Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chapter 2.231

“Fufufu!” Beds really got more comfortable over time. I didn’t know how long I was in this one, but I was highly unmotivated to move at all.

‘Nothing changes if you stay in bed forever.’ My own voice resounded in my head, even louder than the suspiciously quiet system.

“For fucks sake!” Startled, I threw the blanket away from me and stood up from the bed.

Just think loudly and I will hear it as well.’ Lucy told me while I looked out of the dark  window a bit dumbly.

‘Test. Test. TEST.’ I honestly felt like an idiot for talking with the other person inside me … but whatever.

‘Okay …’ She mumbled in my head.

‘Wow, I’m feeling rather good today!’ I thought loudly.

That’s because I can finally control the emissions of my soul consciously so yours isn’t going to get damaged this much anymore.’ Wow, that came in handy! My own soul was already repairing itself quicker than anticipated.

‘Cool. Can I ask you a question? Your awakening wasn’t random, was it?’ I asked swiftly before the door opened and Hannah barged into the room.

“Lucinda!” She dashed towards the bed, jumped atop of it and hugged me tightly.

“Hannah!” I hugged her back, lucky to have her no matter what.

‘No, it wasn’t.’ Lucy explained, already continuing our conversation.

“What happened? I mean …” Hannah said while pushing me away a little.

‘Emotional distress …’ It was kind of hard to follow either of them. They both were talking at the same time, making it kind of hard to listen.

“… you destroyed the whole mansion and … and Mary …” Hannah told me.

‘… leads to a feeble soul and with …’ I couldn’t follow anymore. Like at all.

‘STOP!’ Because I didn’t want to show anyone that I had another me in my head, all I could do was to tell Lucy to shut up.

“Mary … is gone. You …”

“She died by my hands … it was an accident… I think. And because that was too much for me, I …” I had weakened my soul, allowing Lucy to awake fully. At least I knew what that ghost wanted to tell me before I told her to stop. Smiling bitterly, I coughed a little and sat down on the bed while thinking about the implications of Lucy’s awakening.

“How are you feeling?” Hannah patted my back concerned while I just leaned onto her shoulder. I didn’t want to lie to her … I wanted to tell her that I was feeling better and finally had a plan to solve my issues fully … but that would mean ruining everything.

“Horrible … but good enough to go on a journey. I … I don’t want to spend any more  time here.” Honestly, just thinking about Mary’s death let my fingernails curl. “But Hannah, I need you to stay here. I don’t trust Juliette enough to let her do everything on her own.”

“Where is this coming from? And no, I’m definitely coming with you.” Hannah took my hand and didn’t let go of it while I looked to the ground. If emotional distress was the reason for Lucy’s awakening and Aska didn’t know she was already active in my head … well, it wouldn’t take more than four brain cells to figure out what he would do. He would push me into despair, or at least try to.

“I … Hannah …” I honestly didn’t know what to say. Telling Hannah that she was in danger was basically the same as admitting that the informational imbalance between me and Aska had finally tipped in my favour.

“I’m going with you.” Yeah, anything else would make Aska suspicious after all.

‘You weren’t planning on asking the twins the same, were you?’ No … no I wasn’t. I had yet to become that close to them after all. If I had to decide between Hannah and them my decision would be obvious.

‘Stop commenting every action I take. It’s already going on my nerves.’ I demanded. Sadly, I couldn’t stop her from talking at all. Quite the contrary, she could hurt me by destroying me from the inside which wasn’t something I could defend against.

‘So you were. Can I know the reason?’ Lucy asked quietly.

‘Someone has to die …’ I thought a bit bummed out. My objective was to save my friends … but sometimes the majority of them had to do as well.


‘Level headed.’ It may have been cruel to give up on the twins this early … but there was nothing I could do.

“Alright then … Juliette is waiting for you in her office.” The princess already had an office now? Even I didn’t have one!

“Oh, are we all high and mighty now?” I nudged Hannah’s side a little and laughed for a bit. Despite the dire situation I was in, I still needed to pretend to be somewhat alright.

“Since she was elected she had claimed half the palace for her.”

“Power changes people…” I told her quietly. Maybe we were already spied upon after all. I would have certainly ordered that.

“So does it seem.” She shrugged her shoulders and stood up from the bed, not realising what went on in my head.

‘And you are no exception.’ Lucy claimed.

‘Nobody asked you.’ We were in the same boat, as much as I hated to admit it. But that didn’t make us friends and even then I would throw her under the bus if it suited me.

