clara explained heavy hearted as if that was a shock for them. Well, considering that I was their baby sitter, that may have been the truth. But hey, at least they worried about me unlike other people that came into my mind swiftly.

“Crap …” I tried to push myself up, but the twins stopped me from doing so and rather pushed me down again, probably fearing I wasn’t ready or some shit. “Let go of me.”

“But Luc-“ Clarice started but I was way too annoyed by all my aching bones and my hurting head to listen to them.

Let me go.” I ordered and finally they were leaving me to sit up yet again, exactly as Hannah stormed back into the luxurious bedroom, a wet cloth in her hand.

“Oh, hey. Got any drugs for me?” I let my head sink back into the pillow, mostly because I couldn’t muster much strength.

“I think you need something else …” Hannah admitted way more concerned than she should be. I mean, it was only three days of being unconscious. I had worse.

“Eww. I took human medicine once and let me tell you, it’s disgusting. So it’s either drugs or alcohol.” I complained loudly.

“Lucinda, I don’t think you understand the gravity of the situation.” Hannah walked towards the right side of the bed, reached over Clarice and put the back of her palm onto my forehead. “You are hot.” Oh, was she flirting with me? I mean … okay? She was an adult after all.

“I know. The men are always laying to my feet. You can’t even imagine how much fan mail I had to burn which all stated how beautiful I was.” I told her truthfully and honestly a bit tired from just thinking back to it.

“Lucinda … I meant your temperature. You have a fever.” Mouth agape, I could only stare at her until my hand replaced hers slowly. And indeed, I was warm. A vampire who had body heat was unheard of and one who had a fever even more so.


“We had a doctor here but he couldn’t help you either.” Hannah explained slowly while I pulled the blanked upwards once more.

“There is no helping me. I’m done for.” I was groggy, my stomach was in turmoil and I had a fever … as a vampire. A race that should never be ill in the first place. And even worse, sensing my own soul, I found it smashed into pieces and yet held together somehow. My heart – the place where Luna was – burned in excruciating pain … and yet I wasn’t worried that much because I finally understood what was happening to me. All this pain, this illness … is was just a symptom for something grander. “There is one rule for the dead … they do not give birth.” As strange as it sounded, I was alive. Or at least this body was on the way there. Something within me was spilling life, which was still unnoticeable by me, into my body with horrendous effects. It was definitely Luna who did so, but I couldn’t figure out how, nor why it was happening at this point in time. Maybe … just maybe there was a chance I would hold her much earlier in my arms. And honestly, this was as much of a blessing as it was a curse.

“I thought … I thought that is still far away.” Hannah mumbled unsure. She was probably thinking about the issues I had and how they might hamper our abilities to stand up to Aska.  

“And so did I. But apparently Aska is playing his games with me again.” It had to be that. He wasn’t telling the truth … or at least some part of it was wrong which was increasingly hard to ignore as time went on.

“So what now?” Yeah, that was the question? Hurry back north? That was sadly not an option at this point, mostly because I didn’t feel healthy enough for the journey and the timing wasn’t right. So realistically, there was only one action we could take.

“I need something to drink.” And this time, Hannah did bring me something nice. After all, I was already an adult woman, so much so that I was bearing my own child. Drinking something was … not a great combination in hindsight? Well, whatever. At least I was able to live through this horrendous time with relative ease thanks to that. The illness or whatever one might call it did not go away though. It waned a little, but that was all during the few days I was bedridden. Slowly but surely, I got accustomed to these feelings which did help in masking all the issues little by little.

On my fourth day, I did manage to stand up and dress myself again while the twins watched me concerned and also bummed out. They learned to love my body heat and I was taking that away from them. As such, they couldn’t help but be a bit angry at me … it was just that I couldn’t care less.

Hannah was also in the room, sitting on a chair with her legs crossed and watched the stars outside.

“This kind of reminds me about the time shortly before you fell in coma. We had a time limit and after that …” She was seriously worried about the future, that was for sure.

“That’s not going to happen again. And besides, what kind of fucked up time limit are we having now? Does it end when I have a heartbeat or what?”  I asked jokingly and directly gripped my right leg as it tingled funnily.

“No … Lucinda? I fear that we have already lost the fight.” Hannah told me quietly. Surely, if one looked at things out of her perspective, things weren’t going great. But thanks to the cameras watching us, there were certain things I needed to hide from her.

“What are you talking about? My health doesn’t matter much in this fight.” Standing against Aska on my own was a lost fight anyway. Only a fool would try to fight him head on. “It’s true that my health is … concerning, but otherwise it’s going fine.”

“… I hold you accountable.” She looked at me fiercely as if she wanted to challenge me.

“Ehh … please don’t.” I mumbled and finally managed to put a dress over my head. “So, what’s on my plate today?”

“Nothing. Juliette took over what was left of the government and prepares for the upcoming elections, Gregory is pouting in his room and the ‘special people’ are coming in slowly.” So even Hannah had to admit that some things are working as intended. If we could just imprison – or murder – every reincarnator, there wouldn’t be much left to watch and the series covering us would stop. That was definitely a win for me.

“I do feel kind of useless now. Is there really nothing I can do?” I asked a bit bummed out.

“You need to rest. That’s all.” Well, I already did that.

“But that’s boring!” I exclaimed unhappily, but Hannah knew very well how to cheer me up by standing up and searching for the next alcoholic drink to consume.

That drinking spree held on for about a week or so. Admittedly, there were some other unholy substances involved and some activities that should better be left unmentioned, but it did help a little.

As such, I could hide all my issues behind a wall of glass as I declared Juliette the first chancellor of my cute republic in front of thousands and thousands of people.

And thereafter, everyone was happy and celebrated, except Gregory. He was under house arrest and that wouldn’t change any time soon. He really wanted that crown for himself, but he also wanted to be together with Juliette. I really had to wonder where that would lead to, but there were other things on my mind as I finally stepped in a carriage shortly after the party. Alone. With a horrible mood and honestly … fear.





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