Tamed so Easily

Arriving at College

I looked out the passenger window of my dad’s car as we drove to the college I was accepted to. A state away from my family but it had an excellent computer science program to a degree that would last a lifetime. Plus they gave me a scholarship for my diving skills. I’d be on the team, one of the passions I collected growing up.

My dad cleared his throat trying to breach the quiet that had fallen in the car. “So are you and Derrick going to be long distance? I was surprised he didn’t come see you off.”

I felt the tears and melancholy well in my chest and eyes. I forgot I hadn’t told them, “Derrick broke up with me. He didn’t want to wait for the holidays to see me. Said he needed more than that.”

“I’m sorry son. I guess people aren’t what they used to be. When I was in the army your mom and I were long distance. I would have done anything to see her for a moment while she got ready to marry me and move onto the base.” Dad sighed contentedly as he reminisced about the high school sweetheart romance my parents had. Completely missing my loss and getting distracted by nostalgia.

“I don’t want to talk about it dad. I already miss him.” I crossed my arms and the beating sun on them made me grateful I had smeared SPF 100 on them. I burned and turned into a lobster so easily.

“Maybe you’ll find a nice boy or girl when you’re ready. I’m still sad your first girlfriend didn’t work out. She was such a sweet girl. But I get it, needing to focus on your studies. Not everyone is as talented as my boy.” He ruffled my hair as I grumpily sat there.

“I don’t think I’ll be with anyone for a while. I’m done with relationships for now.”

“Hang in there Tim. There is someone out there for everyone. I mean you could always sow your wild oats,” Dad patted my leg and focused on the road and the upcoming city.

“Gross dad.” I pulled out an earbud and put it in to listen to some music. Feeling particularly unhappy I put on “The World Caves In”. A melancholic song about two people facing the end of the world and making the best of it. The great expanse of nature beside the highway faded into the suburbs of his new city. Great billboards advertised local spots and even a blood bank looking for donations.

The huge multi building campus appeared on the other side of the city and it was time to navigate the labyrinth between us and it. My dad relied on the GPS navigation app on his outdated iPhone 7. He wouldn’t replace it until it bricked or shattered beyond repair. Time slipped by in moments and we were at the destination. The great sign announced the entry to campus and my dad turned in. Heading towards the dorms for men that were shown during their tour a couple months ago.

Getting out of the vehicle I grabbed my suitcase and laptop bag. Having left most of my stuff at home. I didn’t want to seem pompous to my dorm mate with the trophies I had won. My dad grabbed one box he had squirreled away without me noticing and he smiled broadly at me. “Just some things to remind you of home.”

On the third floor in a secluded corner of the building was my assigned dorm room. Two beds sat on each side of the room. Desks, dressers, and bookshelves built into the walls. The shower room was communal on every floor and one small toilet room with a sink sat tucked just on the inside of the door.

I put my suitcase on the bed against the outer wall and set my laptop bag on the desk. “Ok dad. What did you pack me?” I didn’t hide the quiet frustration in my voice that my dad no doubt missed.

Dad set the box down on the dresser and opened the top. Slowly he pulled out my old journal. It was leather bound and handmade by my mom when she was in her “craft everything by hand” stage of her thirties. He set down a brand new journal that was untouched and of much better make. Then my dip pen and inkwell. My heart sang when I saw them, calligraphy had been a personal passion of mine. Lastly he pulled out my first trophy I got for diving.

“Just a few things I thought you’d want. Your mom thought it was weird you didn’t pack anything to remind you of us. I…” He was cut off by me pulling him into a hug. “Oh son.” His strong warm arms wrapped around me, squeezing me gently.

“Thanks dad.” I croaked out. I had to stretch a little to put my chin on his shoulders while I hugged him.

“Well, I better get back to the road. I want to be home by dinner.” He disengaged from the hug and ruffled my hair one more time. “See ya son.”

“Bye dad.” I didn’t have it in me to walk him to his car. He would just linger there chatting until I walked away. I would probably be tempted to get back in the car and just ride home. The fear of new things filled me.

I began to unpack my things. Two towels, a full week's clothes, sundries, and the lube I had been hiding from my family that was unused. Living with thin walls and a shared bedroom made it rare for me to find time for self love. Living so close to someone would make that even harder. I hoped they wouldn’t show up. Having a dorm to myself would be nice.

I set up my laptop and plugged in the Ethernet cord so it wouldn’t run on wifi. The urge to log some time on StarCraft 2 surged but I shut it down. My music was on shuffle as I went on a private tour. Walking the halls brought me to the communal living room where people milled about talking to each other. There was a board filled with flyers and postings. A bunch of part time job applications for various convenience stores around the campus.

