Tamed so Easily


I woke up with epic morning wood, I had dreamt of Sandra and the last time we had spent time being intimate in the back of a hatchback. The one and only time we had full sex, in retrospect it was probably out of pity. She had broken up with me after. I rubbed my face and looked at the empty bunk on the other side of the room. I was grateful that I had this whole place to myself but it had been a bitch to sleep without the sounds of someone else in the room.

Pulling out the headphones I slipped them in their charging case. I forgot to put them away when I was exhausted. The lingering smell of my spunk filled the room and I promised I’d get myself an air freshener. I slipped into my snug pants and white T-shirt, then grabbed my swim bag. I needed to get in a workout and do some practice today. It had been nearly a week since the last time I was diving and that was no good for keeping skills sharp.

The smell of strong coffee filled the air as soon as I stepped outside the dorm room and followed my nose. It was the one thing I would never change. Black coffee. Something my dad had gotten me used to with the early practices he helped with.

Greg looked exhausted and was putting some packets of sugar into a cup of milky coffee. He looked at me and smiled, “If it isn’t chef Tim. Good morning.”

“Morning Greg,” I grabbed one of the communal cups and poured a steaming cup of powerful black coffee. I sipped the hot beverage and sighed at the dark gold that slid down my throat. “Mmmm delicious.”

“Oh jeez, black coffee. I thought you knew what was good in life.” Greg jumped a little as the toaster popped behind him. Two sad little eggos sat in them. Barely warm enough to not be frozen. I watched in horror as Greg snatched them up and started eating them without any toppings.

“Says the guy eating plain eggos. Man, I hope you find someone to cook everyone of your meals if that is all you do for yourself.” I took a deeper drink of my coffee as it cooled. I wouldn’t eat until after practice. Didn’t want to dive with a full belly. All the spinning and twisting didn’t do good things to a full stomach.

“Well, I got those two notebooks ready. I dug them out from a few years ago. I’ll give them to you at dinner if you’re going to be here. Then maybe I’ll be lucky and you’ll be cooking for me soon enough.” Greg smirked as he stuffed another bite in his mouth and wandered off.

I rolled my eyes and took a deep sniff of the dark beverage. Almost as heavenly as good sex. I finished the drink and rinsed the cup off. Heading down through the stairs. I would try to avoid the elevator, it was good for keeping even a smidge more active. I could hear the clanging of weights from the basement as I turned and exited into the lobby. The small lobby had a ton of dudes hanging around talking about random things. I heard mentions that one of the fraternities threw a truly epic party everytime the away teams came back from competitions.

The sun was bright and beating down outside so I stopped and smeared some good old SPF on my hands and face. I didn’t want to be a lobster and all my attempts at tanning had failed hard. Even fake tans looked awful on me. Shouldering my pack I headed out across the campus to the pool.

I didn’t recognize anyone as I made my way across campus and soon was in the locker room of the pool. I stripped down, snapped on my swim cap and speedo. After a quick rinse I entered the pool. The powerful smell of chlorine and cleaning chemicals filled the air as the temperature in the air dropped a few degrees from the presence of a large pool of water. I could see one half of it split into dozens of lanes as half of them were in use as people did laps.

I slowly stretched as I walked towards the lanes and as I was stretching out my thighs I was approached by a swimmer coming down their lanes. The splashing of the pool was powerful as they cut through the water. The large school color swimsuit told me a little bit about the woman as I sat and dipped my legs in my own lane. They didn’t pause as they did that cool flip in the water and lunged back out into the lane.

Dunking myself down into the colder water I pulled my goggles on and dipped myself to get used to the temperature across my whole body. Stretched, adjusted, and ready to swim I pushed off the wall and started to glide through the water. I made sure that my movements were perfect and smooth. I aimed for more technique and less about speed as I swam. I just wanted to keep off the weight and avoid building the large shoulders that came with the exercise.

My heartbeat thudded slowly and strongly in my ears as the sounds of the pool were muted by the water I was in. I slowly exhaled as I swam so that it was easy to turn just enough to get my mouth out of the water to take in a new lungful. Five laps later I popped up and took a small break as I stretched my shoulders and back. My lane neighbor was sitting on the wall breathing heavily.

“Hey neighbor,” I called as I arched my back stretching out my abs. “Are you part of the women’s swim team?”

Her skin was depressed by the tight goggles that rested on her forehead as she looked at me with dark blue eyes. Shining like the guiding tiles on the bottom of the pool. Her nose was pinched closed by those small plastic nubs. With a nasally call she talked back, “Yeah, women’s hundred meter. I was ranked third in the state last year. Aiming to be number one this time.” She looked me up and down, “You’re a pretty slow swimmer. Form is good, but why are you slacking?”

Sighing I popped up onto the wall and looked sideways at her. “Diving team, gotta keep slim and smooth for entrance. Bulky shoulders make that a little difficult.” I held out my hand for a low five. “Tim, guess we will see each other a bit.”

