Tamed so Easily


My next day flew by in my excitement to see Wendy and go on the date with her. I made sure to fast on lunch so that I wouldn’t break my calorie count with dinner. With the carb load I would have to get in a lot of cardio tomorrow so I wouldn’t start making a splash. That morning I spent shaving my body after practice with some of my free time cutting down the drag in the water. A few other swimmers took my idea and followed it up with their own shaving as well.

I didn’t feel attracted to any of the other swimmers after they brutalized my backside and I made sure to keep everything locked away so that I wouldn’t have a repeat of what had happened. Thankfully it seemed the aloe had done its job and gotten rid of the skin tenderness though I would have some bruising still that I hoped would go away by the time we went to competition.

I could barely pay attention in classes if it weren’t for the friendly competition that I kept up with Wendy as she avoided talking about the date and what movies she planned for us to watch together. Excitement grew every hour as I moved through the day and soon found myself in front of my mirror.

I was wearing a tight white shirt that did what little it could to highlight the muscles I did have. A pair of my nice black slacks with the pleats nice and sharp with a decorative belt. I had a light blue jacket over it all. I didn’t have any nice shoes so my regular sneakers would have to do.

I playfully tostled my hair trying to get it tastefully messy the way I liked it. I teased and twisted in some areas adding a hint of volume to the overall look before I settled on it looking just right. I put on some chapstick and smiled in the mirror thinking that I looked rather good for the date. I pulled up directions on my phone and a playlist to hype myself up for a date that would go well.

Gessepi’s was a small little bistro a few blocks from campus that was easy to walk to. A little hole in the wall establishment that had intimate seating arrangements and a nice dark red lighting that oozed romance. This made my heart beat a little faster as I looked around and waited in the booth I reserved for the two of us to sit in together.

I waited as a small basket of breadsticks was placed on the table with a little bowl of marinara. The waiter smiled at me warmly as he handed me a couple menus to peruse. I pushed aside the wine and spirits one. I wasn’t old enough to legally drink though I had been to a couple parties where I explored the option. I found beer tasted bland enough after the first bottle, the bitter flavor not appealing to my palate. Though the wine that my parents had shared with me had been delicious. I’d probably be one of the glass of wine at a meal people when I hit 21.

I did my best not to check my watch for the time as the minutes passed like hours as I waited. Though right on the dot I saw Wendy glide into the room. She was wearing a nice button down shirt and mini tie that accentuated her breasts with how it clung to her. Her skirt was long and hung just past her knees. Showing a sense of modesty about how she appeared. Our eyes locked and with a smile she walked over to me.

“Hi handsome, you waiting for anyone special?” Wendy questioned playfully.

“If I was I would leave them to see you,” I responded with a smile as I drank in her figure. She slid into the booth and scooted over to sit next to me until we were shoulder to shoulder. As I got a closer look at her face I saw her light red lipstick that made her features pop just a little as her gorgeous eyes stared at one another. An overwhelming desire to kiss her filled my mind before I pulled myself away.

“Well, then you’ll just have to ditch whoever shows up. Cause it is your lucky day,” Her smile was dazzling as she placed a hand on my thigh and squeezed softly. “This is my favorite place. You’re lucky I’m bringing you here.”

“I sure am, the menu doesn’t seem to have a lot on it. Does that tell me what dishes they make they specialize in?” I reached out and grabbed a breadstick and dipped it in the sauce and started to snack a little. I didn’t want to put my foot in my mouth so maybe if I had time to think while I chewed I wouldn’t appear so foolish.

“Trust me, I’ll order you something that will make you very happy. I love food, if my figure didn’t give it away.” She smiled without a flush of embarrassment as she pressed her arms together sandwiching her breasts and pushing them forward. “You’re a pretty good cook, but you’re pretty thin around all that.”

“Well I have to keep thin for diving so I have to recommit to all my dieting after tonight. I’ll save my cheat days for whenever I’m out with you.” As I went to dip the breadstick for a second bite.

Wendy reached out and got her own breadstick and I watched as she gently took a bite with it smeared in sauce. She closed her eyes and that same delicious moan slipped from her lips that made my spine shudder in desire. I wanted to be the one that she made that noise for. I watch fascinated as she licked her lips slowly. She then looked at me and my struggles not to gape at her display of pleasure.

“You really do love food don’t you?” I asked dumbfounded trying to cover my inability to look away.