I looked around for the residence hall director. After slipping off my earbuds my eyes fell on someone that seemed just a few years younger than my dad and walked up to him, “Excuse me, are you the hall supervisor?”

He looked at me appraisingly, a frown on his face, “No, just getting some education later in life. God, all you guys make me feel old. But I know him so come on.”

He brought me to a much younger guy who seemed to be made like a brick shithouse. Twice as wide and rippling with muscles. Tan skin and slicked back black hair. He was joking around with another guy in a letter jacket. He spun a football idly in his hands as he talked.

“Jose, a new guy needs you,” Called the old man.

When he turned and looked down at me I saw warm chocolate eyes and surprisingly thick eyelashes. His smile radiated confidence and kindness. “That’s me. What do you need, new guy?”

“I was wondering what the WiFi password was gonna be? I just moved in and don’t want to use up my data.” I kept myself from daydreaming about what such a large guy could do to me. Images of twinks being lifted off the ground and mercilessly pounded in the ass flashed in my mind. I was bricked up, I needed to take care of myself later.

“Oh, I’ll write it down.” Jose turned and grabbed a pen and post-it. After some time scribbling he handed me what must’ve been an 18 digit password. “What’s your name?”

“Timothy Jones, I go by Tim.” I put out my hand and he engulfed it with his own meaty paw of a hand. His grip was firm, as my dad would call it, ‘the perfect handshake.’

“Well you already know my name. And you met Greg, he’s a serial returner. Guy is obsessed with education.” Jose stepped up beside me and wrapped an arm around my slender shoulders, “Come on I’ll show you around.”

With ease he guided me to the communal kitchen and the several fridges that were lined on the wall. Each one was labeled with the different years people were in the college. “So you can use this fridge for your stuff. I’d keep any dry goods in your room though, ramen gets snatched up quite quickly. I recommend getting yourself some tupperware, the cafeteria here sucks so bad. Label it if it is yours. I catch you stealing, and I’ll get a paddle and tan your ass.” He laughed telling me he was joking but I twitched in my briefs.

He led me to the communal shower room and gestured, “You can set your clothes in a locker and lock it up for a quarter. I recommend it as since your freshman that you do this, otherwise you're in for some naked walking in the hallways. Then I’ll make you mop up the water that you drip everywhere.” He steered me towards the elevator, “Now we are going to the basement. I’ll show you the small gym we got there.”

We hopped in the elevator and Jose leaned cooly against a wall, “So where you from?”

“Oh, just a state over. My dad drove me since the crack of dawn.” I glanced at him from the corner of my eye and leaned back as well emulating his body language. “I got a scholarship offer for the diving team. Scout got me interested and sold me on the computer science course. Are you part of the football team?”

“Powerlifting. I don’t have the swiftness that the football team looks for. I love the feeling of beating a PR. The adrenaline of performing in front of a crowd as I push myself to the limit. Arnold was right, it feels almost as good as cumming.” Jose smirked as I blushed heavily. “Just gonna shoot you down. I don’t swing your way, forgive me if I’m assuming something.”

“I uhhhhh… ok. I don’t feel comfortable talking about that.” I looked away embarrassed that my attraction to him was so apparent. The lack of intimacy between Derrick and I for the last two months had me pent up. I couldn’t believe he wouldn’t touch me after I told him I was going to college out of state.

The elevator opened up to a basement with a small counter that some guy was sitting at obviously bored out of his mind. He didn’t even glance up as Jose and I approached, “You gotta sign in and out with this punk. Tracey, do your job or I’ll have to report you. I know you need the income.”

Tracey sat up and opened his computer. “Names?”

“Jose Herrera, and guest. He isn’t in the system yet. I’ll make sure he gets his paperwork in.” Tracey typed lightning fast and gave a thumbs up.

The gym was pretty standard for weightlifting, but the only cardio machines were a single bike and treadmill. I wouldn’t be spending much time here. I needed to stay slim for minimal splash. Jose flexed and showed off for a moment curling some huge weights. It was obvious he was a whore for attention. He might have shot me down preemptively but something told me he would cave to a worship play.

“Well that’s it. I’m guessing you have some shopping to do. Let me know if you need a fake reference to get a part time job. I’m good for it.” Jose patted me on the back as we got back to the communal space.

I grabbed my wallet and headed out. He wasn’t wrong. I needed a lock and some tupperware. I would trust it when he said that the cafeteria sucked. Thankfully I had saved up a little nest egg while I looked for a job. I’d also grab some foodstuffs. As I exited the building I wondered what I would do to get around. “Shit, forgot about that. I think I saw some electric scooter rentals near the front of the campus.”

I headed that way. It was time to explore the town.

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