Tamed so Easily

Practice with Patty

I closed my locker, setting the combo padlock in place to keep my clothes where they belonged. I ran my thumbs under my speedo and took a deep breath. It was going to be my first practice with the team here and I was both excited and nervous that I would be put to the test. I padded into the cool room of the pool and saw the small group of swimmers. Most of them were taller than me. I could see the lean muscle on all of them, broad shoulders from all the swimming in plain sight. I fell in with the other men and the only other diver was just an inch or so taller than I was.

I watched as the women filed out of their locker room and noticed that the women’s diving team was much higher in number than the men’s. I could see Patty who seemed to be avoiding my gaze as she lined up. I heard the whistle blow and looked for the coach.

A warhorse of a man stood before us. He was just shy of the impressive size of Jose with shoulders you could sit on comfortably. Slowly he gazed up and down the line of all the swimmers and divers. “Well, welcome back to my second and third years. For those in the first you prepare yourselves. I’m going to be putting you through the ringer. I’m going to expect you to follow all my instructions, in and out of the water. For those of you that don’t know I’m Coach Handleford, you may call me Sir.”

He pulled out a clipboard from behind his back and looked down a slip of paper in some sort of plastic sleeve. “We have a new men’s diver and three new men’s swimmers. Looks like all the ladies have returned plus our star Patricia Turner. I expect you all to work as hard as Ms. Turner. If you start slacking I’m going to be giving you extra practice, your grades start slipping and I’ll get you together with a tutor. I want star athletes and students on my squad. Am I understood?”

“Yes Sir!” The chorus of the swimmers rang out. I made sure to include my voice in all the noise.

“Good, I want you to split up in pairs and do some stretching. I’m going to be putting you all through some tests and see what levels of skills everyone is at. Here are your assigned partners.” Coach went down the list pairing people together almost randomly when my name was finally called, “Mr. Jones, you’re with Ms. Turner. Hop find some room and start doing your stretches.”

I looked at Patty with a slight amount of venom in my heart. I was sure that no matter what would have happened I would have eventually been hazed by the team. However I still felt the bruising on my ass and until that was gone I would hold a grudge. I stepped aside and got out of the way of everyone that was already paired up. I watched as Patty approached, she had her eyes downcast and kept them off of me as she got within reach.

The silence between us was heavy and awkward as we both paused waiting for the other to talk. I couldn’t stand the silence after a minute and cleared my throat. “Let's start with stretching our shoulders. We can do team stretches after.”

Going through the routine we kept the silence between us as the rest of the team started chatting with one another. I kept my eyes on her as she continued to avert her gaze. Soon though we were all done with our solo stretches and now had to work together.

“Turn around, we will do behind the back stretches for you first. Your shoulder mobility is more important than my own.” I had to take the lead as Patty must have felt too awkward or guilty to take the initiative.

Patty turned and I scanned her back up and down taking in the sight. Her shoulders were broader than most women and strong with muscle, still though she tapered down to her hips before meeting her muscular strong backside. She was all lean muscle with barely any fat on her. I imagined she was dieting more strictly than most, or didn’t have many cheat days. She clasped her hands behind her back flexing the muscles between her shoulders. I could see almost every outline of muscle as I gripped her wrists and started lifting them up.

Just as her body was starting to resist the stretch I barely heard the sounds of her groaning under the noise. It was deep and throaty, almost a moan as her body relaxed into it. I met her limit and held it there as she leaned back into the stretch really opening up her shoulders. Slowly I counted up before releasing her and letting her arms drop. She turned to me and finally looked me in the eye. “Thanks, your turn.”

I turned, clasping my hands behind my back and felt her warm hands grip my wrists. Slowly, carefully she raised my arms up until I could feel the stretch reach the limit as my shoulders started to get that delicious ache when they were at their limits. I relaxed in the stretch and sighed until she released me.

I turned to her as endorphins from the physical activity flooded my mind and found myself smiling. “Shall we stretch our hips out?”

We moved to some mats and I motioned for her to go first. She sat down and spread her legs wide. Slowly she leaned forward stretching her arms out in front of her. I knelt behind her and slowly leaned my weight onto her back being careful not to hurt her.

“Mmmnngh,” Patty groaned beneath me as I pushed her towards the ground. I paused as I felt her reach her limit and held her there. I kept a slow count as Patty relaxed into the stretch. The feeling of her muscles below my fingers as they slowly extended was an odd feeling as I folded Patty slowly. I backed off as the stretch ended and we swapped to a new position as she changed the orientation of her legs.

As Patty lay on her back I pulled one of her knees over my shoulder and started pressing it towards her chest, needing to use my body weight to overpower the strong muscles and force them into the stretch. Just as I felt my hips press against the underside of her leg she moaned quietly as she closed her eyes.

“Could you not do that?” I asked trying not to let my body react with excitement. I was suddenly grateful for the tight suffocating speedo otherwise I was sure my growing erection would be pressing into her thigh.

“Sorry, I just always feel so good when I get a good stretch in.” Patty’s eyes stayed on my face for a beat before she looked down. “I didn’t actually think you could force my body into it.”

More thoughts of forcing her body into place as I slid inside her flashed through my mind and I cleared my throat, “I’m just using my body weight.” We switched legs and the brief moment that both her knees were braced on my shoulder I was tempted to press them both down into her and trap her there. That faded as she dropped the first leg. I leaned back into her. “I’m sure if you wanted to you could buck me off easily.”

Patty’s face burned, “I don’t get a lot of physical contact. I’m pretty busy with school and practice. That makes it kind of hard to want to shrug off that attention.”

I was taken aback by her candor as I freed her from the stretch and we swapped places. I could feel her modest small breasts press against my leg as she pushed me down. “See, you’re folding me just as easily.” I let my leg relax as my knee came to my chest as she pinned the other one to the ground making my thigh and glutes reach the max stretch they could.

“You’re pretty flexible,” Patty said as she stared at my face. I could see she lost count in her mind as something whirled about in there.

“Yeah, I like to keep lithe for diving.” I waited as I counted and we were well past the time to switch legs so I cleared my throat. “It’s time to switch legs.”

Soon enough I was the one with my legs split and could feel Patty press herself against my back and help push against the strong muscles that needed to stretch properly. I could feel her nipples grow hard and her heartbeat was quicker than normal.

“Are you that starved for affection?” I whispered over my shoulder as she sandwiched me between her and the floor.

“What?” Patty asked.

“I can feel your body Patty,” I said as quietly as possible so others wouldn’t overhear us, “I can tell you’re getting excited.”

She suddenly backed off from the contact and cleared her throat. “Sorry, I’ll go now.” I watched as she awkwardly walked away from our stretches. I could see everyone else wrapping up and getting to their places.

“Ok team, we’re opening with laps for everyone now that you’re all limbered up.” Patty kept her eyes glued in front of her not daring to look back at me as she took deep breaths that made her chest rise and fall pleasantly.

“Listen to my signal when it is time to stop. Swim team I want to see you push yourself and get some good times. I got someone taking your baseline speed so we know what to improve. Diving team I just want you to do a few laps and warm up your bodies. Then we are going up and seeing the best you can do.”

I prepped to lunge into the water placing my hands on the brace bar and staring into the water banishing the thoughts of Patty.

I knew what I wanted her to do to pay me back now. Just needed to find a moment I could ask her.

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