Taming Destiny - a Tamer Class isekai/portal survival fantasy.

Book Five: Diplomacy - Chapter Twenty-Six: Work Ethic

It goes without saying that Hades and Persephone are both very interested in taking their eggs down to a higher density area. Of course, they’re also concerned about how the eggs could be transported safely, but I figure that I can make a type of palanquin which could be carried by Trinity. Or even by Hades and Persephone between them if they don’t want to let someone else carry their precious offspring. Maybe we could transport the ‘bee’ hive that way too – if they are willing to accompany us into a completely different area.

If I make it out of a bone structure and hide, with lots of layers inside to hold and protect the eggs rather than the usual open space, it could work quite well. Heck an egg box design might be the best.

After we discussed the matter of the kiina’s eggs, we talked about how things had gone. At least, Hades and I did – Persephone was mostly occupied with giving her eggs as much Energy as she could.

Apparently nothing major has happened, which is good to know. They haven’t tried to do anything particularly unusual either, which is probably a good part of the reason for no major issues. They’ve been going out into the forest in groups, mixing hunting with resource gathering for the herbivorous creatures.

Scooter, the tempin who looks quite similar to a tortoise, has proven to be very good at sniffing out tasty and Energy-rich plants, according to Hades. Whether they grow above or below the soil, he’s got a nose which can find them, and strong feet which can dig them out. He sounds like a Bound I might need to assign to the ‘farming team’ back at the village.

Cery and Neian, the two lizard-deer-like stios haven’t distinguished themselves in any particular way. They’ve happily benefited from the protection of the rest of the group in order to fill their faces every time they’ve gone out, but they haven’t really contributed much to the group. I may have to let them go if I can’t think of anything they can do – burdens on the rest of the group aren’t welcome to stay.

Rooter, the insectivorous tidis who reminds me of Spike the porcupig, has apparently kept to himself for the most part. He’s helped Scooter dig out roots which were too deeply buried, but he hasn’t made an effort to benefit the group otherwise. It puts him a step above the stios in my book, but not higher than that.

Kanga and Sailor have been more beneficial to the group. Kanga’s ability to look in all directions at once has made her an excellent sentry, and several times her warnings have allowed the group she’s with to prepare for an ambush. Sailor, though a herbivore, has been an active part of the defence of the group, his bulky body and large sail scaring off a few attackers before they even struck, and his tail and teeth chasing off many more.

The two carnivores I left with the kiina, Artemis and Barry, have apparently been invaluable. Hades expressed dissatisfaction that they were the only real predators I’d left with the group, but he had no complaints with either their work ethic or willingness to obey. Not in those words, of course.

Since Artemis had as a condition of her Bond that we encourage the rest of her pack to join, I guess I have another objective to fulfil in the near future, otherwise we’ll lose her. If I can find the time – it seems that I never have the time to do everything I want to. Something more urgent always comes up.

It seems like we will be losing one of our number tomorrow anyway. After speaking to Hades, I took a bit of time just to check in with each of the Bound he’d talked about, finding out how things have gone from their perspectives. Out of all of them, Rooter is the only one who is less than satisfied with how things have worked out. He’s informed me – with a complicated series of emotions that took me a while to work out – that he intends to leave as soon as our Bond breaks tomorrow. I decided not to try to dissuade him, given Hades’ words.

I did try to ask him why, but got back the sense that he’s uncomfortable with such a large group, and that he’d prefer more independence with less obligation. I can understand that – not everyone is cut out to be social animals.

In comparison, the stios were very happy with how things had gone – as well they should be. After all, they’ve basically been able to do nothing but eat in relative peace. It’s been practically a holiday for them in a place where such a concept doesn’t exist. They didn’t seem aware that they should be contributing to the group in some way, nor did they appear concerned at my suggestion that they find a way. If they resist me when I actually think of a way in which they could help, then that will be the final nail in the coffin, as far as I’m concerned. They’re Bound with Tame, so technically I have no way of forcing them to do anything – but then I don’t want Bound around who I have to force to help the group.

I quickly visit the hive to check that everything is going well there – it is – and to find out if they want to go down with us. It’s a little difficult to communicate with the insects – they definitely aren’t verbal and their messages are very grounded in present concerns. Ultimately, I think I managed to get through with the idea that either they come with us to a new place and we can continue protecting them in return for some of their honey, or they stay here and our deal falls through. They choose the former which pleases me – having a spot of honey in my herbal tea is always more enjoyable than not.

Finally through with checking up on everyone, I send a summoning message to gather all my Bound. Fortunately, I got started early so no one has gone to the forest yet. It’s not long before I have a large group standing or sitting before me. Even Hades is willing to temporarily emerge from where he’s been on guarding duty, though he hovers around the entrance to the cave still. Kalanthia and Lathani are sunning themselves outside and, though the young nunda doesn’t come to join the rest of the group, she does poke her head out from her mother’s fur to at least watch what’s going on.

