Tamed so Easily


Back in the Kennedy dorm I headed to my floor. My room was deathly quiet and I still had no dorm mate so I just assumed I would be on my own for the foreseeable future. Conflicted feelings rose in my chest at the thought of having my own space and not being around someone that I could grow familiar with. I stacked my notebooks on the desk and looked at the journal I would no doubt be adding my fist page to later on. It could be a good habit to collect and solidify my thoughts every day. Who knows about one day looking back on this all later in life and what that would feel like.

I went to the communal room in search of Greg as dinner was getting close and for such an involved dish I would need to use up quite a lot of time. I didn’t see him so I started pulling together everything I needed. I scrounged up two of the hot plates that were for use, a pan, a pot, meat hammer, pronged ladle and a couple of mixing bowls. A few of the other guys in the room were watching me with interest as I went about my business. Funnily enough I found an apron stuffed in a drawer and pulled it out. It was obviously for a more masculine figure and dark bold letters on the front said, “Kiss the Cook” with an arrow pointing at the wearers face.

I put it on just as Greg walked in and he looked at me with a smirk on his face. He had a few plastic bags full of groceries that I would need in order to make the dinner so I snatched them out of his hands and started to go to work. First I needed to flatten the chicken breasts nice and thin so they would cook easily in the hot oil to crisp the breading up nicely. I brought out a cutting board, covered it in saran wrap and layered each breast down before hammering the shit out of it to get the pale white meat to be nice and thin. The banging of the hammer brought the attention closer to me as people watched me for what I was up to.

Several minutes of hammering later I had three flat chicken breasts that were far wider than before. I quickly washed my hands and filled up a pot of water to boil on a hot plate for the side of noodles and started heating up a nice layer of oil in the pan. As that was going to happen it was time to move onto my next task.

I used a little flour and the bread crumbs that I instructed Greg to buy to make a breading and mixed in italian herb mix from the spice collection and some garlic powder before whisking it all together into the perfect breading for the breasts. That bowl ready I cracked a few eggs into the other bowl and started whisking them up so it would be nice, thick and yolky. I hummed to myself as someone behind me cracked a joke about how nice it was to have a lady’s touch around here.

Rolling my eyes I focused on my work. I quickly tested the oil by flicking a single droplet of water onto it and heard the perfect sizzling pop as it boiled in a flash. I hovered one hand over it and worried that it might be a smidge too hot so I turned down the heat so the breading wouldn’t burn when it was time. I added a pinch of salt to my boiling water before adding a fistful of long noodles. That merrily bubbling away I hovered my hand over the oil and waited for it to cool down. I popped an earbud in and put on some nice calm music to chill out to while I cooked.

Memories of a dozen times I was cooking with my mother filled my mind. “The best way to a person’s heart is through their stomach. I made sure to stuff your dad so he didn’t have a choice.”

Finally the pan was ready so I began that stage of the cooking process. I dunked a breast into the yolk mix and made sure it was nice and coated before dunking it into the breading. I alternated that pattern once more before putting it into the oil as the scent of cooking chicken, garlic, and bread filled the air in an aromatic blast that quieted the room. I looked over my shoulder at all the hungry college students and the nearly salivating Greg. Just as I was putting the second breast in the oil I spotted Wendy walking into the room.

“Wendy, I’m so glad you came. Dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes.” I waved one of my breading coated hands at her before blushing and tucking it away. I had briefly forgotten that my hands were a complete mess. Third breast now in the oil I looked at the nearly empty bowls of mixes and cleaned them, and my hands in the sink as things cooked behind me.

Flipping the chicken brought me the sight of golden perfect breading that was just then getting to the dark brown of cooked bread as the oil sizzled on the upward side. More sizzling filled the air as I turned and started heating up the two toaster ovens I would need for the finish.

Wendy leaned on the counter beside me and looked over what I was making. “You listened, what a good boy you are.” She looked down at the apron and smirked. “If it’s any good I’ll make sure to listen to the apron. How did the rest of your classes go?”

“Oh, simple enough I was able to take pretty excellent notes. I’m sure they’re better than yours.” I smiled at her as I shooed her sideways, taking the chicken out of the oil and letting it rest on some plates. “My cooking is just as good as my notes so I’m going to make sure and get that kiss.” I winked playfully as I spread a thin layer of marinara on the breasts and a layer of parmesan cheese that would toast nicely in the overs. I popped them in to melt and crisp.

I grabbed a sample noodle and blew on it till it was cool enough to enjoy and chewed slowly, al dente the perfect way to cook them. Draining them I did a simple toss in olive oil with more herbs and garlic to infuse them with simple and bold flavors that would complement the more complex flavors of the chicken as Wendy watched.

“You should introduce yourself to our meal’s benefactor.” I gestured to Greg at the table who was looking on at the display with rapt attention. “Then you know the two people you should thank for tonight.”

