Tang San’s Twin Sister

Chapter 31

The seven treasured pagodas floated in her hand, shining brightly in the twilight of the forest, and a brightly shining yellow ring appeared around her, she smiled, and Tang Yin felt her body moving and suddenly found herself five steps behind everyone else.

"What?" she looked at herself and ran forward, "Holy hell, what was that?" she asked excitedly.

"R-remote t-teleport, I c-can trans- transport you a-a d-distance of t-ten meters a-bout ten t-times a d-day.", she answered, "m-myself in-included." That was crazy; Tang Yin blinked and couldn't believe it; it was a fantastic ability.

"Truly?" the Grandmaster, too, sounded very excited, "Teleport is a very rare ability, and not only gaining it from a four-hundred-year ring but also as a supporter is incredible."

Ning Feng nodded and had the Pagoda in her hand slowly vanish. Slightly giddy, she grabbed her bowl of stew and ate it next to the fire humming from happiness. She had just hit the Jackpot, which was truly unique.

Tang Yin was happy for her friend as she looked at her arm and felt worried creep up on her; if the Grandmaster's idea did not work, she could kiss this life goodbye. No use hanging after dark thoughts.

"So now all we have to do is get a spirit Ring for Yu Hua.", she said, smiling and digging into her stew, shoving her worry like usual, very deep into the shelves of her brain. There was no use worrying over something she could not change. She just needed to hope for the best; whatever happened in the end, she had no influence.

After finishing her stew, she wandered to the bowl she left behind for their guest and saw it thoroughly cleaned out. "Hope you liked it.", she shouted into the forest and took up the bowl.

"I did."

She turned around and looked who it was, but no one was there, huh, no one.

"Up here, you should be more careful."

She looked upwards and took in a deep breath. Who was that?
A young boy, or was it a girl, she was not sure, sat on a tree branch. His long snow-white hair was floating in the wind, and a pair of deep, deep black eyes fixated on her, eyes deep and old enough to fall into and never find a way out. She shook her head to regain her composure; what was she, a starry-eyed teenager.

"Well, that's good.", she answered, but the branch was already empty; she looked around and even used her purple demon eyes but nothing, not a trace, not even the faint semblance of one. No small branch in disorder, not a misplaced leave. Okay, now that was strange,

She walked back to the camp with a last look and shook her head to get on other thoughts; this guy was strange. Tang San looked at her; he knew something just happened.

"I just met our unknown guest.", she told him and instantly had everyone's attention, "A boy our age, I think, and with a very, very old soul, the kind of thing that sucks you in and doesn't let go."

If she had to deliver the reactions of everyone, they probably thought she had finally lost the last nuts in her brain. She shook her shoulders, "I mean, he had white hair, and black eyes, were about my size from the looks of it, and was the strangest guy ever, including you, dearest brother mine."

Tang San patted her head. "Sis, I fear your carving for dark Belgian chocolate is making you see illusions, although if what you say is true, then whoever it has to have an extraordinary background."

"Brother, I have yet to arrive at that point."

Ning Feng chuckled and looked at the two of them, lost in their own little sibling world.

"I have heard this expression now several times. What is dark Belgian chocolate?" the Grandmaster asked, and Tang Yin wanted to explain to him. Finally, someone asked.

"Now let me explain chocolate is the greatest type of sweet created by humanity; it is made from the cocoa fruit mainly grown in parts of Southern Africa. Oh, Africa is a continent and..."

"Stop, please I feel the distinct notion that you will not stop talking until tomorrow morning, and I am in desperate need of my beauty sleep," Yu Hua interrupted. Tang Yin raised her eyebrow.

"Yu Hua, you realize that despite your name and spirit weapon, you are male and nine?"

"Males need their beauty sleep as much as females do, especially me.", Yu Hua said, appalled, and she opened her mouth to retort as Tang San put his hand over it.

"Please, Sis, Yu Hua, from experience, has a point.", he said, and very displeased, she held her mouth. She wanted to explain what chocolate was from the very start, but no one ever asked her, and now someone did, but she was stopped by the others.

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