Tamed so Easily


I had no classes with Wendy today. It would have been crazy if our schedules were perfectly aligned all the time. Time flew by as I sat with Greg as he begged me to make some fancy ramen for him so that he could enjoy a more oriental food tonight. I googled a dish that would make for two but I would just have him save the second half for lunch the next day. The weekend was coming up and I hoped that I would get to spend some time with my ‘friends’.

Feeling the need to check in I texted Wendy. “Hey, I’m having someone over later tonight. We’ve… been together before. I don’t know if that will happen again but are you ok with that?”

It took a few minutes before Wendy texted me back. “Just make sure she knows the deal before you do anything. No running away from me and always making sure I get a blow by blow. Video it if you can and we can meet tomorrow if you do.”

I swallowed at the thought of being with Wendy tomorrow night and thanked whatever god was doing to give me such a huge change in my sex life. “I’ll make sure she knows the deal if anything happens. She was already talking about having a more open arrangement. And you’re sure it’s ok?”

“I won’t hold you back. As long as you keep me in the loop we are good. TTYL.”

I set down my phone and looked wistfully out at the rest of the room I slipped into to eat my meager meal. I smiled to myself and started to hope that the conversation with Veronica was going to go well.

I set down the dish of gourmet ramen in front of Greg as he put his hands together in prayer. I smiled down at him and packed away the other serving. “Hey Greg, we have enough left over ingredients that I can make you something random tomorrow. So don’t worry about that. I’ll see you later.”

“MMMmrf Yooooo,” Greg muffled out around a full mouth.

I pulled up my phone and looked up Night Moods hours and smiled. I still had a couple hours to wait and I wanted to make sure I was nice and clean for her. I could feel the stubble on my legs starting to grow. I grabbed my shower and shaving supplies and headed for the shower. If you don’t know, it takes a long time to shave legs, tummy, armpits, and the phantom of hair on my face. My well trimmed short pubes surrounded my flaccid cock. I debated maybe jerking off before Veronica got here but side lined the idea as I headed back to my room in my pajamas.

Checking the time I could guess that my guest would be here any minute so I went downstairs still a little wet from the shower and waited in the lobby for Veronica. I smiled to myself and wondered what she wanted to talk about with me.

Soon enough I saw her saunter in. She was wearing a blood red tube top and long pantyhose up her legs. Her tall heels clicked on the floor as she moved effortlessly. The shirt skirt area of her dress threatened to roll up and expose her panties and I found myself half hoping it would. I stood up and smiled up at her as she towered in her heels.

“Hey sexy,” Veronica purred and put a hand on my shoulder.

“Miss Universe,” I placed a hand on her hip and looked into her eyes hoping for a kiss.

Her sly smile spread on her lips and she placed two fingers over my lips and made a kiss sound. “Lead the way, I need to kick off these heels soon. It felt natural to hold her hand and bring her to my dorm room. I felt clean and excited as we stepped into my private space and I closed and locked the door to keep it to just us.

Veronica let out a loud sigh as she slipped out of her high heels and sunk down to my height. She set them gently by the door as she looked around my barren room. “No dorm mate? Barely any decorations? I thought your life was a little more interesting. Just a pile of notebooks”

I blushed as I pulled her to sit down with me. “Well I just got here and I didn’t want to disassemble my room and bring all my posters here. Maybe in a couple weeks I’ll have things to show off here.”

She sighed as she kicked her feet out and wiggled her toes into the air. “Well, do we pussyfoot around or do we get to the topics we both wanted to talk about?”

“Uhhhh… I guess we should talk first. Then maybe if you want we can cuddle and watch a show on my laptop.” I said as I rubbed my feet together. “I’ll go first I think.”

Veronica wrapped her hand around mine and smiled warmly at me as I got lost in her eyes for a moment, “Sounds good. I’m sure it can’t be too bad.”

“Well,” I explained my situation with Wendy omitting her unique anatomy and how she was taking control of my sex life and how much I was enjoying it. “Well, and finally she wants me to tell her details about anytime I’m with someone. Or video tape them consensually.” I concluded as I blushed furiously and stared at the tip of Veronica’s nose.

“Wow, a real dommy mommy. That sounds intense, sexy, but intense.” Veronica had never stopped holding my hand as she looked at me with a smile. “Makes me feel a little better about what I have to tell you.”

“Yeah?” I asked, finally looking her back in the eye.

“So, I can’t really support my lifestyle with just working at a sex toy store. Especially since I love the very toys I’m trying to sell.” She began as she grew a little self conscious, “And, in order to make ends meet I decided to start… an OF.” She was looking away from me at the ceiling trying to avoid eye contact.

“An OnlyFans? I thought that was just a big scam,” I said as I looked at her confusion on my face.

“Well it’s not. I’m not super popular but I have a dedicated community that seems to really like my content. And, they have been asking for an exclusive live show.” She looked at me with a flush on her cheeks. I could see her chest rising quickly.

“Ok, what kind of content do you do?” I asked for more details.

“I do toy reviews, explicit, graphic toy reviews. I’ve been taking most of the photos myself and it kinda is making my quality go down except for when I can set up my camera and get into position. Anyways that's too many details. So, I make adult content as a side gig when I’m not working at the store.”

“Sounds kinda hot. It also sounds like you’re working more than taking time for yourself. I don’t think that changes what I think about you if that’s what you’re worried about. Sure it's unconventional but you told me we weren’t exclusive. I guess making porn counts.” I squeezed her hand reassuringly as she looked at me and my acceptance.

Veronica let out a sigh of relief and I could see some tension drain from her as she felt a moment of relaxation. “Well, that is only half of why I’m telling you. As I was mentioning, my fans want a live show. They also want me to have a… living toy, a costar so to say. I only have just one sex partner right now. If you can get my drift.”

My mind whirled at the thought of it as I put two and two together. “You want me? On your livestream?” I was dumbfounded as I gaped at her with sudden understanding.

“Yeah, it won’t be for a little and I kinda want to introduce you as a partner in videos first. Maybe a couple photoshoots. It kinda combos well with you needing to film and share your exploits with this Wendy girl. I think this is a two birds one stone situation.” She leaned closer to me and I could feel heat radiating off of her. It made my cock ache and grow hard.

“I… Yeah, I would be happy to find any reason to be with you more.” I looked deep into her eyes and her smile was brilliant. She leaned forward and finally locked lips with me as I moaned into her mouth, wrapping a hand around torso and holding her closer to me.

She broke away and looked deep into my eyes, “I don’t have my gear to film with me but you have a phone right?”

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