She slapped my hand as she slipped off her goggles with the other hand. “Patricia, call me Patty.” She stretched too and I could see her squashed breasts outlined and her abs looked much like mine through the swimsuit. Her arms and legs were perfectly smooth. Her feet were just a little wider than my own. Impressive shoulders and powerful butt and thighs. I drank it in as she stood up. “See you around Tim. Hey everyone, we got a newcomer!” Several of the other guys in the pool waved and called out to us both.

“With how you were swimming I doubt you spend much time talking while you are here.” I waved as she laughed moving towards the locker rooms for women. Her laugh was throaty and rich as I watched her ass flex with muscle with each step. I slid back into the water for more laps.

After that I looked up at the 10 meters and decided I would just do a single professional dive before calling it a day. Maybe a single cannonball to spoil myself. Climbing the stairs I was soon at the top and walked to the edge slowly. Long gone were the nerves of standing on the edge of something so high up. I curled my toes around the edge of the drop and took a deep breath.

I bent my legs in the cool air chilly with the water on my skin. Then with an explosion of power I propelled myself out into the air. I tucked my legs in as I somersault and got two full rotations easily before exiting into a straight to slide into the water with minimal splash. I let myself sink low and paddled to the bottom touching it before angling up. A superstition that touching the bottom of the pool on my first dive in a new pool was good luck. The pressure squeezed me pleasantly as I made my way to the surface. The feeling of it slowly loosening around me as I broke the surface and took a calm breath.

Adrenaline pumped in my veins and I congratulated myself on a good first dive. The last time I opened myself up at a pool I committed to an over rotation and landed poorly, sending a huge splash up to my coach’s disappointment. Next dive though was just for me. I was back on the platform with excitement as I approached the edge and took a deep breath.

I moved myself into a handstand dive and posed there, straight as an arrow as I slowly let myself tumble forward out into the nothing. One slow rotation then I tucked everything in for the perfect cannonball. I screamed into my own mind, “CANNONBALL!” and then slammed into the water. I wish I could see the splash. The dreaded thing I aimed to never do, only to focus on it and emphasize every last centimeter. Memories of my dad encouraging me, making me and my siblings compete to see who had the greatest splash. Dozens of memories of soaring through the air tucked in tight, a smile stretched on my face flashed in my mind as I sank in the water.

Unfurling I swam to the edge and headed to the locker room. I didn’t notice how quiet the pool had gotten. I stripped down and tucked my stuff away grabbing my 3 in 1 wash. Hitting the showers after a workout was always nice as I turned on the hot water and soaked in the heat letting my muscles loosen up. I slowly scrubbed my body from head to foot washing off the chlorine with my old spice. Rinsed and clean both from a night of personal debauchery and working out.

My heart sank though when I got back to my locker. I had forgotten the lock and now all that sat in there was a small wash cloth and a note.

“Hey new Guy!

Welcome to the team! Unfortunately it seems someone has taken your clothes. Don’t worry we found them. Too bad we are too busy to get them for you. They’re just in the lobby by the front door. Thankfully one of us had a spare rag for you to keep some modesty.

The Team”

I sighed as I grabbed the washcloth and soaked up as much water as possible before cupping it over my junk and started walking into the lobby. My face felt like it was on fire and my ears burned hot as two lines of guys lined the exit of the locker room. Instantly I was met with cat calls and looked in dread as some of them were already winding up towels the snap at me. I took a deep breath straightened my back and hid the small excitement as I walked past the first guy.

SNAP! A shot of pain ran from my thigh up through my body as the towel cracked against my leg just barely missing my round ass. “NICE LOOK AT THIS ASS!” SLAP! The next guy smacked my ass so hard it shoved me forward a step. As I was bent over a little trying to catch myself two snapping rat tails. The pain that followed assured me that welts were going to be left behind. Over and over they snapped at me as I walked, another few people smacked each cheek as they all wolf whistled.

Then I was in the lobby. Some of the female swimmers looked ashamed as I burned with humiliation and desire for more. Though as I walked past Patty I kept my eyes on her. She had ratted me out. I could see her face turn horrified as she got a look at my backside now covered in welts and red marks. My whole body burned as I scooped up my clothes with one hand and walked back to the locker room.

I hissed as my clothes slid over the welts and I knew already that I was bleeding a little through my skin from the abuse that I had just received. I felt some tears from the pain fill my eyes as I slid my pants on. I wished I packed my loose pair as I grabbed all my stuff and made my way out of the pool. The other swimmers had dispersed and Patty came to me, “Hey look man. I’m sorry I didn’t think they would go that far.”

I looked at her, “Well I would tell you to kiss my ass but it is a little sore right now. Rain check?”

She looked at me as the corner of her mouth twitched as she fought off a smirk. “Wow, you got more than just thick cheeks.”

“One day you’ll see the set of balls I got on me.”

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