Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chapter 2.239

My arms were wrapped around his sweet throat, Aska’s hands on my hips caressing my skin just a little bit while I swung my hips rhythmically, just enough for him to remain hard within me while I enjoyed the afterglow of my last orgasm.

“I really love your body.” He whispered while gripping my butt tightly.

‘And only your body.’ For the first time in hours, Lucy spoke up again, startling me quite a bit.

‘Oh fuck! Can you please not do this while we are having sex?’ I asked her and pushed my upper body up from him. I had no issue with threesomes but if the other person was in my body, feeling exactly what I felt … that was just weird.

‘Only if you stop having sex with my rapist.’ She demanded which was something I just couldn’t do. There was just nobody else who understood my bodily needs as good as Aska.

“Did I say anything wrong?” He asked while I slowly resumed riding him while combing through my messy hair with my fingers.

“No, it’s just a bit much on my mind right now. Between being one of the main characters of a tv series and worrying about you being here forever … I’m stressed, okay?” I told him and laid down on him once more while letting his lusty stick slip out of me.

“I will leave this planet once this is all over, I promise.” He told me while I looked up into his eyes. I still couldn’t discern the truth just by observing him and I didn’t even know if what he said was a lie. He would leave the planet after all, just with Lucy in her new body in tow if things went his way.

Could you please stop being so close to him already? It’s making me crazy.’

‘We only fucked for a few hours, so calm down.’


‘What?’ 37 eggs? Apples?

Hours.’ Oh … well, it was great to know she actually counted them.

‘… I would count that as a win for me. 37 hours in which nobody died are good 37 hours after all.’ I explained and smiled towards Aska who started fiddling with my chest.

Alright … but I’m still done.’ It must have been a truly horrible experience once more, so much so that I could sense the anger rising within her which was still a weird feeling.

‘You know what? No. This is my body and I’m doing whatever I want with it.’ Without further ado, I robbed downwards and looked at Aska’s waist intensely. Just to rub it into her open wound, I dove down and wolved his dick down greedily, completely disregarding Lucy’s feelings. I gave my best at giving Aska the best experience of his live, just to spite Lucy. I didn’t want her to tell me what to do and she had to live with that fact. At least, so I thought.

‘Stop this!’ Apparently, I had been filling her bucket the whole time by screwing Aska. And now, it was spilling horrendously, so much so that something weird happened. I just couldn’t move anymore. I wanted to continue, but my whole body was frozen regardless of how much I tried.

‘You …’ I growled into my head, furious that she attempted something I didn’t even thought as possible. She was attempting to wrestle control from me and all I could do was put us both into a stalemate. We both wanted to be in charge, but by doing so nobody won. ‘Stop this or he is going to find out.’ Finally, Lucy ceded her attempts and I was back in full control. Immediately, I let his dick slide out of my mouth and sat upright.

“What was that?” Aska asked while my head was already racing to come up with anything to salvage the situation.

“I just thought your dick was kind of cute in my mouth. You know … like a sausage! Weak to being bitten off …” I mumbled and giggled a little crazily.

“Now you are making this weird.” I truthfully hoped so. The weirder it got the less he would think about the time where I just did nothing.

‘What are you doing?’ Lucy asked, still disgusted with the sight I had.

‘Shut up and let me save this.’ I thought angrily.

“I’m weird? Just because I love being in control? Having your balls in my hands … knowing I can squish them into a pulp whenever I want to … I really love this feeling.” I smiled brightly and reached towards his private parts while he sat up in a hurry and stopped me from grabbing anything.

“… great. Now you have ruined it. Get out while I deal with this.” Feigning to be a bit bummed out, I stood up from the bed while he continued the job I started. Not too short afterwards, I was already out of his room, cum in my hair but at least dressed properly.

‘What the fuck?’ I thought loudly once we were a bit away from the bedroom.

‘We are a team! And it’s time you realise that.’ Lucy told me a bit aggressively. I didn’t know that side of her yet and that was probably because I never pushed her over the edge yet.

‘No? I’m pulling you along with me, that’s all. You have no right to claim this body as yours, so stop doing that.’ It was mine. Mine and mine alone. Sure one day I would cease to exist if things went as planned, but still. Until that point, it was mine.

‘You could have listened to me for once!’ Yeah, I could have. But why would I?

‘For fucks sake! I just blew him one. And you risked everything just to stop me from doing so?’ I asked her rather hysterically. It wasn’t just her life she might have ruined with her actions, but also mine.

‘You could have just listened to me, but your crazy mind doesn’t allow that, does it?’ Crazy? Why did she call me that? Well, I was hearing voices in my head but still.

‘So what if I’m crazy? At least I’m not normal like you!’ I shouted back into my head.

‘What’s wrong with being normal?’ Lucy asked angrily. The truth was though that everything was wrong with being normal.

‘Nobody likes normal chicks!’ I told her right away.

‘And nobody likes you because you just kill everyone! The twins, your mother … everyone!’ I remained silent for some time, mostly because I was struggling emotionally at this point.

‘… I … okay, that hurt.’ I didn’t want to murder Mary and I also didn’t want to kill the twins. Accusing me of that … was kind of mean.

‘And so did your sex with him … twice in a row.’ Shaking my head, I leaned onto a windowsill and looked outside into the dark landscape. I knew I had to make concessions to Lucy, even though I didn’t want to. But at least she had to understand how I felt as well. I did not like this situation I was in at all with someone occupying my body. In fact, I hated it. But that wasn’t the issue at hand.

‘… look. I have a phobia about being controlled by someone. And you … just just did that …’ I told her quietly. Something had to change.

‘And I don’t like to be touched by any man, especially not Aska.’ She told me quietly. I nodded in return. After all, the moment everything would decide was already pretty close by. But there was still an issue at hand. Aska was our enemy and only because of that we got along somewhat well. But when he would be gone … what would bind us together after he was defeated?

‘… how is this between us supposed to work once Aska is gone?’ I knew she had no answer to my question as well, just that it would be difficult.

‘I … I don’t know. We aren’t exactly compatible with each other. But I don’t think we should worry about that right now.’ Right … we should focus on winning rather than the time after winning.

‘That’s probably a good idea … but I need to count on the fact that I am in full control of my own body. If you try to interfere and we mess up because of this …’  I told her. Losing control of myself at any point might become a catastrophe.

‘Please don’t drive me into a corner again and stick to the plan.’ I didn’t like that I now had to watch out for her feelings, but what could I say? I would do everything to get rid of Aska at this point, including trying to be empathic.

‘Okay …’ I muttered quietly.

‘And … I want to hug my mum.’ Her demand was hard to accept. We were being watched all the time and I didn’t know if he would be able to find out her state from far away. But … I didn’t think it was my place to stand in between their family reunion.

‘That’s … okay.’ I didn’t know if I would regret that at the time, but giving control over my body to her momentarily so that a child could reunify with their parent … that was something I could get behind as well.





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