Tang San’s Twin Sister

Chapter 10

"Unless either of you two is willing to make me his actual teacher call me like everyone else, please." He said and patted our heads, walking away, "Ah, you probably should be more careful, or they will discover that you both not only have full innate Spirit Power but double Souls."

Tang Yin stood there, shell-shocked. How...how did he know?
"Ah, are you wondering? Your Pass told me but don't worry, I doubt anyone else will notice."

An ominous light flashed through Tang Sans's eyes as he stepped forward, making his hand into a fist.
"How?" he whispered, and his deep blue eyes flashed slightly purple.

"Full innate Spirit Power for the brother but nothing for the sister, though you are twins. Twins always start with the same or complementary amounts of spirit power; in terms of full spirit Power, it is either nothing or full spirit power. I can feel she has spirit power; if not, I wouldn't deserve my name, so it is easy to predict. The other thing, well, the chance of someone with blue silver grass possessing spirit power is one in three hundred; among them, nobody exceeds the first level.", His glance fell to Tang Yin's glove, " So you two, or one of you at least, has a second spirit and a powerful one at that. Considering your reactions. I guess it must be both of you."

Tang San relaxed but remained on his guard, observing him, as Tang Yin did the same. The Name Grandmaster and being very brainy rang a bell she wasn't sure of. It became a stare-off when he turned around and asked them to follow him. Cautiously they did and fell back a few meters.

"He would make a good teacher.", Tang San whispered, "figuring all that from a small detail."

"I know, make your decision; I think I will wait a bit and judge later so if anything happens, I can act.", she whispered back, seeing his admiration and determination. If the Grandmaster was trustworthy, it was fine and well since he already knew, but if not. Maybe she was too suspicious, seeing ghosts where there were none, but it all seemed convenient. That bell in her brain made her more cautious than she usually would be.

"Alright." Tang San said, "Then I'll make you my Teacher."

He fell on his knees and kowtowed. The Grandmaster hurried towards him and lifted him up.

"No need for that; I am honored."

"Once a Teacher, a second father for life.", Tans San said, and Grandmaster laughed slightly helplessly. Tang Yin observed them and grinned. It was a fantastic sight; these two might fit quite well together.

"Well, you two, I will go to my dorm. Now, you do whatever it is you do.", she said and wanted to leave.

"Wait, where is your dorm?" Grandmaster asked, and she grinned.

"Dorm 15, Literary Department.", she answered, "Teach Lee told me. Apparently, the department is so small they only have a single dorm room." She hugged her brother and headed out. It was time for her to walk her path, even if it was slightly scary. Her brother had his path to walk, and she had her own way.
Walking forward, she searched for dorm 15 and arrived there somewhat early. Except for her, there were two others present. They were both dressed in black and brown clothes with the small literary department sigils.

"Hello.", she greeted them, "I am Tang Yin."

"N-Ning Feng." The smallish girl next to the door shuttered. Her bed was all Pink with many sparkles and a giant pink teddy. Her eyes glowed like liquid amber. Her short hair was wildly cut and had small pink steaks in its honey-brown natural color.

"Damian." Introduced the boy himself, brightly grinning, "Where is your uniform?"

He seemed to be new. His side had no decorations yet, but three big pieces of luggage were standing next to the bed.
The beds to his sides were occupied. One was drowning in books with paper hanging from the walls filled with illustrations and letters. The other side was a tad more girlish and organized to a T directly next to the wall and came with a giant wardrobe next to it.

"Oh, I wanted to snag myself a good place to sleep before heading to the office and getting myself a Uniform; I am a working student. My name is Tang Yin. Nice to meet you."
"O-oh th-then y-you must b- be v-very clever." Ning Feng shuttered shyly.

"Yeah, really, everyone else here is from some kind of important family, incapable of being a spiritual master. Well, except for our bookworm." he pointed at the bed beside him.

"Well, I suppose some commoner bumpkins actually think it is of an advantage going here without the proper background.", a third voice said. A haughty young man marched past her and sat down on the organized side, shooting a nasty glare at Damian.

"Well, at least I got here on my own and not by money-throwing parents." she smiled and looked around. None of the other beds were apparently occupied. Instead, they were mainly stacked into the back, leaving quite a bit of free space next to the front of the window that opened to a backyard and the wall.

"Well, I am not the only one throwing money around here. You see Ning Feng over there; she is from seven treasured glass, and Damian, too, has some big Family background, and despite that, they are here. Welcome to the failures class." He said, and Ning Feng started to cuddle her teddy; something about her was a bit off, and Damian shut him an angry glare.

"Hey, stop saying that; Ning Feng is timid enough as she is. You better watch it too, Tang Yin; if you scare Ning Feng, you won't find any friends here; she is just a bit speech impaired and shy." She was warned by Damian.

She shrugged her shoulders; delicate then, no problem for her. She let her duffel bag drop on the bed next to Ning Feng and right at the start of the window front.

"And I am a poor Blacksmiths' daughter who got here because my Teach at the Village school put in a word, oh and my Clan is Tang Sect."

The other looked at her as if she had grown two heads.
"Tang sect, never heard of it.", the arrogant one said, and she ignored him packing out her stuff, "hey, I am speaking to you!" He called out and grabbed her Hand.

By pure reflex, she put her hand on his wrist and pulled him towards her, made half a turn, and hit his Ribs with pinpoint precision.

"Hey, commoner, show some respect." He said, holding, wheezing onto his ribs as she snorted.

"For a guy whose name I don't even know?"

"Hua, Yu Hua.", he answered, revealing his name.

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