The Warriors, Poison, Leaf, and Rocky – I couldn’t resist given that his name is Jumps-over-a-rock – form up near River, watching everyone suspiciously. I remind myself I need to talk to the Pathwalker about her experience yesterday. Catch, someone else I need to chat to, sits just a little nearer me than the other samurans. The rest of the Bound are sitting or lying in a rough circle around us.

“Alright,” I say to everyone. “As some of you know, we’re moving further down into the valley. It will be an area of greater Energy density, though there are more dangerous creatures around too. Working as a group, though, we should be able to keep everyone safe. Does anyone have any questions or queries at this moment about that?”

I wait for a long moment. Artemis sends a question, touching on the issue she raised with me earlier about her pack. She expresses uncertainty as to whether we’ll be able to find them if we go deeper into the valley.

“I know about that, Artemis,” I tell her. “Once we’re a little more settled, I’m going to make an expedition to see if we can find them. Perhaps we should try to get you to Evolve first, though – that way they can see how much benefit they could get by joining us,” I suggest. She sends across a sense of thoughtfulness and cautious acceptance.

I wait a little longer, but no one else raises any questions or concerns.

“OK, good. Then we need to prepare. First of all, I’d like Scooter and Rooter to find as many useful and Energy-rich plants in the area as you can.” I look over at the group of samurans standing to the side. “River, would you be happy to go with them?” I ask. Her knowledge of herbs could be essential.

Of course, Markus, she answers.

“Great. Poison and Leaf, please go with her. Oh, and Sirocco. I’ll give you some bags to take with you to put the plants in. Try to retrieve the whole plant and as undamaged as possible, please – we’re going to try to replant them nearer the village.”

Yes, Honoured Tamer, they both answer. Rocky looks a bit disgruntled – I’m sure he’d prefer to go with them. However, I’ve got another intention in mind for him.

“Rocky, you’ll be coming with me. Catch and Pride too, please.” I consider the group carefully. “Honey, you as well.” I have several reasons behind that, but one of them is that her claws aren’t half-bad at digging. “We’ll be going to collect another resource.”

Turning to talk to the rest of the group, I continue.

“For those I haven’t yet mentioned, we need carcasses for the carnivores and plants for the herbivores on the journey – the less time we spend looking for food on the way down, the better it will be. So, please spend some time collecting food for everyone, and bringing it back here. Other than that, rest and spar in preparation for a hard day of travel tomorrow. Any questions?”

Rooter is the only one and I think he’s pointing out that he’s leaving tomorrow, and questioning why he needs to help gather things for a journey he’s not travelling on. I point out that he’s still part of the group today and therefore needs to work towards the benefit of the group. However, to sweeten the pot slightly, I promise him a fragment from an Energy Heart if he works well with the group and they come back with lots of useful plants.

That seems to satisfy him enough for now. My Bound disperse. Hades disappears back into the cave; Lathani cuddles back into her mother. I suspect that she’ll be emerging sooner rather than later since she’s usually pretty active, but I purposefully didn’t give her a task to do. She deserves some cuddle time.

When do you wish to depart, Honoured Tamer? asks Rocky, Catch standing a few paces away with Pride next to him. Honey is on the floor, inspecting her belly for something – perhaps an insect – completely unconcerned with the rest of us around her. To my surprise, Bastet is also standing there, looking at me expectantly, the three cubs imitating her perfectly.

“I need to speak to Kalanthia about your village first,” I tell them, “but hopefully we will be able to come to an agreement quickly. I’ll let you know when we need to go – for now just relax.” They acknowledge my words but I’m more focussed on the raptorcat. “You don’t need to come with me, Bastet,” I say to her with surprise. “Just like I’m not asking Lathani to come with me so she can spend time with her mother, you should spend time with your cubs.”

I come, the raptorcat matriarch replies firmly. Our pack’s cubs come too. Time to spend with pack, not alone.

And apparently that’s that.

“Alright,” I agree with a hint of amusement. “Far be it for me to argue. Perhaps you’d like to come help me with Kalanthia too?” I ask more than half-joking. Apparently Bastet doesn’t realise that as she actually joins me when I start walking towards the large nunda.

What? she asks me when I look down inquiringly at her. River is pack; other lizard-kin are new pack. I help pack and pack leader, she answers as if it should be obvious. And perhaps to her it is.

“Fine,” I say in the end. “But don’t promise anything without checking with me first,” I warn her.

Not a cub, she answers a little scornfully. And I know I’m not pack leader. Am top hunter. Will just watch and support. If needed.

Huh. That’s an interesting distinction, perhaps worth exploration later. But right now I need to get my head into the game for dealing with Kalanthia – and how to negotiate a peace between her and a race who have done great amounts of harm to each other in the past. Especially when her cub still hasn’t recovered from the damage they caused in recent events.

“Kalanthia, are you open to discussing the samuran village now?” I ask politely, stopping near her great head.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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