“I do, you’ll have to cook for me more. I appreciate someone that spoils me.” I noticed that her hand didn’t leave my thigh as she moved her other around helping herself to the various amenities of the table.

After a couple minutes the server came back to us and smiled, “What can I get you to drink?”

“I’ll have a cranberry juice, would you like anything Tim?” Wendy seemed to take charge of the ordering and assumed control over the situation.

“I’ll have just water please,” As he walked away I whispered to Wendy, “I’m sure that the food is going to be way over my calorie count. I’m going to be working it off tomorrow.”

She looked at me seriously, “I don’t want you thinking about that when you’re out with me. You just focus on having a good time.” She slid her hand off my thigh and I ached for it to return. The small touch felt good to me.

“Ok,” I said meekly. Telling myself that I didn’t want to blow this date because I was too worried about the rest of things. I forced myself into the moment.

“Good, now, tell me a little about yourself Tim. You mentioned your scholarship, and your diving. But I saw a journal on your desk. Is that something you’re avid about?” She clutched her hands together and rested her cheek on them as she looked at me sideways.

“I practice calligraphy and keep a journal of my thoughts for the days that I particularly enjoy. I always thought that looking at the old journals of high society of yesteryear was fascinating. The smoothness that their pens danced across pages is divine.” I started thinking of the penmanship examples I saw of Benjamin Franklin and how his thoughts were translated to the pages of his journals. Though his somewhat prudish values weren’t held today.

“I would love to take a gander at what you think is important enough to journal about. Though studying you has to go on the back burner. I have my scholarship grades to think about.” She kept eye contact as we talked.

“What about Wendy, what do you do with your free time?” I asked looking at her with curiosity.

“Oh just taking care of lost boys. Putting Peter in his place,” She joked with twinkles in her eyes.

“Oh har har,” I couldn’t help but smile at the light joke, “But seriously, I told you about myself, your turn.”

“Fine, fine, I am a little bit of a gamer. I haven’t really indulged lately because I have to focus on my studies but I’m a particular fan of god games, or turn-based strategies where all the information is given to you so you can make the perfect move. Total control is the best.” She smiled wickedly as she talked about what she enjoyed and I felt something stir inside me at the thought of her domineering nature.

“Well, I’m not much of a gamer at all. I have some ideas for some games I think you might like. Though most of my programming focus in school is in management programs and systems for administrators to use to maximize the abilities of their company,” I found myself getting lost in my thoughts as I wanted to explain how strong of a career path that could be.

“Well, to each their own but I don’t think I could ever do something like that.” The waiter finally came and deposited our drinks.

“What would you two like to eat?” His hands expertly pulled out a notebook to take the order.

“He will take an order of the Chicken Alfredo. I’ll have the Risotto and we will finish the meal off with tiramisu to split. Thank you,” Wendy stepped in and gave me no room to think about what dish I truly wanted but she turned her attention to me just as I was about to speak up. “You’re going to love it, I know that it is a little carby and has some butter but the pinch of nutmeg they put in it is divine. Trust me.”

Silenced for now I looked on at her with wonder. I had never met a woman with such a strong power to her. A confidence that radiated off her like heat off a lit stove. “Ok, I’ll trust you.”

“Perfect,” Wendy’s hand made its way back to my thigh this time closer to my crotch as she rubbed at me slowly. I felt myself stirring and fought off the images of her stroking my cock. “Well, I have so many movies that I would love to watch with you. So don’t slip into a food coma,” She stopped and squeezed my leg.

“Oh, you’re far too fascinating for me to ever feel sleepy.” I smiled at her with my best winning smile. I hoped it would work.


We laughed and joked as we waited for our food. Wendy’s sense of humor was a little crude but the amount of which she enjoyed herself was inspiring and I soon found myself laughing along with her.

Before I knew it I was stuffed full of food and she was half dragging me a couple blocks away to a condo building near campus. She had me stupefied with her excitement as she led me into her two bedroom condo.

“How did you afford a condo?” I looked around at the comfortable couch and oriental decorations. A well maintained living room table sat with a candle and some controllers. I saw a suite of consoles sitting beneath her big screen tv with a collection of organized cables running about in perfect lines instead of the chaos you would normally see. Beautiful photography lined the walls and there was an island separating a little kitchen that looked pristine.

“Don’t judge me but my parents bought me the condo as a reward for getting the scholarship and being the best in my school.” She slipped off her shoes and pulled me along down a small hallway. “My movies are in my room. Come on.”

You know what else happened that night.

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