Wendy rolled her eyes a little before moving to meet Greg. I checked the chicken and it was ready. Quickly I plated the meal while it was hot and balanced the dishes precariously in my arms and headed to the table. I could see several of the other students grumpily making cup noodle in the microwave and their jealousy radiated off of them.

I served Greg first as the meal wouldn’t have been possible without him then Wendy before setting my own plate down and sitting. Greg rubbed his hands greedily as he looked down at the display of food I presented to him. “I don’t think anyone has put this much work into the food they were making for me. Usually they just half ass it and I don’t give them my best notes. For all this I’ll have to tutor you myself.” 

He picked his fork and took the first steaming hot bite. A mix of noodles and chicken. I could see sauce and juices dripping down his food onto the noodles. It glistened in the light as he placed the bite in his mouth and groaned. I took my own bite and savored it. An explosion of hot chicken juices, with the tang of tomato, savory garlic, subtle olive oil, and a bright herb smell that tantalized the senses. The breading was crisp to the tooth and was pleasantly crunchy on the tooth. The mixture of flavor and mouthfeel was highly pleasant. Finally the top of all the flavored was the toasted parmesan above it all. Combining it into the perfect bite.

Wendy took her own bite and the moan she let loose got me hard in an instant. It was like listening to sex itself, images of her making those noises as we were together ripples through my mind like a stone disturbs a calm pool. Her rose perfume mixed with the scent of the food and I found myself swallowing the salivation that flooded my mouth. She had her eyes closed as she slowly, tantalizingly licked her lips free of juices and sauce.

I forgot about my meal for a full minute before she looked at me and smiled, “I owe you a kiss.” Wendy’s voice dripped of sweetness and a promise of something just as good as the food that we were enjoying. I turned back to the food blushing furiously as I ate the food. I wondered constantly what the kiss would feel like as I finished my meal. I couldn’t eat all the food and soon had about a quarter of the plate left. Greg was leaning back patting his belly with his eyes closed. I could hear him sigh.

“Are you going to finish that?” Wendy asked next to me. I glanced at her plate and it was practically licked clean. Her eyes were glued on my plate. I pushed it to her and she kept enjoying the meal. I took a closer look at her and noticed that she had a little pleasant plumpness to her that promised soft, gentle flesh beneath my fingers.

“I’m so glad you enjoy the food. My mom helped teach me how to cook so I like putting the skills to use.” I watched as she polished off the last of the food and locked eyes with me as she licked her lips clean one last time. I swallowed dryly paralyzed for a moment as she snatched up the plates.

“I’ll do the dishes, he who cooks shouldn’t do the dishes.” Greg and I both watched as she walked over to the sink. Her long skirt swishing nicely, I noticed that she wore no heels and yet she was still slightly taller than I was. She hummed to herself as she did the dishes and I could just feel myself enjoying listening to that after every meal.

Greg touched my arm for a moment, “She is quite the looker. How’d you pull that?”

“Just taking notes, she kinda fell out of the sky on me. That is how it feels.” She jiggled nicely as she scrubbed the dishes and put them aside.

“Well, Tim, let’s go compare notes. You can show me what Greg has done to earn meals like that.” Wendy grabbed a shoulder bag and looked at me expectantly.

I stood and did my best not hurry as I guided her to my dorm room. I showed her around my measly accommodations and sat on my bed looking at her. “That’s the grand tour. Ready to admit defeat?”

She sat next to me and crossed her legs pulling out her laptop. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”

I grabbed my morning notebook and handed it to her, “I use shorthand so let me know if you’re not clever enough to read it.”

After a quick password typing she handed over the laptop and we started going over notes that we had each taken. We started pointing out what each other had missed and it seemed we had covered places the other missed. An hour of chatting and friendly jabber we paused.

“I think that is a tie. Plus I think that helped me remember more. We should make this a usual thing.” I leaned back and supported myself with my elbows as her laptop sat on my lap.

“I hate ties, but I think you’re right.” She set my notebook aside and her eyes lingered in my journals. “Why don’t you say I won, and for me winning you take me out for a date?”

I felt my heartbeat quicken in my chest as she locked eyes with me. “I don’t like admitting a loss…”

Wendy half crawled over to me and got close to me, her hand resting on my chest, “Even for me?”

I tried to control my breathing with how close she was and her lips just hovered there. “Ok, you win.”

Her smile was dazzling, as she leaned in I felt my breath catch waiting for that kiss. Then she grabbed my chin and turned my head away to kiss my cheek. “See you in class.”

“I’ll need your number to arrange a date.”

“Give me yours, while I think about where you’re bringing me.”

I scribbled my number down and handed it to her. “Here, I’m not too free in the mornings. I gotta keep fit and do practice.”

Wendy kissed my cheek again. Her breath tickling my ear, “We’ll see.”

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