 “Lucinda?” Hannah was already waiting for me at the door while I was still in my thoughts.

“Huh, yeah?” I stood up from the bed and followed her outside the room.

‘Lucinda … I want to tell you that I was able to see what you did in the past since Aska put me in your body … like a bystander.’ Well, at least she told me that early on which was definitely increasing the trust I had in her somewhat.

‘Great, one more person who spied on me.’ First we’re the gods and now she as well. I really had to wonder where it ended. Did my own cells plot against me as well?

‘No more murders.’ She demanded to which I could only laugh quietly.

‘You are insane. Do you even know how many people tried that?’ Basically everyone who was somewhat normal demanded that from me … and in the end they all failed for various reasons, one of which was that we lost contact and thus, I had no more incentive to follow their will. That happened with Mary … but maybe Lucy was different in that regard.

‘You need me. Otherwise you will not be able to reach your goals.’ Well, Lucy’s claim was right … but I also needed to murder several people to reach my goals, so she kind contradicted itself.

‘… I will murder when necessary.’ I stated. I wouldn’t give her any more than this for her cooperation, that was for sure.

‘That … I hate your way of dealing with others.’ Well, she could just say no though.

‘But it’s effective.’ I claimed.

‘… no more unnecessary murders.’ Well, I could agree to that, couldn’t I?

‘You are capable of changing your mind surprisingly fast.’ I told her. She really changed her opinion from ‘no more murders’ to ‘no more unnecessary murders’ quickly.

‘I just don’t want to live an eternity together with Aska.’ She told me quietly. And that was something I could understand fully. None of us wanted to have him around for an eternity, even though I still couldn’t get rid of this love I had for him.

‘At least we are on the same page on that point.’ I thought and smiled bitterly.

“And here we are.” Hannah told me and opened the door swiftly. In it, a surprisingly tired Juliette awaited me on her chair, her heard resting on the desk in front of her.

“Juliette, it’s so nice to see you!” I told her with a smile on my lips.

“Oh? And who do we have here? Our most beloved terrorist! Do you have any idea how hard it was to sweep your explosion under the rug? Everyone felt it!” The young chancellor exclaimed unhappily.

“Well, I’m sure you are doing a great job.” I promptly sat down on the desk and let my legs dangle down like a little child. I really loved that I could behave however I wanted in front of her.

“Don’t act like that isn’t your problem as well.” Well … it wasn’t. As things stood, she would be the one dealing with the fallout of my action.

“You are leaving?” Juliette looked at me tired in a way that basically spelled out ‘I just want to be left alone’.

“So does it seem. Hey, greet Gregory for me, will you?” I asked happily. I certainly didn’t want to see that idiot one last time, I wasn’t sentimental enough for that.

“I’m afraid he doesn’t want to see me.” Juliette let her forehead fall onto the desk again, too tired to bother.

“Hm? What happened to being a couple?” I asked a little bit surprised. They were the couple from the spaceship who did want to be separated, despite being reborn as half-siblings.

“He … he has yet to accept the fact he won’t become king.” Juliette claimed saddened while all I could do was to stop the laughter escaping my throat.

“He’ll get over it eventually. They all do.” I told her and stood up from the desk again. “See ya.”

“Till next time.” Well, if everything went right, there wouldn’t be a next time. But even then, I waved over my shoulders as I stepped out of the room and Hannah closed the door behind me.

‘Can I ask you a question? Why did you chose a democracy out of all government types?’

‘The leaders are easier to replace and therefore to control. Bribery, blackmail and so forth isn’t really doable with an absolute ruler, is it?’

‘Behind every good choice you made are two bad reasons …’ Why else would one make choices which benefitted others? Because of a sense of goodwill? For real though, I couldn’t understand why she was complaining, mostly because I made a lot of choices others benefited from as well. I helped these peasants two hundred years ago and I did establish a republic. I catapulted society forwards massively.

‘But I’m making a whole lot of good choices.’ I thus told her to brighten up her mood a little bit.

‘Because they were benefiting you.’ She still claimed.

‘True.’ I said, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to change her opinion, not that I really wanted to do that. I’m the first place, she seemed to resemble Irminsul more than Aska which meant she was vastly different from me in every regard except one. ‘Come to think of … you looked like me in the past, didn’t you?’

‘I did … and you know exactly why.’ Yeah … because he had some serious issues with his descendants, that was for sure.

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