Taming Creatures On a Whale

Chapter 1 - Baby Beluga

Chapter 1: Baby Beluga

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Godd*mn it. The storm actually destroyed my boat. It’ll take so so long to repair them.”

At the seaside.

A shirtless young man was busy mending his broken fishing boat and kept cursing nonstop.

This young man was Yu Gan.

He was twenty years old this year.

Since young, he grew up by the sea and fishing was his main source of income.

Even though he was physically a native there, the soul in his body was not.

Well, to be exact, he had memories of his past life.

In some way, he could be considered a traverser. A traverser from the old Earth to the current Earth a thousand years later.

Five years ago, his parents died in a windstorm. Ever since then, he was a lone man.

Then, it was his twentieth birthday.

However, fate once again pulled a joke on him. A sudden storm without warning came and damage his fishing boat badly.

He could foresee his distress in the coming days.

With a broken fishing boat, he could not fish for a living. He would lose his income.

He had been fishing for a living since young. If fishing was not an option, what else could he do to survive?

Be a hard labor worker at the port?

With his short and small frame, he obviously had a lesser advantage compared to those burly men. It would be uncertain if anyone would even hire him.

The current Earth was very different from his imaginations.

His soul was from the twenty-first century. He never ever thought that the Earth a thousand years later would be in such an unbearable state.

The environment deteriorated badly. The air was full of dust and the rain was highly acidic.

These caused most of the land on Earth to be barren and no greens were left on these lands.

There was a huge shortage of food supply.

Electronics were mostly useless in the current Earth due to the Earth’s magnetic field disturbance.

That was not the scariest part.

About a hundred years ago, many time and space rift appeared on Earth. From these dimension rifts, many large and scary monsters emerged.

People called them ‘Aliens’!

Aliens invaded Earth and many had died from ruthless slaughters.

Thankfully, human beings finally found methods to be ‘awakened’ by then. Those who were ‘awakened’ owned different types of power.

They were the Awakened. These various Awakeneds have become the defenders of mankind.

Human beings were able to live at temporary peace due to the continuous effort of these Awakened’s fight for them.

Where the commoners could not see, the war was ongoing.

Every hour and minute, there would be Awakeneds that were sacrificed and defeated under the claws and fangs of the Aliens. It was their blood and corpse that built the defense barrier, blocking the Aliens from slaughtering the commoners.

Everyone was proud of the Awakeneds.

Many years ago, it was Yu Gan’s dream to be an Awakened too.

When he was sixteen years old, he spent all his savings just to participate in the Awakening Test for college admission.

Unfortunately, he had no potential talent that could be awakened.

After his failure, Yu Gan was dejected for a while.

However, shortly after, he got back to his feet and cheered up.

Life had to go on. His dream was merely a direction of his pursuant.

Not long after, he was fully devoted to the life of a fisherman.

He would only keep a portion of his catch and donated the rest of his earnings. He used those to help children in need and sponsored their journey to become the Awakened.

What gave him the motivation and gratitude was the fact that he managed to help two families’ children to become the Awakened. The children were then admitted into Clam College.

Even though he was not successful in his pursuit to become the Awakened, he was still excited and happy to see others becoming one with his help.

However, it was not the right time for him to be thinking about all these.

What was more important was to fix his fishing boat!

Rather than doing labor work at the port, Yu Gan had always preferred fishing.

His earning as a fisherman were much better than doing labor work.

A week later.

The broken fishing boat was finally fixed.

It was a sunny and hot day and Yu Gan was ready to fish at the sea.

Yu Gan’s fishing range was not very far away from the shore. He would only fish nearby.

Yu Gan’s small fishing boat would not be able to sustain the strong waves in the deep sea.

To fish in the deep sea using his current boat was no different from suicide.

The boat entered the seawater.

Yu Gan set the sail and slowly sailed out the small port.

Not long after, Yu Gan reached his usual fishing spot.

However, he quickly found out that the fishing net he set a few days ago was nowhere to be seen.

“D*mmit! The storm must have brought the net away!” Yu Gan cursed and scolded again after scouting around the area.

Luckily he had a spare fishing net in the boat so he did not have to return empty-handedly.

At dusk, before sunset.

The fiery red sunset shone on the water and the sea was sparkling with a reddish tint.

At the end of the day, Yu Gan’s catch was very rewarding.

Just when he was preparing to return, he suddenly saw a familiar-looking item near the shoal.

It was a red floating ball!

That was the marking he placed on his fishing net so he would find it easier.

He thought, ‘Well, at least I don’t have to buy a new fishing net.’

Then, Yu Gan sailed toward the shoal.

As he was near the shoal, Yu Gan dropped the anchor then jumped into the seawater.

When he swam closer to the fishing net, he was shocked.

There was a baby Beluga trapped in the net.

“Little one, you’re lucky you met me. Otherwise, you will be screwed when the tide subsides.”

Yu Gan looked at the struggling baby Beluga and chuckled lightly.

As he said that, Yu Gan was ready to grab the fishing net and help release the baby Beluga from the tangled nets.

However, the moment he touched the baby Beluga, a voice rang in his head.

[Ding! Tamable living creature detected, activating the Taming System…]

[Ding! Taming System activated and successfully bound to owner Yu Gan!]

Yu Gan was stunned.



Yu Gan was overwhelmed and almost could not comprehend those sounds in his head.

However, he was sure that this was a good incident.

In the past, he read many system genre novels so he could tell this should be a cheat code.

At the same time, among the many types of Awakened, a Trainer was one of them.

With this Taming System, would that mean that he had become the Awakened—a Trainer?

[Ding! Tamable living creature detected nearby.]

[Do you want to adopt this Baby Beluga?]

The system rang again in his head.

“Yes!” Yu Gan made up his mind immediately.

[Ding! Adopting the Baby Beluga…]

[Ding! Successful adoption of the Baby Beluga!]

[Total of 10 training points spent. The next adoption will be available 24 hours later.]

When the system’s sound ended, Yu Gan could feel a wonderful connection between Baby Beluga and him in his mind.

At the same time, there was a blinding white light emitting from the Baby Beluga.

The Baby Beluga’s body mass increased visibly and was growing quickly.


The fishing net broke and tore.

The Baby Beluga doubled in its body size.

Yu Gan could not be bothered to feel wasted about his torn fishnet as he was focused on observing the Baby Beluga.

Then, the system’s notification sound rang in Yu Gan’s head again.


[Baby Beluga has leveled up: Baby Beluga (Level 1).]

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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