Tang San’s Twin Sister

Chapter 42

No, you do not see illusions. I found motivation, drive, and a mood to continue this FF. Yes, I did. 

For those who have read this far at some distant point in the past, I went on a major editing spree before releasing this chapter, so it should be a lot, a LOT better than before from a grammatical/spelling point of view.


They made their way to leave Star Dou forest at true lighting speed and soon they weren't the only ones running for their lives. No one here truly desired a fight shortly after getting whatever they wanted and in sight of safety close by. 

The Gates opened and their Company left the woods at lighting speed.

"Honestly, next time pick someone else to go in there with you." Lize said panting as more and more spirit masters appeared outside, every single one of them as pale as a sheet. "You have a giant penchant for trouble.", She pointed at their group and then at the grandmaster. "I would watch out for myself Grandmaster if I were you" she muttered taking a double take at the Tang Twins that stood next to each other.

The rest more or less finished by itself. The Grandmaster paid their protection guard extra fees while Tang San and Yu Hua went off aranging for a carriage to take them home leaving Ning Feng and Tang Yin alone with Ari who was supposed to make certain they did not attrackt even more trouble than ever.

They came back to school newly appointed and the guy from Spirit Hall had a heart attack when everyone came to have their Status approved off and elevated all at once. Tang Yin was conveniently left out as she was not even a registered Spirit master, rather she was a noob on the sidelines celebrating with the others. 

Their dorm room had been left alone. So alone the dust would have gathered on the floor if not for the two who remained bahind. Damian and Gale were glued to their lips as the five of them started telling them through half the night what had all happened during their time in spirit forest. Just to brag Tang Yin had both of her spirit rings appear and the two boys were left with their chins open staring at her. She was probably the youngest ever to reach that high of a rank. 
It was the Tale of Jiang that captured Gale and had him listen in Amazement, saying he had now a way to take apart the grandmasters theorems with a visible glee. He had become truly abitious against the man, naturally studious the tasks that had everyone groaning from the amounds of paper had him laughting and asking for more. 

It made Tang San even say that he might become more a student of the Grandmaster then he himself, Gale instead waved that off, after al lhe could never compare to a spirit master like Tang San as a noob and he had no desire to either. He was interested since a lot of the grandmasters knowledge in his opinion would be usefull for his desired career. 

Time passed as their days continued in a monotounous circle. Never again Tang Yin encountered the Lady Snake again in her dreams, only sometimes she felt something on her back pulsating underneath her skin as if it was alive. Her spirit Bone was at work absorbing the energy her body produced. Ning Feng left Seven Treasures with ease, it was almost to easy, she put in the application and foud it approved only a few days later. 
Since she actually had the seven treasured Pagoda as a spirit weapon it raised a lot of eyebrows among their small goup but no one was about to complain. 

From there on she was a member of Tang Sect and like the Tang twins she raised early and went to train alongside them. More often then not she faltered halfway but what made both of them respect the tall girl more then ever was that she always finished. Every time. She stumbled after them, she fell, she faltered and failed but she got stubbornly back up and continued on. Soon burises were everywhere on her body and even when Tang San said that she was a suppost spirit master and there was no need for her to learn more then to keep herself safe she objected. 
Instead she trained even harder even picking up Tang Yins regiment which she pulled only because she would die if she didn't stay stong enough. 

Yu Hua whinced every time he saw her many many bruises, until at some pont he accompanied her. Even Gale and Damian joined ino the regular regimen of running, training ith weight and basics of hand to hand combat. Suprisingly Gale their bookworm had a true knack for even outmatching Tang San when it came to running. He had the constitution of an endurance runner. 

The Gandmaster who watched the entire process of them training instead made sure that suddenly better and more variable weights appeared in their room, Ning Feng suddenly had a pair of leather gloves for her hands. Yu Hua found himself with a entire new set of embroidery needles and a few rare books for Gale. Tang Yin herself couldn't stop admiring the drawing kit he got her. She still drawed shit with her left but posessed some actual good quality paper and pens now which made her grin the entire day like a madman. 


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